What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 527 Sun Law Sea Of ​​Fire

"I hope so."

Song Shi nodded and continued to swim forward. The light inside the sacred tree became more and more dazzling, as if he was swimming in the sun.

The power of the sun is getting stronger and stronger, and the energy becomes like magma flowing, and just passing through it will be tortured by high temperatures.

Song Shi sweated on his forehead and sighed: "The level is still too high. Just being close is so stressful."

"Of course, the majesty of heaven and earth cannot be violated by ordinary gods."

Wuyou took it for granted and joked: "Besides, this is just the power naturally emitted by the temple, and it cannot be counted as the Heavenly Emperor's supreme power. If you had that kind of power, you would have turned into ashes long ago."

"By the way, what is the strength of this Heavenly Emperor?"

Song Shi tried to divert her attention as much as possible, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

"I heard it is close to Heavenly Venerable. I don't know if it has reached Heavenly Venerable level."

Wuyou said casually.

"Didn't it reach Heavenly Venerable? I thought it was that strong." Song Shi muttered.

"Do you think Heavenly Venerable is so easy to achieve? Except for those who are born to control the way of heaven, there are only a handful of people who want to reach this level after so many years."

Wuyou rolled his eyes at Song Shi: "However, the two Heavenly Emperors of the Golden Crow tribe are quite powerful and can fight with the Heavenly Venerable, so they are arrogant and domineering. Unfortunately, they all fell in the war with other Innate gods and demons. The establishment Heaven will also be destroyed."

"So you still have to keep a low profile, otherwise you will die easily." Song Shi concluded.


Wuyou stopped in front of a dazzling flame screen. The light in this location was obviously brighter than other places.

A terrible pressure was transmitted through the light curtain, and Song Shi, who was already under great pressure, felt that he should kneel down.

"You are such a wicked person. You have been dead for who knows how many years, and you still want me to kneel down?"

Song Shi curled her lips, straightened her back, gritted her teeth and walked over.

His hand touched the light curtain.


His hand immediately burned, and when he subconsciously took it back, it was empty.

"Damn it, it's so strong, I still can't get close."

Wuyou took a look and said: "The power of the Sun Domain is already outside. Without the blood of the Golden Crow clan or the fire of the Sun Law, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on."

"I didn't expect that even though I controlled the fire of the Law of Fire, I still couldn't bear it. It seems I have to upgrade it to the Law of the Sun."

Song Shi was depressed. The upgraded version of the Law of Fire was the Law of the Sun, and he was still a little behind.

He walked over bravely, and outside the light waves were all the flames of the Sun's Law, like an ocean.

If the ordinary Celestial Immortal level controls the fire of law. It's just a small flame, this is a sea of ​​fire, and its power is more than a hundred times worse.

"Don't look at it. If you don't control the fire of the law of the sun, even if the Divine King goes in, he will cry out in pain, and the Divine King won't be able to hold on for long."

Worry-free evaluation.

"I know."

Song Shi did not stop and continued to move forward: "Be burned to death a few times to experience the law of the sun in depth."

"I won't show up outside. You can find a way to enter the temple yourself. If you can't get in, just hide here and wait for the opportunity."

Wuyou shook his head and turned into a ray of light and returned to the coffin.

Song Shi accelerated and rushed towards the light curtain, and then burned directly. In just a few breaths, he was burned to ashes.

"Ding, you were killed by the fire of the law of the sun. You will be rewarded with the understanding of the law of the sun, ten thousand years of mana, and certain attributes."

After death, the reward comes, which is even more generous than being killed by the Divine King.

Song Shi. Choosing to be resurrected in the sea of ​​​​fire of the Sun Law, watching his body being burned quickly, he thought to himself: "Since this palace is so special, it is impossible for those guys to open it immediately. I will hide here and improve first. I have enough strength." , only then are you qualified to seize the treasure inside."

With a plan in mind, he mobilized all his strength, glowed with chaotic light, and tried his best to resist the burning of the fire of the sun's law.

Unlike before when he didn't offer any resistance, this time he resisted and he lasted much longer.

And under the stimulation of the fire of the Sun Law, his understanding of the Sun Law is rapidly deepening.

After dying more than ten times, the entire sacred tree suddenly shook violently, and Song Shi was aware of the violent changes in the void around him.

The distortion and compression of space affect the Sun Law Sea of ​​Fire to a certain extent.

Soon a teleportation fell on the sacred tree.

Song Shi, who was already a little dazed by the flames, raised his head and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the teleportation is about to be successful. The Immortal Court failed to stop it after all."

He was not too surprised by this result. After all, the Golden Crow tribe had been planning this for countless years. If this could fail, then it would be too bad.

The next moment, there was a burst of space fluctuation, and Song Shi estimated that the entire Fuso Island was flying to another world.

"Looks like I'm going to take a tour of the God Realm."

Song Shi smiled, and then found that the light outside the sea of ​​​​fire suddenly dimmed, and the entire island entered the depths of the void and was in a state of teleportation.

"It will probably take some time to transfer such a big thing to another world."

He died peacefully in the sea of ​​​​fire of the Sun Law. To be precise, it should be regarded as cultivation.

A huge island in the outside world is floating in the void, flying towards the God Realm under the power of teleportation.

One day after the sudden war.

Song Shi's first reward arrived, and she got a burst of mana, some insights into the Law of Fire, and some attribute points.

He used these resources to quickly improve his understanding of the law and his cultivation.

Basically, every day, his strength will change significantly, as if he has been in seclusion for thousands of years.

Outside, it was already very peaceful.

Fusang Divine Tree emits dazzling light, illuminating the darkness of the void. Around the huge sacred tree, golden crows emitting flames are either suspended in the void, or resting on the branches and leaves.

Di Zhong sat in a palace with a tired look on his face and watched. The Sun Temple in the center of the sacred tree smiled and said: "They almost took it down, but it's okay."

Di Zhou next to him nodded: "We have been preparing for so long. We originally thought that the top leaders of Dacheng Immortal Court were plotting against us, but we didn't expect that they hired another lackey from Immortal World."

"Some Heavenly Venerable must have noticed something."

Di Zhong guessed and relaxed: "But now that we have successfully left Dacheng Immortal World, and both sides are frightened by Heavenly Venerable, they should not take action again. The next step is to find a way to digest this thing."

"Next is the mission of the clan leader and the others. You should be able to take a rest."

Emperor Zhou smiled and looked at the temple: "The inheritance left by our ancestors looks very strong. There is endless fire of law on the outside. I don't know what good things are inside."

"We will definitely have a chance to share some soup. The clan leader will definitely eat the meat in it. It should be able to help him reach the level of Heavenly Emperor. Unfortunately, Sun Tiandao is in the hands of the old guy from the human race. It is difficult to become Heavenly Venerable. "

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