What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 430 You Are Surrounded By Me

"Well, he's one of our own."

Wen Jue said awkwardly: "You still know this person, his name is Song Shi. He has been hit by the Seven Emotions Curse and is frantically chopping down trees down there."


Star Language Great Saint was silent for a moment and said: "You have two choices, stop him, or evacuate thousands of miles away from the Valley of the Meteor God, otherwise you will turn into bones."

"There are not many people nearby... Let me think about it, what will happen after this outbreak?"

"That big force thought the same way back then, but it ended up being gone. In short, this place is not simple, so don't even think about getting any benefits."

Star Language Great Saint is not very supportive.

"But this will kill the Demon Race hiding inside, right?"

Wen Jue chuckled, "It's too troublesome to stop this Song Shi. Besides, he has already been cursed, so it's better to let him die inside."

"It's up to you. Now you're in charge of things in the Falling God Valley."

Star Language Great Saint was noncommittal: "Your idea is very good. If an extinction storm breaks out in the Valley of the Meteor God, the Demon Race hidden inside will not be immune."

"Then it's settled. Let's see if we can launch a storm of destruction to deal with the Demon Race. We don't have to waste our energy guarding this place."

"That makes sense."

Star Language Great Saint nodded: "Now there are traces of the Demon Race on the periphery of the Xuan Spirit World and in the space cracks. The pressure is high everywhere. It would be good to solve this place at once. We can allocate manpower to other places."

"Then wait for him to continue. It would be best if he can trigger the storm. If not, we will have no loss."

Wen Jue looked at the Valley of the Meteor God and began to order a retreat.

The core of the formation arranged here was partially dismantled, and the precious materials were taken away. Then the monks from the Baggage Hall also retreated.

The four major forces assisting the guard received the news. Except for Fu Yuhua who had some objections, the other parties had nothing to do with their own affairs and decisively retreated.

Fu Yuhua felt sorry, but before leaving, he came to the Meteor God Valley and secretly told Song Shi the consequences.

After listening, Song Shi thought thoughtfully: "Extinction Storm, is this Meteor God Valley angry?"

"It's not clear, but it must be a counterattack caused by excessive destruction. This Valley of the Meteor God is definitely not simple. You'd better not waste your efforts and bear the consequences of death."

Fu Yuhua said earnestly, "I think you really don't need to be like this. There is still a chance that your curse can be cured."

"It's not that easy. I understand more and more that the key to this curse is myself. Just go away and I will solve it myself."

Song Shi did not say that he improved too quickly, his mind was not tempered enough, and his emotional control was very poor. If this shortcoming does not explode today, it will still explode in the future. It is better to face it early.

"Okay, be careful. I know your life-saving methods are very powerful, but the power here is even more terrifying. It is mostly left by the existence of immortals and gods."

Fu Yuhua couldn't persuade Song Shi, so he could only sigh.

Song Shi looked at Fu Yuhua and felt warm in her heart: "You are the first friend I recognized after arriving in Xuan Spirit World."

"I just don't want to owe anyone anything. You are so generous to me. How can I, Fu, cheat you?"

Fu Yuhua said seriously: "We are leaving. You have to rely on yourself next. There is Demon Race hiding here, so be careful."

After saying that, he walked out of the formation in a few steps and left with his disciples.

Song Shi is the only monk left in the entire Meteor God Valley and even in nearby areas.

Without any attention, Song Shi felt more comfortable. He laughed loudly and continued to push the vegetation in the Valley of the Meteor God while dying.

Somewhere in a hidden place, a group of Demon Races are hiding in the cracks of space. Behind them is the expanding space, leading to unknown areas.

"That lunatic is still cutting down trees. What's strange is that the guys outside seem to have moved away?"

A Thousand-Eyed Demon Race peered around and noticed some changes.

"It might be a scam. Be careful. They are probably trying to lure us out."

Another Demon Race leader is very cautious. He comes from the Blood Demon Race.

"Hmph, this time warriors from Qianmu, Xu, Xue, Li and Yi are here. If they really make a move, I'm not necessarily afraid of them."

The leader of Demon Race felt a little aggrieved.

"This is not our home court. The outside is blocked by formations. We have no absolute advantage. How can we fight?"

The leader of Wing Demon Race poured cold water on him.

The fair-skinned Blood Demon looked at Xu Mo: "That's true, but there seems to be some changes at the moment. Xu Bu Gu, your space skills are very powerful, go out and check the specific situation?"

"Come with me from the Wing Clan to avoid being ambushed."

Xu Mo also wanted to check it out.

