What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 557 Yin And Yang True Qi

Under Song Shi's powerful marksmanship, the lethality of bullets has been increased to a terrifying level. Basically ten shots can kill seven, and he alone is worth hundreds of people.

Moreover, he specifically attacked the guys in front, effectively sniped the alien attacks, and assisted artillery fire and others to block the alien attacks again and again.

However, the cannon fodder in front still suffered casualties, and occasionally small flying insects and rats would rush across the direction.

Even my Low Level aliens can still exert terrible lethality before killing ordinary cannon fodder. One-on-one, they are basically human casualties. If Song Shi and Lin Lili hadn't helped clean up, the casualties would have been more serious.

In general, there are indeed a lot of aliens. If it weren't for the fierce firepower provided by the turret, there would be no way for people to stop them.


There was a crisp sound, and Song Shi subconsciously loaded the bullet, only to realize that the bullet had been fired.

"Immortal Emperor, bullet."

A formal soldier next to him politely handed over his bullet, "Here it is, it will be more valuable. I will get it again."

Regular soldiers also have standard rifles, but they mainly use laser guns to deal with birds in the sky, and rifles are used less frequently.

Song Shi nodded, this is because the soldier still understands the overall situation.

He quickly reloaded the bullets and continued to shoot the aliens.

When Song Shi killed hundreds of aliens with his rifle, the muzzle of Song Shi's gun was glowing red.

But the alien attacks still haven't stopped, seemingly endless.

"It hasn't stopped yet, the situation is not good."

Song Shi took a look at the sky and realized that this time was not suitable for zombie action, so she had to rely on herself.

The many cannon fodder blocking the front began to tire, and their ammunition was severely consumed, and the defense line began to show signs of collapse.

At this moment, the battalion commander spoke: "Activate the close-in defense artillery, everyone in the front retreats into the trenches!"

Many cannon fodders seemed to be relieved and retreated one by one without hesitation. At the same time, there was movement in the forts high up, and the muzzles appeared one by one.

The next moment, the dense bullets turned into fire and were released like a rain curtain, covering all the defense lines.

Song Shi keenly discovered that all of these bullets were armor-piercing bullets. Even if their power after being fired was worse than that of a sniper rifle, they still posed a greater threat.

The hail of bullets instantly engulfed the aliens who were fighting in front of the trench, tearing their bodies apart, leaving not a single intact body.

Not only the ground, but also the sky was still covered with dense armor-piercing bullets.

Many aliens were directly wiped out by such violent attacks, and the screams echoed, and they were completely cleared in the blink of an eye.

The smell of gunpowder smoke was pungent, and Song Shi sighed a little. It was the first time he saw such fierce firepower. In his eyes, there was a kind of violent beauty, which made people's blood boil.

Under this kind of firepower, all the aliens within a kilometer of the high ground were shot and killed, and the aliens behind were forced to stop.

Finally, forced by fire suppression, the aliens began to retreat, and this group attack was temporarily over.


The battalion commander waved his hand, and the fort quickly calmed down, leaving many muzzles red.

Song Shi glanced at the remaining three armor-piercing bullets, then looked at the bullet casings on the ground in the distance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

All that is sent out is money.

"Everyone, take time to rest!"

The battalion commander's expression did not soften, and he did not seem to be happy about repelling the alien group attack.

He glanced at the bullets on the ground and roughly understood the reason.

It seems that the ammunition consumption is too serious.

"If there is still an attack but there is not enough ammunition..."

Song Shi thought of a possibility. Looking at the vast wilderness, it was autumn, the vegetation was withered and yellow, what were the aliens doing to launch such an attack?

"Let's replenish some armor-piercing bullets first."

Song Shi walked to the logistics department. The soldier distributing ammunition saw that it was Song Shi and handed Song Shi twenty rounds of armor-piercing bullets without saying a word.

At the same time, he said with admiration: "Brother, you are really capable. If you hadn't killed the rampaging bull and the extremely fast black wind sparrow today, the close-in defense cannon would have been opened in advance, consuming so much power and ammunition. More."

"How long can the current ammunition last?" Song Shi asked casually.

The latter said: "At most two similar military achievements."

"Do you think it's possible for the aliens to attack in groups?" Song Shi knew that this man must be very experienced.

"Perhaps, this kind of suicidal siege after autumn often happens."

"Why? These guys are not afraid of death?"

Song Shi felt a little confused. In his original world of practice, aliens rarely did this on their own initiative.

"The rumors are that the aliens deliberately consume the group to avoid insufficient food in winter. There are also rumors that the aliens feel that humans are a threat and want to destroy us. No matter which way, it is not a good thing for us."

Hearing this statement, Song Shi left with thoughts. Before he could go far, the adjutant happened to come over and said to him: "The battalion commander is looking for you."

Song Shi could only go there once. The watch in the battalion commander's hand projected light and shadow to form some words and data.

"You have earned more than three thousand military merits this time. One person can be worth a hundred."

"The more aliens there are, the more they will be killed."

"But you also know that it's all about having forts supporting the defense line to give you a chance to shoot."

Song Shi heard this and looked at the battalion commander: "What do you mean?"

"The ammunition will be used up soon, and we may not be able to stop it. You can follow me and retreat at any time. Don't tell others about this."

The battalion commander looked solemn: "You are a talent, and I don't want you to end up here like ordinary cannon fodder."

Song Shi was puzzled: "There is insufficient ammunition. It is very close to the base. Can't it be replenished?"

"Now the whole city is facing alien attacks, and ammunition is given priority to stay in the rear."

The battalion commander said a cruel result, this place was going to be abandoned.

"Every year, we make a strategic retreat, and then come out again in early spring to ensure that the land from the defense line to the base can grow some food."

The adjutant gave an explanation: "Don't ask any more questions. The battalion commander is willing to tell you in advance. He already values ​​you very much."

"Thank you."

Song Shi wisely asked no more questions and turned back. On the way, he was keenly aware that some people were loading things.

Back in his tent, Song Shi drank a tube of nutrient solution and started practicing directly.

Perhaps there was some pressure. As soon as Song Shi moved, the internal energy that had been condensing before changed qualitatively and shrank in volume. The original colorless chaotic energy was directly condensed into a ball of red and white airflow. The red was as hot as fire, and the white was as soft as water, surrounding it. Together, it's like Tai Chi, containing much more powerful energy.

The internal force turned into yin and yang True Qi, and the volume was condensed several times. Song Shi's Dantian suddenly became empty, and the power that originally filled the Dantian shrank to about 30%.

"I didn't expect a breakthrough."

Song Shi smiled. After this improvement in cultivation, he possesses Martial Dao True Qi, and his strength has risen to a new level.

Moreover, the powerful skills he cultivates are based on the changes of Yin and Yang combined with Martial Dao. The Yin and Yang True Qi he cultivates coincides with the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth. It can not only better strengthen the body, but also help the next breakthrough, which is Foundation Building .

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