Vermilion Bird Palace, Teleportation Palace.

The silver-white teleportation array that was originally running smoothly suddenly trembled in the sky, and the intense spatial fluctuations caused the teleportation hall to shake.

Silver Great Saint's expression changed: "What's going on? The teleportation array is unstable!"

He hurriedly activated part of the backup formation power. Amidst the roaring sound, energy pillars shot from all directions at the center of the formation, and the vibrations in the hall slowly calmed down.

After stabilizing, he ordered: "Inspect the entire teleportation formation immediately. If there are any problems, repair them as soon as possible."

"Yes, Palace Master!"

The assisting monks around him were busy, not knowing that there was a guy who deliberately exposed himself to the powerful space power released by the teleportation array, and died again and again.

Since he would wait three seconds before resurrecting every time he died, it was like a broken stone was mixed into the transmission channel that did not move synchronously, causing abnormal fluctuations.

The manifestation is that when he was resurrected on the spot, others had already teleported far away, so no one noticed that someone was missing without realizing it.

On the Great Saint side of Kongyin, Song Shi caused this imbalance, which caused the teleportation array to consume more power and make the array unstable. He thought something was wrong and was checking suspiciously.

"It's such a joy to die!"

The instigator, Song Shi, who died several times in a row, was in a happy mood and continued to die in the transmission channel.

The principle of cross-border teleportation is the same as that of ordinary teleportation. It directly breaks the deep space between two points. The difference is that the distance is too far and the space broken is very deep, which leads to a terrifying increase in the space compression ratio.

If the compression ratio of short-distance transmission is one to one hundred, then the ratio of this kind of cross-border transmission can exceed one to one hundred thousand, and the power of space will be one hundred thousand times stronger. Without the protection of the teleportation talisman, Mahayana may not be able to withstand it when he comes. live.

This was a bargain for Song Shi. He died every few seconds. The scheduled quarter of an hour of teleportation time passed and everyone else arrived at Dian Cangjian Sect. He didn't even reach the halfway point.

The other monks were not in the mood to pay attention. They were all dizzy and felt as if their Primordial Spirit was about to float out of their bodies. They were very uncomfortable.


Han Dade took the lead in vomiting. He had already gone without food and had no food in his stomach to vomit. He could only vomit out some bitter water.

The others were holding back, but under the influence of this guy, they all started retching too.

"Fellow Daoists can close their eyes Nurturing Spirit where they are and adjust their status."

A kind reminder came from outside the formation, and then he said: "What's going on? Why hasn't the teleportation array ended yet? Who else hasn't come over?"

A handsome man carrying a black sword box came over and looked at Han Dade and others with a look of astonishment: "The Vermilion Bird Palace didn't say there were multiple teleportations, and you guys haven't reached the upper limit of the teleportation formation, either. Come together?"

Han Dade shook his head: "It's just a wave. I haven't heard of anyone else wanting to teleport."

The man carrying the sword box glanced around and said in confusion: "The message over there said that eight Fellow Daoists would be coming, why is one missing?"

Han Dade was stunned and followed the others to look at each other.

Yan Donghao frowned: "One is indeed missing."

Han Dade echoed: "Yes, yes, Song Fellow Daoist didn't come over, could it be possible that he fell behind?"

"Maybe he's dead."

Yan Donghao sneered: "The strength is not enough, the Primordial Spirit is unstable, and the soul is scattered in the transmission channel."

The sword box man denied: "No, even if the Primordial Spirit is unstable, he will at most pass out. Even if his soul is really scattered, the body will be transferred here. The formation is still running now, which means he is still inside."

"Is this normal?" Han Dade was curious.

"It's normal. Space changes are very mysterious. A slight error can lead to a difference of thousands of miles. It's even more serious in cross-border transmission. Occasionally, if the formation is a little out of place, the transmission will be inconsistent."

The man with the sword box nodded: "Normally he won't be too bad. Just restore yourself. He should be here soon."

Yan Donghao was not interested in caring about Song Shi's life and death. He was the first to sit cross-legged on the ground and make adjustments. The other monks did not care about the stranger they had just met.

As time passed, the light of the formation was still maintained, and the eyes of the monks from the Dian Cang Sword Sect who were guarding it gradually became confused.

It's not like they haven't encountered teleportation out of sync, but it's not that bad, right?

"Sect Master, could it be that there was something wrong with the formation and people were lost in the middle?"

The great elder in charge of the formation came over and whispered.

"If the person is lost, the formation should also stop, right?"

