What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 587 The Whole Village Improves

Song Shi's voice came from inside. He knew the purpose of everyone coming here, and he didn't mind strengthening them for a test.

In addition to having more samples to observe, he also wanted to make the villagers stronger so that if there was any trouble, he would not be asked to come forward.

When the villagers heard this, they were all delighted.

They also heard the news that Song Shi's watchdogs could become demons, and they speculated that Song Shi had some ability that could help them improve their cultivation or speed up their cultivation.

Now that they saw the watchdog talking with their own eyes, everyone was amazed and had more ideas about the purpose of the trip.

Song Shi's yard is not big, so it became a little crowded after a group of villagers came in.

The village chief walked in front and politely clasped his fists at Song Shi who was touching a stone in front of the pond: "Master Song, the autumn harvest has been completed recently. Every household has something, and I would like to give some to you."

Song Shi turned around and took a look. Some were holding newly woven silk cloth, some were carrying melons and fruits, some were carrying various grains, some were carrying woven or made furniture, and some were hunting prey and medicinal materials. .

Everyone repeats very little, and this is what everyone usually does intentionally, dividing labor as much as possible, so that life will not be too miserable when exchanging things for things.

Song Shi took a look and smiled: "It seems that I will be the only person in the village who is not engaged in production, but can have the most abundant supplies."

Everyone laughed, and since Song Shi said this, it meant that he did not resist them doing this.

Xu Hongniang echoed: "Young Master, a transcendent and refined person, does not need to work hard for these things. Your presence in Qingsang Village is our greatest blessing, and we should all come to worship you."

Song Shi was speechless: "What you said makes me feel like I have ascended to heaven. Put down all your things. I won't take your things for nothing. I will give you a gift based on your situation."

He looked at the people in front of him, analyzed each person's situation, and then improved the attributes according to the individual situation.

But it was strange to be promoted directly. He took a look at the grains and fruits and said, "Please have a bowl of porridge. Wait for me for a while, and you can wander around in the yard."

He took the food and headed to the kitchen.

"Sir, let me help you."

Xu Hongniang seized the opportunity and followed her: "Isn't the young master's wife back yet? Now the young master has to do the cooking himself."

"What, do you mean that women should do the cooking?"

Song Shi asked back and did not refuse Xu Hongniang to follow her.

"Ah, it's mostly like this outside." Xu Hongniang was surprised, with a sparkle in her eyes, "Young master, you are so kind, you are actually willing to cook in person without letting your wife get hurt."

"No, anyone who wants to can do it can do it, but no one should do it."

Song Shi shook his head.

"The young master's wife is so happy."

Xu Hongniang was envious.

"not happy."

Song Shi shook his head. The weak woman was separated from him, while the strong woman was trapped in this world of reincarnation by him.

"I'm sorry, I may have reminded you of bad memories."

Xu Hongniang apologized and was silent for a while, then said: "Master, do you want a maid? I can help you with your chores, such as cooking and washing clothes."

"Need not."

Song Shi shook his head. He could add points to these villagers, but he would not communicate in depth. After all, these villagers were different from those obedient beasts.


Xu Hongniang was a little disappointed, she still didn't have the chance to get in touch with this man more.

Entering the kitchen, Song Shi got a big pot, added water, and started cooking porridge.

In the yard, the villagers looked around and exclaimed from time to time.

"This stone actually contains rich spiritual energy!"

"Look at this cherry tree. Is it a spiritual tree? It feels very extraordinary."

"The fish in the pond are not ordinary. I remember who caught them in the first place."

"I gave you not only the fish, but also many of the things here were given to you by us."

"Young master is really a god. Just by living here, the things and creatures nearby are completely transformed."

"I'm so envious. I even want to be a janitor for Mr. Song."

"There are already watchdogs..."

The group of people became more and more excited as they watched and talked about it. What they saw around them was too magical.

They were increasingly looking forward to whether Song Shi would benefit them, and felt anxious.

Not long after, Xu Hongniang came out depressed, and a group of people gathered around her.

"Widow, how was your conversation with Mr. Song?" the village chief was curious.

Xu Hongniang shook her head: "I didn't see anything. The young master is really cooking porridge. It's still the same grains you grew, but he just added a few more kinds to make it into multi-grain porridge."

"Ah, just cooking porridge? Didn't you add any natural materials or earthly treasures to it?"

