What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 556 Black Wind Sparrow

After killing the big guy, Song Shi did not rush to shoot again and continued to observe.

Armor-piercing bullets were very precious, and he only got ten of them. The quantity was limited, so he naturally wanted to kill as many high-level aliens as possible.

According to his understanding, the military merit obtained by killing a level 2 alien is two to three times that of level 1, and the military merit obtained by killing a level 3 alien is three times that of level 2.

If you kill a level 4 alien, the military merit gained will be ten times that of level 3. That means the alien you kill is of a higher level, one can serve as three or even ten heads, and the final total military merit will be higher.

Under his observation, the number of aliens attacking this time was ten times that of the wolf pack that attacked in the middle of the night last time, but he found that the overall level of aliens this time was quite a bit lower.

Many aliens can't block the laser gun. If they are hit in the vital point, they will die. Even the eliminated guns of the cannon fodder can easily kill the aliens running ahead through their numbers.

"In the past ten days, there must be some High Level alien beast driving these Low Level alien beasts to launch a group attack."

Song Shi had an idea in his mind. There was a Demonic Beast in his original world of cultivation. It is estimated that similar power exists in this world.

At least, the intelligence of High Level alien beasts is indeed not lower than that of humans, and even exceeds that of ordinary people.

Seeing the bison bleeding like a river, Song Shi estimated that this guy might have reached level 4. If so, he had hundreds of military merits.

At this time, he discovered another very powerful alien. The latter was flying in the sky very fast. Like a black shadow, it actually passed through the laser and quickly killed them.

Song Shi found that it was difficult to catch this guy with his improved vision. He hurriedly poured his internal energy into his eyes and stimulated several acupuncture points.

As he reacted, the alien bird continued to pass through the laser and artillery fire. The mere distance of a mile was covered in the blink of an eye, and the black shadow swooped down.

The targeted cannon fodder didn't even have time to react. While screaming, his head was cut open and his skull was turned up.

Song Shi's face twitched. If this thing attacks him, even though he is sure to save his life, he may be injured.

Must be killed!

His eyes sharpened, and he watched the black shadow's speed drop after killing the cannon fodder. Several important acupuncture points were stimulated, his eyes hurt slightly, and his visual ability suddenly improved.

This time, he saw clearly that the black shadow turned out to be a sparrow-like alien, but he was as tall as a normal black hawk. His movements were extremely flexible, and he could turn around and claw through the head of the cannon fodder next to him.

A hard human skull feels like tofu under its claws. Blood splattered.

"Black Wind Sparrow!"

Song Shi recognized it and turned the gun.

The other cannon fodder were frightened, and while hiding, they shot at the Black Wind Bird randomly. Some bullets hit the Black Wind Bird, but were bounced off by its feathers, and sparks flew away.

Ordinary bullets can't penetrate it. This guy is probably a Level 4 alien.

Although the bullet did not hurt the Black Wind Bird, the impact contained in it forced its movement to be affected and its speed dropped again.

Song Shi's position specially arranged by the battalion commander is at the rear. At this moment, he is still more than 300 meters away from the Black Wind Bird, which is the range of the power of the sniper rifle.

His eyes condensed, and the trigger in his hand was already pulled. There was a loud noise, and the armor-piercing bullet rotated, turned red under the friction of the air, and quickly reached the Black Wind Bird.

The feathers all over the latter's body exploded. He sensed it the moment Song Shi fired. He swung hard and dodged the sniper attack. The armor-piercing bullet stuck to his wings and burned part of his feathers, hitting a jackal rushing towards him from behind. , directly blowing part of its body.

Black Wind Sparrow turned its head and stared at Song Shi with cold eyes. Just as he screamed, but before he could kill him, Song Shi's gun rang out again.

This time the armor-piercing bullet just blocked its way back, and the black wind bird felt the danger and tried to avoid it.

Bang bang!

Song Shi actually fired two more shots this time. Fortunately, the sniper rifle fired continuously, and the remaining two bullets directly blocked the Black Wind Sparrow's retreat.

The latter found that he couldn't dodge, and a circle of black wind suddenly appeared on his body. His speed increased again, and he dodged one bullet, but the remaining one pierced his wing.


The moment he saw Heifeng, Song Shi knew that this guy was almost like a demon bird. He had energy to protect his body, and three strange hairs were not enough.

He endured the soreness in his eyes and fired two shots again.

The black wind bird had been hit by the force of the armor-piercing bullets and was unable to control its body. The remaining two bullets arrived in the blink of an eye, breaking through the black wind and hitting it left and right. One of them cruelly pierced through the heart.

With a piercing scream, the black hawk-like Black Wind Bird fell to the ground covered in blood and could no longer fly.


Seeing that Song Shi actually killed the Black Wind Sparrow, the battalion commander commanding from behind cheered excitedly.

The threat of this Black Wind Bird is too great. If it is not killed immediately and is allowed to wreak havoc among the people, it will definitely cause heavy casualties, and it can easily lead to the collapse of the defense line in advance.

Song Shi didn't reply, but wiped his eyes. At this moment, he was crying crazily and his eyes were red. This was caused by overuse of his eyes.

His hands were also numb from the shock of the sniper rifle. After the soreness in his eyes receded, he looked at the Black Wind Bird twitching on the ground and frowned slightly.

In his opinion, killing this strange bird was much more difficult than the big guy just now, and it actually cost him five armor-piercing bullets.

"The speed is still too fast, and a distance of several hundred meters is enough for it to react."

Song Shi felt that no matter how fast he was, it would be difficult to kill him with this sniper rifle.

It seems that you still have to have enough strength, and relying on this external object, the lethality is still limited.

If he has enough strength, he will be confident whether he is targeting the opponent or attacking at close range.

He didn't know how many people his actions had shocked. The cannon fodder who was frightened by the black wind sparrow screamed twice in excitement after seeing Song Shi kill it.

Lin Lili, who was sniping at the other side, looked at Song Shi in shock. In her eyes, this black bird was no longer hit by bullets.

It's not just about having amazing marksmanship, you also need to be able to capture the opponent's vision and reaction, otherwise you have no chance at all.

"He's too strong."

Lin Lili murmured, the fighting spirit in her heart was aroused, she quickly came back to her senses, aimed at a bird that was getting closer, and shot to kill it.

As the Black Wind Bird, which threatened the most, was killed, the aliens flying close in the sky were frightened. The attack slowed down and most of them were stopped by lasers.

call out!


A cannonball exploded in the air, clearing some aliens and temporarily blocking the birds from landing.

Those running or crawling on the ground were temporarily suppressed by the firepower of the fort, and everyone was able to take a breath and reorganize their defenses.

Song Shi put down the sniper rifle in his hand and replaced it with a rifle, not only to save bullets, but also because the aliens were now getting closer and closer to the range of the rifle.

After overexertion, Song Shi began to shoot ordinary aliens with his rifle, most of the time one shot at a time. The rifle's abundant bullets allowed him to kill more aliens and accumulate military merit through quantity.

"With so many outliers, the military merits they will receive this time will be several times or even ten times that of last time!"

Song Shi looked at the aliens in the gunfire, shooting mercilessly and harvesting lives.

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