What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 564 Samsara Jade Of Life And Death

"I didn't expect that someone would recognize me in this era. It's rare."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was slightly surprised: "That's right. You have lived from the era of chaos to the present. Even though you were still weak in ancient times, you are finally wise."

Wuyou stared at the source of the sound: "Why did you leave your power on this star?"

"Nothing, just doing some deductions. Since you are here, come in and take a look."

The power of reincarnation suddenly enveloped Wuyou, as if she had fallen into reincarnation and was about to lose herself.

The black and green Tai Chi diagram appeared between Wuyou's eyebrows, and the power of life and death surrounded him, temporarily blocking the power of reincarnation and heaven. He frowned and said: "You must have a big secret here, let my husband go, let us leave, I can guarantee you The situation here will not be leaked.”

"Haha, husband? In that case, you will enter reincarnation together. I will let you be together for thousands of lives."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable chuckled, the power of reincarnation became more powerful, and a huge disk appeared above Wuyou's head. This disk was hexagonal, with different parts having different colors, imprinted with the path of gods, the path of the world, the path of Shura, the path of hell, The runes of the Hungry Ghost Path and the Animal Path are just full of cracks.

"What, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is still there!"

Wuyou was shocked. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is the top heavenly weapon. In the ancient times, it even covered all the heavens and worlds, opening up reincarnation passages one after another, shrouding all the creatures in the Great World in reincarnation.

"Enter reincarnation."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable spoke domineeringly, and the terrifying power of suppression fell, easily breaking the worry-free life and death Great Dao. She just put it away and threw it into reincarnation.

"Reincarnation of life and death!"

Wuyou suddenly shouted, a unique power burst out, and a black and white jade coffin flew out of the light, quickly grew in size, and crashed onto the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk with a roar.

"Life and Death Jade? Why do you have such a divine object?"

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was surprised. Although the appearance of this thing has changed, the material is still recognizable. It was refined from the sacred jade that condensed the two energies of life and death at the beginning of Opening Heaven. It has the most primitive power of life and death, which is quite special. .

"Humph, I was born at the end of the life and death jade. This is my companion."

Wuyou's long hair was flying, and he was sitting on a coffin to break through the power of six reincarnations and fly out from it.

"I understand. This is using the creatures of this planet to repair your six-path reincarnation disc. The stronger the reincarnation person is, the more conducive it is to the recovery of this disc. Right?"

Wuyou's gown fluttered, with the grace of a goddess emperor. With a wave of his hand, a circle of black and white airflow revealed the sound of a broken part of the reincarnation disk.

This is a bald old man, who looks like a Buddha, with six paths of reincarnation flowing behind him, which is unfathomable.

"Part of it was right."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable smiled and looked at the coffin at Wuyou's feet: "It's a pity that life and death are already Heavenly Venerable. You think there is no chance to become Heavenly Venerable."

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the person, or I will smash your broken plate completely."

No worries.

"Haha, if you were a Heavenly Venerable, I would definitely agree to it without saying anything. Unfortunately, you are not strong enough to exert the power of this life and death jade."

Samsara Heavenly Venerable smiled and looked very kind, but the samsara disk behind him shone brightly and accelerated, and the larger samsara disk also started to move.

More powerful power will envelope Wuyou, the coffin shakes, the black and white power emitted is suppressed, and begins to fall into disadvantage.

Wuyou's eyes turned cold, the coffin of life and death was opened, and the lid of the coffin flew out and shot towards Song Shi.

"Do you want to kill him to save him?"

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable saw Wuyou's plan, appeared next to Song Shi, raised his hand, and punched.

The six reincarnations evolved and formed an endless barrier, easily blocking the coffin lid. The collision of the two forces shattered the void and vaporized nearby meteorites.

It stands to reason that this kind of power can destroy a galaxy, but at this moment it did not explode with much power and was swallowed up and absorbed by invisible forces.

Wuyou knew that this was the method arranged by Samsara Heavenly Venerable here. She snorted coldly and shook her hand towards the void.

A bud emerged from the coffin of life and death, and immediately grew at a terrifying speed, turning into a sharp thorn, which instantly entangled the entire six paths of reincarnation.

The rotating six-path reincarnation disk was forcibly stopped, and the power on it was broken by the thorns, making it unable to exert its advantage.

"It's actually possible to exert its power to such an extent."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "But it's still a little bit worse. After all, this is the place I have been running for many years. Even if you can entangle the reincarnation disk, you can't escape from here."

Wuyou looked around and realized that he could no longer see the stars and fell into a dark world.

Her heart sank: "You can't trap him, and you can't trap me."

"You can sleep as long as you want. I can't let you leave at will anyway."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable said calmly: The light was bright in the dark night, and another reincarnation disk appeared out of thin air. This time it was complete, just like the power of reincarnation gathered from all the heavens and worlds.

Wuyou glanced at the growing thorns and sighed: "It's still not strong enough."

"Fall into reincarnation. Even immortals and gods should be restricted by reincarnation. Only in this way can the entire universe operate normally. Otherwise, there will be too many immortals and the balance of the universe will continue to tilt."

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable said meaningfully, and the more majestic power of reincarnation began to overwhelm Wuyou.

"In the final analysis, you are just not satisfied with the realm of Heavenly Venerable. You want to further control the world and become a god above the gods."

Wuyou mocked: "Don't speak so high-sounding."

"By covering all the heavens and worlds with reincarnation, the entire universe can function normally. Only I can do it in this world, why do you resist?"

Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable sighed: "In the ancient times, there was only the last step to complete this ambition, but you destroyed it. Now the universe will eventually wither, and there are not many opportunities left."

"Hmph, it's useless to say this. I will not agree to your reincarnation covering myself, and neither will other Heavenly Venerables."

Wuyou's face was cold, and he was swallowed up by the power of reincarnation, his consciousness was stripped away, and he was thrown into the six realms of reincarnation.

However, her coffin of life and death and the thorns that grew out of it still exist, and even the power of six reincarnations are difficult to erase.

With the support of this power, Wuyou's situation was much better than Song Shi's. She was pulled into the reincarnation passage, where she saw the dense world of reincarnation.

Wuyou frowned: "They are all fake, but they have evolved to be so real. The most terrifying thing is that the creatures inside are all real. This reincarnation Dao Fruit is really scary."

She was pushed forward by the power of reincarnation. Wuyou felt that the connection with Song Shi was strengthening. His eyes fell on one of the thousands of worlds and he rushed over.

Because she did not resist reincarnation, she came to Song Shi's world smoothly, and even deliberately selected a reincarnation with good conditions among many creatures.


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