What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 563 Worry-Free Arrival

When he came to the back of the car, one man was in charge and no one was allowed to open it.

At the same time, he kept his eyes focused on the hole in the ground. After the team left, the number of aliens began to decrease as the distance increased.

Song Shi breathed a sigh of relief. It was not in vain that he spent True Q to kill a large number of aliens. It would be a loss if he could get rid of this kind of trouble.

After continuing to advance for several miles, the accumulation of pursuit dissipated, and everyone survived. Looking at the number of people around them, not many were happy.

Now there are only more than a hundred people left, many of whom are injured and no longer organized.

Song Shi jumped onto the turret. Zhang Jiqing saw him and said complicatedly: "I didn't expect you to reach level 3, and your combat effectiveness is almost as high as level 4."

"It's not enough to face such dense beasts."

Song Shi shook his head. When had he been forced like this by a group of rats, he felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

"It has already made us all envious." Zhang Jiqing smiled bitterly: "Now it depends on whether the base city can repel the aliens. Only after we repel them can we dare to go back, otherwise we will be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth."

"It doesn't matter, how much military merit have I accumulated now?"

Song Shi asked. He estimated that he had killed thousands of aliens today, and he couldn't even count them. He hoped that the cameras on the fort were counting.

"It's more than 20,000. Today you killed more than 1,300 aliens. I have never heard of any level 3 Transcendent who can do this."

"Normally, I killed hundreds of them with my gun, and hundreds more at close range."

Song Shi looked calm: "Then I should be free."

"That's right."

Zhang Jiqing nodded, "But I still recommend that you stay in the army. In today's world, the resources in the army are the best."

"I don't really want to be tied down."

Song Shi shook his head. As long as he has enough resources, he can continue to practice, so the army is really not suitable for him because the orders here must be obeyed unconditionally.

"You are already considered a senior Transcendent. You can consider mercenaries. You can still get the resources of the army and the restrictions are relatively small."

Zhang Jiqing pointed out another way to Song Shi: "If you don't mind, I can introduce you to a team."

"Forget it, I'm not in a hurry right now."

Song Shi waved his hand, "Even if I walk alone, can I still earn military merit as a mercenary?"

"Of course. As long as you are not afraid of danger, you can earn military merit by yourself."

Zhang Jiqing nodded.

Others were in a trance when they heard their conversation.

The person in front of me has only been here for a month, and he is no longer from the same world as them.

"That's good."

Song Shi basically decided to act independently. He only needed to earn enough training resources, and the rest didn't matter.

Everyone continued to leave some distance, and after making sure it was safe, they took the time to rest.

Song Shi naturally continues to practice. His True Qi has just been condensed and needs some time to polish, increase the amount of True Qi, and use True Qi to feed back the body and spirit. When the spirit is strong enough, he can become one with nature and absorb external spiritual energy for practice.

There is nothing he can do about it. He has no spiritual roots, and his body cannot easily absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He can only absorb it forcibly, and the prerequisite is that his mental thoughts must be strong enough.

This time, it was already evening when Song Shi restored the consumed True Qi.

He walked out and looked at Zhang Jiqing: "The war in Base City is not over yet?"

"The situation is very serious because many rats dig holes and enter the city, so it is difficult to use firepower to kill them indiscriminately."

Zhang Jiqing shared some of the information obtained: "As for the outside of the city, we will still use normal firepower to suppress it for the time being. We dare not use too much firepower, as it will affect ourselves."

"Oh, there are still weapons with high firepower, missiles and the like?"

Song Shi asked rhetorically.

"Yes, but these things are trump cards and cannot be used casually."

Zhang Jiqing nodded and shook his head: "After all, this wave of aliens is mainly insects, rats, and some snakes. They are basically low-level aliens. The powerful ones have not shown up yet. How can they be so powerful when they come?"

Song Shi said no more and said, "Did you bring any exotic animal meat with you when you retreated?"

"Of course I brought them, there are quite a few."

Zhang Jiqing came to his senses and said to the adjutant: "Take out the meat and process it for everyone to eat."

There is nothing special at this moment. Whether everyone can go back alive is still unknown. If they don't take some good supplements to replenish their physical strength, it will be a waste if the whole army is really wiped out.

The chef was so scared that he and the logistics staff were busy making food.

At this time, the benefits of moving the turret emerged. The space inside the turret is very large, and like a mobile turret, there will be no movement even if a fire is lit.

Soon, everyone was enjoying the hot meat of exotic animals. After eating it, the high-energy food made people feel warm and comfortable.

Song Shi continued to practice after eating. After dark, he was about to release the zombies to keep vigil when he noticed something calling him again.

"Conferred Divinity List!"

Song Shi's heart skipped a beat and his face changed: "Wuyou, don't come over here. I'm still trapped here. Don't be trapped with me, just like Calabash Boy saving grandpa."

He was worried about what was coming.

Outside the real earth, a figure of peerless elegance appeared through the void.

Coming here through the mark of the Conferred Divinity List, looking at the blue planet in front of me, Wuyou muttered: "This planet looks quite ordinary, what are you doing here, husband?"

With doubts, she observed it for a moment, and her expression suddenly changed: "No, there is a unique power of heaven here, a power that can only be left by Heavenly Venerable. How is it possible, Heavenly Venerable cares about what such a small planet does."

After she noticed something was wrong, she became vigilant and continued to approach Blue Star.

Soon, her pupils shrank and she saw a figure standing still in the void.

She had eaten and slept with this person countless times. She knew how many hairs he had on his body, and she recognized it as Song Shi at a glance.

"There's something wrong with him. It's not like I didn't notice it when I got here."

Wuyou stopped, raised his hand, and threw out a piece of grass. It continued to grow in the void, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a towering tree, spreading towards Song Shi.

But as I got closer, the autumn leaves began to wither strangely, and each leaf withered and turned yellow, but soon the yellowed trunks sprouted buds again, just like spring passed and autumn came.

But this strange force did not destroy the towering tree. The tree also possessed special power and could withstand the power of Song Shi's body.

Wuyou was surprised and said: "How can there be the power of reincarnation and heaven here? Didn't that person fall at the end of the ancient times?"

Her face was filled with surprise and confusion: "At the end of the ancient times, the Heavenly Court collapsed, the Six Paths collapsed, the Heavenly Dao of Samsara was broken, one of the ten former Heavenly Daos disappeared, and the Heavenly Venerable of Samsara disappeared without a trace. How come it still has its power here?"

At this time, a voice appeared: "Hey, another Heavenly Emperor has come. Is this place so lively? Two people have come in a short time. I do the math, it turns out that you are a carefree grass in the chaos, and this There is still a relationship with the man, but you are much stronger than him, and you are infinitely close to Heavenly Venerable."

Wuyou's face darkened: "It is indeed you, reincarnation Heavenly Venerable!"

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