"I really don't know where you get your confidence."

Su Fu had no choice but to wait for Song Shi: "You can return to the Thunder Punishment Tower to guard the sky prison as soon as possible. There, people from Hongyun Palace cannot break in at will."

"I'll go back when I really have no choice." Song Shi shook his head and he just came out. Why rush back and be a coward?

"You decide your own life."

Su Fu took a deep look at Song Shi and said, "The water in the Immortal World is very deep. You should take care of yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared.

Song Shi retracted his thoughts and smiled half-heartedly: "I don't know what means the guys outside who want revenge will use to find me. I'm going to use up all these resources before I go out."

He closed his eyes and continued practicing.

Chi Yuan never imagined that Song Shi was hiding in the magma. After using Divine Ability to explore many times, no trace was found for more than half a month, so Chi Yuan had to find another way.

She took out her Fire Cloud Palace identity token, and after activating it, a fire spread out and turned into a light curtain.

Chi Yuan showed respect and waited quietly in front of the light curtain. After a moment, a shadow appeared.

The latter did not show his true face, but was surrounded by a circle of thunder and fire, which was mysterious and abnormal.

"I know what you are looking for me to do. Chi Yun's death is his own fault. There is no way the palace will go to war over this, and there is no way I can do anything for you."

The thunderous figure made an indifferent voice.

"Uncle Master, for the sake of my devoted service to you, please allow me to find him."

The latter chuckled: "Haha, it is said that he has Great Dao soldiers, are you so confident that you can take him down?"

Chi Yuan said respectfully: "If I capture his Great Dao Bing, I will dedicate it to you, Uncle Master."

"What if it fails?"

This rhetorical question was ruthless, and Chi Yuan was silent for a moment: "Let this matter go, I will return to the palace to plead guilty."

"How do you want me to help you?"

"It would be best if we could have his specific location."

"Do you think I'm a Heavenly Venerable and can pinpoint the hiding place of a Celestial Immortal with just a few clicks?"

"Uncle Master has the authority to give orders within the Primordial Origin system. This person must obey orders. This is an opportunity."

"You are really smart. If something happens to him, everyone will guess that it is related to me."

"Even if they knew, others wouldn't say much." Chi Yuan said proudly, "You are Saint's disciple."

"Some things are not just for consumption. Chi Yun talks about Huoyun Palace every day, thinking that he can be invincible until he meets a really ruthless person."

The figure in the light curtain said with a sarcastic look: "Your own ability is your real ability. If you want to kill him, go to a place and wait. Sooner or later there will be some changes there. The nearby Thunder Punisher will be on the summons list." No need for me to give orders."

Chi Yuan was delighted: "Uncle, please give me some pointers."

"Fuso Island." Uncle Master said three words.

When Chi Yuan heard about the location, he looked surprised and wanted to ask more questions. Uncle Master's voice began to fade away: "Don't ask too much, just go and wait."

The light and shadow shattered and turned into tokens again. Chi Yuan looked at the empty void and wondered: "Isn't there an ancient sacred tree on Fuso Island? There are also many gods. What can happen?"

With doubts, she still flew eastward. The front was getting brighter and brighter, as if there was a sacred flame tree growing in the void, emitting infinite light.

Song Shi is also betting at this moment, betting that nothing will happen to him in a short time.

As time goes by, the resources around Song Shi decrease rapidly.

He consumes resources at a rate that is ten times faster than Celestial Immortal. Immortal Chiyun's many years of savings were squandered by him, and his cultivation continues to approach Celestial Immortal Late Stage.

After practicing in seclusion in the Immortal Mansion for eight years, most of Chiyun Immortal's resources disappeared. If it were another Immortal, he might not be able to use so much in a hundred years.


On this day, the token suddenly vibrated violently. Song Shi opened her eyes and looked over in surprise. She had never encountered such a violent reaction from the token.

He picked it up, put his thoughts into it, and immediately an urgent order jumped out.

"Get to Fuso Island in one day?"

Song Shi saw the order and muttered, but did not find any specific time information.

"You should know if you go over and take a look."

He thought to himself, got up and flew out of the Immortal Mansion.


The space bubble in the magma shattered, and Song Shi emerged from it. He used his magic power to prop up the magma, quickly got into the air, identified the direction, and started on his way.

At this moment, he didn't expect that Chi Yuan would be waiting for him on this road, and he even ignored that there was an enemy outside looking for him.

"The area I am in does not include Fuso Island. This island is in the far east. It is rumored that it is close to the edge of the Immortal World. But now I am asked to rush over. Maybe it involves more than just the Immortal World..."

Song Shi speculated based on the actual situation and roughly knew that there was a very urgent matter on Fuso Island.

He didn't think about gathering with the others, but instead rushed over as quickly as possible.

On the way, he communicated with Wuyou: "Can this identity token lock my location?"

"Of course you can, but the person who is qualified to determine your position will not be a small role. Don't worry, you are not qualified yet."

Wuyou's tone was teasing.

Song Shi didn't take it seriously, "Then there's nothing to be afraid of. Do you think something happened to Fuso Island?"

"I don't want to waste my energy."

Wuyou looked at it and said, "It's nothing more than someone rebelling, or an intruder from the outside world."


Song Shi thought of the location of Fuso Island, which is on the edge of the Immortal World. It seems to be connected to a certain divine realm. If the divine realm really wants to invade, it will be very troublesome.


Meteor-like figures appeared in front of them. Judging from the law aura, they were all Thunder Punishment Users, but not from the Thunder Punishment Platform where he was located. They were all unfamiliar faces.

Song Shi approached a Thunder Punisher and kept flying relatively still. Zilaisu said: "Brother, do you know why you called us there?"

"I don't know. I heard that there was civil strife in one of the divine realms recently, which brought the flames of war to our Dacheng Immortal World."

The latter glanced at Song Shi: "You were also called out urgently while patrolling."

"Yes." Song Shi nodded. If it weren't for this, he could still stay in the Immortal Mansion for ten years.

"Hey, it's all hard work. This Fuso Island is a divine island. I haven't seen enough of it until I get there."

Song Shi didn't know how to reply, so he just nodded in agreement and hurried on with a few others, without deliberately being faster than anyone else.

Song Shi was also familiar with a few people among his colleagues. The first person he asked was Liu Tairan, who came from Kuai Zihao Lei Puntai. The other people were from different platforms and they were all met when they rushed over in a hurry. .

"Oh my god, look!"

As Song Shi became more and more bored, someone exclaimed and pointed forward with a look of shock on his face.

In the distance, there was a giant tree of flames like the sun, and a huge hole opened next to it.

It looks like the sky is broken!

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