What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 513 Celestial Immortal Middle Stage

Chi Yuan came to the nearest Tianlei Island with murderous intent, suppressing his anger and roared: "Get out of here, the Thunder Punishment Envoy!"

"Who dares to act recklessly at the Thunder Punishment Platform? Does he want to be struck by lightning?"

Li Etai was replacing Song Shi to guard the Tianlao. He immediately heard Chi Yuan yelling wildly above his head and replied very unhappily.

The fire flashed, and the scorching breath quickly approached. Chi Yuan appeared angrily, releasing his powerful pressure and glaring at Li Etai: "Would you like to give it a try?"

Li Etai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the visitor to be so powerful, and after seeing his appearance clearly, he complained secretly and did not dare to reply.

Although he could indeed mobilize the power of thunder to punish Chi Yuan if he acted recklessly, this woman's status was too special and he really didn't have the courage.


Kang Lixun appeared and said: "Sir Red Yuan, what's wrong with you, are you so angry?"

Chi Yuan did not approach the Thunder Punishment Platform. This was the territory of Heaven and was guarded by powerful formations. She did not dare to force her way in, so she condensed the appearance of Song Shi with firelight and said with a domineering expression: "Let this Thunder Punishment Envoy get out of here!"

When Li Etai saw it was Song Shi, his expression was strange: "How did Song Shi offend this goddess? Aren't you afraid of death?"

He didn't know that Song Shi had killed Immortal Chiyun, and Chiyuan came to ask for help. He thought it was something else, especially between a man and a woman.

"Um, Fellow Daoist Song is out on patrol and has not returned to the Thunder Punishment Platform."

Kang Lixun said awkwardly: "If you have any grudges, Chiyuan Divine Maiden can report them to the Ministry of Rites."

"Kill my Huoyun Palace disciples, do you think it might be left to you to handle?"

Chi Yuan sneered, and became even more irritated when she thought that after questioning her for a while, she realized that Song Shi was not at the Thunder Punishment Platform.

She originally thought that if this person caused a big trouble, he would definitely run here to hide, but she didn't expect that he would dare to be outside.

She suppressed her anger and said, "Tell me where he is!"

"That's unclear. He is patrolling outside and his specific location may change at any time."

Kang Lixun shook his head: "Why don't the Lord go to the Ministry of Rites and we can handle this matter as peacefully as possible."

"Huh, I told you, it's not your turn to take care of it yet. It's better for him to be outside. I will go and catch him right away!"

Chi Yuan looked disdainful and did not take Kang Lixun seriously at all. He turned around and left in a streak of fire.

Seeing Chi Yuan leave, Kang Lixun's face immediately turned ugly: "Aren't they just two birds raised by Huoyun Palace? What are they so proud about?"

"Brother Kang, what's going on?" Li Etai still doesn't know.

"Song Shi killed her brother Chiyun Immortal and came to seek revenge on Song Shi."

Kang Lixun said indifferently.

"Crimson Cloud Immortal? Impossible. Even though the Immortal Dao left, he was also a dignified Immortal Monarch. How could he be killed by Song Shi?"

Li Etai was shocked. Although he was punched away by Song Shi, he knew that Song Shi was not simple in strength, but after all, he was still a Celestial Immortal. How could he kill the Immortal Monarch?

"It should be the gourd it relies on."

Kang Lixun mocked: "The Celestial Immortal with the Great Dao soldiers can really threaten the Immortal Monarch."

"This... even if there is a powerful Law Treasure, why bother messing with such a being."

Li Etai didn't know what to say.

"Who knows, he never plays his cards according to common sense."

Kang Lixun shook his head, that was how he was beaten. Fortunately, Song Shi did not kill him in the Immortal Court.

Otherwise, his death would be in vain, and it is estimated that no one will avenge him.

With a helpless sigh, he said: "We don't want to interfere with this matter, and we are not qualified to do so. It will be handled by the higher ups. I have asked the person involved, Wang Dong, to go back to the Immortal Court to find Mr. Su."

