Under Song Shi's influence, the strength of the people in Qingsang Village increased significantly, and after a few years they gradually surpassed most sects.

After everyone's strength increased, most people still stayed quietly in the village, and some people left.

Some of them are too obsessed and want to take revenge, while there are also young people who can't bear it and want to go out and try their luck.

For these people, Song Shi did not have multiple tubes, but added a provision.

Those who stay in the village for less than three seasons a year cannot eat his porridge, which means they get points from him. At the same time, the village chief has tightened access restrictions to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the loopholes.

He still didn't care about anything, the village handled things properly, provided him with sufficient research data, and his ability to crack the rules continued to improve.

More than ten years later, Song Shi has a deeper and deeper understanding of the rules of this world, and can turn stones into gold even without paying any price.

To put it simply, he is becoming more and more like a hacker who is cracking the program. He can modify the values ​​​​of many things. The ordinary courtyard he originally lived in has been transformed into a fairy mansion.

"I've almost figured out the rules of this world. I don't know if I can escape."

Song Shi finally had other ideas, which was to try to escape from the world of reincarnation.

"You still have to be careful. Once you are noticed by the reincarnation Heavenly Venerable, you have to start all over again."

He tried not to make any big noise and secretly studied the situation outside this world.

Song Shi wants to keep a low profile, but the actual situation has changed.

On this day, a group of people appeared outside the mountain village.

These people's clothes are exquisite, all made of silk and satin, and the leading woman is even more stunning.

Wearing a goose-yellow long skirt, her muscles and bones were highlighted like beautiful jade, without any flaws.

"Miss, we're almost there."

The equally beautiful maid looked at the map and said.

When the woman in the yellow skirt heard this, she glanced at the mist-shrouded hill in front of her, with a hint of suspicion on her delicate face: "Is this really this place? It looks like a remote place. How could there be so many big shots and young heroes emerging one after another? ?”

"Miss, this is the right place. The master asked us to be respectful and avoid offending the people in this village, especially the god."

The maid nodded.

"Okay, you all wait here, Jiaojiao and I go to visit the gods in the village."

The girl in the yellow skirt moved forward with vigorous steps, and it was obvious that she was a practitioner.

The maid Jiaojiao followed behind and was equally agile.

"Jiaojiao, do you think I can change my own destiny this time? Or change Ningguo's destiny."

The girl in the yellow dress said quietly, "Our Ning country was defeated by the barbarian country. We ceded territory to pay compensation, and we still have to marry me, the princess, to have a marriage. How ridiculous and sad."

Jiaojiao could only smile bitterly: "Miss, we are all in the palace, and we can't help ourselves."

"I don't believe it, but I want to give it a try."

The girl in the yellow dress gritted her teeth: "As Liu Shan said, my fate is up to me."

Jiaojiao heard helplessly: "I still don't know if the immortals Mr. Liu mentioned are that magical. If it is really useful, the young lady can marry Mr. Liu."

The girl in the yellow dress blushed: "Don't talk nonsense, he and I haven't reached that point yet."

"Hehe, Mr. Liu risked being punished by the village elders to tell the young lady this secret. This is a lesson." Jiaojiao said with a smile.

"If I really can go to a barbarian country without marrying, that stupid guy is actually quite suitable to be my husband."

The girl in the yellow dress had a rosy face, and then she took a deep breath: "I immediately knew whether what he said was true or false."

She speeded up, and the direction the two of them were taking belonged to the back mountain. This was the path Liu Shan told them, and they were most likely to see the immortal.

"Miss, it seems a bit dangerous here. Look, there are many bones of wild beasts."

Jiaojiao was wary of her surroundings. She saw a wild wilderness with bones on the ground. It didn't look like a safe place.

"Don't be nervous. Since there are usually ordinary beasts next to this village, I, as a Grandmaster, can't handle it."

The two walked through the forest and passed some steep cliffs to the top of the mountain.

The place was surrounded by white clouds, like entering a fairyland. They walked for a while and saw a green bamboo forest.

"This bamboo forest!"

The girl's eyes widened and she said in surprise: "The ten-year-old bamboo in the treasury is nothing more than this, right?"

"Congratulations, Miss. The more extraordinary the bamboo is, the more it means the owner here is amazing."

