Song Shi replied that he had just crossed the boundary at this moment and could not mobilize much power at all. He had to cooperate with him to familiarize himself with the rules of this world in order to exert more power.

Ye Mu frowned, it seemed that he could only wait 6 hours.

He doesn't have much opinion, it's good to be alive.

However, the novice reward seems to have been used up just now. I wonder if it will affect the first mission.

The problem is, how can I complete the task when I will be locked up soon?

Sighing, he looked at the world outside.

Twelve years ago, there was a global mutation, special energy came to this planet, and all things evolved. Human beings, who were originally the overlords of the earth, were pushed off the altar and struggled for survival again.

Human beings have become slaves, and many alien creatures have become advanced beings and enslaved most of the human race.

He is one of them.

Song Shi learned about the world through this person's thoughts. He was surprised and said in his heart: "Huh? Why are there still alien lives? Is this world so big?"

Judging from Ye Mu's memory, this world should be the earth, which was invaded and occupied by many alien races.

There are two alien races. One side calls itself the God Race. It is physically powerful and very similar to humans, but its genes are very good and are qualitatively different from humans.

The other side is the Zerg, which is a non-human existence. Initially, the war between the Protoss and the Zerg in the stars spread to the earth. In the end, the Protoss gained some advantages and forced the people of the earth to surrender and become a subordinate race.

There are divisions within humanity regarding this requirement.

Some people choose to join the Protoss, and some insist on resisting.

The human race was initially divided, but later those who chose to resist failed, leading to tragic consequences.

The consequence of this is that both the rebels and their descendants have become slaves of the gods.

Ye Mu is a descendant of the former resistance army. He became a slave before he grew up and worked for a god.

There are also conflicts within the Protoss. This Protoss man was killed while walking on the road. This person was taken advantage of and became a scapegoat.

After understanding the general situation, Song Shi felt that this guy's hope of survival was a bit slim.

Unlike when he was thrown into cannon fodder and still had a chance to survive, the other party was imprisoned, so there were many opportunities to do evil things.

"I can't hold on to this idea anymore. I'll come back and have a look in five and a half hours."

Song Shi realized that his cross-border power was exhausted, left a mark, and retreated decisively.

He came here mainly for testing, and he couldn't stay there forever for the time being, so he had to adjust.

Returning to his own world, Song Shi pinched his forehead: "The consumption is a bit high. The cost of crossing the border is not comparable to adding some people here, but the harvest is also richer."

Song Shi recalled what she had just experienced and felt that she was a bit like an extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, secretly deceiving a weak person.

"This world seems more powerful than my world. Could it be that different worlds are put together?"

After analyzing the situation in Ye Mu's world, he thought of something.

Why is this person called Ye Mu? When he was affected by the power of reincarnation, someone possessed by his consciousness was also called Ye Mu.

"Same name? Or is there something special about it?"

Song Shi frowned, and he became cautious, fearing that there might be some pitfalls.


He closed his eyes and did not follow the usual method of meditating or breathing to recover. He still used the rules to restore the body's condition.

This method restores quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, Song Shi's consumption is completely restored.

Not in a hurry to cross the line again, he stood up and walked out of the room.

At the door, two women were kneeling on the ground.

The big black dog was quite helpless: "You are not from the village, so it is useless to kneel down."

At this time, the door creaked open.

The two women looked up hurriedly, with surprise and surprise in their eyes.

very young! So handsome!

Isn't the rumored god some kind of old man with a white beard?

They stared blankly at Song Shi who came out. Not only was he handsome, but he also had a sense of transcendence about him, like a real immortal descending to earth.

Song Shi looked at the two women with a glint in his eyes and said, "Let them come in."


The big black dog was surprised: "Master, why did you treat them differently this time? Could it be that they are beauties?"

It remembered that outsiders came to ask for Song Shi several times, but the owner ignored them.

"Some connection."

Song Shi said briefly and looked at the Ninth Princess: "Who is your grandmother?"

The Ninth Princess was thinking about what would happen next and thinking about various ways to deal with it, but she didn't expect Song Shi to ask this.

She could only say honestly: "My grandmother's surname is Chen Ziqi."

"What a coincidence."

Song Shi sighed, got out of the way, and said: "If it were anyone else, I would generally not pay attention. Since we are old friends, it doesn't matter if I help you."

"Senior, do you know my grandmother?"