The man carrying the sword box, the leader of the Dian Cang Sword Sect, Fu Yuhua, touched his chin, "Wait a minute, I'll contact the Vermilion Bird Palace."

He took out a token, sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands continuously, activated the token, and communicated with the Vermilion Bird Palace.

After a moment, he also frowned: "Damn it, there is no new transmission, and the formation over there has not stopped. Is it possible that the eighth guy has been stuck in the transmission channel?"

The great elder next to him shook his head: "It's impossible. Once the transmission channel is opened, it is equivalent to a torrent flowing in one direction. It can only come over or be thrown out. There is no reason to be stuck all the time."

"Then can you explain to me why the formation never stopped and no one showed up?"

Fu Yuhua spread his hands and said angrily.

"Well, I don't know. You can't go in and take a look. The compressed space in the transmission channel can crush ordinary Spiritual Treasures."

The great elder smiled awkwardly.

"This is not a fucking problem. It's okay if he can't get out. The key is that he's stuck like this all the time, which consumes too much energy!"

Fu Yuhua cursed: "If this continues, we will lose money."

"The sect master has already lost money. They didn't pay us this time. Xuan Spirit Palace paid us based on the cost."

The great elder smiled bitterly.

"My darn thing!"

Fu Yuhua seemed personable, but he liked to use swear words. He cursed and said: "Damn it, turn off the formation. If this continues, I will lose all my money by ordering the Cangjian Sect."

Han Dade and others, who had recovered a lot, opened their eyes and looked up at the teleportation beam that still existed. Everyone was stunned.

"It's not over yet, something is wrong."

"That guy is probably dead."

"It's so unlucky that something happened to the cross-border teleportation, and I haven't even gone to fight Demon Race yet."

"It's a bad sign to die before leaving the army."

The seven monks who came over had more or less ideas.

Yan Donghao sneered in his heart: "This guy is getting an advantage."

"Sect Master, wouldn't this be a good idea? The Vermilion Bird Palace hasn't stopped yet. If we cut it off, it's easy to get tongues wagging."

The great elder reminded.

Fu Yuhua's hand that gave the final order did not waver after all.

The Dian Cang Sword Sect is only a second-rate sect in Beicang Continent. It is not as good as the first-rate powers such as Vermilion Bird Palace and Black Tortoise Palace. It will definitely have to look at other people's faces to act.

He said impatiently: "Just maintain it for now. You guys come with me and change places to rest."

Han Dade and other seven monks left the teleportation array with different expressions. The teleportation hall of Vermilion Bird Palace.

"Master Kongyin Palace, the department I'm responsible for found no problems."

"Neither does mine."

"It's strange, I don't have it either. The formation is running perfectly."

As the elders in charge of the formation denied that there was a problem with the formation, Kongyin Great Saint squinted his eyes: "Wait a minute and see if there is a problem with the Dian Cang Sword Sect."

He took out the token to communicate with the other side, and the Dian Cang Sword Sect also checked. There were just some minor problems, which would not affect the transmission, let alone such a situation.

Kongyin Great Saint was walking on the road, stroking his beard from time to time, and said: "According to my observation and speculation, this situation is most likely to have some living object stuck in the middle. Dead objects will not allow the formation to continue running and cannot be ended. .”

"But the problem is that under normal circumstances, the transmission should have been completed long ago, and at this time, the power of the teleportation talisman has been exhausted, and it should be crushed even if it is alive."

There is a formation Grandmaster frowned.

"Well, that's true, but the world is so big and full of wonders that it is impossible for people to survive under the power of highly compressed space."

Kongyin Great Saint's eyes flashed with luster, and he began to analyze the eight monks teleported this time, and finally stopped at Song Shi, who had a space-like physique.

He muttered: "It's probably related to him, but with his methods it's almost impossible to survive this level of space teleportation."

After saying this, other formation masters also reacted.

"That monk named Song Shi?"

"It's probably him. The Great Saint of Kongyin once said personally that he has space-related talents."

"I heard that this guy is from the Black Tortoise Palace and ended up here because of an accident. It seems like there is something wrong with him."

"Isn't it Demon Race's spy disguised as deliberately coming here to destroy our cross-border teleportation array?"

Several Grandmasters were discussing, their expressions gradually changed and they became extremely nervous.

They are the monks in charge of this formation. It can be said that this is not only their meal, but also their years of hard work. If it is destroyed inexplicably like this, it will be like killing their parents.

"Kongyin Great Saint, stop the formation quickly, we can't let him succeed!"

A formation mage said excitedly.

