What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 539 The Divine Bird Mount, The God Emperor’S Men

"You have quite a temper."

Song Shi sneered.

"It's different from Chaos Bell. It has the power of heaven itself. If you want to control it, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, unless..."

Worry-free means something.

"I know, since my strength is not enough, I'll just use this foreign object."

Song Shi nodded. So far, his Conferred Divinity List has only controlled Wuyou. He doesn't know if he can control this bird.

After all, when the Conferred Divinity List controlled Wuyou, the latter was still very weak, but the spirit of law in front of him could threaten the Heavenly Emperor and even the Heavenly Venerable.

He raised his hand, and the golden light pulsed, directly summoning the Conferred Divinity List.

The second time he used this special secret treasure, Song Shi could feel an aura of power beyond the ordinary Great Dao, and muttered: "It is indeed a Heavenly Venerable level refining, with the power of Heavenly Dao."

Song Shi's eyes were filled with surprise. This was something he smoked a long time ago, and it actually reached this level.

My lottery system really gives me everything.


When the spirit of law saw the Conferred Divinity List, it immediately let out an uneasy cry, obviously feeling the danger.

It flapped its wings in an attempt to escape.


Chaos Bell flew above its head, and with a shock, all its strength collapsed, and it fell back limply, unable to escape at all.

Song Shi saw it and said: "Emperor Jun's arrangement is really perfect. He uses the Law of Chaos to suppress the Law of the Sun, and uses the physical Law Treasure to suppress this incorporeal fire spirit."

“That’s the only way to cultivate something like this.”

Wuyou looked at the spirit of law: "You are very smart, but your destiny has been determined from the beginning of your birth."

"Little Golden Crow, what are you resisting now? The master is your best destination."

Chaos Bell has realized his status and actually helped Song Shi speak.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you!"

The spirit of law was also forced to speak human language. Compared to Chaos Bell's old and steady voice, its voice was young and irritable.

"I don't think it's convinced, so I'd better just go for it."

Song Shi unfolded the Conferred Divinity List, golden light fell, and swallowed it forcefully.

Soon the scroll burst into flames and poured out directly. In the scroll space, the Little Golden Crow angrily spit out flames, trying to destroy the thing that tried to control it.

But the scroll also contains the power of heaven. When the power is stimulated, it can be easily blocked and it begins to slowly control its origin.

"Little Jinwu, you have no chance."

Song Shi said calmly, activating all the power of the scroll and began to forcibly consecrate the gods.

Sensing the strong resistance of Little Golden Crow, Song Shi waved his hand to Chaos Bell: "Go in and suppress it,"

"Yes, Master."

Chaos Bell turned into a silver ray of light and shot into the scroll. With a bang, chaotic light emerged, suppressing the fire light.

"I'm here to help, too."

Wuyou smiled and appeared in the scroll space. After raising his hand, the Great Dao Law of Holy Death circulated in front of him, and the combined power of life and death was very powerful.

With her help, the fire was quickly suppressed.

Soon, the Conferred Divinity List shook, and a flame that looked like a golden crow slowly appeared.

Song Shi smiled and said: "I think it would be better to give you a name. From now on, when you are my mount, let's call it Song Heavenly Emperor's mount, Little Golden Crow."

The latter was very dissatisfied, but Song Shi wrote it in just a few strokes and could not change it.

After the name was completed, the Conferred Divinity List shone brightly, and the power of the sun and heaven suddenly appeared on it, and its power was greatly increased.

Song Shi was surprised: "This thing can also absorb the power of the gods to improve itself, which is a bit powerful."

"Now they are completely considered Tiandao soldiers, and their power is much higher than before."

Wuyou spoke and reappeared.

"Well, the more gods this thing seals, the stronger it will indeed be."

Song Shi nodded, and with a thought, he released the little Golden Crow.

The latter looked downcast and said helplessly: "Master."

It has been controlled, and it cannot help itself at this moment, and it has not yet accepted the result.

"From now on, you will be the royal mount of this Heavenly Emperor. Make it bigger and show it to me."

Song is a command.

The latter had no choice but to release the flames, and soon transformed into a huge golden crow, with a golden body and a powerful aura.

"Not bad, I guess Heavenly Venerable level mounts are at this level."

Song Shi nodded with satisfaction.

Wuyou appeared and said: "Now that you have its command, you can try to take over Diyou. Not only will you have a powerful subordinate, but by then the entire Emperor Flame God Realm will become your territory."

"I think so too."

Song Shi chuckled and touched the little Golden Crow's head: "I just collected the little Golden Crow. Now you can come with a bigger one. Go and force him out."

In the sacred mountain, Diyou was angry that Song Shi had collected all the spirits of law that belonged to him.

His eyes were filled with hatred: "Give me some time and let him repay you twice as much!"

Just as he was comforting himself like this, the cry of the spirit of law appeared in his ears.

The latter merges into the sacred mountain, and those who come close to where he is are unkind.

"Damn it, were you controlled by that guy so quickly?"

He cursed and hurriedly escaped.

Not to mention this state, even when he was normal before, he would avoid this thing when he encountered it. It's not that his strength is any less, but that under the power of heaven, his Great Sun is simply not enough to see.

It is also the way of the sun. His power is purely suppressed and cannot exert much power.


Chaos Bell's voice sounded, and a force of chaos fell through the sacred mountain, suppressing him so that he could not escape.

Little Golden Crow lowered his claws, forcibly grabbed a flame egg, and threw it in front of Song Shi.

The Chaos Bell fell and covered it with a bang, unable to go anywhere.

Song Shi walked over with a smile: "Diyou, are you interested in becoming my subordinate? I think you are not interested either, so let's get started."

He threw out the Conferred Divinity List, swallowed it forcefully, and began to control the opponent.

Diyou tried to resist, but it was of no avail. He was instantly included in the scroll, and the divine fire of the sun and heaven came to refine him in conjunction with the Conferred Divinity List.

Diyou wanted to destroy himself in anger, but when Chaos Bell was shocked, all his power was shaken away, and he was soon forcibly controlled.

"Let me help you."

Song Shi smiled and said: "Xiao Jinwu, use your power to refine the Heavenly Emperor blood he got. Come quickly, you don't have to wait too long."

The spirit of law spurted out flames, and tempered by this high-level power, Diyou broke out of his shell soon after.

His body had been rebuilt, and he should be happy, but at this moment he could only kneel down in front of Song Shi with a complicated expression: "I have met the master. Thank you for helping me absorb blood essence and reshape my true body."

He has been controlled. At this moment, he has to do whatever Song Shi asks him to do, so his attitude has to change.

"That's right, that's right. I just got the Dao Level Divine Bird as my mount, and I'll have the God Emperor as my subordinate right away."

Song Shi is very satisfied with the result.

Di You could only show a bitter look. He led an entire world, and now he has become a servant. It is really unpredictable in the world.

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