What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 561 Chopping Vegetables And Melons

The word "different tide" was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts, causing their hearts to twitch and their faces to turn pale.

"Now, except for the Immortal Emperor, everyone should save ammunition as much as possible. Let some aliens come in front of them and kill them with cold weapons. Only by holding on for a while can there be hope of survival."

Zhang Jiqing finished speaking briefly and said: "The specific actions will be decided by each squad based on the situation."

At this time, the firepower of the fort continued to decline, and some aliens began to be deliberately released. Only by solving some of them with cold weapons could the ammunition pressure of hot weapons be relieved.

Song Shi glanced at the truck where Li Cha was sitting. In order to shrink the defense line, the truck was parked close to the three mobile turrets.

He put the ammunition on his horse and jumped directly into the latter's truck.

"Brother Song."

Seeing Song Shi coming over, Li Cha was extremely excited and felt a little calmer.

Shitou, Spades and others also felt refreshed and had hope of living.

When they learned that they had encountered a strange trend that was rare in ten years, they felt very desperate, because they had no idea when these strange people would end and whether they could persist to the end.

The arrival of Song Shi at least gave them hope of persisting until the end.

"Put some more over later."

Song Shi spoke, daggers appeared in his hands, and he was ready to kill some with his own hands.

As for bullets, keep as many as you can for later use.

"no problem."

Zhang Jiqing immediately made arrangements and deliberately let some aliens come over.

Song Shi didn't shoot here, so it became the safest position. It didn't take long for a mouse to climb up, and he looked up and saw Song Shi.

The cat-sized mouse moved very nimbly and bit the nearest human in a flash.

Song Shi stabbed out with a dagger. The mouse screamed and fell on the car, with a bloody hole on its head.

Another bug with a big head flew over and opened its sharp mouth to bite Song Shi, but his head was cut off directly with a dagger.


Li Cha, who was originally ready to help, saw Song Shi killing two aliens like he was chopping vegetables and melons, and then he realized that Song Shi was also very capable in close combat.

"Brother Song is awesome."

Stone was excited to compliment.

The more powerful Song Shi is, the safer they are.

When the other teams saw Song Shi's intention to help Li Cha and the others, they felt envious and jealous.

If only this man helped them.


Someone screamed and was bitten by a rat, and a piece of flesh was torn off on the spot. Fortunately, the people around him swarmed around and hacked the rat to death.

Song Shi glanced at the knife in Li Cha's hand: "Give me your weapon."


Without any hesitation, Li Cha threw the long knife in his hand to Song Shi, and he took out a longer knife of inferior quality from what he was carrying.

Inch longer and stronger, with a long knife in hand, one after another mice were killed by the light of the knife without even having a chance to jump on the car.

"Put some more in."

Song Shi felt that there were still too few aliens coming from the sky, so he asked the people around him to slow down their shooting. Suddenly, it was like a flood, and dozens of aliens rushed over.

"Brother Song, isn't it a bit much?"

Spades looked a little guilty.

"not much."

Song Shi calmly looked at the aliens approaching quickly. His vision was different from others. Others thought these aliens were very fast and could not see clearly. In Song Shi's eyes, the speed could only be described as average.

Several rats were afraid of coming up, so they were met with a flash of swords and fell back while screaming.

Song Shi killed three mice with just one knife. Then the light of the knife changed, like a curtain of light, and all the aliens that came close were cut down.

Others who had just felt guilty that there were too many aliens and were worried that they could not stop them looked at Song Shi in shock. They found that Song Shi's melee combat ability was more terrifying than using a gun. In the face of so many aliens, he was still calm and calm. The key is to get over it easily. Kill the aliens.

Especially under Song Shi's knife, these sharp-tongued aliens looked like vegetables and looked very fragile, and were killed by Song Shi just like chopping vegetables and melons.

But they have fought with aliens and know how terrifying these things are. Rats have thick skin and flexible movements, while the exoskeleton of worms is as hard as iron, making it difficult to cut.

For Song Shi, it was so easy. The reason for this difference was the difference between people. He must be powerful in his own right and was already a Transcendent.

"Brother Song, your sword skills are so powerful." Li Cha was really convinced.

"Brother Song, you must be a Transcendent already. I don't think the battalion commander is as powerful as you."

The silent stone eyes shine.

"Brother Song, why is your knife so sharp and so smooth when cutting insects?"

Spades looked envious.

"The power of cultivation is added to the sword, and the sword can cut iron like clay."

Song Shi said calmly: "Put some more over."

After not having a close combat for a long time, Song Shi found a long-lost feeling, her blood was boiling slightly, she was quite excited, and she was ready to warm up.

Li Cha and the others relaxed a little more, and at once more than thirty aliens rushed towards them.

"Get out of your way!"

Song Shi said coldly,

Several people hurriedly stepped back, leaving room for Song Shi to perform.

Song Shi started to move and no longer stood still. As he moved, the entire outward side of the truck was covered by a sword light. After being touched by the sword light, each of the aliens was either broken in half or had their limbs mutilated. go back.

Hiding in the corner, Li Cha and the others found that they didn't need to do much, and the more they looked at it, the more shocked they became.

Compared to their truck and the two nearby Kacha trucks that had benefited, the other trucks were in a completely different situation. They were covered in blood by the aliens who rushed through the line of fire head after head. They had to fight hard, and cannon fodder was still killed one by one. .

Under the protection of the fort, Zhang Jiqing stared blankly at Song Shi's killing spree, and twitched his lips: "Is this a Level 1 Transcendent? It's impossible for a Level 2 Transcendent to be so powerful, right?"

"It should be level 3, or a level 2 Transcendent with special abilities."

The adjutant was envious and at the same time a little confused: "How could such a powerful person be reduced to our cannon fodder camp?"

"He may have awakened his powers."

Zhang Jiqing was keenly aware that Song Shi's knife was glowing. The blade was in a red state, as if it was burned by fire. Just like a red-hot knife can easily cut through hard things, this state also increased the lethality of the weapon. .

In addition, Song Shi's body is also emitting heat, which is quite extraordinary.

As for the cultivators, Zhang Jiqing didn't think so, because the cultivators' strength improved slowly, how could they become so powerful in just one month.

"Fire superpower?"

The adjutant reacted with envy: "If this is true, he has a bright future."

"Yes, his superpowers don't look bad, and they won't be limited to ordinary troops in the future."

Zhang Jiqing nodded: "However, we must first resurrect this crisis. Individual strength is great, but when faced with such a strange trend, it is still powerless."

Song Shi has been paying attention to the surroundings, especially Zhang Jiqing, because this guy is the boss and must have the most information.

Song Shi's lips raised slightly when he heard Zhang Jiqing guessing that he was a superpower.

My True Qi is indeed pure and powerful enough to make people misunderstand it.

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