What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 526 Wuyou Takes Action

After death, Song Shi resurrected under a tree with an angry look on his face: "You actually ruined my precious chance to save my life. Try to kill me again if you have the ability!"

"This bastard really has a brain problem. How dare he be so arrogant when he has the means to save his life?"

"He's just a stupid young man. He must be taught a lesson today, otherwise he won't know how dangerous it is outside."

The two Divine Kings felt that Song Shi was too interesting, and the Divine King who had not taken action before could not help but slap Song Shi to death.

Soon, Song Shi appeared again and said angrily: You...you really dare to do it. If you have the ability, do it again, you! It’s you, you killed my double twice, I don’t believe you dare to kill me a third time! "

Wuyou watched in the dark and said speechlessly: "You really know how to act, just like a fool."

"There is still room for improvement. If you look at it, they don't believe it."

Song Shi replied.

His appearance really made the two Golden Crow clan elders laugh. The more they looked at Song Shi, the more interesting he became.

"This stupid young man seems to have a good fortune. If we search it later, we might find a treasure that interests you and me."

"He asked you to do it."

The two Divine Kings were laughing and joking,

"Come, I'll make it happen for you."

Jinwu, who had killed Song Shi twice, struck without mercy. As expected, Song Shi was beaten to death.

"This is the fourth time. How many life-saving means does he have on him?"

"If I kill him a few more times, I don't believe he can always save his life."

The two got excited and secretly felt that Song Shi's behavior was abnormal, but they couldn't find any reason to explain why Song Shi was like this.

The two of them bloomed with the brilliance of the sun and approached Song Shi, trying to capture Song Shi for torture.

The next moment, the power of the law turned into a big net, catching Song Shi easily.

The two glanced sharply at Song Shi, but found no treasure. Even the only Law Treasure was collected by Song Shi in advance.


There was a muffled sound from the distant formation, and the originally calm formation was obviously distorted by the attack.

Di Zhong took a look and said to the two elders who were dealing with Song Shi: "This person may be here to seduce you. Don't waste too much time on him. Pay attention to the formation. If it breaks, stop it in time."

"Yes, patriarch."

The two elders were originally planning to torture Song Shi, but seeing that the outside world was obviously more worthy of their attention, they groped around Song Shi and found no treasure. They thought it was an improvement and destroyed it with one claw.

Before being killed this time, Song Shi tried to use the Twilight of the Gods and found that this means of escape could no longer break out of the web of law.

"The law-level restraint has lost its effect. It seems that it needs to be upgraded."

Song Shi knew that he had now lost the most critical means of escape.

So after being killed by the two Divine Kings more than three times, Song Shi glanced at Di Zhong, who was controlling the formation, and chose to give up approaching the temple from this direction.

His thoughts could not get close to the temple that contained the powerful power of the sun. If he was really trapped by the net of laws, it would be difficult to escape.

This time, Song Shi was resurrected in a relatively hidden location in the Fusang Divine Tree. He touched his chin and said, "I'm not strong enough. Even if I die, I won't be able to enter this temple. Madam, can you help me?"

"If there is anything suitable for me, give me half of it."

Wuyou actually didn't refuse: "If not, you have to find me a treasure of the same level in the future."

"no problem."

Song Shi was overjoyed. Wuyou's strength was at least at the Immortal King level. His former Emperor Level methods definitely had a great chance of helping him get closer to the temple.

Wuyou is not afraid that Song Shi will break her promise. If she dares to break her promise, she will take it out on this guy's child.

"What do you need me to do?"

Song Shi was quite curious about how Wuyou could help him get closer to the temple.

"You stick my coffin of life and death on the sacred tree."

Wuyou said.

Song Shi clung to the tree trunk and took out the coffin of life and death. As soon as he got close to the tree trunk, the jade-like tree trunk suddenly became as soft as water. Song Shi stumbled and fell in.

He quickly stabilized and looked at the wooden textures around him, wondering: "Is this Wood Escape?"

"No need to escape, you are directly integrated into the sacred tree, which is equivalent to a part of the sacred tree. You release some flame laws and merge with the surrounding sacred trees. Even if the God Emperor comes, it will be difficult to find you hiding in it."

Wuyou said proudly.

"Is this okay? Didn't you say that this Fusang Divine Tree is incompatible with your attributes?"

Song Shi was surprised and released part of her power to merge with the power of Fusang Divine Tree.

"It's a disagreement, but I can't say it's completely incompatible."

Wuyou appeared next to him, stretching his beautiful body next to Song Shi, turning his head to reveal a pair of starry eyes: "No matter how powerful the fire attribute of Fusang Divine Tree is, it is still wood after all, and it is a rare fire tree. A heterogeneous creature with symbiotic attributes and powers.”

"Yes, fire overcomes wood, but it's fine." Song Shi realized that even if the Fusang Divine Tree had the power of the sun, it was still a tree.

"Perhaps it is due to the conflict between fire and wood that it failed to give birth to spiritual intelligence. Otherwise, the Innate Twenty Gods and Demons, which were definitely very powerful in the ancient times, would not be used as their home base by a group of Golden Crows."

Wuyou's slender hand touched the texture of the sacred tree: "What a pity."

"You are more powerful. You can also control the opposing forces of life and death."

Song Shi praises him, and then he has to rely on Wuyou to flatter him.

"It's different. I first understood the way of life with my spiritual wisdom, and then I understood the way of death. If life and death coexist from the beginning, Innate's fragile spiritual wisdom will never be allowed."

Wuyou shook his head, and then floated forward like a swimmer, his slim figure twisting in the firelight like a mermaid. Extraordinarily tempting.

Song Shi smiled and grabbed the other person's perfect little feet and touched them from bottom to top unceremoniously.

"Where do you dare to move your hands and feet?"

Wuyou rolled his eyes at Song Shi and kicked him away: "You are not afraid of death, but I cannot expose you. I agree to help you enter the Sun Temple. The conditions here are very suitable."

"Sun Temple? Is that what the temple is about?" Song Shi knew it was not appropriate to act recklessly, so he acted honestly.

"Isn't it called the Sun Temple or something?"

Wuyou said calmly, grabbed a piece of Fusang Divine Tree, activated his red lips, and took a bite.

Song Shi was stunned: "What are you doing eating wood?"

"What do you know? This sacred tree is a pretty good thing to me. If it weren't for the incompatible attributes and I swallowed it, I would probably be able to regain 30% of my strength."

Wuyou rolled his eyes at Song Shi and spat out the wood: "It's really not suitable for me, but I haven't had much to eat recently. You can collect some roots to eat. That part contains the weakest power of the sun."

"Why are you saying that I didn't feed you well?" Song Shi squinted.

"More or less, you are the father of the child, and even I can't raise him well, so you're still a bit weak."

Wuyou teased.

Song Shi hummed: "I will be promoted soon, and then I will find you a High Level Immortal Pill to take."

"Speaking of Immortal Pill, I don't know if this Sun Temple has one, but the Great Dao Immortal Pill is the best."

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