What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 528 The Dharma Ending Catastrophe

Emperor Zhong was very unhappy: "I, the Golden Crow clan, are the natural controllers of the Sun and Heavenly Way. If we hadn't been severely damaged by the war with other Innate gods and demons, how could we have been given the opportunity by the human race?"

"Oh, don't talk about this. I don't know how many years have passed. I can only wait for the next great catastrophe to see if there is a chance."

Di Zhou shook his head.

"I heard that the next great disaster is approaching, right?" Di Zhong said.

"It seems that this catastrophe seems to be some kind of catastrophe at the end of the Dharma. It is said that immortals and gods will fall on a large scale and the way of cultivation will be cut off. I think it is a joke. How is it possible?"

Di Zhou sneered.

"Yes, I heard that those beings who can't cultivate are still threatening us. If I hear that, I think it's impossible. Any of our gods can destroy the world. What do those beings who can't cultivate rely on? What kind of technology are they doing? , it’s just a foreign object, what role can it play?”

Di Zhong nodded.

"So I will break through when I can. Even if there is a catastrophe, if I am strong, I will naturally survive."

Di Zhou smiled and said, "Hurry up and recover. Even though you are currently teleporting, you still have to prevent any accidents."

Fuso Island returned to calm again, with only the Sun Temple emitting endless light and heat, like a star.

Cross-border teleportation always takes a long time. Even though the distance between Dacheng Immortal World and the Emperor Flame God Realm is very close, it is still the distance between the two worlds. Ordinary teleportation between immortals and gods usually takes half a month. For a giant like Fuso Island, The time spent will naturally increase exponentially.

Song Shi used this time to continue digesting the rewards of death while meditating in the fire of the law of the sun.

He found that none of these Golden Crows came to touch the Sun Temple, and basically would not find him here, so he cultivated there with peace of mind.

Wuyou suddenly said: "We haven't seen each other for millions of years. It seems that there are some changes in the world."

"What's the meaning?"

Song Shi was in a fog when I heard it.

"I overheard a conversation between two Golden Crows just now, mentioning a new catastrophe of heaven and earth."

Wuyou spoke solemnly.

"The catastrophe of heaven and earth? How big can it be?" Song Shi was curious.

"Any catastrophe can subvert the foundation of the entire Divine Domain and Immortal Domain. All major forces will directly wash things out. Even if you are Heavenly Venerable, you are in danger. Do you think it is a catastrophe?"

Wuyou said seriously.

"I can't die anyway, so what am I afraid of?"

Song Shi pouted.


Wuyou wanted to hit this guy, and hummed: "Aren't you just targeting people with certain strength? If the Heavenly Venerable finds out, I will seal you directly. Let me see what you do?"

"Well, you do have to be careful."

Song Shi smiled unnaturally: "However, since you can live from ancient times to the present, you should have experience, right?"

"I also have experience. Just hide if you can. The stronger you are, the better."

Wuyou said: "Look at the guys called Heavenly Kings now, they are basically all survivors from the previous era. Not only the Divine King, there are actually many minor characters who also have the opportunity to stay."

"You are so powerful, what are you afraid of?" Song Shi smiled.

"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just wondering if I have a chance this time."

Wuyou has a profound meaning: "Millions of years ago, I failed to attack Heavenly Venerable. If I seize the opportunity this time, I might succeed."

"So this is ah."

Song Shi couldn't help laughing and said: "This is in line with your character."

"I'm telling you this mainly because the catastrophe they mentioned is strange."

Wuyou said with some confusion: "How could the origin of the great tribulation be some living beings without cultivation?"

"No cultivation?"

Song Shi was also surprised when he heard this: "You mean a mortal?"

"Probably not. They said they are uncultivated beings who control some kind of technology. Even if this technology has something, could it threaten the entire Divine Domain and Immortal Domain?"

Wuyou muttered.

"science and technology!"

Song Shi was surprised, why was he talking about something he was more familiar with.

"you understand?"

Wuyou was surprised.

"I learned from some information in the Immortal Court that in the extraterrestrial Galaxy, because there are not many cultivation resources, the technology developed by some creatures can also be regarded as a special Law Treasure, but it does not require anything Spiritual power, immortal power, but other powers.”

Song Shi did not mention his past life, only saying that he learned about it from the Immortal Court.

He used Lei Punisher's token to check the information, but Wuyou didn't know.

"Why are you still paying attention to these?" Wuyou was surprised.

"Didn't they say that some Ascensioners came from some extraterrestrial galaxies? I just took a look at them."

Song Shi said,

"Law Treasure that doesn't rely on spiritual energy or fairy energy is quite interesting. I want to see how it causes a catastrophe."

Wuyou said with great interest.

Song Shi's eyes moved slightly: "Madam, is the power of this world getting weaker and weaker?"


Wuyou nodded: "Countless cultivators consume the energy of heaven and earth, and wars break out from time to time. Since the opening of Heaven, the power has been declining. Only the Heavenly Venerable who controls the way of heaven can completely get rid of the influence of the exhaustion of immortal energy. This should be The source of the Dharma Ending Catastrophe mentioned by the two of them."

"The Great Tribulation of the End of Dharma."

When Song Shi heard the name of the Great Tribulation, he thought thoughtfully: "As the power of heaven and earth declines, there will be fewer and fewer practitioners in the future, and the immortals and gods will become weaker and weaker. The creatures in the Galaxy can really kill immortals and gods."

"I've thought about it too, but I just don't understand how those weak creatures threaten us."

Wuyou nodded. After all, she was too powerful and had never cared about the living conditions of the weak, especially the creatures of the Galaxy.

Song Shi's mind was filled with things like nuclear weapons and star destroyers, wondering if they could threaten the immortals.

If you have a chance, you can try it.

He thought for a while and said: "Even if there is a catastrophe, it will probably take a long time. By then I will probably be Heavenly Venerable, and it may not necessarily kill me."

"You are really optimistic."

After Wuyou said this, he fell silent.

Song Shi became interested: "How long was the last disaster brewing and how long did it last?"

“Millions of years in the making, tens of thousands of years in the making.”

Wuyou simply replied.

"The new round is also estimated to be in units of ten thousand years, so it probably won't be able to wait for me."

Song means regret.

He will soon be able to break through to the Immortal Monarch. If he goes to the Emperor Yan God Realm and dies, he will probably be able to reach the Immortal King. The Immortal Emperor will also be within reach. If a catastrophe comes, he probably won't be able to survive without relying on the system.

"You'd better go to the Sun Temple first, don't be too ambitious."

Wuyou was not in a good mood.

"I will control the fire of the sun's law immediately, and I will go in sooner or later."

Song Shi said confidently.

He waited for a few more days, and after receiving the reward of understanding the Law of the Sun, he quickly condensed the fire of the Law of the Sun.

By doing this, he could survive the sea of ​​​​fire in front of the temple, but he did not deliberately survive, but continued to use the sun's law to quench his Flesh Refining body in the sea of ​​​​fire.

He was sure that the power in the temple was even more terrifying. If his body was not strong enough, he would not have the chance to touch the treasure.

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