What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 429 Pushing The Meteor God Valley Flatly

"I...I'm worried, I'm afraid of him!"

Song Shi gritted her teeth and finally suppressed the fear in her heart, but her face still didn't get better.

His abnormal mood swings were too similar to the methods of the Angry Great Saint.

He looked up at the sky and faintly saw a layer of lake water.

"It must be the Seven Emotions Curse. It actually cursed me after I was resurrected..."

Song Shi couldn't help but think of the contract of the Heavenly Corpse Sect and the life and death Gu of the Holy Gu Sect, which could be retained after death. Later, when his cultivation level was high, the power of the contract, the life and death Gu, was burned by his Sun Holy Fire, and he later forgot about it. This issue.

Now the Seven Emotions Spell is similar, but more negative, it will directly affect his emotions, and it is difficult to control it after it breaks out.

Song Shi frowned. He compared the two or three situations and roughly guessed the reason.

That is, these two things seemed to have become part of his body... and were not rejected by the system.

Song Shi narrowed his eyes. Nothing in this world is perfect, not even plug-ins.

This is good. There are always some things that you need to solve on your own, such as facing your own emotions and desires.

After he figured it out, he smiled, and the smile became stronger and stronger. The joy in his heart was quickly amplified, making him want to jump up with joy and laugh.

"It's so annoying. It makes me look like a madman."

Song Shi couldn't control her emotions, so she quickly took out the belongings of Brother Wrath's Great Saint and rummaged through them.

He took out a book with the word "Nu Dian" written on it. Song Shi was probably the technique practiced by the Great Saint of "Nu Ni". Sure enough, the other guy's technique was "Fear Code".

"Each guy majors in one emotion? Even if it's just one, he knows everything about it, and everyone should be able to learn from it."

When Song Shi opened it for reference, the classics turned into ashes?

"Oh shit!"

He was so angry that he couldn't control his emotions and smashed the giant tree next to him with a slap. With a bang, the forest collapsed.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Song Shi reminded herself rationally, but the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She stepped on another book of fear and deformed it, blasting it into the forest.

The vegetation in Meteor God Valley was unlucky. Song Shi pushed it wildly, and fell one after another. The sky was full of scenes of vegetation turning into ashes.

After venting for a while, Song Shi let out a breath and laughed: "It's so refreshing!"

He felt that under the influence of the Seven Emotions Curse, he became wanton and acted more and more like a demon.

And because he has a hangover on his body, he has very little fear, making him almost fearless and more like a demon than ordinary demons.

"Damn Seven Emotions Curse, this is asking me to be a demon and then be surrounded and suppressed!"

Song Shi cursed angrily while destroying vegetation. The noise became louder and louder, and the monks who were monitoring the Valley of Meteor Gods outside noticed something unusual.

Whoosh whoosh!

Fu Yuhua and other monks gathered together again and looked at each other in shock when they saw that large areas of vegetation had disappeared in the Meteor God Valley.

"Who did this?"

"Is there only one person who can do this inside right now?"

"It's him. Why did he destroy these plants and trees? What's the point?"

Several people looked at Fu Yuhua, who smiled awkwardly: "I don't know why Brother Song did this. I haven't seen him for several months."

"Did he discover something and destroy the vegetation here like crazy?"

The beautiful woman from Lotus Sword Sect was a little suspicious.

"I really don't know, maybe he was just destroying things for fun." Fu Yuhua shrugged.

Wen Jue, the master of the Baggage Hall of Black Tortoise Palace, pointed to the obviously large fallen trees: "We are just destroying them for fun, is it necessary to destroy so many?"

"Um, don't look at me. I don't object to you going in and asking him face to face."

Fu Yuhua really couldn't explain it, and he didn't want these guys to suspect that they were eating alone.

"I was just going to see Qiaoyun and the others, so let's go in again."

Ji Yannan, the representative of the Ji family, said bluntly.

The monks from the Ten Thousand Stars Sword Sect didn't say anything. They were probably preparing to act according to the situation.

"Let's go in and take a look. The outside world can't see clearly what's going on inside the Valley of the Fallen God. Maybe he's fighting Demon Race and causing a large forest to collapse?"

Wen Jue always felt that this situation was abnormal and decided to go in and have a look.

"Then let the Lord of the Palace make arrangements."

Fu Yuhua had no objection. He was also curious about what Song Shi was doing.

Wen Jue immediately opened the entrance, and after the five Great Saints entered, they flew directly to the location where Song Shi destroyed the forest.

Boom boom boom!

Song Shi is still destroying the giant trees. He wants to vent his anger as much as possible and regain control of his anger.

Although he didn't get the skills of the Great Saint of Angry Nightmare, the opponent's power was definitely related to his anger. If he experienced it more, he wouldn't believe that he wouldn't be able to figure out the trick and find a solution.

