"Today, I will kill you with the Divine Ability of Xuan Spirit World!"

Zhang Yili landed on the broken meteorite, used the meteorite to temporarily stabilize his body, quickly formed seals with his hands, and released his magic power from his body, condensing a thousand-foot Law Manifestation with his body as the center.

This Law Manifestation is all khaki in color, like a clay statue of a god. Part of the meteorite Zhang Yili stepped on was absorbed to strengthen his body.

The increase in body size can temporarily provide stability, allowing people to move in space storms, but the cost is that the consumption will be magnified ten to a hundred times. Monks generally will not use Law Manifestation until the critical moment.

So now that Law Manifestation and Song Shi's members are trying their best to escape, Zhang Yili is naturally sure of victory, so he doesn't have any trump cards left.

At this time, bursts of sneers came from the plane cracks, and other Demon Race warriors came out. There is also a Law Manifestation condensed out of it.

The energy mobilized by Law Manifestation is too powerful, and under normal circumstances, it can be dealt with by Law Manifestation.

"There is a Law Manifestation..."

Song Shi was in a trance, feeling like she had entered the world of gods, each of them looking like a giant.

In fact, in the Soul Formation Realm world, once you have a powerful enough Primordial Spirit, you are basically qualified to practice Primordial Spirit because the energy of heaven and earth mobilized is very huge.

But in the outside world, Soul Formation monks are top-notch experts, and their number is pitiful. They generally don't use Law Manifestation, and Song Shi doesn't encounter many of them.

Now hundreds of Law Manifestations are fighting here, and the scene is extremely grand. It would be fair to say that it is a bit shocking to him, a country bumpkin from the lower world.

"How dare you get distracted?"

Seeing that Song Shi remained motionless, Zhang Yili had already rushed in front of him. His huge fist was not polite, and he fell like a savior in the sneer. The power of his fist broke through the space storm and fell completely on Song Shi.

In line with the principle that the person he wanted to kill should not be wasted, Song Shi did not dodge, and was worried that the person could not kill him, so he should lower his defense and make himself as vulnerable as possible.

He was familiar with this kind of act of committing suicide, which gave Zhang Yili ample opportunity to kill him.


Song Shi was hit by a punch and seemed to be blown away.

"Ding, you were killed by Law Manifestation..."

"You will be resurrected in three seconds. You can choose an alternate resurrection point..."

The attacked Song Shi had moved his backup resurrection point here in advance, so after death, he would be resurrected nearby.

However, it seems that he used a substitute method to avoid Zhang Yili's Law Manifestation fist and did not attract any attention.

"If you can hide for a while, how long can you hide?"

Zhang Yili sneered, strode towards Song Shi, and pointed out.

"Xuanhuang Finger!"

As he drank, the void shook, and a rich black-yellow light emerged from Law Manifestation's finger, turning into a giant finger as huge as a mountain.

At the moment when the Xuanhuang Finger was used, Song Shi found that the chaotic void storm around him had stopped for a moment. It seemed that this Divine Ability had the power to specify the universe.

"Xuan Huangzhi, he actually redeemed this great Divine Ability!"

One of the sky patrols exclaimed, and then began to run away at a faster speed.

Song Shi already felt the terrifying pressure under the giant fingers, and the surrounding space seemed to be frozen. This was the effect of being locked by Divine Ability.

"The power is pretty good."

He commented, calmly raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, six samsara visions appeared around him, and struck at the black and yellow fingers.

The next moment, a violent wave of energy exploded. His body shook violently and fell backward into the turbulence of the void, but he did not suffer much damage.

His Desolate Ancient Saint Body erupted with powerful light, and the mana was pushed to its peak, making him look small, but it released a volcanic eruption of power, blocking most of the impact.

The mana with blazing flames was released from his body crazily, and the brilliant golden light caused his body to continuously enlarge. In an instant, he turned into a giant, overwhelming Zhang Yili's Dharma Body in size.

"What? Xuanhuang's fingers didn't even hold him down!"

Seeing that Song Shi could release Law Manifestation even after blocking the attack, his heart began to fluctuate violently.

He is a demon saint of the Heavenly Demon clan. He is naturally stronger than the person who took his body by a large level. Therefore, whether it is training or fighting, he is ahead of the other patrol guards in terms of experience. The reason is that he is only one month away. With time, I can reach this step again and become a Soul Formation Late Stage monk.

If he were replaced by a similar Sky Patrolling Guard, he might not be able to achieve this step even if he spent ten times more time. Not to mention that he also used the contribution he earned to exchange part of the Yellow Finger of the Universal Truth, the great god of the Mysterious Spirit World. In the entire Sky Patrol They are all famous in Wei.