The Ninth Princess was surprised and thought of something: "Senior, could it be that you are the mysterious person who helped grandma back then?"

Her eyes widened: "It's been more than fifty years, and you're still so young."

"To a cultivator, a armor is nothing."

Song Shi shook his head and asked casually: "Where is your grandma?"

"My grandpa was so angry that we haven't been able to contact her for ten years."

The ninth princess said helplessly, and followed Song Shi in with her maid.

Song Shi said nothing more, those things had nothing to do with him.

The Ninth Princess entered the courtyard and found that the space inside was not large, but it was well arranged and made all kinds of things more precious.

What surprised them most was the living creatures inside, such as the fish in the pond and the chicken standing on the branch. They all looked extraordinary.

"I don't know what you are asking for?"

Song Shi sat on a wicker chair, pointed to some wooden stools opposite, and asked calmly.

"Senior, I am Ning Ruqin, the ninth princess of the Ning Kingdom. This is my maid Jiaojiao."

Ning Ruqin first bowed respectfully, told her name and identity, and then revealed the reason for her coming.

After hearing this, Song Shi muttered: "It has something to do with the marriage again, but who told you that you came here?"

"Liu Shan."

Ning Ruqin answered honestly: "He said he would come back to apologize to you in the future. He is currently helping to defend against the barbarians on the front line."

"Liu he just a fool? This guy is still a little stupid."

Song Shi laughed and scolded: "Leaking my news, do you know what the punishment is in the village? You will be expelled from Qingsang Village. He chose to pay this price for you. It's interesting. It seems that he has deep affection for you. I don't know." Did you deceive me?"

"I don't."

Ning Ruqin blushed and shook her head.

"It's fine if he doesn't. That means he did it voluntarily. This kid seems to be ready."

Song was not too angry. For him, it was actually more interesting to not follow the rules.

After all, even if he is a cheater who doesn't follow the rules, it is reasonable for a fool like him to be willing to break the rules for a woman. "I'm sorry for him."

Ning Ruqin sighed: "I wonder if senior can help me."

"Help you? Or who?"

Song Shi has a profound meaning. Ning Ruqin's identity is not simple. Coming to him is definitely not an ordinary request.

"I...I don't want to be arranged by my father to marry into those barbarian tribes that drink hair and blood. I heard that they have many bad habits."

Ning Ruqin gritted her teeth and expressed her difficulties.

"This is your responsibility, why should I help you?"

Song Shi asked back: "You have enjoyed the benefits of being a princess, so now it is natural for you to take responsibility."

"I know, and I am willing to take responsibility, but I would rather die in battle than have such a humiliating marriage!"

Ning Ruqin said with red eyes.

"Then you go and die in battle. Do you still want me to help you beat up the barbarians and make them surrender?"

Song Shi sneered, does this woman still think he will help?

"Senior, I just ask you to help me improve my strength so that I can resist."

Ning Ruqin fell to her knees again, as did the maid Jiaojiao next to her.

"You still don't realize the trouble you're getting yourself into."

Song Shi shook his head and looked into the distance: "You will see it soon. If you weren't my old friend, I would really say that you are a disaster."

After he finished saying this.

Not far from Qingsang Village, there was a sudden unusual movement.

Amidst the howling of a pack of wolves, the forest was filled with evil spirits, and a pack of ferocious wolves appeared roaring.

These wolves are huge and extraordinary. There are more than a hundred of them, and they are advancing menacingly.


There was movement on the side. Compared to the vicious wolf's evil aura, there was black energy billowing on the other side.

Scary black snakes crawled along, carrying a lot of poisonous gas, silently, and all the vegetation along the way withered.

In the black air, the leader is a black snake that looks like a long dragon.

The leader of the snake is more than a hundred feet tall, with a single horn on its forehead. Monster Qi soars into the sky, and its terrifying aura makes the beasts tremble along the way.

The only one that could rival it was the alpha wolf among many ferocious wolves. The latter walked through the air and looked down ahead with cold eyes.

Among these aliens, there are people wearing strange and rough clothes.

The two teams with aliens as mounts are heading to the same place.


The mountains and forests shook. Due to the sudden appearance of too many powerful beings, all nearby creatures were frightened and fled away.

When they arrived at Qingsang Village, they still didn't stop.