The maid said with joy.

Walking through the bamboo forest, they saw a small but exquisite courtyard. The style of this courtyard was ordinary, but every piece of it looked extraordinary, with sparkling aura and ethereal aura.

Even the two people who were well experienced in the palace couldn't help but marvel, and even had a feeling that with the royal background, they might not be able to do this.

"Look at that peach tree, it feels like it's about to become a spirit."

The goose-yellow girl said excitedly: "Liu Shan didn't lie to me. There are really hidden masters and immortals here."

She approached excitedly, only to find a big black dog lying at the gate, and stopped in fear.

"Miss, it might bite someone." Jiaojiao said worriedly, "How about we shout?"

"Why are you shouting? It's not time to drink porridge yet. The master doesn't see the guests. Go back."

An impatient voice sounded.

The two of them were startled, and then they realized that it was the big black dog lazily raising his eyelids and replying to them.

"You are actually a demon. How can there be an ordinary dog ​​at the door of a fairy?"

The girl held her goose-yellow dress and saluted respectfully: "We have something urgent to come to visit the gods, and we ask Brother Dog to inform us."

"If there is an emergency, you can find a way to deal with it yourself. Why don't you come to the master? Hasn't the master done enough over the years?"

The big black dog snorted: "Master has long since left the secular world, and he also said that he will not interfere with your affairs, so don't waste time here."

Seeing that the big black dog didn't even move, the two of them felt helpless and didn't dare to break in.

The girl in the goose skirt knelt down with a bang: "Brother Dog, we have no choice. Please give us a chance to meet the gods."


The big black dog opened his eyes: "You call my young master this, are you not from the village?"

"We come from the Imperial City of Ningguo. I am the ninth princess of Ningguo's generation. This is my maid Jiaojiao. We brought the most precious gifts to pay homage to the gods."

"Princess of Ningguo, why are you here? Who asked you to come?"

The big black dog was not happy: "Who spread the news? I wonder if the master doesn't want outsiders to disturb him?"

He stood up angrily: "No need to waste time here, everyone should go back. Master will not help people outside the village."

The Ninth Princess did not get up and deliberately acted coquettishly: "Brother Dog, please help us. We come here from thousands of miles away. We really want to meet the senior immortal."

"It's really not possible, the master is in retreat now."

The big black dog shook his head: "I won't let you in anyway. You can wait here for the master to come out, or go back."

He didn't lie, Song Shi was indeed doing something important at the moment. By cracking the rules, Song Shi's thoughts successfully left this world, came to the reincarnation world next door, and then landed in a city.

The seasons here are different, and it is when the cold wind blows mercilessly, picking up dust and garbage on the ground.

In the slums of Baiyang City, many people gathered on a dirty street.

There was a fight here just now, and many people were attracted to watch the show.

These people were basically poor people from the neighborhood, their clothes were in tatters, and their faces should have been full of sadness as they were oppressed by life. It was rare for them to relax at this time.

"This slave even dares to kill his master. He is very courageous."

"He is dead. No one can save him."

"Already dying."

In the cold, gloating, and disdainful gazes of the crowd, two of the three corpses became colder, and the other one was the slave in their mouths.

Song Shi's consciousness deliberately stayed here because he had experienced a similar scene.

He looked at the person on the ground and said to himself: "I can't become a living being in this world for the time being. I can pretend to be a system and possess this person."

On the ground, Ye Mu's thin face was already pale. He had been stabbed in the chest and blood was flowing out.

The smell of blood mixed with the stench of garbage on the ground prevented him from getting a breath of fresh air until he died.

"I wasn't willing to give in, so I became the scapegoat."

He frowned and didn't care about the strangers around him. His eyes fell on the two corpses next to him, one in Chinese clothes and the other in uniform.

The man in the uniform is his master, the one in uniform is the guard, and he is a little slave. When he followed the two people here, he was attacked by a mysterious killer, and then disguised as the scene of his murder.

The daggers on the chests of the two of them had his fingerprints. With his statusless status, even if he did not die, it would be difficult to live in the future.

In this era, human life is like a piece of grass. Slaves like him are nothing but goods and cannot help themselves.

He lost all his strength quickly and his vision turned black.

