What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 471 Accidental Completion


The last Demon Emperor died in fear, with regret in his eyes.

What is this thing? How come it is possible to intercept such untouchable beings? How can there be such powerful beings in both worlds?

They died so unjustly.

Not only them, the millions of Demon Race troops stationed in the nearby void also suffered, and were all killed by the Tree Realm.

Seeing the unwillingness of the dead Demon Emperor, Song Shi said lightly: "I don't have much interest in killing you now. I am looking for death myself."

The void was silent, Demon Race's life withered, leaving only a lush forest.

Song Shi flicked her fingers, and the fire of life dispersed, crossing the forest in a flash and going straight into the mysterious Spirit World.

Not far from Demon Race's garrison, a mysterious Spirit Palace like before is suspended in the void, with an army of millions of monks stationed inside to resist Demon Race.

The arrival of Song Shi's tree world made too much noise, and the sudden appearance of the huge forest seemed particularly abrupt in the endless void. Demon Race's screams shocked the patrol who monitored the movements of Demon Race's army.

Especially the sky patrols, they saw what happened to the Demon Race army for the first time.

The shocking scene made them unable to recover for a moment, and they watched blankly as trees sprouted out of the void during their panicked escape, piercing Demon Race's body, devouring their living souls, and withered into white bones in the blink of an eye.

The horrific scene made them so frightened that they forgot to report it immediately. They didn't react until the screams of fear subsided.

However, the strong man from Xuan Spirit Palace had already noticed the movement and flew out, looking solemnly into the distance.

A Mahayana swallowed his saliva and said in horror: "Palace Master, what a terrifying Divine Ability. It looks full of life, but actually cuts off all vitality of the enemy."

"It's scary, but fortunately it's aimed at Demon Race. So, it should be on our side."

The Master of Xuan Spirit Palace narrowed his eyes: "When has there ever been such a powerful existence here? Even the ancestors would not be able to emit such destructive power outside here with the Divine Ability."

"Let's see if Guan Tian Dian has found out which powerful person it is. Those who have such strength now, at least they are the ones who came after the Transcending Tribulation."

"If it doesn't reach this level, it is likely to be a Celestial Immortal, but there is no such existence in our Mysterious Spirit World. It's strange who did it."

As they were talking, the tree world lost its power and turned into a burst of light and dispersed, leaving only Demon Race corpses and trophies in the sky. The scene was particularly desolate.

Xuan Spirit World, Song Shi frowned after arriving.

"Why are the rules here also targeting me..."

Wuyou calmly said: "You are too powerful, and you have absorbed the power of other worlds."

"Then we can only restrain our strength."

As soon as Song Shi thought, his breath quickly disappeared. At the same time, the pressure from the surrounding planes also disappeared.

"Interesting, it seems that if I don't cause trouble, they won't target me."

Sensing the change, Song Shi smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Song, you really surprise me every time I see you."

An old voice came. When Song Shi turned his head, there was an old man wearing a yellow robe and an immortal spirit next to him. He was the Xuanling Ancestor.

I didn't see through this old man last time, but this time Song Shi's Primordial Spirit transformed into an immortal soul level, but I could clearly sense it.

The opponent's strength seemed to be similar to his, that is, at the Celestial Immortal level.

"I'm also surprised that you came here so quickly."

Song Shi said.

"Song Fellow Daoist, you just destroyed Demon Race's main force outside Xuan Spirit World. Old man, I have to come over and thank you."

Ancestor Xuan Ling said with a smile.

"Your intelligence is very good."

Song Shi praised, "Since you are here, I would also like to ask you what you asked me to help you with. If it is convenient, you can do it now."

Ancestor Xuan Lingqi smiled bitterly: "Song Fellow Daoist, you have already completed it just now, there is no need to take action again."


Song Shi was confused: "Just those? Are they too weak?"

"Song Fellow Daoist, it's not that they are too weak, it's that you are too strong."

Ancestor Xuan Ling couldn’t laugh or cry: “Among them, one of them was a half-step demon who failed in Transcending Tribulation, and his strength far exceeded the average Soul Formation. The other demon emperors were also quite powerful, but you killed them all at once. "

"You, I didn't pay attention to this."

Song Shi was a little speechless: "So, what you asked me to do before is considered completed?"

"It's done, and it's overachieved."

Ancestor Xuan Ling nodded: "Originally, I wanted you and some strong men from Xuan Spirit World to take action and defeat this main force. In addition, Beixuan Continent was defeated by you. Even if Demon Race's attack failed, I didn't expect this. The main force will be destroyed by you."

Song Shi heard this strangely: "I don't think it's difficult to kill them. You should be able to take action, right? As for making them so arrogant?"

Ancestor Xuanling sighed when he heard this: "I think so too, but it's a pity that I can't take action casually, and I can't even leave Xuanhuang Mountain too far. The farther away I am, the weaker my strength will be."

When Song Shi heard this, he thought that Wuyou said that this old man was at the True Immortal level. Could it be that he was referring to the level at Xuanhuang Mountain?

He asked curiously: "How could this happen?"

"Because I have become part of Xuan Spirit World's consciousness and cannot leave Xuanhuang Mountain too far, so when the Heavenly Demon World attacks, we only need to avoid Xuanhuang Mountain."

Ancestor Xuanling was quite helpless: "That's why I call you Ancestor Xuanling."


Song Shi was thoughtful and said without asking any more questions: "Since there's nothing else, I'm going to Ascension to Immortal World."

"I wish Fellow Song Daoist good luck. Our Xuan Spirit World is quite far away from the Immortal World. After we go there, it will be a little difficult to see each other again."

Ancestor Xuan Ling showed emotion.

"When talking about Ascension, is there anything we should pay attention to?"

Song Shi still doesn't know the secret of Ascension. The Immortal Monarch who transforms thunder is a banished immortal, and he doesn't know what's going on in the Ascension Immortal World from the lower world.

"If the Mahayana of the Transcending Tribulation is the normal preparation, I would suggest preparing for the Ascension Tribulation. With your strength, Fellow Daoist..."

Xuan Ling Ancestor's face twitched: "I guess the Immortal Tribulation is nothing to you. You just need to keep a low profile as much as possible after going to the Immortal World. Rumor has it that the level there is very high, and even Celestial Immortal is nothing."

"I know."

Song Shi originally wanted to ask about some strategies, but after hearing these, she didn't ask.

As for the other party's suggestions after Ascension, based on his understanding of the Immortal World, they are still nonsense.

"It's nothing, I'll take my leave."

He cupped his fists and walked very neatly.

Now that he had accidentally completed the favor of borrowing the boundary stone, there was no need for him to stay here for a long time.

He secretly said: "Wuyou, is what this old man said true or false?"

"What are you referring to?"

Wuyou asked back.

"His strength will be affected by his distance from Xuanhuang Mountain."

Song is curious.

"It's true. His lifespan has exceeded the limit of ordinary people. He relies on the rules of the plane to survive. It's not wrong to say that he is part of the consciousness of Xuan Spirit World."

Wuyou nodded: "This Xuan Spirit World's consciousness should have been severely damaged. I don't know what method to use, or Xuan Spirit World voluntarily merged with his consciousness. He can't stay away. He is probably maintaining something."

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