What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 538 From Now On, Call Me Song Heavenly Emperor


The brand vibrated, causing the imperial bell to resist violently. Amidst the shocking sound of the bell, the energy of chaos billowed in the sky, shaking Song Shi until his body split open again.

"Go on, let's see if you can kill me ten thousand times."

Song Shi didn't care and said calmly.

Chaos Bell was a little scared. What the hell is this thing? Even if it can't be killed, it can become stronger. It's not good if it kills it, and it's not good if it doesn't kill it.

If you kill this person, you will become stronger. If you don't kill him, you will have to erase the Heavenly Emperor's mark and control him. It's so confusing.

After Chaos Bell went all out to shock Song Shi to death several times, its already severely depleted power was further depleted, but Song Shi was still at its peak, and it was already difficult for it to resist Song Shi.

After thinking about it, he decisively changed his approach.

The mark that was partially worn away by Song Shi's power of chaos shone brightly and suddenly collapsed at an accelerated rate.

Song Shi was stunned for a moment. He didn't do anything extra, so why did the mark disappear so quickly?

There is only one possibility for this situation to occur, and that is that there are internal forces cooperating!

He looked at Chaos Bell with a strange expression, and the latter conveyed a kind thought: "Master, you are welcome to control me."


Song Shi was speechless for a moment and said, "You really know how to judge the situation."

"Master Divine Ability is vast and has impressed me. It is my honor to be your weapon clash."

Chaos Bell answered respectfully.

"That's right, follow me from now on. I'm sure you can even smash Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi smiles all over his face, he likes this guy to know the current affairs.

"Master can definitely do it."

Chaos Bell responded, this time in human language.

Before, he simply looked down on Song Shi and was too lazy to speak. How could he have imagined that Song Shi was so ferocious?

As he spoke, the last mark collapsed, and Song Shi's power rushed in, leaving his mark again.

Chaos Bell's light shines brightly, and with the blessing of the same source of power, its power is fully stimulated, emitting a distant and thick sound, and the entire sacred mountain is suppressed.

Di You, who hid in the sacred mountain, cursed: "Damn it, this is my bell!"

He never imagined that even though he was here, his treasure would be taken away from him.

"Damn it, I thought that by bringing the sacred tree back, there would be no threat, but in the end, this carelessness made me suffer!"

He regretted not bringing in more clan members, but thinking about this man's ability, it was obvious that more people could not solve the problem.

Could this be his own calamity, encountered before he even tried to break through Heavenly Venerable?

"I don't believe this, but I will definitely take back this tower when the foundation is rebuilt!"

When Diyou was full of suspense, Song Shi looked at Chaos Bell with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What kind of sign should I leave? Bird must be dying...just leave a last name."

After he finished thinking, a stroke of thought appeared on Chaos Bell.

He practices the Chaos Heavenly Skill, and this time the mark is the Song character for Chaos.

When the last stroke of the text was completed, Song Shi's control over Chaos Bell reached its peak, and he completely became the second owner of the bell after Emperor Jun.

"From now on, please call me Song Heavenly Emperor."

Song Shi grinned.

"The Chaos Bell will be the imperial bell of the Heavenly Emperor of Song Dynasty from now on."

Chaos Bell is a perfect match for Dao Integration.

"Not bad."

Song Shi holds his head high, and the Chaos Great Dao looms behind him, as if walking away from the chaos, supreme and unfathomable.

He stood on the top of the sacred mountain, looked down into the distance, and smiled proudly.

It has only been a few hundred years, and he has become an Immortal Emperor-level existence. Now, except for the more powerful Heavenly Venerable and the transmitting God of Creation, he is considered to be the top level.

"He doesn't have the composure of Heavenly Emperor at all."

Wuyou appeared next to him, no longer worried about Chaos Bell. After all, the latter was already one of his own.

Although she was scolding, there was something strange in her beautiful eyes, and she said with admiration: "However, with the initial strength of the Immortal Emperor and Chaos Bell in hand, you can be considered a strong person wherever you go now."

"That means I can finally support you now, right?"

Song Shi smiled and said, "You tell me what you want, and I'll find it for you when I get out."

"You are enough."

Worry-free means a lot.


Song Shi realized that his cultivation level has now surpassed that of Wuyou and reached the same level as his peak period. There are not many Immortal Pill treasures that can be as precious as his Song Heavenly Emperor origin.

Wuyou only needs to devour her origin to get the most essential energy, and the child is also his bloodline, so he can naturally absorb it very well. It can be called humanoid Divine Medicine.

"Husband, please let me take a good suck in a moment. I'm already a little horny and thirsty."

Wuyou walked into Song Shi, licked his lips, his eyebrows were charming, showing his charm.

From the moment Song Shi became Heavenly Emperor, she had completely regarded him as her own man, and only Heavenly Emperor was worthy of being his man.

"Chaos Bell has met the mistress."

Chaos Bell said politely.

"You have really lived for too many years and have become a spirit."

Wuyou glanced at Chaos Bell: "When Emperor Jun put you here, it must have been to prevent the spirit of the law of the sun from escaping, right?"

"Yes, mistress, the spirit of the Sun Law has been blocked and suppressed by the power of the sacred mountain here combined with mine since its inception."

Chaos Bell replied.

"Oh, let it come out and follow me."

Song Shi ordered, in his opinion, Chaos Bell is both offensive and defensive, and the Little Golden Crow has a higher attack limit, so it is very suitable to follow him.

Moreover, he really lacks a pet, so it would be perfect for that guy to be a walking beast.

"Yes, Master, I will communicate with it right now."

Chaos Bell shook, a special wave was released, and then the entire sacred mountain shook, forming a special space.

The Little Golden Crow from the Shenshan Quilt was shaken out, and shouted angrily at Chaos Bell.

Chaos Bell responded with a sound wave, who stared at Song Shi angrily, obviously still dissatisfied, and even breathed fire at the top of the mountain.

This time the flames were particularly terrifying, turning directly into a sea of ​​fire.


Before Song Shi could take action, Chaos Bell was shocked, and a circle of chaotic light was released, easily suppressing the flames that burned the world, and even the Golden Crow staggered down.

In the face of the law of chaos, its power is still not enough, even if it can mobilize the power of heaven, because this sacred mountain has isolated most of the power of heaven, forming a special cage.

Song Shi looked at the spirit of law: "The newborn is different, full of wildness, and unwilling to be inferior to others."

He walked over step by step: "Unfortunately, after you were born, you were destined to be controlled by others. If you follow me, your future will be brighter than with Di You. Are you willing?"

The spirit of law still looked coldly with an unwillingness to surrender. Song Shi could only use strong and similar chaotic power to rush towards the latter.

The Spirit of Law screamed sharply, and a force of heaven that surpassed the power of the Great Dao was released, forcing Song Shi's chaotic Great Dao power back, preventing him from controlling himself.

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