Li Etai nodded, it had nothing to do with him, just keep it high and low.

On this side, Chi Yuan flew some distance away and thought to himself: "Chi Yun was killed by robbing the Thunder Punishment Envoy's trophies and stabbed him to the Immortal Court. I have no reason to avenge him. I must kill him before he hides." If he is caught, as long as he is brought back to Fire Cloud Palace, the Immortal Court will not be able to control him, why not just let me kill him!"

Her eyes rolled, with murderous intent in them. She made a hand seal, and the flames on her body jumped and quickly transformed into fireballs, numbering in the thousands.

"Since we are still on patrol, it is impossible to run out of the patrol range. Do you think you can hide within this range?"

Chi Yuan sneered, and after completing the seal, the fireballs suddenly turned into little birds, chirping and vivid.

"Go, find this person for me!"

With a wave of his hand, many flaming birds spread in all directions, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the underground magma, a thumb-sized silver bubble is rolling in the magma. It looks inconspicuous, but if you look closely, you can find that there is something inside.

There was no one in the bubble, only a palm-sized crimson fairy palace was suspended, and there was a whole other world inside. Song Shi was sitting cross-legged next to the Immortal Crystal practicing.

The Chaos Heavenly Art was operating at full strength, and the devouring power far beyond the level of Celestial Immortal was released, causing the power of the Immortal Crystal to be drawn away one after another, emitting bright brilliance.

Song Shi transformed into a black hole, and all the pure immortal energy entered his body. Part of it was refined and absorbed under the fire of law and transformed into mana, and part of it was absorbed by the physical body to strengthen himself.

In addition to the Immortal Crystal, Song Shi also took out the Immortal Pill and swallowed it from time to time. Under these conditions, his cultivation level improved rapidly.

Suddenly, Song Shi's body shook, and the system delayed the release of rewards, and a stream of pure immortal power suddenly poured into his body.

If the power he refining and absorbing the Immortal Crystal and Immortal Pill is like the confluence of hundreds of rivers and requires a long period of accumulation, then at this moment it is like an initiation, directly obtaining a massive amount of immortal power.

This power can be easily transformed with just control. Song Shi's cultivation level immediately soared, quickly reaching the middle stage of Celestial Immortal, and his aura surged.

Song Shi opened her eyes, shook hands, and sighed: "No matter how fast normal practice is, it can't compare to this kind of initiation."

He glanced at the Thunder Punishment Order, and after dealing with the two-headed flame dragon, there were no new orders for the time being. He could stay here for a while and let the guys from Fire Cloud Palace go to work.

Just when he thought this, the token vibrated, Song Shi thought to explore, the communication function in the Primordial Origin system was glowing, his thought entered it, and came to a bright silver fairy palace.

On the opposite side, the light and shadow changed, and Su Fu's figure emerged.

The latter said helplessly: "You have caused such a big trouble just now when you went out. Sure enough, it is right for you to guard the sky prison."

Song Shi's face twitched: "I thought you were protecting me, a newcomer, so you didn't let me out."

"Part of it is, and part of it is because I'm afraid you'll cause trouble."

Su Fu said with a headache: "The status of Huoyun Palace is too high. If I really want to kill you, there is nothing I can do."

Song Shi curled his lips and said without fear: "They are unreasonable, and it is just a bird. I guess it is nothing in Huoyun Palace."

"Crimson Cloud Immortal is only a registered disciple, and they are indeed unreasonable, but his relatives and teachers will still take revenge on you, and we are afraid that we can't control it."

Su Fu shook his head and said helplessly: "What are you going to do?"

"Continue to kill those who can beat them. Anyway, it is against the laws of nature for them to kill immortal officials. Once they suffer a loss, they will naturally not continue."

Song Shi confidently said that the higher the High Grade Immortal Gate, the more he cares about face, but he will also abide by the rules openly and will only seek revenge in private if he is not being reasonable.

In this way, it is purely to send him resources.

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