Someone wondered: "From the tone of the young master, the porridge should have some benefits."

"have no idea."

Xu Hongniang said helplessly.

"Don't guess, everyone. It's up to the young master to decide what to do. Don't be too greedy."

The village chief waved his hand: "It is a great blessing that we can have such an expert as Hong Zi take charge. Don't ask for too much."

Everyone can only shut up and wait honestly.

Soon, the aroma of porridge filled the air. Song Shi strengthened the porridge to increase the energy contained in the porridge, and then walked out with the pot in hand.

When they saw him coming out, everyone looked curiously at the pot. Apart from the fact that the porridge was particularly fragrant,

"There are a lot of people, so we all have to eat less."

Song Shi said, patting the pot, and the porridge flew up directly, suspended in the air, and was quickly divided among everyone.

Seeing this move, everyone couldn't help but exclaim: "Young Master is so powerful!"

"Eat and you will get what you want."

Song Shi said calmly.

Everyone looked at the porridge in front of them. Everyone could take a big mouthful. Those with big mouths swallowed it in one bite, and those who were reserved swallowed it in several bites.

After eating, they looked forward to it. They didn't know what the effect of this porridge was. It was good to listen to the meaning of the song.

The next moment, everyone felt a warm current pouring out of their abdomens, and their bodies felt warm.

"This porridge is truly extraordinary."

"Young master must have added something good."

"Hurry up and absorb it quickly."

Villagers were sitting cross-legged on the ground doing their exercises, and it was obvious that everyone knew how to practice, whether they were from outside or local.

Song Shi smiled and secretly manipulated the rules to purposefully improve attributes according to each person's situation.

He makes up for whatever he lacks, and his mental strength is not strong enough. He needs to improve his mental strength.

If the physical body is deficient or old and frail, the vitality will be increased and the attributes of the physical body will be strengthened.

If your cultivation level is poor, if your True Qi or True Qi is not pure enough, please help purify it.

In general, he is checking for leaks and filling in gaps, helping everyone make up for their shortcomings, and first lay a solid foundation.

For him, these people's cultivation level is still low, their foundation is not solid, and they are not qualified to attack high realms in the future, so they lose the value of continued research.

The result of targeted enhancement is that someone's face is full of wrinkles, and because of the replenishment of vitality, their face suddenly becomes rosy and shiny, and their wrinkles are reduced. Representatives of this category are the village chief and some elderly people. Without exception, they all have rosy complexions and increased vitality.

The village chief was stunned and said: "This... this porridge is like spiritual medicine that renews life. I feel like I have become younger."

"Me too, I gained twenty years of life out of thin air."

The old man with a look of disbelief looked on his face.

"I have recovered from my hidden injuries, and my cultivation is no longer stagnant."

The big man who raised pigs in the village looked shocked.

"I'm the same as you, but my situation is more serious. My Dantian was destroyed by my enemies back then, but now it's been repaired!"

Tie DaTou was so excited that he burst into tears.

Some people have been treated for many years of hidden injuries, their breath has become richer, and they have a sufficient foundation to improve. These are people who have been seriously injured and have damaged their foundation.

They all have the illusion of rebirth.

"When I was practicing magic skills, my foundation was not stable. I originally thought I would never have a chance to make up for it in my lifetime, but I didn't expect that a mouthful of porridge would solve it for me."

The farmer didn't react.

Not only him, but several others' cultivation levels have become more refined. They have been released from confinement, their foundations have become unstable, and the True Qi in their bodies has become scattered.

Xu Hongniang's mental power improved a lot, her head became clear for a while, her eyes glowed, and she looked at Song Shi: "I was injured back then, and my mental power was somewhat lacking, but your porridge can actually recover."

"Young master's porridge is universal. Some of us can recover old injuries, some can increase our lifespan, and some can improve our cultivation... Even the Spirit Pill has no such effect."

The village chief looked extremely respectful.

"Each of you has a chance to eat porridge once a year. You can choose to come during different seasons. There is no need to crowd together."

Song Shi looked at everyone and said, "This is a little benefit from living here."

Everyone was surprised and happy when they heard this. They were surprised that Song Shi was willing to give them a second chance, and they were happy that they still had a chance to improve.

The village chief said excitedly: "Mr. Song, you are so kind. On behalf of all the villagers, I thank you."

