What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 403 Haha, I’M Back


Song Shi's Law Manifestation is like transforming into a sun god, constantly releasing light and heat.

"It's just a momentary light, destined to die." In the darkness, another hand clapped over, collided with Song Shi's Law Manifestation, clapped Song Shi's palm off, and left a black handprint directly on the Law Manifestation's chest.

Song Shi's Nascent Soul was consumed in the collision, lost its brilliance, and the Law Manifestation began to shrink.

"What a weird devouring force, the power of Law Manifestation is being swallowed up."

Song Shi was pushed back a hundred feet, looking solemnly at the black hole-like demonic figure in the darkness, feeling tremendous pressure.

Is this the real emperor? I'm afraid that if I don't break through, I won't be a match for this guy.

"You're quite capable, even if you take one slap from me, you still won't collapse."

The emperor in the shadow looked up and revealed his cold eyes. His eyes were blood red with boundless murderous intent.

"And eight more Nascent Souls."

Song Shi didn't show any fear at all: "Let's burn together, with our physical body."

He made no reservations, and the remaining Nascent Soul and physical body began to burn. The Primordial Spirit was also burning, and all the essence and spirit were evaporating.

The originally weak Law Manifestation quickly glowed with holy light and became more blazing than before, instantly dispersing much of Mako's darkness.

"The light of fireflies is just a moment of youthfulness; darkness is the eternal tone."

The Emperor Demon Race was surprised for a moment, and then stared at Song Shi coldly and arrogantly again. He raised his hand and swiped, and the black hole in front of him expanded rapidly, forming a rapidly rotating black hole covering Song Shi.

"Six Paths to Suppress Demons!"

Song Shi Law Manifestation punched, and the golden holy light expanded, turning into a huge vision around him, and a monstrous momentum burst out from him.

Gods come to the world, evil ghosts roar, the world of mortals, endless hell... the visions of six reincarnations flow, just like the six Great Dao revealed in Song Shi's hands.

A special charm permeates the air, and Song Shi seems to have become a god who controls the six paths of reincarnation. No matter who he is, he is suppressed by his fists.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist fell and actually shattered the black vortex of the Demon Race Emperor's son. He continued to move forward with an indomitable momentum.

The blood pupil on the opposite side shrank slightly, this human race was actually able to burst out with such Divine Ability. He thought that he couldn't do this when he thought that he was in the same realm as the other person.

But he was not too worried. This person had only burned his life to reach this point briefly, and his life would only be glorious once.

He formed a seal with his hands, and a black lotus flew out with a black light. It rotated gently and shattered Song Shi's vision of six reincarnations.

Black Lotus shredded the fist power, swallowed the essence of Law Manifestation, broke Song Shi's protective holy light, and directly hit his body.


Song Shi vomited blood on the spot, and there was a black hole in his chest. The blood was being devoured crazily, and even the Primordial Spirit could not escape.

"Blood Demon Race's!"

Sensing the familiar method, Song Shi finally recognized the race of the emperor's son.

"It's your honor to force me to use the Sky-Swallowing Black Lotus."

A young man with a thin and fair face walked out of the darkness. He was wearing a golden-red robe and raised his hand.

Song Shi groaned, and a black-red lotus suddenly bloomed on his chest, expanding rapidly.

He glanced down and muttered: "You're not your opponent yet."

The next moment, his entire body was torn to pieces from the inside, and the Law Manifestation shuddered, torn apart, and was killed by his opponent.

"Ding, you were killed by Divine Ability, your body and soul were destroyed..."

"You will be resurrected in three seconds..."

The emperor who killed Song Shi looked satisfied: "What a strong body, it can be called a great tonic."

The black lotus glowed with blood and crazily devoured Song Shi's flesh and blood.

Three seconds later, the black lotus blooming from Song Shi's heart had expanded to a width of ten thousand feet, seeming to swallow up everything in Song Shi.

But Black Lotus trembled and suddenly lost most of its power. Except for the refined flesh and blood, everything disappeared.

"Hey, where is Hei Lian Tun's energy?"

Blood Demon Race Emperor Zi was surprised. He looked closer and checked, but still couldn't find it.

His expression was stern, and he instantly turned into a black hole, while a sharp sword light had already slashed from the side, and was easily swallowed by the darkness without causing any waves.

Turning to stare at the intact Song Shi, he said coldly: "The substitute method is quite clever, I didn't even notice it."

"Your strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Great Saint. It would be quite troublesome to kill you."

Song Shi commented that this guy has the same top talent and profound background as him.

In fact, the opponent's physical talent should be better than his, far more powerful than the ordinary Saint Level.

"kill me?"

