What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 542 The Strangeness Of Returning Home

"No problem, you can arrange it here. I want to go out and walk around."

Song Shi looked into the distance with a complicated expression.

"Going out?" Wuyou was keenly aware that Song Shi said going out was special.

"I want to see the outside world, Star Domain."

Song Shi sighed: "There is a place I have always wanted to go to."

"Star Domain? Is it about the so-called catastrophe?"

Wuyou didn't know that Song Shi came from Star Domain.

"That's about it. Let's go out for a walk and get to know the situation."

Song Shi nodded and didn't talk much about the past. In his opinion, the earth where he was originally located has probably changed a lot, and there are no old friends in sight.

Wuyou raised his hand and took out a scroll: "Here is this for you. The Star Domain in the outside world is too vast and desolate. There is no need to waste too much time on the road. This is the Ten Thousand Stars Map I got when I killed an Immortal Emperor. Here is There are coordinates for a large area of ​​Star Domain. If you want to go somewhere, it will be very fast to teleport directly with this Great Dao weapon. It was originally used by the Immortal World to manage Star Domain."

Song Shi's eyes lit up, he reached for it and opened it, and suddenly an endless Galaxy appeared.

Among them, he actually saw a starry sky that looked like a river, and his heart moved.

Milky Way!

The Star Domain under the jurisdiction of this Immortal World includes his original hometown!

Slightly excited, Song Shi smiled: "This is indeed useful to me."

He said to Chaos Bell: "Open the passage to the outside for me."

This world is in the Palace of the Sun on one side and connected to the outside world on the other. The entrance and exit are on this sacred mountain.

"Yes, Master."

Chaos Bell shook, a crack appeared, and there was an endless starry sky outside.

Song Shi left the spirit of law behind and walked out alone. Behind him was an extremely huge star. It was like he was walking out of a star.

At the same time, his whole body relaxed, and the pressure disappeared. Not only did it disappear, the pressure here was also terrifyingly small.

Song Shi looked at the stars in the sky and felt that here, his power could exert more terrifying power. How much more, he had to try to know.

He lowered his head and opened the star map, and put his thoughts into it. He came to a vast starry sky projection and searched carefully in it.

Suddenly, he found a blue planet.

This planet was actually marked on the star map, so he didn't waste much time.

"You are the one!"

Song Shi was excited and chose Blue Star as the transmission point.


A certain star in the star map lit up, and he and the star map disappeared at the same time.

Solar system, above the earth.

Song Shi appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the familiar planet, Song Shi's eyes were a little moist.

At this moment, he caught some special rules and subconsciously contacted them.

The light in front of him changed, and he seemed to travel through time and space, returning to the past in an instant.

In the endless void, huge ships with flashing lights slowly flew towards the dark starry sky.

On the boat, many people with reddish eyes were lying on the side of the boat. They were wearing ancient clothes and looking at the mother star reluctantly, as if they wanted to imprint it in their hearts.

After a long time, someone sighed, breaking the calm.

"The vitality is exhausted. This star is no longer suitable for cultivation. There is no need to remember it."

"Unless it reaches the next vitality node, there will be a turnaround. Unfortunately, it takes too long."

"Three thousand years. Unless it is Saint, who can wait until that time."

"Let's go, we have to leave here, otherwise we will have no chance in the future."

“I don’t know what the mother planet will look like by then.”

The ruins of Kunlun on Earth are now in a mess, with no grass growing.

There were many figures in the void. After all the ships disappeared, a pair of eyes slowly turned away, with unwilling expressions.

"Reluctant, why don't we have the right to leave and can only be trapped here, living next to the devil?"

"At least there is a place to survive. They have been very merciful."

"We will definitely find a way and prove it to them."

"Stop talking nonsense, continue to set up the formation, and seal this world earlier. The more energy you save, the more chance our descendants will have to rise."

"I heard that the ruins of the gods have been found. Maybe there is a road suitable for us."


After losing the support of all major forces, princes competed for hegemony, and the Spring and Autumn Period was at its peak. At the same time, secular cultivators gradually disappeared, leaving only legends and people's fantasies.

Song Shi looked thoughtful when he saw this.

"Sure enough, there were cultivation civilizations in the past on Earth. However, why I was able to touch these? Could it be that someone deliberately left them behind."

Song Shi was confused and continued to understand the remaining power of rules on the earth.

Suddenly, he noticed a familiar force through the rules and was shocked.

How does this power seem to be your own?


