What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 413: Transcending Tribulation At The Door Of My Faction?

"Hall Master, there is no problem with the formation, it was forcibly interrupted."

The formation mage next to him spoke.

"I can tell that the Dian Cang Sword Sect has probably closed down."

Kongyin Great Saint pondered for a moment: "Send a message to Song Shi and tell them to be careful. The other party has space-based means. If they are malicious, it will be very troublesome."


Song Shi finally paid the price for deliberately sending himself to death during the teleportation, and was treated as a suspicious person before he reached his destination.

He was stuck deep in the space and couldn't move for a while, so he quietly studied the Void Sutra and waited for the daily rewards to arrive.

As time passed, Song Shi's strength improved little by little.

The rewards he gets every day were obtained more than half a year ago, and now they come back little by little, allowing him to improve even in difficult situations.

If it weren't for the lack of spiritual energy absorbed in the depths of the void, Song Shi felt that this would still be a good place for retreat.

Standing deep in the void, Song Shi can clearly feel the changes in the power of the void. His body emits a silvery white light, communicating with the surrounding void and sensing the laws of the void.

The extremely compressed space power around him is slowly changing under his influence.

After reaching the Void Refining realm, he has been able to control the power of the void due to refining a fragment of void in his dantian.

But the void here is so compressed that it is difficult for his power to break through the void. He can only use skills, understand the rules, and use limited power to pry it open.

In particular, he had to get rid of the power of the void that suppressed his own mana and Primordial Spirit, and regain some mobility before he could leave here or commit suicide.

Time passed, the surroundings were dark, and there was no movement of the sun and the moon. Several years passed before you knew it.

"Ding, congratulations on awakening the Thunder Divine Body!"

At this time, Song Shi's body gained thunder resistance as a reward for being struck by lightning in the Heavenly Demon world.

After hard work, his fingers were finally able to move. The power of void in his body was gradually forced out, and his magic power began to be mobilized.

"Ding, you were crushed to death by the power of the void. The rewarded space affinity has been reached!"

The system prompt in his ear told Song Shi that he had waited for the reward of being killed in the teleportation array.

If Song Shi's understanding of the Law of the Void is a little bit closer to the compressed void here, the system's rewards will directly help him take a big step forward.

His whole body shone brightly, more parts were able to move, and cracks began to appear in the void nearby.

The next day, he received the same reward and was able to move his entire arm.

Then the limbs, the whole body, and by the fifth day.

"Ding, congratulations on awakening the Void Sacred Body."

Song Shi's affinity for the power of the void directly reaches the level of the Sacred Body. It's like he is born with an affinity to the law of the void. He acts directly in the extremely compressed void.

It was like being in the mud. Although it was still difficult to move, Song Shi took a step forward for the first time. Taking a little more time, he could leave from the depths.

"Haha, it seems you don't have to die to get out!"

Song Shi was overjoyed. As he walked, he found that in this compressed space, his step was insignificant. It was estimated that it would take 10,000 steps to be equivalent to one step outside.

"Why is it the other way around..."

He was a little speechless. He looked around carefully and recalled that Shrink the Earth to an Inch. The method in this great Divine Ability should help him find a solution here.

While walking hard, Song Shi used Shrink the Earth to an Inch, and the space spanned by one step gradually extended, from one step equivalent to ten steps, to one hundred steps.

As the day went by, Song Shi gained space affinity again, and Shrink the Earth to an Inch continued to approach Dacheng. Song Shi gradually became like a fish in water in the depths of the void.

When the last three basic rewards arrived one after another, Song Shi's eyes were filled with silver light, and space runes appeared all over his body.

These runes flowed like life, quickly forming formations, imprinted on Song Shi's body, making him like a space law treasure.

"about there!"

Song Shi murmured, taking a step forward, turning into a ray of light, instantly transmigrating the void, and forcefully walked out from the depths.

outside world.

Somewhere in the sky, a silvery white light suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the void fluctuated like water. Song Shi came out of it and let out a long breath.

"Grandma, I'm finally out. It's the first time I've been trapped for so long."

He muttered, looking outside.

The clear blue sky with no white clouds in sight is like a huge mirror placed above the head. From time to time, huge birds fly by.

On the earth, there are no tall trees, but vast green grasslands, in which some insects and mice live. In a distant location, a broad river like a silver belt flows slowly throughout the day.

The river meanders, with some hills and valleys along the way, and tents and herds of cattle and sheep can be seen next to it.

"On a certain grassland, it shouldn't be too far from the Diancang Sword Sect."

Song Shi tapped lightly in the void, spanning hundreds of miles in one step, and in a blink of an eye he came to the tribe gathered by the river.