By the way, he also wanted to see what secrets the Meteor God Valley had.

"Aren't you going to swallow your life force? I'll push it all for you. Let's see how you swallow it!"

Song Shi found a reason to be angry and used various Divine Abilities crazily. He slapped the Dragon Subduing Hand Seal and the flame dragon roared. Break the trees in a straight line.

The six demon-suppressing fists were smashed out, and the trees were broken one by one. When the Qing Mie Sword Qi was released, the trees fell one by one.

If he runs out of mana, he will jump directly into the river and commit suicide. After resurrecting, he will continue to attack, with destructive power comparable to that of a Mahayana operating here.

As a large number of trees were destroyed and turned into vitality again, the originally black river gradually turned into dark green, the river surface continued to widen, and the water flow became more and more turbulent.

The scope of this change is getting bigger and bigger, and the disciples of various sects who have experienced in the Valley of the Meteor God are frightened. They thought that something happened in the Valley of the Meteor God, so they flew up one after another to explore the situation and prepare to leave.

In the air, they saw from a distance that large tracts of forest collapsed, the vegetation was wiped out, and everyone looked at each other in shock.

"What happened? Why did the Life-eating Tree collapse on a large scale?"

"It looks like someone is deliberately destroying the vegetation here."

"Who is that person? He feels so powerful."

They looked a little uneasy. This place was already weird. If something happened, their lives could easily be in danger.

At this moment, Wen Jue flew down with his people and happened to meet up with the training disciples.



"Palace Master!"

The young people from the five major forces showed joy,

Everyone welcomes their elders.

"There are some changes here. All disciples should go out first and go back to their respective sects to rest."

Wen Jue directly asked the disciples of various sects to leave, leaving only some elders, and then gathered at Song Shi.

When they came to the area where Song Shi was, they were all a little surprised to see Song Shi frantically destroying the forest.

Because Song Shi's power is so terrifying, he can destroy most of the giant trees with just a few moves, and the strength revealed makes them all frightened.

"This guy has become much stronger."

Fu Yuhua secretly thought that among the monks present, he had the most contact with Song Shi. He knew Song Shi's general abilities and understood that this moment had surpassed his previous impression. "Fellow Daoist, you Dian Cangjian Sect are really lucky to have recruited a powerful person."

The beautiful woman said a little sourly, she already knew that the Dian Cang Sword Sect had the Eight Grade Shrink the Earth to an Inch Divine Ability, and now there was a new task that she was afraid of, and the overall strength would surpass their Lotus Sword Sect.

"Don't rush to compliment each other, he's in a bad state."

Wen Jue was keenly aware that Song Shi was weird.

"I'll go say hello to him."

Fu Yuhua took a step forward and appeared above Song Shi: "Brother Song, why do you seem to be venting your anger on a pile of grass and trees?"

"Leave me alone?"

Song Shi said angrily: "I destroyed a piece of wood, do I still need to report it to you?"

Fu Yuhua choked and said awkwardly, "I'm just asking because I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"What's the matter with me? I just want to push all the wood here. It's annoying to look at it."

Song Shi looked quite angry.

"Um, pushed them all?"

Fu Yuhua was speechless. There was a huge forest here. He had tried it. Every tree was difficult to destroy. Even if Song Shi was stronger than him, he couldn't destroy much.

"Yes, I'm going to push the Valley of the Meteor God flat and see what's wrong with you!"

Song Shi sneered: "Even if there is a real ghost, I will find it for him!"

Fu Yuhua smiled bitterly, turned to look at Wen Jue, and said that was it.

"This... you push it first."

Fu Yuhua saw that Song Shi's condition was indeed not quite right. He smiled awkwardly and turned around to join Wen Jue and others.

"Is he being controlled by Demon Race? It feels like he's going crazy."

The beautiful woman obviously noticed that something was wrong with Song Shi's mood.

"It's possible. It's rumored that there is a family in the Demon Race whose methods can affect emotions. His signs are very similar."

Wen Jue's face was solemn, because this meant that there were traces of the powerful Demon Race here. Even Song Shi, who was so powerful in combat, was attacked, which showed that the enemy was not simple.

"Are you talking about those guys who practice the power of emotions?"

Fu Yuhua's expression changed, "I'll go ask and see if I can help him."

He hurried back to Song Shi and said seriously: "Brother Song, tell me, have you fought Demon Race before?"

"There was a fight, and then what? You can't help me."

Song Shi was impatient: "It has nothing to do with you, get out of here."

Fu Yuhua was even more sure that Song Shi had really been tricked, and continued: "Have you been plotted by someone with the power of emotions, so you can't control your emotions?"

"So what, you can't solve it!"

Song Shi speaks very hastily.

"Brother, we have a way to deal with it, why can't we solve it?"