Song Shi was shocked. The moment he came into contact with a certain force, he seemed to be facing himself.


Song Shi's face was solemn, and he was not afraid of anything and just blended into it.

next moment.

He felt like he had become a different person and started a new life.

I don’t know how many years ago.

In the barren mountains and old forests, next to a deep, cold pool, with lush vegetation, there lay a girl with delicate features, twelve or thirteen years old, and a thin body. At this moment, his eyes were tightly closed, his lips were purple, and his coarse clothes were soaked, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"I have done everything I can, but please don't die. I don't know where your family is yet."

Ye Mu was running around in circles anxiously, with water droplets still on his hair. He had just performed chest cardiac compressions and artificial respiration, but the girl who fell into the water still didn't respond, and he panicked.

This time he was on a poor trip after graduating from the college entrance examination. He followed a few traveling friends to the mountains. He accidentally got lost. When he was about to ask someone, he saw the girl falling into the pool.

Because she was too far away, by the time he rescued the girl, the girl's heartbeat had stopped. He could only use the first aid knowledge he had just learned to save the girl. Judging from the result, it was probably a failure.

Just when Ye Mu was sighing that a life had just withered away, the girl suddenly coughed violently, breathing air frantically, and her face turned rosy.

"Are you...are you okay?"

Ye Mu said in great surprise.

"I'm fine...thank you brother."

After the girl recovered, in order to thank Ye Mu, she took him to her home.

The mountain road was difficult to walk, and the two of them walked for more than half an hour.

"Sister Xue'er, is this here?"

On the narrow mountain road, a honest young man of eighteen or nineteen years old was carrying a pretty girl on his back, sweating profusely.

"Brother Mu, walking through this bamboo forest is my home."

The girl said abruptly that her name was Feng Xue, which was a bit strange. She accidentally fell into a puddle while collecting herbs and injured her knee, so Ye Mu carried her home.

Ye Mu gasped and looked at a dilapidated thatched house among the weeds in front of him. He couldn't imagine that the life of Feng Xue's family was so difficult. This trip was not in vain. "Sister Xue'er, how many people are there in your family?"

"There is only one grandpa, and grandpa..." Feng Xue, who was wiping Ye Mu's sweat, became choked up and tears flowed out.

Ye Mu felt a little heavy. He approached the quiet thatched house and opened one of the doors according to Feng Xue's instructions. The pungent smell of herbs came out. Next to the broken medicine jar, there was an old man with white hair and a gray face. He was lying on the wooden bed, looking like he was almost out of breath, and he was on his deathbed.

Feng Xue jumped off Ye Mu's back, took out a herb from her arms, and said while holding back her tears: "Grandpa, don't leave. Xue'er has collected the medicine for you. You will get better soon."

Ye Mu didn't know what to say. He had seen this kind of family on TV before. Only when he saw it in person could he understand what despair was.

He followed Feng Xue closer and felt that the old man on the bed was like a piece of dead wood, lifeless and probably not going to live long.

As if he was awakened by the silence, the old man trembled and opened his cloudy old eyes. When he saw Ye Mu, a stranger, he was a little surprised and said: "Xue'er, who is he?"

"He is the eldest brother who saved me. Xueer accidentally fell into the cold pool when she was collecting medicine just now."

Feng Xue explained something, realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Grandpa, don't blame Xue'er for being disobedient. Xue'er doesn't want grandpa to leave me. Grandpa said there is a fairy medicine on the cold pool, and I want to pick it to save grandpa."

Feng Xue handed a piece of snow-white grass to the old man. To Ye Mu's surprise, the grass was emitting an astonishing cold air. No wonder he had always felt that the girl was cold and thought it was because of the pool of water.

"Xue'er, it's useless. Grandpa is about to live a long life. This Cold Spirit Grass is useless, you silly boy."

Tears filled the old man's eyes, and he suddenly sat up. The turbidity in his eyes dissipated, and wisps of semen shot out.

Ye Mu, who was originally doubtful about the herbal medicine, changed his expression slightly. The old man's scene was too much like a flashback. He said sadly: "Sister Xue'er, I'll go out first, and you have a good talk with grandpa."

He turned around and wanted to retreat and let his grandfather and grandson say their final goodbyes. Unexpectedly, the old man looked at him and said majestically: "You stay! Xue'er, you go out first."

Ye Mu frowned, watching Xueer walk out obediently, and said in confusion: "Grandpa, you..."

A strange scene happened. A phantom flashed before his eyes. The old man came to him like a ghost, grabbing him with his withered palms, as if he was sensing carefully.