"Yes, if the cross-border formation is destroyed and the connection between the palaces is destroyed, it will even affect the overall situation."

"Why are you so anxious? You are all formation masters. Is it possible that you don't know that if you want to destroy the teleportation formation, you must attack the foundation of the formation, that is, the foundation of the formation between us and the Dian Cang Sword Sect?"

Seeing that these guys were getting more and more serious, Kongyin Great Saint shouted, "I don't believe that he can destroy the foundation of the formation on both sides through the middle transmission channel. You should pay attention to the formation's condition. As long as the formation's power does not exceed the load, That’s it.”

"Ah, Palace Master, do you want to continue?"

The formation master who was also from Xantian Hall said strangely.

"I'll take a look and see what's going on. I'll have some experience if I meet you again in the future."

He personally came to the formation, took out a puppet, kneaded the hand and recited a mantra, and the puppet's eyes suddenly glowed. After he injected his thoughts, he stood up, picked it up, and flexibly turned it around in the air.

He clapped his hand, and a silver teleportation talisman had landed on the puppet. When the surrounding array masters saw it, they all understood that the Kongyin Great Saint wanted to go to the teleportation channel in person to check the situation.

"I want to find out today."

Kongyin Great Saint snorted, flicked the puppet, and threw it into the formation. Upon activation, the puppet was also teleported out.

In the transmission channel, Song Shi died and resurrected, with a few seconds interval each time. In fact, he was still transmitting intermittently, but it took about three times as long as normal.

This resulted in the exploring puppet entering a little late. Before catching up with Song Shi, the latter fell from the teleportation channel to the end.

Here, the great elder is watching piles of spiritual stones turn into powder, and massive resources are being consumed like running water, never to return, and he is heartbroken to death.

"Why don't you stop at the Vermilion Bird Palace? They have already lost hundreds of years of profits from the Cangjian Sect. If the Vermilion Bird Palace doesn't compensate, I will vomit blood from the Cangjian Sect."

Fu Yuhua had already returned and was running around in circles beside him.

The spirit stones consumed by this cross-border teleportation array are very terrifying, so usually one teleportation quota costs 100,000 High Grade spirit stones, because the cost is 80%. Generally, at least ten are needed to teleport at one time, and the income is 10 million. The cost Eight million.

Divided into two sides, that's four million on one side.

There were only eight transmissions this time, purely because the mission was urgent and it was a completely loss-making transmission.

Now the transmission time is three times the normal time, and he has lost more than 10 million High Grade spiritual stones. The net profit of the Cangjian Sect in a hundred years is only this much.

If Vermilion Bird Palace compensates them, it is afraid that they will not compensate them at all. Then all the spiritual stones they have saved over the past hundred years will be burned in a few sticks of incense.

"Damn it, it's broken. If you go down again, you'll have to drink the northwest wind!"

Fu Yuhua gritted his teeth: "The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, just cut it off!"

The elders did not dare to continue. They looked at each other, formed seals at the same time, and forcibly closed the teleportation formation.

The light beam reaching the sky suddenly went out.


Because it did not stop normally, the chaotic space power was released, causing fluctuations that made the entire Diancang Sword Sect tremble.

Fortunately, the Great Elder quickly stabilized the formation without causing any damage.

Song Shi, who was about to be teleported and had already seen the end, was stuck in the middle.

His head was full of black lines: "Oops, I went too far. They turned off the teleportation array."

The transmission channel around Song Shi disappeared, and the flow of space quickly stopped. Like solidified molten iron, his whole body was frozen deep in the space.

The space here is very dense, just like being in the deep sea, but the deep sea belongs to space, which is completely different from the storm in the space rift.

The storm could tear him apart, but the solidified space made him unable to move in an instant.

If you want to make this space split or flow, you need to have a strong enough force, such as a cross-border teleportation array.

Song Shi's power was not enough in front of this space, and he became a frozen ant.

The most terrifying thing is that his magic power is suppressed by the all-pervasive power of space and cannot be used. His Primordial Spirit is also blocked by space, and he cannot even die.

"Take it off..."

Song Shi was speechless. It was the first time he encountered such a thing, and he personally experienced the horror of the deep space. With his strength, it was difficult to move a finger.

"Don't worry, system feedback rewards will come every day, and my strength will grow every day. I can't be trapped here. I just want to study the Void Sutra in depth."

Calm down quickly during Song Shi.

He was fine, but Kongyin Great Saint, who had just thrown his avatar into the teleportation array, raised his head depressedly and looked at the extinguished array: "Can't you hold on to one more stick of incense?"

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