What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 562: Open Up A Way Out With One Knife

However, True Qi is not able to deal with so many aliens at this moment. Otherwise, if he had enough strength, he would kill these guys with one slap.

After chopping for a while, thousands of aliens died in Song Shi's hands. He estimated that he had earned enough military merit to exchange for freedom.

"To be free like this."

Song Shi lamented: "Now I just need to survive. When I return to the base city, I will be free."

He felt the True Qi consumed in his body, and looked at the number of aliens he had killed. Of course, not only were there too many aliens killed in this direction, but there were also some aliens who were frightened by him and did not dare to approach.

"It's your turn, and I'll restore my strength."

Song Shi made a prompt decision. Since there were others, he didn't need to really fight.

Facing such a large number of aliens, the ability to continue fighting is far more important than explosive power. He must maintain his condition as much as possible.

"Brother Song, please rest quickly. We can stop these aliens."

Li Cha and his men stood in the gap created by Song Shi, defending with bullets and cold weapons.

Song Shi took out a tube of nutrient solution and drank it, then began to adjust her condition and restore True Qi.

For Martial Artists who are both internal and external, weapons blessed by True Qi will be much more lethal.

He has both yin and yang True Qi in his body. What he just consumed was mainly the yang attribute True Qi. As the yin and yang qi circulate in his body, Song Shi's True Qi recovers quickly.

Without him killing a large number of aliens, the pressure on the entire team would be higher.

After adjusting the ammunition of the fort, it was still inevitable that it would be exhausted. Zhang Jiqing had to reduce the firepower again and again, and at the same time have people take out grenades and bombs for use.

Realizing that the alien attack would not stop for a while, Zhang Jiqing said coldly: "Let the logistics people make simple incendiary bombs from alcohol, use the gas, and use all the batteries to make a simple power grid."

The non-combatants were all busy in a panic, and soon improvised incendiary bombs were thrown out one by one to slow down the alien attack as much as possible.

Even so, the casualties of cannon fodder are also increasing. Even if they are not injured, they are already out of breath. Some people's weapons have been cut off, and their expressions are becoming more and more desperate.

What makes them despair is not the casualties, but the endless number of aliens, and they don't know when they will end.

On Song Shi's side, Li Cha and the others were under increasing pressure, and their bodies were starting to turn red. However, because Song Shi was right behind them, they seemed very confident.

This makes their performance even better, effectively resisting the approach of aliens.

They are fighting for Song Shi more than anyone else.

Every minute becomes extremely slow, people are dying every minute, and the pressure on the living people is increasing.

Twenty minutes later, the fort's firepower became weaker and weaker, and it looked like it might go out at any time.

"Brother Song, we can't hold on any longer."

Li Cha was sweating profusely, and his knife was full of gaps.

Song Shi opened his eyes, and there was a faint glow of red and white in his eyes. He stood up and held the long knife. A layer of red air spread from his hand, making the blade start to glow red.

"You guys rest."

Song Shi walked over and cut across with a knife, and a stream of sword energy spread out. The sword energy was still sharp, and the aliens died one by one immediately.

"So fierce!"

Spades was dumbfounded, "I've only seen those powerful Transcendents on the Internet who can do this."

Song Shi looked at the number of aliens that had not decreased, frowned and said: "If this was not the only entrance to the cave, I'm afraid more would come out."

At this time, the adjutant who was communicating with the base city suddenly changed his expression, walked to Zhang Jiqing's side, and said in a deep voice: "The second line of defense has been broken. This strange wave is very fierce."

Zhang Jiqing's eyes dimmed a bit when he heard this, and he sighed: "Now we're in trouble."

Song Shi suddenly turned his head and said while killing the aliens: "Batalion Commander, can you move a little bit?"

He felt that he could no longer be wasted here. When the ammunition was exhausted and people suffered heavy casualties, his life would be in danger.

"The ammunition is running out now, and you are surrounded by aliens. It will be difficult for you to go anywhere."

Zhang Jiqing said helplessly: "Look at the aliens around you, they can't even walk."

"These rats came out of the ground. They are definitely not digging temporarily, but deliberately ambush us. If we move and avoid the tunnel, maybe the pressure will be less."

Song Shi said: "If you don't try your best to leave, you will really die here."

After hearing what Song Shi said, Zhang Jiqing looked at the aliens in all directions: "Do you think I don't want to leave?"

"I can open a path and you can follow me. As long as you leave a little further, you should be able to escape."

Song Shi decided not to retain any strength.

Zhang Jiqing showed a look of excitement and turned to ask the adjutant: "How far can we go?"

"A lot of fuel has been consumed, and the remaining fuel can probably last ten miles."

the adjutant replied.

Zhang Jiqing thought for a moment and said to Song Shi: "If you can open a way out, we will leave."

"If I say it can be opened, it can be done."

Song Shi said coldly: "If you want to leave, hurry up."

Zhang Jiqing nodded and said to the adjutant: "Get ready, continue walking back, and change the direction this time. I hope it is indeed the aliens who are ambushing them in advance, so maybe you can escape by leaving here."

Zhang Jiqing decided to give it a try. Previously, he was affected by fixed thinking and thought that there were endless strange tides around him. Now it seemed that there was really an ambush, but there were too many strange tides.

If Song Shi can blaze a trail, there's hope.

"Battal Commander, the tires of the car are all bitten off."

When he heard that he was about to leave, some cannon fodder cried loudly.

"There aren't many left alive, it's all crowded."

Zhang Jiqing frowned. If he didn't leave now, he would be dead. If he left, there would still be some life left, so he had to give it a try.

In the end, only ten of the more than twenty trucks were able to move, and the broken vehicles and the bodies of many cannon fodder were abandoned.

Amidst the buzzing sound, the team began to retreat, and the corpses left behind attracted some aliens.

Song Shi saw the human corpses being devoured crazily. He seized the opportunity and jumped out of the truck. He jumped three feet away and reached the front of the retreat just a little above the fort.


The knife in the hand makes a sound of gold and iron friction, which is formed rapidly with the air. The speed of the song plus the speed of the knife makes the whole knife seem to be on fire.

True Qi was further heated, and Song Shi swung out the knife.


Just like a bomb was spoken from Song Shi's hand, the knife energy directly chopped a piece of aliens into pieces, opening a path.

This was just the first blow, Song Shi had already continued to use subsequent attacks.

When many aliens saw that Song Shi dared to jump over, they screamed and swarmed up, giving Song Shi a chance.

With one slash of the knife, the surrounding aliens were directly split open by a burst of flame energy.

After forcibly leaving with his team, Song Shi jumped onto the fort again, only to find that the aliens were entangled behind him again. A car was torn apart by aliens, and all the people in the car were wiped out.

Song Shi frowned and said, "I'll cut off the queen again."

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