What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 529 Emperor Yan God Realm

Without any defense, the fire of the sun's law from the outside mercilessly burned Song Shi's body.

Under this kind of continuous burning, even the real Immortal Law Treasure would melt. Song Shi's body was not strong enough to be fine, so it turned into charcoal again and again.

There is no basic reward after being killed three times by the same thing. Song Shi is still dying. Every time he dies, his physical body will improve a little.

Moreover, he also has a systematic cumulative reward, and if he dies enough, his physical body will undergo a qualitative change.

As time passed, Song Shi used the rewards to break through to the Immortal Monarch Level in one breath under the cover of Wuyou, successfully condensed the chain of laws, and his strength rose to a higher level again.

With this strength, if he meets the Divine King level again, he is already qualified to fight. Whether he can win is another matter.

In the constant tempering of death, his body quickly reached the limit of Immortal Physique, waiting for further transformation.

Fuso Island crossed the void during the teleportation and quickly approached the Emperor Yan God Realm.

This world is one of the seventy-two god realms. It is rumored that the two ancient Golden Crow Demon Emperors fell here. Their lifelong cultivation and flesh and blood turned into endless flames, forming a world with extremely rich fire attribute energy.

The defeated Golden Crow fled here. After years of development, it is now the most powerful divine race in the Emperor Yan world, and it has also re-established the Divine Court here to distinguish it from the Heavenly Court of the past.

In the center of the Emperor Flame God Realm, magma is rolling, and the boundless sea of ​​fire is burning. There are islands above the magma, with various fire-attribute sacred trees growing on them, among which mulberry trees are the most numerous.

On the largest island among them, which could be called the mainland to be exact, a pillar of flame light reaching the sky broke through the void and penetrated into an unknown place, as if to welcome something.

Near the light pillar, there are various shrines and many tall Fusang Divine Trees shining brightly.

In the Shenmu Palace, figures with powerful auras are waiting.


With a crow-like cry, a Golden Crow fell from a distance, and many Golden Crows and other Demonic Beasts could be seen nearby.

In the magma ocean and major islands, many divine beasts and birds gather together. The same is true for each Divine King in the core of the central island.

Among these Divine Kings, in addition to the Golden Crow tribe, there are giant gods covered in scales and holding huge axes, red fire dragons, burly monsters with horns on their heads, and there are also humans present.

All the major gods and demons stood respectfully behind a man with a pair of golden wings and long golden hair. The latter was none other than Di You, the god emperor of the Emperor Yan Realm and the leader of the Golden Crow Clan.

He looked at Fuso Island getting closer and closer under the guidance of the formation in the beam of light, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes: "After so many years, we finally welcome you here."

"God Emperor, the reception formation has been prepared. Fuso Island can be safely landed."

An old man with white hair and beard next to him said.

"Get the lead!"

Di You suppressed his excitement and said.


The white-haired old man made a secret, and the light beam of the teleportation formation fell on the Fuso Island, which was getting closer and closer, catching it and guiding it to the exact location.

Many gods and demons stared intently at the growing Fusang Island. The Fusang Divine Tree on it was brilliant, with a sun in the center. The vast power flowed around, making them feel like they were back in ancient times.

"I can already feel the power of Heavenly Emperor!"

Emperor You's eyes glowed, and his materialized gaze formed two beams of light, passing through the void and landing on the Fusang Divine Tree, observing the Fusang Divine Tree and the Heavenly Emperor inheritance in it.

He showed a satisfied look: "Okay, very good. Whether it is the sacred tree or the inheritance, it will be of great benefit to this emperor."

"Congratulations to the clan leader, with the sacred tree and the inheritance of Heavenly Emperor, you will definitely be able to take a step further and reach the level of Heavenly Emperor back then!"

The men next to him took the opportunity to compliment.

On Fuso Island, Song Shi felt a pair of beams of light moving past from a distance, and the aura emitted was particularly powerful. She was startled and hurriedly hid in the tree trunk.

"Is this a strong person spying on the Fusang Divine Tree? It feels terrible, not even compared to the Divine King."

Song Shi was in shock, thinking there would be something unexpected.

"It's Di You, the leader of the Golden Crow Clan and the most powerful person in the Emperor Flame God Realm. After so many years of not seeing him, he still hasn't shown much strength. No wonder he is eyeing the thing on the Fusang Divine Tree."

Wuyou said lightly.

"The most powerful person must be the God Emperor Level expert. He probably didn't notice me."

Song Shi was surprised. He didn't expect to come into contact with the Emperor Level expert so soon. He asked curiously: "Compared with him, who is stronger?"

"It must be me. I'm about to hit Heavenly Venerable, and he's still a little short of it."

Wuyou said proudly.

"Awesome, worthy of appreciation."

Song Shi raised his thumb: "So, you are also the strongest person in a certain god's world?"

"Of course, in the Wuyou God Realm, I am the number one God Emperor."

Wuyou was a little arrogant, after all, this was her great achievement in the past.

"Why haven't you heard of it?"

Song Shi recalled the seventy-two divine realms in his mind, but had never heard of the worry-free divine realm.

"Hmph, this is not easy. I am dead. The guys who come up later are naturally qualified to change their names. Millions of years have passed, how many of them still remember the former Worry-free God Realm?"

Wuyou snorted, quite unhappy.

"Ahem, these are all foreign objects. Don't worry too much about it. From now on, you will directly become Heavenly Venerable. What does it mean to be a mere name from the God Realm?"

Song Shi smiled.

"That's true, but I still feel a little emotional when I think about things changing and people changing."

Wuyou sighed: "Back then, my Wuyou Divine Realm was ranked among the top ten in the Divine Domain. Unfortunately, the attack on Heavenly Venerable failed. I probably didn't have many subordinates back then."

"Don't worry, raise the child for me first, and then find a place for you later."

Song Shi smiled and said: "By the way, who killed you?"

"Can't say."

Wuyou said mysteriously: "Here, if you say his name rashly, he will be easily sensed."

"It seems that Heavenly Venerable is still powerful."

Song Shi sighed and stopped the topic, not daring to ask more questions for fear of affecting the children.

At this time, the entire Fuso Island shook violently and quickly slowed down from the high-speed state of teleportation.

Song Shi pinched the secret, in the sea of ​​​​fire emanating from the Sun Temple outside, part of the flame condensed into a pair of eyes, secretly observing the outside.

The Fuso Island where he is located is shrouded in a huge light pillar, quickly approaching a vast world of flames. The light pillar is located on a continent with a layout somewhat similar to that of Fuso Island. It is also planted with various sacred trees, one of which is second only to the tallest tree in the world. Fusang Divine Tree's small Fusang Divine Tree.

"The Golden Crow tribe here also planted one, but it's not as big as the Fusang Divine Tree that has existed since ancient times, and it probably won't reach this level."

Song Shi was thoughtful, glanced at the other gods, and then quickly looked away,

He took a breath and said in surprise: "Let's go, there are so many powerful people, including the Divine King, and there are several existences that surpass the Divine King. I don't dare to look at the Diyou in the middle."

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