A snot-nosed kid was herding sheep. When he saw him standing in the sky, full of fairy spirit, he said blankly: "Are you a fairy?"

"I am a monk."

Song Shi smiled: "Child, where are we?"

The snotty baby sniffed and said, "This is the bank of the Baidan River."

"Then where is the Baidan River?"

Song Shi fell to the ground, not in a hurry, and reached out to touch a lamb, which raised its head and made a crisp sound of bleating.

"The Baidan River is the Baidan River. Mother said we would come here every spring and go to the Mi River in the south in the autumn."

Snotlout pointed to the other side.

"Then have you heard of the Dian Cang Jian Sect?" Song Shi pulled a handful of grass to feed the sheep, which was quite interesting.

The grass here is very lush and can be several feet high when it grows well, which contains a certain spirituality.

"It seems that the fairy mountain over there is very far away and only immortals can reach it."

The snot baby smiled innocently and said, "My brother is an immortal, so he will definitely be able to find it."

Song Shi smiled and was sure that this was the territory of the Dian Cang Jian Sect. It was a sect that even a child knew and it was not difficult to find.

"Yaowa, who are you talking to?"

A tall, strong-looking woman walked over, with traces of wind and frost on her dark face, and some kind of totem tattooed between her eyebrows.

"Mother, I'm talking to the immortal, come and see."

The snot baby didn't have any thoughts and happily showed off to his mother: "I will also see the fairy's baby in the future."

The smile on Song Shi's face became even brighter. This carefree state was actually quite good, making him want to stay here for a few days.

His presence made the face of the woman who came over change. She hurried over and saw that Song Shi was not evil. She breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Song Shi: "Mortal girls have seen immortals, and children are ignorant. If I offend you, , please forgive me.”

"Don't be nervous, I'm just passing by and I don't mean any harm to you."

Song Shi waved his hand and asked directly: "How far is it from the Diancang Sword Sect?"

"I heard from the chief that it is more than 100,000 miles away, southwest of here." The woman replied respectfully.

"Thank you, I stopped just to ask for directions."

Song Shi nodded. He still wanted to go to the Cangjian Sect to travel and recruit. He couldn't use it as a teleportation array for nothing, right?

The woman panicked and said: "The Immortal is so polite. It is our honor to be able to guide the Immortal."

"I'm not bothering you for nothing. A kid like you has the talent for spiritual practice. Are you willing to let him embark on the path of spiritual practice in the future?"

Song Shi asked.

"Ah, my baby can become an immortal!" The woman was pleasantly surprised: "I am definitely willing to become an immortal."

"Then give this child some benefits."

Song Shi touched the snotty baby's head, and the spiritual energy nearby gathered, with colorful brilliance, slowly flowing into the snotty baby's body, performing a simple menstrual cleansing and marrow removal, and strengthening the foundation.

This was just a casual thing for him, but for this kid, it was an opportunity.

"Mom, I'm so sleepy."

The snot baby was still young and fell asleep under the nourishment of spiritual energy. The woman was so frightened that she thought something was wrong.

"Don't worry, the child is not practicing. This is a normal body reaction. It will be fine after a sleep."

Song Shi shook his head and looked at the lamb that was grazing aside. He said, "I'm hungry. If you follow the sheep, you won't lose."

After saying that, a gust of wind blew by, and the people and the sheep disappeared together.

The woman looked around blankly. After reacting, she picked up her child and walked back.

In the sky, a huge black and white gourd floated slowly. Song Shi sat on it. The lamb had turned into lamb chops, lamb bones, haggis, etc. He knocked on the gourd, and a fire came out, and he started cooking.

The gourd under him is a special Law Treasure drawn in the Colorful Building. It is called the Yin-Yang Gourd. It has two spaces, one is Yin and the other is Yang. It can release the cold energy of the Taiyin and the Sacred Fire of the Sun to attack the enemy, and it can also accept the enemy for refining. Level It is Supreme Grade Spiritual Treasure.

The Spiritual Treasure drawn by the system also has a weapon spirit, but it is only the most primitive weapon spirit and does not have any anthropomorphic wisdom. It is okay to let it do what it wants, but it is definitely not possible to talk to each other.

This reminded him of the talkative shabby stove he met in the lower world. If this gourd was like this, it wouldn't be so quiet.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The mutton soon turned golden and fragrant. Song Shi took a bite and found that the taste was not as good as the dragon and phoenix meat, but it still had a unique flavor.

He took out the wine he left last time and took a sip, and said with emotion: "It's good to be leisurely and happy."

Sitting on the yin-yang gourd, the song flew slowly and slowly, and a sheep was gradually eaten by him until only the bones were left.