"It's finally over. There's no need to linger on."

He looked at the sky aimlessly, without much sense of relief. His life was too bad, and he had not lived a glorious life, so it ended like this.

Still not reconciled.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and his eyesight became dark.

Just when everything was about to settle, Ye Mu died as a scapegoat, and a murder case ended.

An emotionless voice sounded.

Song Shi's power began to enter his body, disguised as the sound of the system.

"Selected target, binding..."

"The binding was successful and the target was detected to be in a dying state."

"Special conditions are triggered and basic vital signs begin to be maintained."

“Sustain the success!”

He pretended to say a few words and used the Law of Life to heal the boy's injuries.

Ye Mu gradually regained consciousness, as if he was pulled out of the darkness by a hand, but he could not feel his body and could only see a dazzling white light in front of him.

"Am I dead or alive?" He wondered but was speechless.

"You are in the depths of consciousness at this time and are not dead yet. You only have one minute to think about whether to sign a contract with me and become the host of this system."

Following the mysterious existence's words, a countdown appeared in front of him.

In fact, this is what Song Shi said deliberately to lower the person's subconscious resistance.



At the third second, Ye Mu said without hesitation: "I agree!"

He had no choice. Not to mention that he was about to die just now, but he could still appear here even if he could die. This would not be an ordinary existence.

From the end of the day, staying alive has become his basic goal.

Only by living can everything be possible!

"The contract is established, congratulations, you have officially become the host of this system."

"Warning, do not actively leak any information from this system, otherwise it will be erased."

"Trigger the novice reward and start repairing the body."

"The body repaired successfully."

In the cold voice, Ye Mu felt his body again, and he continued to ask: "Tell me what's going on, who are you?"

"Hello host, this system is equivalent to a special auxiliary artifact refining. As long as the host completes the published tasks, it can obtain rewards and promotions."

"To put it simply, the system can help you get the power you have always wanted, get rid of your slave status, and gain a glorious life."

Ye Mu was excited when the emotionless voice said this information. No matter what pitfalls this thing had, it was still better than death.

"The first mission is about to begin in 6 hours. Please be prepared."

After Song Shi's voice finished speaking, the person's consciousness returned to his body,

The white light in front of the latter's eyes dissipated, and he was shocked. He felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but take a big breath.

He opened his eyes and saw the world again and the indifferent and contemptuous eyes of the onlookers.

I am really alive!

I touched the sticky blood on my chest. It still hurt, but my broken heart had fully recovered, with only a small wound.

"Hey, this guy is not dead yet?"

Someone noticed that his face looked weird, this guy was motionless just now.

"Probably no vital injuries, just some blood."

"This dog is very lucky, but it's a pity that he still won't live long after he killed his owner."

"The security department is coming, stay away."


A dilapidated car drove over, with black smoke coming from its tail.

The car stopped, and several security guards in uniforms with guns slung around their waists got out.

The leader of the group, the bearded man, had a serious face and glanced at the onlookers who were whispering and talking with disgust.

"If you don't want to cause trouble, get out of here!"

The crowd retreated hastily, leaving a large void soon.

"Captain, the deceased's highest status was a first-class citizen. It is initially judged that this slave attacked and killed him."

"Take him away and throw him into the cell."

The big man with the beard looked at the scene coldly and without asking any questions, he waved his hand and issued the order.

Who cares about the life of a slave?

Regarding this scene, Ye Mu lowered his head and sneered.

If these people did not collude with the party that killed his master, who would believe it!

Without any chance to explain, he was tied up, thrown into a car, and taken away outside the city.

From beginning to end, he didn't say a word.

"Let me tell you, he won't survive."

"Stop looking, everyone goes back to his home."

The others' eyes quickly dispersed with pity.

Ye Mu looked out the window and tried secretly: "System, can you hear my thoughts?"

"Employer, this system can communicate directly with your mind."

Hearing this familiar voice in his ears, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Everything before was true.

"Can you save me?"

Ye Mu asked.

"This system is mainly auxiliary. You have to rely on yourself to escape."

Song Shi replied that he had just crossed the boundary at this moment and could not mobilize much power at all. He had to cooperate with him to familiarize himself with the rules of this world in order to exert more power.

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