What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 470 Killing The Demon Emperor Is Like Killing A Chicken

He is now as powerful as Celestial Immortal, and it will not be easy to kill him.

So what if you kill him? Is he still afraid?


The sky and the earth were bright, and the thunder was like crazy, rushing around in the void, quickly forming a purple thunder dragon that spread its teeth and claws and fell down.

In the thunder dragon, there is the power of law, and even the fire of law, which makes the eyes of the thunder dragon dance with fire, full of majesty.

Song Shi looked serious, this thunder dragon was enough to threaten Celestial Immortal.

Chaos light filled his fist, and the power of the three laws jumped out, just like chaos evolved into life, thunder and space, releasing their power together to hit the thunder dragon falling from the sky.

The power of the fist came out, as if it was going against heaven. Song Shi used human power to fight against the punishment of heaven, and they collided together in an instant.

In the loud noise, the space shattered, the heaven and earth shook, and the aftermath spread and destroyed the world.

Song Shi was blasted tens of thousands of feet by the thunder dragon. The power of the law was shattered, his fists were burnt black, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"The power of heaven and earth is too powerful."

He spat out a mouthful of blood, "Even though it's not that powerful in terms of strength, it's too powerful and it's no match for him at all."

"Of course, this is a world with energy worth billions of you."

Wuyou chuckled: "An ant can bite an elephant, but it can only bite. If an elephant really takes action, it can crush it with all its strength."

"That makes sense. Not to mention the Heavenly Demon world, even the plane of Wuji Continent can overpower me."

Song Shi nodded. This world has cultivated many Ascension beings over the years. Even if he is comparable to Celestial Immortal, he is not good enough in the face of the rules of this world.

Strictly speaking, he was a bit like a mayfly trying to shake an elephant at the moment.

"Let's go, don't mess with it anymore."

Song Shi did not continue. He had been killed before when he came to the Heavenly Demon world. He had already obtained the basic reward, so there was no need to die again.

"Oh, I thought you were going to die once and use that immortal power to return to your full glory."

Wuyou was a little surprised.

"It's boring. I'd better be as normal as possible."

Song Shi shook his head, and with the subsequent Thunder Tribulation, he rushed out of the Heavenly Demon world and came to the endless void outside.

He looked at the unrivaled beauty: "Strange, how come you weren't targeted?"

"Just hide your aura. I'm not like you, who invades others with great fanfare."

Wuyou chuckled: "You have been to too few worlds. If you have been to too many, you will know that major interfaces are not something that an individual can run wild at will, unless you are strong enough to compete with the entire plane."

"Okay, I'm a redneck now."

Song Shi was helpless. The Immortal Monarch he took was almost the same as him, and he had no experience, so he practiced rashly in the Heavenly Demon world this time, causing the plane rules to counterattack.

"I still have a lot to learn."

Whispering in his heart, Song Shi turned into thunder in silence and returned to the Xuan Spirit World.

For mid-level planes such as Heavenly Demon World and Xuan Spirit World, after reaching Mahayana, he is eligible to initially travel in the void. At this moment, his strength surpasses Mahayana and belongs to the Transcending Tribulation to Immortal Level. It is not too difficult to cross the two realms.

Between the two worlds, a bolt of lightning passed through, and Song Shi successfully returned to the void outside the Xuan Spirit World.

He is very fast, like a shooting star, constantly approaching

, and you can return to Beixuan Continent in a while.

Suddenly, several black spots appeared in front of him, and they quickly grew in size. They turned out to be magic clouds of various colors, with a posture of breaking the void, intercepting Song Shi head-on.

But he was targeted by the guys from Demon Race!

To be precise, he was stopped by several Demon Race strongmen who wanted to force him to stop.

"Did you go to a nearby interface to bring in reinforcements? Or did you travel to other interfaces?"

Demon Race's strong thoughts were conveyed with strong malice.

Song Shi swept around and didn't slow down at all. Instead, his body lit up with thunder, he sped up and crashed directly into a demon.

The latter had a burly body. Seeing that Song Shi actually wanted to break through him, he immediately laughed ferociously, and the magic knife in his hand turned into a long black river and slashed at him.


The demonic energy shattered, and his knife split in two, and then exploded directly under the impact of lightning with a bang.

Broken bodies flew around, swallowed up by Wuyou, and withered in the explosion.

This result made the expressions of all the other Demon Race experts freeze, and they looked at their companions with bodies that looked like tofu in astonishment, a little incredulous.

They knew how powerful this companion was. He was one of the top ten powerful beings in the entire Heavenly Demon world. How could he be so vulnerable?

"It's you guys again. If you dare to stop me, I'll just kill you."

Song Shi's eyes were cold, and when he raised his hand, the Thunder Law turned into a huge monster and roared out. It was a thunder dragon, charging towards the nearest Demon Race with a fair and tender face.

This thunder dragon is like an immortal's method, containing the power of thunder rules, which is superior to ordinary power. Moreover, Song Shi only experienced the thunder dragon conceived during the heavenly tribulation, so this thunder dragon became more ferocious.

"Be careful, this guy is at least a Transcending Tribulation ghost!"

Realizing the terrifying power of the Brontosaurus, I was reminded by Demon Race, but it was of no use.

The Blood Demon Race ancestor who was targeted by the Thunder Dragon subconsciously released the sea of ​​blood in the sky, but was easily broken open by the Thunder Dragon's claws, and was directly caught and torn into pieces.

Blood Demon Race has a tenacious vitality, but in the face of the Thunder Law that restrains its Divine Ability, it only struggled a few times before being destroyed by thunder.

After killing two strong Demon Races in a row, the other Demon Emperors became silent. Without saying a word, they retreated in panic and began to flee.

"Come on, he's afraid he's not just a Transcending Tribulation ghost."

They cursed in their hearts and fled in all directions, hoping not to be caught.

Song Shi raised his hand, and a void lamp transformed by the power of the law emerged. The light bloomed and enveloped thousands of miles in radius. The surrounding space was distorted, and a strange scene appeared.

The speed of the escaping Demon Emperor suddenly dropped, especially when a trace of the power of law mixed with the light of the void lamp fell on them, and they were approaching Song Shi in the opposite direction.

"The laws of space!"

Several demon emperors looked ugly, and quickly used their own Spiritual Treasure and even Innate Spiritual Treasure to cut off the thread of space law, and continued to escape.

"The tree world is coming."

Something appeared again in the palm of Song Shi's hand. It was a grass, shining brightly with wisps of flame.

He threw away the green grass, and the surrounding area was filled with green brilliance. Countless grass and trees grew and instantly turned into a forest. The scene was shocking.

"not good!"

"This is Divine Ability, and it must not be trapped."

The discerning Demon Emperor noticed that this was a terrifying Divine Ability, and frantically cut through the threads of space law, chopping up the approaching vegetation in an attempt to escape.

However, this is the great Divine Ability blessed by the Fire of Law, which is completely equivalent to the performance of a Celestial Immortal level being. Not to mention a few Demon Emperors who have not yet Ascension, even if they encounter a real Demon God, their lives will be in danger.

Puff puff!

The seemingly soft vegetation easily penetrated the bodies of the Great Demon Emperors, shredding their Primordial Spirits, and instantly killed all the Demon Emperors.

"Killing the Demon Emperor is like killing a chicken."

Song Shi said indifferently, now he is so powerful that killing demons at the Emperor Level is easy.

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