"It is indeed a good idea to be able to rescue Xue'er from the cold pool without any harm. I didn't expect that I would be able to find someone to entrust her to in such a short period of time."

The old man smiled. He kept breathing. He originally wanted to spend more time with Xue'er, but he didn't expect that Xue'er would make a decision because he went into danger and met this Pure Yang Body by chance.


"Stop talking and listen to me. You can save Xue'er and come back with her on your back, which shows that you have a good heart. Although this kind of rotten good person was what I used to hate, but now you are the most suitable to help me take care of Xue'er. , in order to repay your kindness for saving Xueer, I will give you the last thing."

After the old man finished speaking strangely, a terrifying aura suddenly surged from his body, like a lion awakening, and then a force that seemed to tear him apart crazily poured into his body.

Ye Mu wanted to scream, but the old man pointed a finger and he couldn't scream anymore. He could only twist his face in pain, the clothes on his body were torn, the skin all over his body began to turn red, and smelly and black sweat kept coming out.

After the extreme pain, there was a sudden roar in his head, like a muffled thunder exploding, which shocked him so much that his mind almost drifted away. The pain all over his body disappeared, and an ecstatic feeling emerged.

The aura of the old man increased to its peak, and he was levitated from the ground. He slapped his chest with a palm, and the stains all over his body were knocked away, revealing much fairer skin. Then he pressed his finger on his forehead.

Ye Mu only felt something get into his head, and then spread out, turning into a large amount of information, which made his head seem to explode, and he fainted with a roll of his eyes.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Mu woke up, covering his head. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that the old man just now was skin and bones, and his face was covered with dense wrinkles, looking at him faintly.

"I have helped you to open up the two channels of Ren and Du, and have left hundreds of years of cultivation in you. I hope you will not disappoint me and take good care of Xue'er." The old man said extremely weakly.

"Ren Du's second line?" Ye Mu was a little confused, but he understood that the old man was asking for help. He nodded and said, "I will try my best to protect sister Xue'er."

"It's not my best, it's a must!" The old man smiled bitterly: "If Xue'er wasn't still young, her body was too fragile, and her attributes didn't match, how could I have given you such a precious thing."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense. Remember my last few words. Practice the martial arts I gave you with all your heart. Remember not to show it in front of others for three years. Protect Xue'er, otherwise you will not die well!"

Ye Mu was startled and wanted to ask, but the light in the old man's eyes dimmed and he uttered the last words: "The world has changed dramatically, and the era of myth has reappeared. I have been planning for my whole life, but I fell on the eve of dawn in just three years. It’s time, I’m not willing to give in!”

"Grandpa, what on earth are you talking about!" Ye Mu had a headache and was confused by the old man's words.


A ball of yellow flame suddenly burned from the old man's body. In his horrified eyes, the old man's body turned into ashes in a moment. Feng Xue, who rushed in, saw this scene, tears couldn't stop pouring out, and he fainted from crying. past.

Song Shi saw this and muttered: "This old man is an Innate Martial Artist, but I have never experienced this. Why do I feel that this memory is my own?"

He continued browsing with confusion.

Three years later.

"Ye Mu, a third-year student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine at our school's medical school, intentionally injured others and the circumstances were particularly serious. Today, we have decided to expel Ye Mu from school. I hope all students will take this as a warning!"

Looking at the notice in his hand, Ye Mu smiled faintly and flicked it casually. The notice turned into a bolt of lightning and shot into the trash can ten meters away with a whoosh, inserting it deeply.

He pulled the box and turned to look at the university campus where he had spent three wonderful years. At this time, it looked very quiet under the eyes of summer, with green trees and cicadas chirping lazily, still so leisurely.

Thinking of everything that happened here, bitterness appeared on the face that was not very handsome but had a unique flavor, "Am I a bitch to fall in love with a daughter of the Transcendent Level family like you? Even though I have worked hard in the past two years, for Even if you try to improve yourself, or even try black boxing, there is still a huge gap between you and me..."

Ye Mu subconsciously clenched his hands, and the metal rod of the box deformed, showing that he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Thinking of the words of the instigator this time, the man who was crippled by him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Forcing me to leave is fine, but if you dare to threaten my family, you will regret it sooner or later."

His back was slightly thin, and not far away, Song Shi, who did not exist in this time and space, had strange eyes, and he felt more and more weird.

If it's not a fantasy, why do I feel like I've experienced it myself?

What happened?

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