As if he had heard the funniest thing in the world, Emperor Xue Demon Race laughed out loud: "Not to mention that you haven't grown up, even if you break through to another level, you will be dead when you meet me."


Song Shi looked at the other party jokingly: "Now I give you a chance to kill me."

He pretended that he had consumed most of his power just now and no longer used his powerful Divine Ability. He did not turn the Gold Core into a falling sun and smash it out. He directly removed his defense and voluntarily died.

Blood Demon Race Emperor Zi easily tore Song Shi into pieces with a black hole, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

If this person doesn't leave and poses no threat, what on earth is he doing?

In his vigilance, he killed Song Shi again, but his eyes darkened.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and something is wrong with this person's behavior.

"Could it be an illusion?"

He continued to kill several times, and based on the surrounding environment and his own secret skills, he was sure that he was not in the illusion.

"Or are they all fake and the real ones have escaped?"

His eyes instantly became sharp, and he began to detect traces of the other party's escape.


The traces must be too obscure, so keep looking.

Seeing the other party's suspicious look, Song Shi found it funny.

True is also false and false is also true. He is always true. On the contrary, it will make others think it is fake.

Because in everyone's perception, people will die when they are killed, and it is impossible to be killed repeatedly and nothing will happen.

After killing more than ten times in a row, the bloody Demon Race emperor suddenly stopped and looked at Song Shi: "That's enough, I admit that your escape skills are great, get out!"

Song Shi's face twitched: "Go on, you can't even kill me, and you still want to kill my real body?"

The other party was unmoved and turned around to leave.

Song Shi directly yelled: "Damn, you are so useless. I stand here and kill you without even knowing how to seize the opportunity."

"I'm not interested in wasting my energy with you!"

Blood Demon Race Emperor Zi sneered, realizing more and more that the other party was deliberately delaying time, so he simply took a step forward and left directly.


Song Shi spat: "Damn, this is the first time I've met someone who doesn't kill me. I'm getting better and better."

"If you don't kill me, then I will kill your soldiers!"

He rushed towards a Demon Race, who was taking care of the battlefield. When he saw Song Shi charging towards him with murderous intent, he was shocked when he thought of this man's previous aura. "Don't be afraid, he is fake, even the Blood Emperor doesn't care."

The teammates next to him comforted him.

"That's good. What am I afraid of if it's fake?"

The latter breathed a sigh of relief and felt that Song Shi's attack was quite terrifying. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's all fake. It's all an illusion."


He was directly blown up and turned into ashes in the sun's holy fire.

The comforting guy was dumbfounded. This was not a lie. Then why did the Blood Emperor not care?

The Blood Emperor, who was already some distance away, stopped and turned around with a frown: "What's going on? A fake body still has such strength."


Another Demon Race soldier was casually slapped to death by Song Shi, and he collected the loot in front of all Demon Races.

"You bloody boy, right? If you don't like it, come over and beat me. If you don't come back, I'll kill all your men."

Song Shi was provocative and directly gave this guy the nickname Blood Drop.

The Blood Emperor's face was gloomy, and a black lotus was released from his hand, flying towards Song Shi, and then quickly grew in size, directly sucking Song Shi into it.

He didn't kill him this time, but struck a blow at Black Lotus, which quickly shrunk back, including Song Shi, who was trapped in it.

Song Shi is surrounded by devouring power, and his mana is constantly draining away, just like returning to the land of the dead.

"Hey, you actually have such strong energy and energy in your body. No wonder it can explode. How did you do it?"

The Blood Emperor noticed Song Shi's situation and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The opponent's strength is nothing, he can kill it with some strength.

But the essence has obviously been burned, and the essence of the fake body is still so strong at this moment, which is too wrong.

"Take it back and study it!"

The Blood Emperor thought to himself that he was sure that this man had a big secret after having experienced a lot.

"That's it again."

Song Shi had no choice but to burst out: "Unmoving Bright King!"

The power of the whole body poured out, the black lotus trembled violently, and wisps of fire appeared, all of which were cracked.

The black lotus was split open by Song Shi's power, and it was obviously unable to hold on.


The Blood Emperor took out a blood basin and threw the almost broken black lotus directly into it.


Song Shi's burning energy exploded, and he forcibly broke through the confinement of the black lotus. He did not escape, but actually came to a sea of ​​blood.

The smell of blood hit his face, making him gag. Before he could adjust, the surrounding blood surged up and turned into blood snakes to entangle him. As he was pulled deeper, the sea of ​​​​blood directly submerged him.

The cold breath came in, and the body began to stiffen, but the blood wave had a physical body and had a certain devouring power. No matter how hard he struggled, he continued to sink deeper.

