What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 558 Sense Of Accomplishment

Now, he can attack with True Qi, a yang attribute, and defend with True Qi, a yin attribute, thus having both offense and defense.

"The Martial Dao technique I am practicing now is more powerful than the original Nine-Yang Magic Technique, and it can be directly connected to the Great Dao to cultivate immortality. As long as I break through to Innate, when Yin and Yang are transformed, I can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice."

Song Shi muttered that with his Immortal Emperor level, it was too easy to create a technique that suited him.

But the skills are useless no matter how high they are at Apex Level. They will not make you an immortal or a god out of thin air. You still have to practice step by step to gain strength.

He raised his hand, and the fiery True Qi made his whole body red and his muscles swelled. With a flick of his finger, True Qi penetrated the tent and made a hole as big as a fist, as if it had been burned by flames.

Through the hole, he could see the darkening sky outside. His breakthrough still took some time.

Looking at the night sky, Song Shi was a little curious.

If he is on the earth now, will he be able to fly out of the earth when he is strong enough in the future?

Regardless of whether it is possible or not, when the time comes to fly out of the earth, he should be able to detect some abnormalities. He does not believe that reincarnation Heavenly Venerable can simulate a universe.

"Brother Song, are you still practicing?"

There was a soft shout outside, and a guy who was basically invisible in the dark night was outside, it was Spades.

Recently, Song Shi had a good relationship with them and knew each other's names. Due to his growing ability, the spade who originally didn't think highly of him has changed his name to brother.

Song Shi stood up and walked out lightly: "What's the matter?"

"Brother Cha has something very important to do with you, and I would like to invite you to come over."

Spades was a little anxious.

He has come here twice, and both times he encountered Song Shi practicing and did not dare to disturb him.

"Let's go and have a meal."

Song Shi is also hungry. While she still has supplies, she still needs to eat and drink.

He quickly came to a row of tents in the middle area, where about twenty people were resting.

Brother Cha came out to welcome Song Shi to a larger tent, with only the four of them inside.

"Brother Song, let me get right to the point. This line of defense probably won't last long, and we may have to be separated by then."

Brother Cha said directly.

"Don't worry, I won't forget to pay you back. I can pay you back part of it now."

Song Shi thought Brother Cha wanted repayment for helping him.

"That's not what I meant. I just want you to take care of us brothers as much as possible in the chaos of the retreat, so that a few of us die less, so that we can have a chance to get out of here in the future."

Brother Cha hurriedly explained.

"No problem, I'll take care of you."

Song Shi looked back and felt that she still didn't understand the struggles of the little people.

In this dangerous situation, money and materials are not the most important, but survival is the most important.

"Thank you very much for myself and my brothers."

Brother Cha said seriously.

"It's okay, you help me. Now that I have the ability, I will naturally help you."

"I feel more and more glad that I didn't see the wrong person."

Brother Cha sighed and looked at Song Shi: "I estimate that after this retreat, you may be absorbed into the formal army, and we will be separated by then."

"Besides, you three need to stay alive as long as possible so that I can have a chance to take you away."

Song Shi made a promise, and the reward ten thousand times was not worth a word of freedom.

"Don't dare to hope."

The spade next to him smiled bitterly, "If you want to be free, you need ten thousand military merits. Even if we accumulate it for ten years, it may not be enough. We should first find a way to get rid of our status as a death row prisoner and join the regular army."

Song Shi waved his hand and joked: "Let's go and have a meal. Who knows when the strange beast will come again. Eat more, and you won't starve to death if you die."

Brother Cha nodded: "You are right."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, feeling like they were enjoying themselves in pain.

We just experienced a large-scale battle this time, and too many aliens died. Even ordinary cannon fodder has the opportunity to eat the flesh and blood of aliens.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, there were already many people squatting outside eating with their own iron bowls. When they saw Song Shi coming, they all looked at him respectfully.

Once upon a time, they may have been extremely vicious people, but here they are just cannon fodder struggling to survive.

Although everyone usually has intrigues, life and death are more important. Whoever is more powerful can improve the strength of the group and reduce the possibility of everyone dying.

This kind of strong man is destined to be respected, especially since Song Shi killed two level 4 beasts today and has completely conquered everyone, becoming a being whose status and prestige is not inferior to that of the battalion commander.

Song Shi was infected by this atmosphere, nodded in response, and strode into the cafeteria.

The people sitting and eating inside were either regular soldiers or capable people like Lin Lili, but after seeing Song Shi appear, they all stood up and paid attention.

Song Shi was a little moved.

Although these people are weak, they have qualities that immortals and gods do not have, giving them a unique sense of accomplishment that they cannot get when they become immortals.

"You're welcome."

Song Shi waved her hand, and the chef came over to greet him and said with a smile: "Your dishes have been prepared for you, and they will be served to you soon."

The chef who once deprived himself of exotic meat had the same reaction, and Song Shi's sense of accomplishment suddenly became stronger.

At this moment, he actually felt a sense of belonging, began to regard this place as his own, and had the idea of ​​​​protecting it.

Before this, he had not thought about it so much. The experience during this period made him understand how serious the situation of human beings is today.

Song Shi suppressed the fluctuation in her heart, sat down, and sighed in her heart as she watched the chef and the fat woman bring the dishes politely.

Damn it, why is the sense of accomplishment here so much greater than that of being the Immortal Emperor?

After eating and drinking enough, Song Shi goes back and performs the secret with one hand.

The soil behind the tent squirmed, and figures emerged from it.

"I hope you won't be needed."

Song Shi said to himself, letting the zombies start to absorb the Yin Qi to improve, and at the same time help him keep vigil.

Unlike his rapid progress, these things are also practiced at a relatively slow speed. Now they are probably only able to block a few level 2 alien beasts, and they can come in handy at critical moments.

After the arrangement was completed, he continued to practice and was no longer attacked by aliens at night.

Next, Song Shi thought that he would soon be beaten by the aliens and retreated, but he actually persisted for half a month. After experiencing two more attacks from the alien beasts, he came to the edge of running out of ammunition and food.

In these two defensive battles, Song Shi earned less military merit, mainly because no level 4 beasts rushed to the front to give him a chance, but instead sat in the rear.

Song Shi tried to attack, but the distance was too far, giving those guys enough reaction time. He failed to kill them successfully. Instead, he felt that he had become the target of attention. The aliens would not easily give him a chance again, and they deliberately avoided it when attacking. his position.

The battalion commander once again told Song Shi that he would have to retreat if the alien beasts invaded again. During the retreat, the cannon fodder could only rely on himself.

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