The village suddenly glowed red, and with the top of the mountain as the center, a flaming energy shield rose from the ground into the sky, turning into a hemispherical barrier, blocking the two monsters.

"Ning Ruqin, who came here secretly, get out of here right away!"

Above the black snake, a cold voice spread throughout the village.

This is an old man, dressed in black robes, with a pale face, narrow and cold eyes, and pupils like the eyes of poisonous snakes.

The village chief was alerted and rushed out immediately. When he saw the enemy coming, he frowned: "Where did the beast dare to make noise here? If you are really not afraid of death, you can come in."

He recognized that these guys should be barbarians. Only barbarians would be so close to the Demonic Beast.

The man on the black snake had gloomy eyes and did not continue.

He has always been cautious and likes to attack conservatively most of the time. It is this personality that allows him to live longer.

He said secretly: "You dare to be arrogant at this time. Do you know that the woman of my barbarian prince is not something that your small village can protect? Wait for us to break the formation and smash your doghouse."

"You can try!"

Others also flew out, suspended in the air one by one, and released their breath, forming a circle of violent wind.

"You have to think carefully. Do you really want to offend the Black Snake Department and the Ice Wolf Department of our Barbarian Country?"

No matter where it is, breaking the formation and attacking the city will cause huge losses, even if at this moment he feels that his side has an absolute advantage in strength.

"Are you afraid? If you are, bring people out. I can promise to kill fewer of you!"

The barbarian on the black snake sneered.

"Just wait until you suffer heavy losses and can't even get out of here!"

The village chief's face was expressionless. How could he agree to hand over someone, even if he didn't know who it was at the moment.

"Can't get out of here? Are you dreaming?"

The barbarians of the Black Snake Tribe are proud, he is the majestic barbarian king, and he thinks that these people cannot resist him.

He waved his hand and gave the order directly: "Break the formation!"

Many people from the Black Snake Tribe came out, taking their own wild snakes with them, and spread out to break the formation.

To break through such a large formation, apart from relying on strong cultivation, they can only rely on forming an formation and consuming the power of the formation by breaking it.

Of course, another way is to find the weak points of the formation, which requires a high level of formation. Moreover, in this kind of offensive and defensive battle, the opponent will make up for the shortcomings of the formation at any time, so it is also very difficult.

Teams of Black Snakes arranged various instruments, then released law runes, activating simple and crude attack formations.

These formations are composed of the power of wild snakes. Many wild snakes only attack but do not defend, forming a pure attack formation that can cause maximum damage.

As the formation of the broken formation was arranged and activated, in the center of the formation, numerous Monster Qi condensed a large amount of black water and quickly turned into huge black snakes.

This black snake was lifelike, more than a hundred feet long, like a long river, and it was so powerful that it soared into the clouds and mist under their control. When it passed by the grass and trees, it directly melted the grass and trees and disappeared. Even the earth and rocks were easily eliminated.

This is the black water formation of the Black Snake Department, a special water attribute formation. The condensed black water contains powerful corrosive power and is very suitable for breaking the formation.


The Black Water Snake roared like a beast and attacked the Holy City Formation of the Fire Sparrow Department. The rumbling sound caused the part of the formation that was attacked to fluctuate rapidly.

However, compared to the large formation that covered hundreds of miles, this attack was nothing, only equivalent to a few ripples in a lake.

"Old Monster Mu, why don't you just stand aside and watch the show before you take action?"

The leader of the Black Snake Department spoke coldly to the leader of the Ice Wolf Department.

"Why are you so anxious? I'm studying this formation to see if I can break it with skill."

The leader of the Ice Wolf Division said,

"Then do you see anything?"

The leader of the black wolf was impatient.

"Not yet, but I will see some things if I do it myself soon,"

The Ice Wolf leader waved: "Wolves, help the Black Snake Division break the formation!"

They were mainly responsible for assisting the Black Snake Department in this battle. They did not send too many people and were not willing to pay a high price.

The people of the Ice Wolf tribe took action and also arranged their own tribe's totem formation.

Soon the cold air filled the air, and a giant ice wolf over a hundred feet high condensed out and blasted towards the formation.

Soon, the wolves and snakes stood up together and attacked the formation crazily, shaking the ground and causing the formation barrier to twist violently.

The people in Qingsang Village looked ugly and looked at each other: "Do you want to go out and take action?"

"I don't know how many of them have come now. I'm just afraid of an ambush outside."

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