The most terrifying thing is that there is no power around him to draw on. No matter whether he exerts his strength or releases his magic power, he will be swallowed up by the sea of ​​blood.

"Oops, this is his special Law Treasure, it can't be trapped here."

Song Shi was startled and did not hesitate to use Ragnarok.

The surrounding blood snakes were broken free by him, and then burst out with strength.


Song Shi punched the sea of ​​blood, and the sea exploded.

In the eyes of the Blood Emperor, it was his Law Treasure. The blood in the blood basin exploded, and Law Treasure began to tremble.

His expression was ugly: "What the hell, it's not trapped, so just go to hell."

Forced to kill, he had to mobilize the power of the blood bowl Law Treasure to directly turn Song Shi into blood.

This time, Song Shi finally calmed down.

He hurriedly looked around, but did not see Song Shi. He said angrily: "Damn it, play with me, don't let me catch you, or I will bleed you out!"

The Blood Emperor was furious. He was extremely talented and had a smooth journey. He had never been played like this before.

And he believed that the other party's strange death behavior meant that he had similar means of saving his life, and they all represented certain secrets.

Song Shi never appeared again in the Demon Cave, which was about to calm down. He did not choose an alternate resurrection point this time, but went directly to the Black Wind Valley to resurrect and continue the trial.

The Blood Emperor Son who fought him had already begun to kill him by being trapped because of his abnormality. It would be a waste of time to stay here, and even if he died many times, his improvement would be limited.

After all, the gap between the two sides really existed. With all his burning energy and energy, he was no match. There was no need to be trapped and unable to control himself.

In the Black Wind Valley, Song Shi was resurrected, and a harsh whistling suddenly appeared in his ears. He looked at the familiar place and couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect it, haha, I'm back again!"

His mana began to drain away, and he turned back to look at the entrance of Black Wind Valley. Thinking that he could not go back, he turned around and walked towards the entrance without believing in evil.

Braving the chaotic black wind, Song Shi arrived at the entrance, which was isolated by a barrier.


He punched it and it bounced back easily.

"I really can't go back..."

Song Shi frowned and turned on the system to see if he could set the resurrection point.

A light spot appeared in front of his eyes. Song Shi faced the opposite side of the barrier, and the light spot landed smoothly on the opposite side.

"The resurrection point is set successfully!"

After hearing the prompt, Song Shi immediately became excited: "Haha, it can still be like this!"

He couldn't help but laugh. In the past, setting the resurrection point was done casually with thoughts, but now manual settings can actually overcome this limitation.

"If you die once, you will get over it."

He glanced at the chaotic black wind and picked it up with all his strength.

As soon as he was separated from the ground, he was like a rootless duckweed, blown to an unknown place by the black wind. The higher the place, the more terrifying the black wind became. Soon, with a click, he was blown to pieces by the wind.

After his resurrection, Song Shi returned to Jueling Land. He looked at the black wind across from him with fear: "The wind down here can only be considered a breeze, but the wind up there is really scary."

He didn't try again and turned around to walk towards the Jue Ling Land.

"Devil, stop!"

"You can't run away, just die!"

Not going far, he met several monks who were chasing Demon Race. This scene made Song Shi laugh: "Not bad, the situation has been turned around."

Demon Race, who was escaping, saw Song Shi coming towards him. He thought it was blocking his way, but when he saw the light around Song Shi being swallowed up by the magical land, he immediately became happy.

This was actually a newcomer, so it would be easier to kill him. His face turned cold and he launched an attack on Song Shi.

By killing Song Shi and seizing the things on him, he might be able to get some training resources and get rid of these damn monks.

"Be careful, newcomers, this devil is quite vicious!"

The chasing monk reminded.

"Huh? Are there people seeking death?"

Song Shi was originally watching a show, but when he saw that the other party actually had an idea for him, he waved his hand.

A sharp flaming sword energy flew out and killed him easily.

The chasing monks were stunned, not expecting this newcomer to be so powerful.

"It seems that your mana has not been swallowed up too much, so you can use this kind of attack."

A monk fell behind and thought he was right. He didn't notice the strange expressions on the faces of his teammates who were following him.

"I have seen the Immortal True Lord!"

The two monks who recognized Song Shi saluted hurriedly, leaving the newcomer a little puzzled: "Whispered, this person is a big shot outside? Why do I feel that he is also a Soul Formation monk?"

"He's the big shot here!"

"Hurry up and salute, you were able to hunt Demon Race as soon as you came here, all thanks to this person, otherwise we would all be prey now."

The two companions hurriedly signaled to the new arrival, fearing to offend Song Shi.

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