What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 555 Alien Group Attack

He retracted his hand, and the obvious slap marks and broken countertop made the faces of the woman and the chef who came out after hearing the sound change greatly.

The equally fat chef said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, I just realized that I made a mistake in my calculation. You still have a quota of twenty kilograms, which is enough for five meals."

"Then you have to figure it out clearly in the future. I paid for your military service to cook."

Song Shi gave the chef a cold look, and the obvious murderous intent made the latter tremble.

"No, it's all my fault for not being good at math."

The chef was sweating profusely. If this guy was just good at shooting, he wouldn't be too scared, but if he slapped the concrete countertop like this and obviously had Transcendent ability, he was definitely not easy to mess with.

After all, this guy was a death row prisoner. If he was slapped in a hurry, he would definitely be beaten to pieces like the tabletop and die on the spot.

"That's good, let's do it quickly. Make me five kilograms today!"

The sight of Song shocked the two people and did nothing else.

He is not immortal at the moment and cannot go too far.

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

The chef made a look to the fat woman: "Come over and help."

The latter ran over in a hurry, his face turned pale.

Song Shi looked away, sat next to the table where she usually ate, and frowned slightly.

Although the two of them were asked to spit out the meat that they had withheld, if the strange beasts did not come again, after four meals, he would have no meat to eat, and his cultivation speed would be affected.

"Damn it, grandma, when I didn't have the strength, I didn't want to be invaded by alien beasts, but now it's actually the other way around."

Song Shi secretly cursed that the meat of exotic beasts made his cultivation speed increase a lot, and it was now indispensable.

He glanced at the wilderness in the distance outside the door, wondering if he could go out and hunt strange beasts, otherwise he would really have nothing to eat.

After eating, he went to find the battalion commander, and the answer he got was no.

Song Shi asked back: "Since the threat from alien beasts is great, why don't you take the initiative to attack?"

"That's a matter for the Transcendents or mecha troops, and has nothing to do with our defenders."

The battalion commander looked at Song Shi: "And you have a special status. If you leave here, do you know whether you will escape? Especially for a practitioner like you, who has good marksmanship. If you really run out, ordinary soldiers can't stop you, so You have to stay within range of the fort."

The rude words made Song Shi frown: "I won't do such a thing. I just want to earn military merit and eat the meat of exotic animals."

"Huh? Have you finished eating the meat of the exotic beasts?" the battalion commander was surprised.

"Come on, in two days, if the alien beasts don't attack here, I will have to eat compressed biscuits to fill my stomach."

Song Shi said.

The battalion commander laughed when he heard this: "Others don't really want the alien beasts to attack, but you still want the alien beasts to attack."

Song Shi shrugged: "Otherwise? Apart from killing exotic beasts, how else can I get military merit and exotic beast meat?"

"You have a special status and you really don't have any formal channels. In this way, I will lend you military merit and you will pay me back when the time comes."

The battalion commander came up with a solution: "Of course military merit cannot be transferred to you. Whatever you want, I can exchange it for you in my name."

"How much is the interest?"

"Without interest, just treat me as an investment for you, but you still have to pay me back as soon as possible, and the limit is only one thousand."

The battalion commander shook his head and looked at Song Shi: "I don't want talents like you to die in the cannon fodder camp. You can exert greater value."

"as you wish."

Song Shi accepted the investment from the battalion commander: "I want to redeem Middle Level nutrient solution."

The battalion commander's eyes changed slightly: "Is it possible that you have become an official Transcendent?"


Song Shi did not say that she had reached level 2.

"It's amazing. You can step into Transcendent under such an environment. You are really a talent and should not be buried here."

The battalion commander sighed.

"You must be a Transcendent too, right?" Song Shi could tell from some of the other person's circumstances that this person was stronger than ordinary people.

"He's just an entry-level level 1 enhancer. His physical fitness is three times that of ordinary people."

The battalion commander smiled bitterly: "Those like me who rely on drugs to strengthen my abilities have limited potential. It would be good if I could reach level 3 in this life."

Enhancers are made by ordinary people taking drugs to improve their physiques. They are artificial Transcendents and indeed have limited potential.

"I'll give you a level 2 strengthening liquid in the future."

Song Shi made a promise that the strengthening liquid is very expensive, with level 1 costing tens of thousands, and level 2 costing more than 30,000 military merits. I heard that these are discounted.


The battalion commander just smiled and didn't think Song Shi was willing to give him such a generous reward.

Without further ado, Song Shi used the military merit borrowed from the battalion commander to survive for a few more days. Finally, on the twelfth day after the last alien beast invasion, when he had almost used a thousand military merit, he encountered another alien beast invasion.

Song Shi, who was practicing, laughed when he heard the siren.

"finally come!"

He ejected and rushed out of the tent, already holding the officially equipped sniper rifle and rifle in his hands, two grenades hanging on his waist, and a helmet on his head.

The invasion of alien beasts happened at noon. Song Shi rushed to the sniper point specially arranged for him by the battalion commander and looked up.

After practicing, Song Shi's reflexes and eyesight have improved a lot, and he can easily see strange beasts several miles away.

The strange beasts this time were not just tin wolves, but many miscellaneous ones, including jackals with mouths full of mucus, snakes, rats and other wild animals, and even many extremely large bugs. What surprised Song Shi most was that there were birds in the air. Classes chirped and flew over.

"A heterogeneous group has invaded. Level 2 alert has been activated. All regular soldiers are ready to fight."

The battalion commander personally gave the order in front of the fort, and the formal soldiers who had never done anything before filed out and hid in the trench with a solemn expression.

"Oh my god, I thought it was the calm before the storm that no strange beasts harassed me for more than ten days. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Damn it, it turns out these guys have been planning a big move for more than ten days."

"Group attacks are the most terrifying. I don't know if I can stop them this time."

Some old cannon fodder turned pale and couldn't help cursing.


Soon, amid the strange sounds, the regular soldiers actually attacked first.

Lasers were emitted one after another, making the eyes light up, and instantly hit the birds that were still one kilometer away, causing corpses to fall out.

These lasers only attack birds in the sky, and none of them are aimed at animals, snakes and insects on the ground.

This time, the military merit reminder did not appear. It was obvious that there would be no reminder during the second level alert.

Song Shi took out a sniper rifle and pointed it at a bison. Judging from the size of this guy, he knew it was a big threat, not to mention the sharp horns and the hide, which was much thicker than the tin wolf.

The cannon fodder below followed suit and fired. The bullet hit this guy without even a blood hole, and it bounced away.

Song Shi squinted his eyes, preparing to test the power of the armor-piercing projectile.


There was a loud noise, and the armor-piercing projectile of the sniper rifle flew out. In the blink of an eye, the head of the leading bison 800 meters away was shot through the head. The latter was like a hill.

I didn't rush to shoot. After continuing to observe, I found that many of the aliens were weaker this time, and they should be level 1 alien beasts.

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