What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 537 Erase The Brand

The resurrected Song Shi was a little confused.

Being shocked to death by this bell, he was actually rewarded with understanding the Law of Chaos, which was really unexpected.

"This thing has chaos attributes, and it really suits me!"

He continued to stride forward.


The bell rang, and in a circle of chaotic light, Song Shi shattered again.

The power of chaos does not have a single attribute, but it contains the power to crush everything. It can be said that nothing is indestructible.

Even though Song Shi's physique has become a Great Dao body and condensed into a complete Great Dao, in front of this level of chaotic power, the laws will collapse and the body will turn into ashes.

The new rewards are much less, and Song Shi is confident that after absorbing the three rewards from being killed by Chaos Bell, the Chaos Great Dao will reach the same level as the Sun Great Dao.

When the two Great Dao merge, they will be even more powerful in terms of realm, and can even use mana to impact a wave of Immortal Emperor realm.

The flame egg next to him trembled, apparently because he was shocked to death twice, but nothing happened.

"Who are you!"

Diyou's voice sounded, with majesty and anger: "How dare you touch my things?"

"Don't be slanderous. I haven't encountered him yet."

Song Shi said depressedly: "Is it possible that this broken clock doesn't like me? Do you know that I am the most suitable master for him?"

He believed that he practiced the way of chaos and was very suitable for using this bell.


Di You only replied with one word, very disdainfully: "You don't deserve Chaos Bell at all!"

"If you don't look down on people like this, I really want to take it today!"

Song Shi sneered, took another step forward, and finally appeared in front of Chaos Bell.

The whole body of this clock was filled with chaotic energy. When Song Shi appeared in front of him, he once again released the fluctuations dissatisfiedly.

The law of chaos emerged in Song Shi's body and began to try to resist the power of chaos.

The result is that his strength is similar to that of paper, which breaks when touched and cannot bear it at all.

Song Shi didn't care, calmly waiting for his body to be shattered.

A few seconds later, he appeared on the spot: "Come on, keep shaking!"

Dang Dang Dang!

Chaos Bell seems to be single-minded, similar to the spirit of law, and the bell echoes endlessly.

Song Shi was shattered once he appeared.

"Are you crazy? You actually showed your abilities in front of Di You."

Secretly worry-free and puzzled.

"My strength will soon surpass yours and reach his level. I won't be afraid of him leaking it when the time comes."

Song Shi replied calmly, and then died again.

Wuyou's coffin of life and death was stored in the space within his body and would not be leaked due to the shattering of his body.

However, when Diyou inside the egg faced this scene, his original contempt gradually turned into seriousness.

This man's strength was nothing to be afraid of. What surprised him was that he could survive under Chaos Bell's attack.

It seemed that the physical body was shattered again and again, but it emerged intact every time, and even he could not see through the methods contained in it.

"What is your background? How can you do this? You shouldn't be so weak!"

Diyou asked, Song Shi's specialness made him a little uneasy.

"I'll tell you if you give Chaos Bell to me." Song Shi pondered.

"What a beautiful thought!"

Diyou snorted: "Even if I give it up to you, it won't recognize you, so just continue to be shattered by it!"

"Then let it keep ringing."

Song Shi had no expression on his face and deliberately slapped Chaos Bell: "I'm interested in you to give you face, don't be ungrateful."


The dull bells continued and began to be targeted deliberately.

A power more terrifying than being burned by the Spirit of Law enveloped Song Shi, and he died faster than the cooldown time of his resurrection.

Song Shi began to die in a cycle again. This time, his body was shattered, which was somewhat different from being burned to ashes by fire.

He was in no hurry.

After being killed many times by the power of Chaos, his physical body can continue to improve. Combined with the mana rewards, he will soon reach the same level of strength as Diyou.

At that time, he will be more qualified to get this Chaos Bell.

Song Shi dies about once every four seconds, fifteen times a minute, nine hundred times an hour, and more than 10,000 times in half a day.

During this time, Chaos Bell's voice never stopped.

Many ancestor gods and true gods at the foot of the mountain were shocked and confused.

"What's going on? Why does the imperial bell, which usually doesn't ring once in ten thousand years, keep ringing?"

"Is the new emperor refining it? Or is there something unexpected?"

"We can't go up to see our strength."

The gods could only feel their ears buzzing and their souls shaken by the sound of the imperial bell, and they had to stay away.

"Quack quack quack!"

The spirit of law was also shaken by the continuous ringing of the bell and couldn't bear to chirp. Unfortunately, it itself was suppressed by the broken bell. It could do nothing but plunge into the sacred mountain and choose not to listen to the sound.