Song Shi accepted the thanks and added: "Remember, next time I will use your best things as the price of eating porridge. I don't ask how precious the things are, but they must be the best in your hands, understand?"

"This is what it should be. If we don't give us the most precious things, what qualifications do we have to let the young master use this level of Divine Ability to help us improve?"

The village chief took it for granted, and others hurriedly agreed.

"Finally, this matter is only known to the people in the village. If anyone tells it, you can solve it yourself. I hope it won't be me."

Song Shi's words were a little cold, and everyone's smiles softened a little and they nodded.

Such an unbelievable method is certainly not suitable for publicity outside, as it would not be beneficial to them.

"Okay, let's go back and further digest this harvest. Others who are willing to drink porridge can wait until the next Beginning of Winter."

Song Shi waved his hand. He gave everyone a chance to be promoted once a year in order to set rules so that he would not appear too casual and could collect something without any trouble.

It was no longer interesting to strengthen ordinary items. He planned to strengthen treasures, especially those that were already treasures.

After a night of experiments, he determined that the effect of enhancing the properties of an item not only depended on him, but also on the quality of the item itself.

All the ordinary things around him have been enhanced by him, so it would be interesting to get some good ones to continue experimenting with.

"Master, thank you for helping me regain my life,"

"Thank you for allowing me to live another twenty years and have the opportunity to go further."

"Thank you, Master, for reshaping my foundation."

Before the villagers left, everyone expressed their gratitude to Song Shi in person.

For these, Song Shi is quite useful, at least it means that these people are not white-eyed wolves.

After everyone left, Song Shi continued to study how to add points.

The villagers returned to their homes to spread the news further and asked others to prepare gifts.

They began to digest the benefits gained this time, and after gaining vitality to extend their lifespan, they began to save time, practice hard, and want to make breakthroughs, so that their lifespan could be increased even more.

Those who have repaired the hidden injuries will restore their own strength. After the recovery is completed, they can attack to a higher realm.

He made a breakthrough on the day he rebuilt his foundation, and became Innate Grandmaster the day after tomorrow.

The improvement in repairing hidden injuries was even greater. Half a month after returning to his peak state, he broke through from Innate Grandmaster to the level of Great Grandmaster, becoming the top powerhouse in the village.

And the original Great Grandmasters like the village chiefs have gone even further.

The benefits they received were seen by others, and those who had not gone there began to make serious preparations. This time they did not dare to use ordinary things in exchange for such benefits, so they all took out the treasures at home.

Those who left the village chief and went out to explore, they tried their best to call back. Those who really didn't come back were naturally missed.

The people who stayed in the village were more or less well-off. After getting ready, Song Shi saw a lot of good things on the day of Beginning of Winter, which were no longer ordinary things.

Among the various gifts, there are thousand-year ginseng, materials that can be used to refine Law Treasure, Divine Ability, and special items such as elixirs and talismans.

Song Shi didn't know that these villagers had so many things in their homes, and she was quite surprised.

He didn't ask much about the origin of the things, and still cooked porridge for the remaining people as promised. In fact, the porridge was just a manifestation. What really changed everyone's attributes was the power of rules secretly influenced by Song Shi.

Most of the people who get bonus points at the beginning of winter are young people. For these songs, the focus is on improving the foundation. If the foundation is solid, you can naturally go far.

After the beginning of winter, everyone has received a strengthening point, and their strength has naturally improved a lot.

In one village alone, the number of Great Grandmasters exceeds the number of five fingers. Grandmasters are even more common, and those acquired the day after tomorrow are ordinary.

This kind of strength is no worse than forces like the Black Wind Sect outside.

If you add Song Shi, then few forces can match it.

Song Shi conducted the second batch of strengthening experiments with the villagers' treasures, and each of the treasures was easily upgraded, but Song Shi also encountered problems.

For example, the Divine Ability class cannot be enhanced unless it is optimized by itself. It will not work if it is simply changed from the rule level.

He knew that this was a relatively complex enhancement, and the current situation was not suitable for it.

Even though his methods are not perfect in terms of strengthening living and dead objects, he has become a god-like existence, and can easily improve the whole village and make chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Compared with being an Immortal Emperor outside and traversing the world, here he has a sense of accomplishment because he can easily influence the rules and cheat. In the real world outside, although he has not tried it personally, it will definitely be more difficult. Improved a lot.

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