A veteran powerhouse like himself couldn't suppress a newcomer, and the Divine Ability used by the other party seemed to be quite powerful.

"Your surprised expression is very helpful to me."

Song Shi teased and said something very irritating.

Zhang Yili's eyes were fierce, and he drew his other hand towards Song Shi, slapping her directly in the face.

Song Shi's whole body shone brightly, completely transforming into an Unmoving Bright King. While humming, the power of body protection exploded, forming a barrier of Buddha's light, and directly knocked Zhang Yili out.

His body continued to grow, standing in the void, reaching a height of 10,000 meters. People who didn't know it thought that another Saint had arrived.

The other members who were running around looked sideways, showing shock.

"This Law Manifestation seems to be his!"

"It's so powerful. The Soul Formation Realm can actually condense such a towering Law Manifestation. The magic power is terrifyingly rich."

"Maybe he can change the situation!"

Many members became excited. If possible, they would not want to get lost in the depths of the void. It would be best to rush out with Saint Miguang.

Zhang Yili's thousand-foot body was like a child in front of Song Shi, looking extremely weak.

He himself was shocked by the powerful power of Song Shi Law Manifestation and was dumbfounded: "Everyone is Soul Formation Late Stage, you... how could you condense such a huge Law Manifestation!"

To a certain extent, the size of the Law Manifestation determines its power. At least this huge 10,000-meter Law Manifestation wins in terms of momentum.

"Don't you understand that the gap between geniuses and ordinary people is greater than the gap between humans and dogs?"

Song Shi looked down at Zhang Yili: "After being surprised, just die. Although I can't kill your body now. But in the future, as long as you are encountered by me, you will only die."

"No, you must be a strong man on the outside. This Law Manifestation is all fake. It's just a lie!"

Zhang Yili still didn’t believe it.

Song Shi slapped him directly.


During the earthquake, half of Zhang Yili's Law Manifestation was smashed, and began to fall apart under Song Shi's tyrannical power.

"It doesn't matter whether I am weak or not, you are the one who looks weak now."

Song Shi's wind is light and the clouds are light, and the hot energy condenses in the palm of his hand and turns into a sun.

"You can't escape from here, you will die sooner or later!"

Zhang Yili found that he was no match at all, and only had time to suspend the curse. He was then engulfed by the blazing sun, and the entire Law Manifestation was forcibly melted by Song Shi.

Zhang Yili, who was among them, naturally couldn't survive. He was killed on the spot and gave Song Shi a chance to draw a lottery. Song Shi's move easily killed Zhang Yili, who was in the same realm and at the same level. The surrounding demons and patrol guards were silent for a moment, and their hearts were shocked.

It's not like they haven't seen Soul Formation monks being destroyed and killed, but it was basically Saint Level who did it. The situation at this moment has only happened to Transcendent Level geniuses.

Is this person a Transcendent Level genius?

If so……

People from the Xantian Palace suddenly understood why this person dared to participate in the special mission as soon as he came.

Demon Race's side naturally became murderous, gave up the prey in their hands, and turned their attention to Song Shi.

They all know that killing a genius is worth killing a hundred ordinary monks.

One by one, the demonic figures surrounded Song Shi unknowingly.

"Come on, this is already a trap, and staying here will only make things worse."

Miguang Great Saint reminded him that even after Song Shi, the astonisher, had achieved his abilities, he did not want him to perish.

A genius may be enough to determine local victory or defeat in the future.

"You can't leave, you two will die!"

Shadow Demon Yin said.

"What's there to fear about death?"

Song Shi slapped a demon to death and stared at the demon sage calmly: "I'm not afraid of death, are you afraid?"

As soon as he finished speaking, nine suns flew out of him. With a thought, they all flew out and hit nine demon heads at the same time.


Each fireball contains the power of a Gold Core, and the sun's holy fire explodes, easily blasting each demon to pieces.

The patrol guards who were being chased suddenly felt less stressed and thanked Song Shi one after another, seizing the time to escape.

Shadow Demon was surprised to see Song Shi consuming mana so much, and said similar words to Zhang Yili, thinking that Song Shi was looking for death.

Song Shi chuckled: "You don't understand."

The next moment, suns transformed from Gold Core flew out one after another around him. This time, there were not just nine, but eighty-nine-seventy-two suns.

Song Shi raised his hand and pressed: "You devils, enjoy the feeling of the falling sun."

Little suns flew out one after another, chasing the demonic shadow in the void, and at the same time blooming with destructive brilliance. The most terrifying thing was that this thing would explode.