Fu Yuhua smiled bitterly: "We have been fighting the Demon Race for countless years. Whether it is dealing with the Heavenly Demon who takes over the body, or the Demon Race who is emotionally polluted, we have ways to deal with it."


Song Shi stopped, glanced at the guy in the distance, and said, "Have you heard of the Seven Emotions Curse? Do you have a solution?"

He said this not only to Fu Yuhua, but also to other Body Integration Cultivators, especially Wen Jue of Black Tortoise Palace.

"Seven Emotions Spell?"

Fu Yuhua was stunned, his eyes widened, and his mouth expanded: "Oh my God, how could you fall into this kind of curse? The key is how did you fall into it here?"

Wen Jue was also shocked and appeared in front of Song Shi in a flash, saying solemnly: "Are you kidding? The Seven Emotions Curse can only be cast by the Great Emperor level. It is a great Divine Ability that contains the power of rules. The person who is cursed The seven emotions and six desires are difficult to control, and most people will go crazy and die."

"I don't know if I'm crazy, but I'm very angry. I want to push all the people out of the Valley of the Meteoric Gods and see what happens?"

As Song Shi talked, he became more and more impatient and began to call himself Lao Tzu.

"You are in an irrational state right now. Whatever you do will be affected. It is best to follow me to the Black Tortoise Palace. Ask the Star Language Great Saint of the Heavenly Palace to help you sort it out. Then practice Taoism and Buddhist scriptures to stabilize your state of mind. If possible , it is best to practice Dao Sect's Taishang Wangqing Sutra, then it is possible to break the Seven Emotions Curse."

Wen Jue said in a deep voice.

"No, I haven't finished cutting down the tree yet."

Song Shi didn't want to be so troublesome at all. He didn't think this thing could be solved in a short time.

Seeing that Song Shi was paranoid, Wen Jue shook his head helplessly. He had no choice but to say: "Did you meet someone who can cast the Seven Emotions Curse here?"

These words made all the monks present feel nervous, and they fearfully explored the surroundings, fearing that the powerful Demon Race Great Emperor would jump out.

If there really was such an existence, with their small manpower, the entire army would be wiped out on the spot.

"I don't want to tell you."

Song Shi was recruited outside Xuan Spirit World. It was impossible to tell these guys, so he took out the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword and used the power of Spiritual Treasure to destroy the strange forest here.

He can't control his emotions at the moment and has a bad temper, but that doesn't mean he has no brains. He knows that he can't die in a short time and can use the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Sword to last a little longer.

Wen Jue hit a wall and could only smile bitterly: "Let's go out first and arrange it in advance. There may be a powerful Demon Race hidden here."

Wen Jue glanced at Song Shi worriedly, "The Seven Emotions Curse, the one who falls within it will lose their nature in various emotions and become a demon. Alas..."

They left quickly, leaving Song Shi alone cutting down trees.

Outside the Meteor God Valley, Wen Jue said: "You should pay attention to the formation. Even if there is a powerful Demon Race, they cannot be allowed to break through the newly constructed suppression formation."

After saying that, he took out the token and contacted the Black Tortoise Palace, and began to look up the Seven Emotions Spell and tree felling.

Soon, he got some news about the Seven Emotions Curse, and found that the best way to solve it was to directly kill the person who was cursed.

He glanced at Fu Yuhua and was not in a hurry to speak out. He planned to see the situation first before speaking.

He continued to wait for the news to finish cutting down trees, especially the trees in Meteor God Valley.

It seems that this matter is even rarer, as no news came for a while.

Wen Jue looked at the dwindling number of trees in the Meteor God Valley under the lake, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Sure enough, people who have been hit by the Seven Emotions Curse cannot judge it with common sense, and their brains are no longer normal. There are so many life-eating trees here, and it is difficult to destroy them. Who would think of cutting them all off?”

At this time, his communication token shone brightly, and a shadow shot out, transforming into a beautiful woman, who was the Star Language Great Saint.

"Xingyu, why are you so alarmed that you come to deliver the news to me in person?"

Wen Jue was surprised.

"Because the information you are checking is very important."

Star Language Great Saint said solemnly: "Don't destroy too much vegetation in the Valley of the Meteor God. It will cause an extinction storm, swallowing up the lives of all nearby creatures. All things will wither and the bones will be piled up. In ancient times, there was a top force who did this. As a result, the entire sect will be destroyed." It’s all gone, and no one will try to do it from now on, and you shouldn’t try either, even though your strength is a bit lacking.”

Wen Jue's face twitched: "But now there is a madman who is not afraid of the devouring power of those living trees and is cutting down wildly. The key is that we can't persuade him yet."


The Star Language Great Saint was puzzled: "Didn't you seal the Valley of the Falling Gods? Could it be that they belong to the Demon Race? But if you do this, they will also die. Wouldn't it mean that you will kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to yourself?"

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