What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 541 How To Deal With Heavenly Venerable

"You've reached a bottleneck. There's nothing I can do to improve quickly in a short period of time, so let's end this retreat."

Song Shi suggested.

"Listen to you, I will follow you next."

Wuyou said obediently: "When the child is born and your strength has improved, I will consider revenge. That way, even if you fail, you can protect the child's safety."

"What you're saying is, if you don't say you are my woman, I can't just stand by and watch. If you just say that you are going to die, will I miss it?"

Song Shi snorted: "Your enemy is also my enemy. Don't say these words in the future."

"I'm just afraid it will affect my children."

Wuyou gently caressed her already obviously bulging belly. During this time, she returned to her peak, and the child began to gestate normally, much faster than before.

"It's about being more cautious,"

Song Shi nodded solemnly and looked into Wuyou's beautiful eyes: "Is it time to tell me about your enemy now?"

"There is a large formation set up by Emperor Jun here, which can isolate the power of heaven. Let me tell you about it."

Wuyou did not refuse this time, not only because the environment here was suitable, but also because Song Shi had enough strength to deal with her enemies.

"Tell me, I'm curious who it is."

Song Shi crossed his arms: "It must be the guy who controls the way of life. I don't know who it is yet."

His previous strength was only a Celestial Immortal, and he had not been able to contact these big bosses, especially since these big bosses were all divine dragons. The most basic ones he could usually hear were the major Immortal Kings, and even the Immortal Emperor was inaccessible. arrive.

"Just one of them."

Wuyou's eyes were a little colder: "Because I want to break through, this person can be regarded as an enemy that I can't overcome."

Song Shi nodded. A heavenly path can only have one controller. If those who come after want to break through the bottleneck, they must challenge the previous controller.

This kind of challenge often fails. It is believed that after many years of control, the former has become extremely familiar with his own way of heaven and has a natural advantage.

"My biggest enemy is naturally the Heavenly Venerable who controls the way of life, followed by some of his lackeys."

Wuyou named the enemy: "Among the lackeys, there are the God Emperors of the three major divine worlds and the Immortal Emperors of the two Immortal Worlds. Among them is the Immortal Emperor of the Dacheng Immortal Court where you are."

"Heavenly Venerable."

Song Shi muttered: "It exists in myths and legends."

"He has existed since ancient times and has gone through several catastrophes. His vitality is very tenacious. Moreover, he likes to devour a world of living beings and bring endless death."

Wuyou Divine Maiden sneered: "The world I was originally in suffered a mass extinction because of him, and most of the lives of living creatures were taken away."

Song Shi frowned: "It's quite cruel."

"Hmph, he controls the way of life, but he commits extermination. If he doesn't control the way of life, I must take his place."

Wuyou said with a domineering look.

"It seems that you have had great ambitions for a long time."

Song Shi appreciated it and smiled: "This Heavenly Venerable, I will help you solve it in the future."

"It's not that easy. The Heavenly Way of Life is very powerful. If you don't control the power of the Heavenly Way, it will be difficult to fight him."

Wuyou shook his head: "Back then, even if I could temporarily reach Heavenly Venerable strength by using all my cards, I still couldn't use it with him. He relies on the Heavenly Way of Life, and his power is theoretically infinite."

Song Shi frowned when he heard this: "Then how to solve it, directly destroy it, so that he has no chance to recover?"

He couldn't think of a way for a while, because in his opinion, if the way of heaven was controlled by others, there would always be a bottleneck in Wuyou. He could not break through the realm, and his strength was not strong enough, so he could not fight no matter how he looked at it.

"That's true, but it's too difficult to defeat the Heavenly Venerable with Heavenly Protection."

Wuyou shook his head: "Unless...unless we directly interfere with the way of heaven and prevent him from mobilizing too much power of the way of heaven. In that case, he will not have much advantage, or he will go to a place without the power of the way of heaven."

"Like here?"

Song Shi reacted.

"It's still too weak here. We only need to force it open to mobilize the power of heaven."

Wuyou shook his head: "Only the chaotic area outside the universe can prevent him from being blessed by the power of heaven."

"Outside the universe..."

Song Shi was stunned for a moment: "How to get there?"

"You and I are both qualified to go. We only need to keep flying to the edge of the universe, or pass through the primitive world, and we can leave this universe. But there is endless chaos outside, which is very dangerous. It is best not to use this method unless it is a last resort."

No worries explaining.

"The edge, the primitive world..."

Song Shi seemed to have heard of the latter, and he mused: "It is rumored that the Opening Heaven was not fully evolved when the earth was created, and it still contained the primitive world of chaos?"

"Well, the power of heaven cannot reach there, so I have to rely on myself."

Wuyou nodded: "However, if I want to lure the Heavenly Venerable to it, it is difficult to use it, so I can only wait for the opportunity."

"Tell me about ways to interfere with the way of heaven. How can this interfere?" Song Shi became interested. The previous method sounded difficult and should be very dangerous. This one is probably relatively easy.

"Actually, this is very simple. You only need to set up a large formation to interfere with the way of heaven in a small area, just like here. If the spirit of law here cooperates with the large formation, you can use the way of the sun to interfere with the way of life."

Wuyou looked around: "Back then, I also arranged a similar place in Wuyou God Realm, but it turns out that this level is not enough."

Song Shi heard this and smiled: "Apart from these two methods of dealing with Heavenly Venerable, is there another possibility, that is, to defeat Heavenly Venerable purely with force?"

"That would have to be so powerful that even the power of heaven cannot stop you. I don't think it's possible."

Wuyou glanced at Song Shi: "I know you are physically powerful, but if you want to make Heavenly Venerable unstoppable, I guess you have to be like Pangu in Opening Heaven, breaking through the chaos and opening up the world with one axe. In that case, don't Speaking of heaven, even the entire universe cannot withstand your blow."

"Um, isn't it the Tao of Chaos that I practice? Maybe it can be done."

Song Shi smiled.

"You can give it a try. I estimate that you have comprehended many Great Dao, integrated them into the Dao of Chaos, and upgraded your Chaos Dao to a level comparable to the Dao of Heaven."

Wuyou said a possible solution: "Once your power is comparable to Heavenly Dao, you can naturally fight with Heavenly Venerable."

"Where is your plan of life and death?"

Song Shi asked: "Back then, you were able to fight Heavenly Venerable, so you were pretty good at it. Now that you have the Heavenly Way of Life and Death, you should be even stronger."

"There are indeed means, but you and I have to work together to have a chance of winning."

Wuyou looked at Shenshan, "If you don't mind, I want to further transform this world into a trap to deal with Heavenly Venerable. This place is quite suitable."

"Of course I won't mind. After all, you helped me get in. From now on, you will handle it directly. If you need anything, you can tell me."

"Chaos Bell wants to help. His power can effectively block the way of heaven."

Wuyou was not polite, after all, she already regarded Song Shi as her man.

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