What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 461 Changing Fate Against Heaven

"You guys come with me."

Song Shi said to the two of them, "Leave two months for buffering."

"The young master is willing to take us!"

Da Mingming was extremely surprised. Before, the strength gap between them and Song Shi was too big, and they couldn't even go to the upper world. He didn't expect that they would have a chance now.

"If I change the environment for you, your improvement will be faster."

Song Shi didn't say much, "Let's go prepare ourselves. After living here for hundreds of years, I guess you still have a lot to deal with."

Bai Yu'er and the other girls looked at each other and went to deal with their own affairs.

Qian Wuxi stayed at the end, hesitated and said: "Husband, can you take my father and the others with you?"

Song Shi shook his head: "I can't bring too many people. They can go to Xuan Spirit World to practice, and I will reopen a space channel."

You have to rely on Wuyou's help to bring people. The family is fine, but bringing in a bunch of people is just asking for trouble.

"That's good. My father and the others just haven't found the way to the upper world. The road left in ancient times has been cut off."

Qian Wuxi was still very happy.

"Then you go and inform them. They have to rely on themselves after going to the upper world."

Song Shi nodded.


Wu Xi left in a hurry.

"I don't think you need to take them to the Immortal World. They are indeed a bit weak."

Wuyou opened his mouth at this time, which was a great honor.

"Weaker, it's less likely to attract attention, isn't it?"

Song Shi asked back, "You don't want me to be a guy who abandons women, right?"

"Okay, I can only say that after going to the Immortal World, you should have less contact with them, otherwise the enemies you provoke will easily spread to them."

Worry-free reminders.

"Yes. Didn't you say that the Immortal Domain is very big? I will try to reduce the impact as much as possible."

Song Shi looked into the distance: "With a higher platform, they can eventually improve faster."

"You have good intentions."

Wuyou's eyes became gentle. Although Song Shi's behavior was irrational, he was very responsible.

"We have to open a channel on the main body's side."

Song Shi closes your eyes and communicates with your body.

Song Shi, who was deep in the void, received the news and glanced at the Xuan Spirit World. The laws of space were released and began to open a safe passage in the void.

"Let's take a look around my hometown."

Song Shi transformed into Wuyou to get acquainted with the home he was about to leave.

the next day.

The breeze blew through Jinxiucheng, and the green bamboo forest swayed gently, making a rustling sound. Song Shi and Wuyou sat across from each other, drinking tea leisurely.

Suddenly, Song Shi felt something and looked outside the bamboo forest.

An old man with white beard and hair walked over, supported by a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman. The old man was Song Hai, the ancestor of the Song family and Song Shi's fourth brother.

"You're here, sit down."

Song Shi said calmly, a chair appeared out of thin air and was transformed by magic power.

"Uncle Seven."

The middle-aged men and beautiful women bowed respectfully to Song Shi.

Song Hai sat down on the chair tremblingly and glanced at Wuyou with a smile: "Another sibling, you are really back."

He knew that Song Shi had been a puppet clone staying here all these years, and his true body had long since gone to the upper world.

"I have to come back and have a look." Song Shi nodded.

"Seventh brother, you are going to take your brothers and sisters to the upper world this time."

Song Hai said bitterly: "When the time comes, will you still have the puppet clone?"

Song Shi understood what this old man meant. He was afraid that he would no longer care about the Song family after he left, so he smiled and said: "For your sake, I will keep a puppet. Whether your descendants can live up to the expectations or not, it depends on you." themselves.”

"Thank you. Without you, the Song family would not be what it is today."

Song Hai coughed and sighed: "I'm going to see my dad soon. If we say goodbye this time, it will be difficult to see him again in the future."

He still looks young, just like Song Shi hundreds of years ago: "It's better to have the talent for cultivation, so you can live forever."

"You chose a family and dispersed your energy on worldly matters. You should have known this would happen."

Song Shi said calmly, "You should learn from dad and act like you've had enough."

"Hey, dad has never practiced, so he doesn't have much experience."

Song Hai was helpless.

"Do you want me to help you survive?"

Song Shi said playfully: "You have to understand that in the early stages of practice, you didn't rush forward. Even if your life is extended, with your mentality, can you make a breakthrough?"

"I'm not willing to die like this."

Song Hai stood up: "Seventh brother, you must have great Divine Ability now. You can help me rejuvenate my youth, change my life against the will of heaven, and help me break through, right?"

There was reluctance and greed in his eyes, and he was uneasy in his heart. He knew that if he didn't seize this opportunity, he would completely turn into loess.

Song Shi nodded: "I can help you, but you have to understand that the path of cultivation becomes more difficult as you go up, especially Martial Dao. If you want to climb the peak, it is better to concentrate early."

In fact, Song Hai is still very talented in martial arts. With his help, he has a chance to reach the level of Martial Emperor like Da Mingming.

It's a pity that Song Hai was busy running the family. With such a delay, he missed the best stage of cultivation. It was already difficult to make a breakthrough and he ended up with a short lifespan.

"I have nothing to worry about in my family. I am determined to fight. I hope you can see me again in the future."

Song Hai said firmly.

"Okay, if you say this, I will help you."

With a flick of my finger, a green light flew out and turned into a ten-foot-long Azure Lotus on the ground.

The lotus bloomed and was full of vitality. The beautiful woman and middle-aged man who followed felt that their magic power became more active.

"Sit in and be reborn."

Song Shi's body was a little unreal, and most of his power had been consumed.

Song Hai's situation was special. Not only his body withered, but his soul also declined because his life span was about to end.

To change his destiny against the will of heaven, he must regenerate his spirit, energy, and spirit, unlike when he helped Saint Lord Langya who only targeted his physical body.

This incarnation didn't have much power to begin with, and he had used up the trace of the law of life it contained, and now it couldn't last long.

"Seventh brother, the greatest luck in my life is to have you as my brother."

Song Hai walked into the lotus with great gratitude and was quickly overwhelmed by the green brilliance.

The lotus flowers close together as if giving birth to a new life.

"You two keep watch."

Song Shi was frustrated with Wuyou and turned into two rays of light shooting towards the sky.

In the void outside the Wuji Continent, Song Shi's body was absorbing the perception of the law of chaos with delayed rewards. He noticed that the incarnation was returning, opened his eyes, and took it back into his body.

"This guy, if he hadn't spoken earlier, would have died before he even thought about asking me to help him change his fate."

He shook his head helplessly.

Song Hai thought that doing so would cost him too much strength, but in fact it was just a piece of cake for him.

"I still don't know how powerful I am. It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on me."

He shook his head and threw out a Low Level incarnation to lead people to the Wuji Continent. The main body continued to understand the laws of chaos.

This law is too complicated. Even if you have some enlightenment and instillation, you will not be able to figure out the secret for a while, let alone condense the law of chaos.

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