"Come on, I'm hiding here until my bones are about to fall apart."

The Wing Demon flew out first and turned into an afterimage that quickly shuttled through the forest, while the Void Demon followed silently.

They turned around and found no movement from the Xuan Spirit World monks. Except for the guy who was frantically chopping down trees, no other monks could be seen in the entire Meteor God Valley.

"Hell, Black Tortoise Palace was still building formations outside to target us before, but now it can't find us and just gave up?"

"Go and see the formation."

Confused, they cautiously approached the formation, but there was still no attack.

"The power of the formation has also been reduced a lot. It looks like a lot of things have been moved outside. It seems that this trouble has been completely resolved."

After several inspections, they found nothing that had gone wrong, so they returned in confusion.

They told the situation, which aroused many Demon Race's surprises.

"It seems they gave up here."

Thousand Eyes Tribe’s Demon Race Speculation.

"They gave up, but I didn't give up!"

A strange sound suddenly appeared in the dark. Demon Race, who was hiding in this crack in the void, turned his eyes cold and carefully observed his surroundings.

"Oops, you were discovered when you came back. What a trap!"

The leader of Blood Demon Race looked ugly, feeling that they had been tricked.

"What, we really didn't find any monks just now."

Wing Demon Race felt a little incredible, and wondered if he had really missed something.

"I didn't notice it either. How could they hide it so well?"

The virtual Demon Race strongman is a bit uncertain.

"Anyway, we seem to have fallen into a trap!"

The powerful Demon Race man's face turned stern: "I just said I'm not afraid, so what if I'm discovered, it's just a fight!"

"Hey, trap? That's almost it. You're surrounded by me!"

Song Shi smiled mischievously. He was cutting down trees when he noticed the movement of Demon Race and came after him.


The void was pulled open by a hand, and Song Shi walked out of it. Looking at the large number of Demon Races in the crack, he grinned: "Tsk, tsk, it feels like I found a nest of cockroaches."

Many Demon Races thought they were really surrounded, and subconsciously retreated deeper into the void.

Thousand-Eyed Demon Race's eyes flickered, and his gaze seemed to penetrate the void. After detecting the nearby situation, he said: "Don't panic, it's just him!"

"Huh? Just one?"

The Demon Race strongman who was ready to retreat looked slightly stunned, then looked at Song Shi with a ferocious smile: "Are you pretending to be powerful?" Boom!

An afterimage approached instantly and was blown away. Song Shi fell into the demon group: "What the hell, what the hell are you doing with me?"

Blood Demon Race The strong man was beaten until he vomited blood. He was angry and heard in the distance: "You are looking for death!"

A blue sword energy appeared in his eyes, and the terrifying power directly opened the crack in the space, slashing at it unstoppably.

His pupils shrank and he turned around to avoid it. Half of his body was still bloody and he couldn't help but scream.

"So strong!"

All the Demon Race present were shocked, especially the leaders of various races. They were all in the early stages of Body Integration, and they could see how powerful Song Shi was.

Song Shi glanced around Demon Race and said coldly: "I told you that I would surround you, but you still don't believe me. If you don't believe me, I will kill you all!"

His expression was ferocious, looking even more ferocious than Demon Race present, and he took action again on the spot.

With a slash of the knife, the Demon Race who was close to him was easily split into two, and then shattered in the destructive force.

"Damn it, a man is so arrogant, let's stab him to death together!"

Wounded Blood Demon Race Great Saint was extremely angry, yelling, and the flesh and blood on his body squirmed, trying to heal his wounds quickly.

However, a destructive force remained at the wound, greatly weakening his ability to recover and causing him great pain.

"You're the one making the noise!"

Song Shi came over again and chopped off his arm with one knife. The entire space crack was completely shattered, and hundreds of Demon Races were forced to fall out.

Exposed in the Valley of the Meteor God, all Demon Races were nervous for a moment, fearing that a large group of people would ambush them, but except for Song Shi, no monks were seen.

"He is actually the only one. This guy is really crazy. He dares to attack so many of our Demon Races by himself!"

Li Mo laughed loudly, without any worries, and hit him on the head with the mace.

Winged Demon Race was faster and struck Song Shi like a sharp knife.


Thousand Eyes Demon Race stood in the distance and used their eyes to assist. Their eyes were powerful and fast, leaving scars on Song Shi's body in the blink of an eye.

But no matter his gaze attack or the attacks from other Demon Races, they failed to leave many wounds on Song Shi.

Song Shi's physical body is still strong enough, and even after colliding with many powerful attacks, he only suffered minor injuries.