The sun's true fire, which originally contained terrifying high temperatures, exploded, and its power increased more than ten times. The power contained in each sun's Gold Core could easily kill a demon king.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions appeared in the surrounding space, turning into mushroom clouds, and destructive fire waves were released. When connected together, the entire area thousands of miles away was transformed into a sea of ​​fire.

Most of the demons failed to escape and were killed on the spot. Demon Race, who originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill the patrol, was killed by most of them.

As a price, Song Shi's Law Manifestation was directly reduced by a circle, and most of the mana in his body was consumed.

Miguang Saint was shocked by this scene. This was so wasteful and the effect was very obvious. Under such a group attack, Demon Race was directly wiped out most of its combat effectiveness and could not use the geographical advantage to pursue them in a devastating manner. kill.

He didn't even dare to do this. With the amount of mana consumed just now, if he did this once, he would be directly weak.

In fact, Song Shi did consume most of his mana.

In his body, the Gold Core surrounding the nine Nascent Souls has all disappeared.

These Gold Cores were originally the solid mana he had stored, but at this moment they were directly poured out, leaving only the source of the Nascent Soul and the Primordial Spirit.

But he didn't care at all, and said to the frightened patrol guard: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you leave quickly and expect me to take you out personally?"

“Thank you Song Fellow Daoist!”

"Song Fellow Daoist be careful, I'll go out to look for reinforcements first!"

A group of people thanked him and got away quickly, not staying stupidly.

They know what level their strength is, and it's simply not enough to see here.

The patrols cooperated with each other and quickly rushed out of the collapsed space, and one by one got rid of the trap.

"Very good, Song Shi, you can go too, I'll help you stay behind."

Miguang Saint smiled and raised his hand to release a huge Buddha ring, preparing to restrain his opponent and leave with Song Shi.

His opponent said angrily while dealing with the Buddha ring:

"What the hell are you hiding from? Why don't you take action quickly? Since we've caught so many fish, we can't let them escape, right?"

"I didn't expect that I would be exposed. I was at a bit of a loss this time."

There was an unhappy voice in the darkness, and then there was a cold feeling behind Song Shi. A huge black claw protruded from the crack in space and grabbed Song Shi Law Manifestation to keep him.

This claw is completely black and looks like a skeleton. It is over a thousand feet tall and has a huge vortex in the center, releasing evil and strange power.


When Song Shi saw the whirlpool, he always felt that the power was quite familiar, but the attack was right in front of him, leaving him no time to think.


Before the black claws landed on his Law Manifestation, one of his legs was corroded and swallowed up by the power of the vortex. Song Shi felt cold all over, feeling that a power much more domineering than his own was being eroded.

"So powerful!"

He was surprised. He clearly felt that the other party was a demon saint, so why was he so strong?

"Kung Fu!"

When Song Shi reacted, Law Manifestation had been grabbed by the devil's claws and pulled hard towards the plane crack.

This is the plane rift in the Heavenly Demon world. Once you are pulled into it, it will be the opponent's home field.

"Song Shi, run away, this is the Demon Race emperor's son!"

Miguang Saint was shocked and turned around to retreat. He only reminded Song Shi once and ignored him.

Surrounded by Song Shi, no wonder this guy is so scary. It turns out to be Demon Race's Transcendent Level genius. If everyone is fine at one level, but he is one level behind, he will naturally be inferior.

When the other Xuantian hoodies heard what Saint Miguang said, they were so scared that they peeed and ran away desperately, not caring about Song Shi at all.

Click, click, click!

A series of dark chains were released from the black claws, quickly wrapped around Song Shi's Law Manifestation, and pulled down hard.

"You can't leave."

In the cold human voice, Song Shi quickly sank into the space storm.


Mi Guang Saint sighed with emotion and chose to leave.

Song Shi didn't panic, and allowed the other party to pull him away, and said calmly: "Let's see how powerful you are."

His Nascent Soul moved, and one of them left the body directly, and all the roots were released, bursting out with the most powerful power.

"Burning Nascent Soul? It's quite simple, but still not enough."

The being in the darkness sneered, and a huge vortex fell directly on the power released by Nascent Soul and began to swallow his power.

Song Shi snorted, the fusion of Nascent Soul and Law Manifestation was like turning into a Buddha, burning with the purest power, releasing the fire to reach the most brilliant step.

In the dazzling light, there were bursts of Buddhist sounds, and a round of bright gods and Buddhas directly cut through the darkness, blasting cracks out of the dark vortex.

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