"The sheep in the upper world are just different."

Satisfied, Song Shi lay on the gourd and muttered, and found that the top of his head was getting dark. When he looked closely, a group of dark clouds was gathering.

"Hey, why do I feel like this dark cloud is coming towards me?"

Song Shi sat up suddenly and found that the dark clouds were really chasing him.


He was stunned for a moment. There was a roar, lightning and thunder, and he remembered something.

Dust cleansing pill!

"I still have the aura of the lower world, and even... I still have the aura of the Heavenly Demon world."

Song Shi was thoughtful, the light above his head lit up, and the Thunder Tribulation that had been brewing struck down on his head.

He and the Yin Yang Gourd sank down at the same time. While the thunder flowed through Song Shi's body, thunder runes emerged from the muscles and bones, directly immune to part of the thunder, and the rest was absorbed to strengthen himself.

The whole process was like a baptism. Song Shi was glowing from head to toe. He curled his lips and said, "This little thunder can't kill me."

The Thunder Tribulation did not stop, the second tribulation began to brew, Song Shi was too lazy to pay attention to it, and continued to move forward.

At the same time, a mirror suspended in mid-air in the Black Tortoise Palace suddenly lit up, projecting a dark cloud, which was the scene of Song Shi Transcending Tribulation.

Because it was too blurry, Song Shi's appearance could not be clearly seen, and he could only distinguish the figure of Law Treasure riding a gourd in Transcending Tribulation.

But the sky-viewing mirror revealed a row of words.

If a person with the aura of another world enters the Beixuan Continent area, please note that this target has the aura of the Heavenly Demon world, so you need to pay close attention!

Qianhe Great Saint, who was sitting cross-legged under the mirror, opened his eyes, took a glance, and said: "Inform the Heavenly Punishment Hall and the War Demon Hall to take a look. It is very likely that a demon with no hidden aura is haunting Beixuan Continent. Catch him before he disguises himself.”

The news spread quickly, and the monks from the Heavenly Punishment Hall and the War Demon Hall immediately started moving.

Song Shi didn't know that she was being targeted, so she calmly stared at Thunder Tribulation's progress.

He felt that even if he didn't have the Dust-Cleaning Pill, he would quickly integrate into this world if he split a few more times, and he might be able to save the process of taking the Dust-Cleaning Pill.

After being hacked three times, he was fine, but the light of the gourd dimmed a bit.

Worried about the gourd being split, Song Shi put it away and Shrink the Earth to an Inch, one step is thousands of miles away.

Song Shi saw his ability and said excitedly: "After Dacheng, he is really so powerful. This step is comparable to a long-distance teleportation."

He glanced at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, and Thunder Tribulation didn't even keep up with his speed.

At this moment he stopped, and then the dark clouds gradually gathered again.


Song Shi smiled evilly: "Come after me, Thunder Tribulation!"

He laughed and took another step away from Wanli. The Thunder Tribulation that had just been brewing was forced to disperse after a pause.

However, Song Shi is in this mysterious Spirit World after all. Affected by the rules, he can't get out of this world no matter how fast he is, so he can't avoid Thunder Tribulation. At most, it will be delayed.

Perhaps he deliberately avoided it, and the reaction of the rules of heaven and earth became more intense, and the brewing Thunder Tribulation was also increasing in intensity. Song Shi left in a flash every time, and he didn't have time to notice it for a while.

Ten steps later, Song Shi crossed a hundred thousand miles and came to a mountainous area.

There are many mountains here, and in the center of the snow-capped mountains, there seems to be nothing, but the powerful fluctuations of the formation are still felt by Song Shi, right on the highest front peak.

He stopped, let out some of his breath, and shouted: "Is this the location of the Dian Cang Sword Sect?"

The sound spread like a wave, creating a circle of ripples, just enough to reveal the formation.

Sword lights flew out from the formation. If you look closely, you will see that there are monks with flying swords on their feet and vigilant expressions.

The leading monk looked like a sword. He was dressed in white robes and had a sharp aura. His cultivation level was at Void Refining Late Stage. He said coldly: "Who is coming? Tell me your name!"

"Down here..."

Song Shi clasped his fists and was about to speak when there was a roar, dark clouds gathered above his head, strong winds blew around him, and a Thunder Tribulation formed quickly, making everything within a thousand miles suddenly dark.

The man in white robe looked at the Thunder Tribulation floating above his head, and his face darkened: "Are you sick? Are you coming to the door of my Transcending Tribulation?"

"Well, you misunderstood, I just happened to meet Thunder Tribulation on the way here. Just wait a moment, I will be finished soon."

Song Shi smiled awkwardly and took a step back. Transcending Tribulation.

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