"Ding, congratulations on condensing the Great Dao of Chaos!"

After being killed thousands of times by the power of chaos, Song Shi's physique changed, and a Great Dao of Chaos appeared on his body, which directly suppressed the original power of the Great Dao of the Sun, making his body stronger.

Chaos Bell's wave hit again, but Song Shi's body only cracked, not shattered on the spot.

"How can it be!"

Diyou, who had been paying attention to Song Shi, couldn't help but exclaimed because of this change.

"You can't stand still, right? I have to improve my strength."

Song Shi teased and glanced at the latter: "Aren't you improving now? How about we compete and see who improves more."

He slapped Chaos Bell: "This is my attack, and I don't think you're any good either."


Chaos Bell was shocked, flew up directly, covered Song Shi in it, and vibrated again.

The power inside was more than ten times more terrifying, and Song Shi's newly broken body couldn't bear it, and was forcibly shattered.

Another half day passed, and Song Shi calculated that the new reward would arrive soon, so he chose to resurrect after death in the area where the spirit of law was active.

Soon, rich chaotic mana surged through his body, and with the realization of the law, his realm of the Dao of Chaos began to soar. Without any accidents, he easily condensed a Great Dao of Chaos.

The Chaos Great Dao is more powerful than the Sun Great Dao. Once condensed, it has the power to crush all Great Dao, directly swallowing and merging the Sun Great Dao, allowing Song Shi's cultivation to break through again.

An aura that surpassed the Immortal King appeared in Song Shi. He used the reward of Chaos Bell to kill himself and once again broke through a great realm. He took a step further on both the Chaos Great Dao and the Sun Great Dao, reaching the level of Immortal Emperor.

This time, Wuyou was shocked and said: "You have become the Immortal Emperor!"

If Song Shi's improvement was shocking before, but she didn't reach her peak level, she still feels that she can accept it.

But it was a bit hard to accept that this guy she had only known for a few hundred years had now become the Immortal Emperor right in front of her eyes.

Immortal Emperor.

By reaching the end of various Great Dao, you can touch the existence of Heavenly Domain. Whether it is Immortal Domain or Divine Domain, they are the top existences. Their numbers are very effective, second only to the aloof Heavenly Venerable. "Yeah, I didn't expect to come here and get to this point so easily. I really appreciate you helping me in."

Song Shi also felt a little emotional that his improvement was really fast.

"This is your ability. Even if you don't come here and move to a dangerous place, you can still reach this step."

Wuyou sighed: "I can't see through you, and I don't think many people can see through you."

"Why do you want to see through it? I didn't deliberately study you."

Song Shi said calmly: "Just let nature take its course."

"You are right, we should let nature take its course. After all, I have not become your enemy. There is nothing to worry about. What you should worry about now is Diyou."

Wuyou recognized Song Shi's words.

"Yes, he is the one to worry about."

Song Shi appeared in front of Chaos Bell in one step.

At this moment, his strength transformed again, becoming more than ten times stronger than before. Even Chaos Bell couldn't easily crush him.

Sensing Song Shi's aura, Di You's egg trembled violently: "Impossible, how could you break through a great realm and become the Immortal Emperor in such a short period of time?"

"Have you ever thought that this moment is my true strength?"

Song Shi looked playful: "Now, am I qualified to get this Chaos Bell?"

"What is your background? I have never seen you in either the Immortal Domain or the Divine Domain."

Di You asked solemnly.

"I'm asking you, am I qualified now!" Song Shi sneered.

Diyou was silent for a moment and said: "Your Chaos Great Dao is more powerful than the Sun Great Dao, not to mention the fusion of the Sun Great Dao. Its strength is no worse than some old Heavenly Emperors, but Chaos Bell has left the mark of the Heavenly Emperor, not the Golden Crow." One clan cannot be taken away, so why do you waste your time fighting with me?"

"Then I'll kill you and make it ownerless first."

Song Shi raised his hand, and the laws of chaos gathered together to directly form a field, just like when the world first opened.

The flame egg hurriedly dodged and flew behind Chaos Bell.

He hasn't reshaped his body yet, so he can't show his strength and can't fight Song Shi.


Chaos Bell really wanted to protect him. It made a violent sound and released a powerful wave that fell on Song Shi.

The power of Chaos Great Dao exploded from Song Shi's body, and he forcibly caught Chaos Bell's power, but his body shook violently and fell backwards.

