What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 591 Nothing To Fear

There was little cooperation between the villagers and the chickens, ducks, geese, and dogs, and the scene became quite chaotic.

Among the villagers, the village chief and Old Man Mu were the strongest. One had a spear like a fire dragon, and the other had a sword light like a shooting star. They locked onto the leaders of the Black Snake Tribe and the Ice Wolf Tribe respectively.

Chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, etc. rushed towards the barbarians, black snakes, and ice wolves of the two tribes, and their bodies grew larger during the flight.

Among them, the big cock was the most ferocious. He scratched and pecked at the black snake, breaking its scales and leaving claw marks.

Geese and ducks should attack with their beaks, attacking at the spot where the cock has pecked to enlarge the wound.

The big black dog became the largest in size. He opened his mouth wide and killed an ice wolf in one bite. If the warriors of the two tribes had not formed a battle formation, they would not have been able to stop him, the dog king, from attacking.

Of course, there was also a cat in the middle for sneak attacks, causing wolves or snakes to scream and be injured from time to time.

The other villagers followed the attack and had a certain advantage in strength, but the barbarians cooperated well, and for a while they couldn't tell the winner.

Song Shi came to Ning Ruqin who was lying on the ground. The maid Jiaojiao burst into tears. When she saw Song Shi, she lowered her head and kowtowed frantically: "Senior, please save my princess, she is not even twenty years old." "

She kowtowed, her forehead quickly became covered with blood, and her head was bruised.

"Innate is less than twenty years old and has pretty good qualifications."

Song Shi muttered: "Your maid is also loyal, which is rare. Please bring her to my courtyard."

He turned around and walked back without worrying about the situation of the battle.

"Yes, senior."

The maid saw hope and hurriedly picked up Ning Ruqin and followed Song Shi.

I don't know why, but this time I arrived at the door within a few steps. After entering, the maid's anxious mood calmed down inexplicably.

"Put the man in front of the pool."

Song Shi pointed to a location, and the maid followed her words, came to the pool in front of the pavilion, and carefully put down Ning Ruqin.

"Wait aside."

Song Shi said.

The maid stepped back and came to the door. She looked at the cobblestoned corridor on the ground and clasped her little hands together, still feeling very uneasy.

Can this senior save the heartbroken princess?

He found that Song Shi did not go to the princess, but came to the various flowers planted on the roadside and picked up a kettle to sprinkle water.

Various flowers had a faint fragrance and looked beautiful, but the maid was in no mood to appreciate them.

"Xiaoyu, come and save me."

Song Shi said lightly.


Amidst the sound of water, a goldfish jumped out of the pool and appeared in front of the maid, startling the latter.

"You are hurt."

The golden crow milks the milky way.

"It's not me. My injury is fine. It's my young lady."

The maid hurriedly pointed at Ning Ruqin, who was motionless on the ground.

The latter turned around, treated the air as water, and swam flexibly in front of Ning Ruqin. He looked at the wound and said in surprise: "She stabbed it by herself. Doesn't it hurt?"

The maid looked at it in a daze. Senior, you asked this fish to save people. Were you kidding? Can fish really save people?

"You don't have to doubt that this fish is capable of saving your princess."

Song Shi said.

The maid hurriedly bowed her head and apologized: "Senior, I dare not doubt you."

"Don't be nervous, neither I nor it can eat people."

Song Shi was helpless. There were two masters and servants. One was strong and the other was timid. They matched well.

"Master, I'm starting."

The goldfish opened its mouth, spat out a blue bubble and landed on Ning Ruqin's heart. A gentle healing power enveloped the heart and landed on the broken area.

The bleeding heart immediately stopped losing blood, squirmed slowly, spit out the dagger, and began to heal.

The maid looked at the goldfish intently and was pleasantly surprised when she saw that its bubbles had such a miraculous effect. This fish really has the ability to save people.

"I was just healing her wounds. It was the master who saved her life."

Goldfish explained.

After hearing this, the maid thought that the princess had died at that time, and that the senior had to take action to be able to persist here to heal the wound.

She showed gratitude: "Senior, it's me who has no knowledge."

"Go to the kitchen to cook a bowl of porridge and add a few red dates."

Song Shi pointed to a location and said, "There is water, grain and dates there. You can cook whatever you want."


Although the maid didn't understand what to cook porridge, she still did it according to Song Shi's instructions.

After lighting up the fire, she was concerned about Ning Ruqin's condition and couldn't help but come out to observe.

The princess's heart had healed, but there was still no movement. She couldn't help but become nervous and watched while holding her breath.

Suddenly, she felt the princess's heart tremble slightly, and she couldn't help but feel excited. If the heartbeat could recover, the person would be alive.

She happily returned to the kitchen and looked at the pot. At this moment, she also understood what Song Shi asked her to cook porridge for. It should be to replenish the princess's strength.

Song Shi walked to the door and looked at the battle that was still going on outside, feeling a little noisy.