On the contrary, every time Song Shi attacks, he will either die or be injured.

This unequal gap makes the opponent quite uncomfortable, because in the battle, Demon Race continues to die, and Song Shi's advantage becomes greater.

Song Shi laughed maniacally, looking happy and angry, not like a normal person.

"This guy seems to be under the spell of a certain Demon Race's Divine Ability, and his mood is abnormal."

The Thousand-Eyed Clan indeed has many eyes and is very insightful. They discovered Song Shi's situation just by looking at him.

"An angry curse? Why did you increase his combat power? You have to suppress him quickly. If you continue to kill like this, the losses will be too great."

The Great Saint of Wing Demon Race saw that many members of his family were killed by Song Shi, and he just wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible and stop his men from risking their lives.

"Let's do it together and kill him!"

Blood Demon Race was humiliated and injured by Song Shi, and he already wanted to drink Song Shi's blood.

Song Shi smiled and said, "Just because of you trash?"

He unleashed his most powerful attack, and sword light erupted all over the sky. The nearby Demon Race, who was not strong enough, turned into a sieve on the spot, burned with screams, and was turned into fly ash.

Those with sufficient strength were knocked back or even injured one by one. No one dared to underestimate Song Shi.

"How can this guy be so powerful!"

"Is the improvement in the curse so great?"

Song Shi made all the leaders present feel guilty and suspicious, unable to understand why Song Shi was so powerful.

"Hahaha, you bunch of trash, let's all die!"

Song Shi laughed wildly, his robes stained with blood, unstoppable, charging in and out, and then exploded on the spot.

Not long after, the originally powerful team of five Demon Races was shattered by Song Shi, and there was no chance to even organize an attack together.


Seeing that the decline was unstoppable, Demon Race, who was still alive, did not dare to stay. They reminded each other and rushed towards the retreat in a panic.

Song Shi saw their plan and took one step forward. He actually got stuck at the entrance and slashed with his knife. With a popping sound, several Demon Races who were running fast died on the spot.

The other Demon Race stopped with ugly expressions. They gritted their teeth and stared at Song Shi. This guy went too far and actually blocked their retreat.

"Want to leave? If you want to leave, kill me."

Song Shi smiled proudly and pointed at his neck: "It's right here, come on, chop."

Seeing that Demon Race was so frightened that he backed away, Song Shi spat: "What a bunch of cowards. If you don't do anything, I'll hack you to death."

He drank deeply, rushed into the Demon Race, released his magic power for free, and chopped off one head after another.

The major Demon Races couldn't bear it anymore and used various methods. Then the Heavenly Demon disintegrated and exploded on the spot.


The destructive power formed a huge mushroom cloud, and it turned into slag when it got close.

The other living Demon Races were stunned by the explosion. They didn't expect Song Shi to be so fierce and exploded without saying a word. They had no time to escape.

This explosion killed dozens of people on the spot.

The broken flesh and blood fell nearby and was swallowed up by the strange power of the Meteor God Valley, becoming the nourishment of this place.

At this moment, there are only a few Demon Races alive, and it can be said that they have experienced a huge defeat. The most important thing is that these are all caused by one person.

"Get out of here, is this guy here to trick us by deliberately sending himself to death?"

Those who reacted couldn't help but curse.

"Then what's the point of doing this? Can he guard this place alone?"

Some people still retain their sense and don’t understand what’s going on at close range now.

"Of course I can guard this place by myself, and I have to dig out its secrets!"

Song Shi's voice appeared, and then with a pop, Demon Race's head was taken away by him, and he died on the spot.

He was standing in front of Demon Race's headless body intact at this moment. He threw the body away and looked at the still living Demon Race indifferently: "Today, you don't have to leave. You can all stay."

This time, the living Demon Race felt terrified.

They felt that this person really wanted to kill them all and was more like a demon than they were.

"Retreat separately and go to other space cracks!"

Seeing that Song Shi was about to kill everyone, the Demon Races, who thought they could not stop him, chose to escape separately.

"Hey, run? Then play an escape game. Anyone who can't escape will die."

Song Shi smiled strangely. He looked at the Demon Race who was escaping. He chased them and stabbed them one by one.

In fact, these Demon Races could last a little longer together, but now they are all doing their own thing, and they are dying very quickly.

Song Shi raised his knife and dropped it, one by one Demon Race fell under the Profound Heaven Dragon-Slaying Knife. The fallen corpses made the nearby vegetation rejuvenate and grow rapidly, leaving behind bones one after another.

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