He glanced at Chaos Bell and said, "Without anyone urging you, your power is no more than this."

The Chaos Bell buzzed and seemed very unhappy. The power of chaos poured out like a waterfall and hit Song Shi hard.

The latter was beaten and rolling, but instead laughed: "I discovered a problem. Although your power is powerful, it is not as high-level as the spirit of law, and it cannot activate the more powerful power of heaven!"

Seeing that Song Shi had the upper hand, Wuyou interrupted in his ear: "Chaos Heaven does not exist at all, and of course it cannot be triggered, but this bell is still quite powerful. It was conceived by the chaos when Opening Heaven established the land. Due to the power of chaos Only when it is special can it become a special heavenly weapon, otherwise it would be difficult for a god-emperor who is only close to the Heavenly Supreme to control such weapons."

Song Shi suddenly understood: "No wonder I think its power is a little different. It turns out that there is no power of heaven to induce him at all, but isn't the chaotic heaven the most powerful?"

"It is the most powerful, because it generates other heavenly ways, but except when the universe is in chaos, there will be no chaotic heavenly ways."

Wuyou explained: "You can try to control it with the power of the Great Dao Law of Chaos. You may have a chance."

Song Shi's eyes lit up when she heard it.

When Diyou said that this thing had the brand of Heavenly Emperor, he was a little worried that he would not be able to take it back no matter what he did. But now it seems that is not the case.

He used the power of the exploding Chaos Great Dao to resist the power of Chaos Bell.

This kind of power is theoretically more powerful than any kind of Great Dao power. It can be said to be the origin after the fusion of various laws, and its power is close to the power of heaven.

But Song Shi also condenses this kind of power, but it is slightly inferior in quality, but the gap is limited.

So even if he is suppressed by this power, Song Shi can guarantee that he will not die easily.

"Hehe, you used to consume a lot of strength, but now you're a bit strong on the outside and strong on the inside."

Through the induction of the power of chaos, Song Shi realized that Chaos Bell had consumed a lot of power despite killing him more than 20,000 times before.

He stared at the power of the Chaos Great Dao and walked over, slapped it with his hand, mixed his own power with his thoughts, forcibly invaded Chaos Bell, and began to look for the mark left by the Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing that Song Shi could ignore Chaos Bell's power to make changes, Diyou was angry and anxious.

He never imagined that Chaos Bell could kill this person casually just one day ago, but it would lose its effect one day later.

"This thing isn't yours!"

He was angry and smashed the control egg at Song Shi.

Song Shi noticed it and slapped him directly.


The egg was knocked away by a slap, and some cracks appeared at the contact point, and wisps of energy essence leaked out.

"Do you want to fight me? If you want to fight, then I will break this eggshell for you!"

"You've gone too far!"

Diyou's eggshell spits out a ball of fire, enough to incinerate the Immortal Emperor.

Song Shi saw it but smiled: "I've been burned by that little Golden Crow countless times, and I'm still afraid of your anger?"

Without any pressure, he let the flames fall on him, appeared in front of it, and kicked it away like a ball.

Seeing that the eggshell was just cracked, Song Shi was surprised: "The shell is quite hard."

"Damn it, I have no enmity with you, why do you want to take away my creation?"

Di You is very crazy. It will take a long time for him to completely reshape his foundation. He can't go all out at this moment. Otherwise, how can he be arrogant?

"The immortal gods who died on Fuso Island had no worries with you. Why don't you just let them disappear into ashes?"

Song Shi mocked: "You are only allowed to kill them, but I am not allowed to rob you?"

"The Imperial Bell cannot be conquered by you!"

Diyou left a word, took his eggshell with him, and retreated directly without fighting Song Shi.

He can't show much strength at the moment, and he will suffer losses if he continues to fight.

Rather than continue to suffer losses or even damage his foundation, he might as well avoid this person and reduce his losses.

Moreover, Chaos Bell has the imprint left by the Heavenly Emperor, which cannot be solved by ordinary means. He does not believe that this person can easily take away the bell.

Song Shi saw Diyou running away and didn't chase him. After all, he had no interest in the blood of the Golden Crow.

He landed on the Chaos Bell, released all the Chaos mana, and began to forcefully invade it, looking for the Heavenly Emperor's brand.

Thoughts continued to explore inside, and soon a flame rune appeared, resembling a golden crow, with a special charm.

Song Shi guessed at first glance that this was the mark of the Heavenly Emperor. The power of chaos swarmed in and began to forcibly erase it so that Chaos Bell could be controlled by him.

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