What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 460: One Person Achieves Enlightenment, A Chicken And A Dog Ascend To Heaven

After a long time, he sighed,

His father is indeed gone.

It has been almost five hundred years, and a mortal cannot survive for long, no matter how precious the Spirit Pill is to extend his life.

Not only his father, but also the surviving members of the Song family of his generation, Beibei and Song Jia, both turned into dust. They had no talent for cultivating immortals. It was too difficult to cultivate on Martial Dao and they were entangled in the mortal world. They could only survive three or four years. A hundred years old is not bad.

Today, apart from his woman, only Song Hai and Da Chongming are still alive. However, the Song family has grown and grown, and is now considered a Daqian Apex Level family.

Of course, this is because his woman and his puppet are in charge. Without these, 90% of his strength would be directly reduced.

"It seems we can't let you see your father-in-law. Go and offer them some incense."

Song Shi pulled Wuyou and came to a cemetery in an instant.

It is built like an imperial mausoleum, and the most luxurious thing is the two tombs next to each other.

Song Shi walked to the relatively delicate and exquisite tomb, her face softened, and she said: "This is my mother, your mother-in-law, kowtow to her with me."

Wuyou frowned: "How could I, the mighty Divine Maiden..."

"You are my woman now, whether you are Divine Maiden or Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi was unhappy: "Don't make me unhappy."

Wuyou could only kneel down helplessly along with Song Shi, kowtow to his luggage.

The light in Song Shi's hand condensed, and three incense sticks appeared. He stepped forward and inserted them in front of the tomb.

He looked at this miserable woman and said, "Wouyou, does reincarnation exist?"

"does not exist."

Wuyou shook his head: "There were rumors before, but this time the Tao of Heaven has died and collapsed. All realms are independent of each other. There is no longer any connection with reincarnation. The death of the body means the disappearance of the Tao."

Song means silence.

If there was no reincarnation, how could he be resurrected in this world? Is it just relying on the system?

"Let's go."

Song Shi said nothing more and turned around and walked towards his yard.

There were some monks guarding the cemetery on the way. Their strength was not weak, at least it was higher than the average level of cultivation in Wuji Continent.

These people are all good people outside, but they are not qualified to discover Song Shi at this moment. Even if they pass by, they will not notice it at all.

Song Shi came to a quiet courtyard without making a sound. It was a large area with many precious trees planted nearby. It was a forbidden area for the entire Song family, and only a few people were qualified to enter.

When he came here, he revealed his figure and did not cause any abnormality.

Because for hundreds of years, he has had a puppet clone staying here, and only a few people know that he has gone to the upper world.

In a bamboo forest, Yao Yue was practicing. Her appearance remained the same and her aura was as cold as the bright moon. When she saw him appearing, she opened her eyes and looked over, and at a glance she realized that he was not a puppet clone.

Not only were the clones different, but the key was that Song Shi was also accompanied by a perfect woman who made her feel ashamed. She was immediately stunned.

"Husband... you?"

Song Shi smiled: "I'm back, it's worry-free."

He introduced each other: "This is Yao Yue."

Wuyou just nodded slightly, with a noble and cold look: "Hello, sister Yaoyue."

Although she is a latecomer, she has the absolute confidence to be a sister, both in terms of age and strength.

Yaoyue noticed that Wuyou was unusual and hurriedly saluted: "I've met my husband, I've met my sister."

Song Shi nodded and looked to other locations: "Ladies, come and gather."

His voice spread and appeared in different corners of the courtyard at the same time.

On an island in the middle of a small lake, Bai Yu'er opened her eyes, turned into a white light and escaped, arriving at the small bamboo forest.


Next to a colorful garden, a woman in gorgeous clothes who was watering the flowers moved her ears, put down the kettle, turned around and disappeared.

In the quiet room, Bai Xiaoqin and Ziyue, who were also practicing, left one after another and gathered together.

Their cultivation levels have improved a lot, and they are all above the Nascent Soul level.

Wuyou glanced at Song Shi: "There are quite a few sisters. I can't see you being so carefree."

"When you are young, you like different women after all."

Song Shi smiled cheekily, showing no embarrassment at all.

He continued to introduce to others, and a group of women were surprised. When Song Shi came back, they were more curious about Wuyou, how could he be the boss as soon as he came?

In front of Song Shi, they didn't show much, but Wuyou smiled slightly, exuding some fluctuations,

Even if it is just a wisp of thought, it is the thought of a god. To Yao Yue and the others, who are the most powerful but Soul Formation, it is also extremely sacred, so powerful that they lose their ability to resist.

Immediately, the faces of Yao Yue and other women changed, and they understood that this was a strong man from the upper world, a new woman found by Song Shi, who was far more powerful than them.

"Next, follow me."

Song poems are concise and to the point.

"Husband, have you settled down in the upper world?"

Bai Yu'er showed excitement: "I have completed Soul Formation now. I should be able to help you after I go up."

"I can also assist you, and we will build a new home in Xuan Spirit World together."

Yao Yue smiled, Wuyou's presence filled her with a sense of crisis, and she wanted to prove herself as soon as possible.

Song Shi looked strange: "The place I want to go is not Xuan Spirit World."

"Where is that? My husband didn't Ascension to the Xuan Spirit World. Could it be the Heavenly Demon World?"

Ziyue was curious.

"Be prepared, I'm talking about the Immortal World."

Song Shi has a profound meaning.


All the women were stunned, obviously they didn't expect that Song Shi would be qualified to explore the Immortal World after only a few hundred years away.

"I'm not joking with you. I am indeed going to the Immortal World. I am also qualified now. You should prepare as soon as possible."

Song Shi explained.

Bai Xiaoqin timidly said: "Husband, are you going to become an immortal?"


Song Shi's words shocked Bai Yu'er and others. They have worked hard for hundreds of years to cultivate, and some of them have been promoted to a big realm, while some of them have been to a small realm.

Their husbands actually crossed several realms, from the original Apex Level existence in the lower interface to the Apex Level existence in the mysterious Spirit World!

"Husband, you are so awesome."

Bai Xiaoqin's eyes were filled with the light of admiration.

"Husband, I believe more and more that you are the reincarnation of an immortal."

Bai Yu'er couldn't laugh or cry.

"Is there anything we need to do?"

Yao Yue complexly said that they had become Song Shi's vassals without knowing it, and she was a little uncomfortable with it as she was once the head of a sect.

"Just prepare your people. I will take you away directly when the time comes. When the time comes, a chicken and a dog will ascend to heaven."

Song Shi chuckled. When he talked about chickens and dogs ascending to heaven, he couldn't help but think of what the wise man said, and turned his head and moved his lips.

Soon a gust of hot wind came out, and Da Mingming appeared with his wife Mei Niang. He knelt on one knee and said, "I have seen the young master!"

Both of them have the talent for cultivation, and the Great Clever is a person with a firm mind. With the resources and guidance he provides, his cultivation has now reached the Martial Dao Yuanshen realm at the same level as the Nascent Soul, and can be called a Martial Emperor.

Mei Niang is a bit worse and is still at Gold Core perfection, but her breakthrough should not be far away.


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