With a wave of his hand, the whole courtyard suddenly became quiet and isolated from the outside world, as if he was in a different world.

"Master, Xiaoyu is so tired."

The goldfish calls out to Song Shi: "Can I take a break?"

"You are usually too lazy and lack pressure. You must wake her up today, otherwise I will use you to make fish soup,"

Song Shi put the pressure on.

"Ah, okay."

The little goldfish took a deep breath and continued to blow bubbles. This was actually its spiritual power, and the power of water had a therapeutic effect. Song Shi saw that it was more suitable for this, so he taught him the relevant methods.

Boom boom.

An undetectable heartbeat appeared, and Ning Ruqin's heart became stronger and stronger.

As time passed, the smell of rice came from the kitchen, and Ning Ruqin suddenly trembled.

Cough cough cough!

She coughed violently, and her pale face slowly turned a little rosy.

"Master, I can't do it anymore."

The goldfish panted and swam hard to the pool, unable to fall down.

The maid Jiaojiao heard the sound and rushed out excitedly. When she saw Ning Ruqin, who was pale but had her eyes open, she shed tears of joy: "Princess, you... you finally woke up."

"I...where am I?"

Ning Ruqin was still a little confused. She didn't understand until she saw Song Shi and the yard, and murmured to herself: "Why am I not dead?"

"Senior saved you."

The maid Jiaojiao explained: "The seniors in the village are fighting the barbarians."

After hearing this, Ning Ruqin looked at Song Shi blankly. She knew that this senior still helped her.

Struggling to get up, she wanted to say something, but Song Shi turned around: "Since you are here and dare to face those barbarians to the death, you are qualified to change your destiny."

He said to the maid: "Go and serve the porridge."


The maid ran back with a bang, and happily served the porridge.

Ning Ruqin pushed herself up and said with a complex expression: "Senior, thank you very much."

"You fought for this, and of course it has something to do with the bad attitude of those barbarians." Song Shi shook his head.

"Are they...are they still fighting the barbarians?"

Ning Ruqin looked outside, but she didn't hear any sound.

"Still fighting."

Song Shi waved his hand, and the void changed, undulating like water, and then a scene appeared, which was the scene outside the village.

After a long battle, the mountains outside the village were in a mess. The ground was pitted, vegetation was smashed in large areas, and both sides saw blood.

Generally speaking, the situation of the barbarian tribe is worse. The corpses on the ground belong to the two major tribes. The village has a numerical advantage, so it seems to be easier.

"I have caused trouble to everyone." Ning Ruqin showed guilt.

"I said it has something to do with their attitude. To be precise, the village must deal with them. Saving you is incidental."

Song Shi looked away and looked at Ning Ruqin who came out with the porridge: "Give her a drink and just watch here. I'll go out and solve the trouble temporarily."

He secretly added a little more to the porridge to increase the vitality contained in it, then walked out of the yard and appeared on the battlefield.

All kinds of sounds suddenly came to my ears, among which the sounds of chickens, ducks and geese were the loudest. These guys were so flexible that the snakes and wolves were tired of fighting.

The village chief and Old Man Mu fought back and forth with the barbarian kings of the two major tribes. Both of them had just broken through, and they were still inferior in strength. However, with the help of other villagers around them, they were invincible.

The one who killed the most enemies on the scene was the big black dog. The Demon King's strength could easily kill other enemies who were not as strong as the King.

The lives of the two barbarian kings are not in danger for the time being, but the situation is getting worse.

Because their men are losing, and every death or injury means that their overall strength is decreasing.

"We have to retreat. We can't do anything to these guys today. We can only go back and make long-term plans."

The leader of the Black Snake Division secretly transmitted the message.

"I didn't expect that we would suffer in this ravine. It's also unlucky."

The leader of the Ice Wolf Division looked very unhappy, but he knew what the situation was like and responded: "It's still the same rules later, you use poison, and we use ice to stop them from pursuing."


After the two decided to retreat, they immediately released attacks to repel their opponents and quickly distanced themselves.


They shouted at the same time, and the other men and Demonic Beast who were struggling to resist tried to find ways to escape.

Just when they ordered to retreat, Song Shi appeared on the battlefield: "Don't you want corpses? Remember to leave?"

Song Shi will not let these people leave. He has lived here for so many years, and this is the first time that trouble has come to his door. If he doesn't act forcefully, more people will continue to cause trouble in the future.

Besides, even if these people are let go, won’t the barbarian countries come to take revenge?

Song Shi, who has seen through everything long ago, is destined not to give these people a way to survive.

Seeing this person appear again, the leader of the Black Snake Tribe snorted coldly: "Don't be arrogant, Ning Country is trembling in front of our Barbarian Country, let alone a small village like you."

"Preserve that woman's body for us, or we will destroy your whole village."

The leader of the Ice Wolf Department looked cold.

"You people are so annoying. You are obviously defeated and want to escape, but you are still saying harsh words here!"

Xu Hongniang couldn't help but complain.

"It's just that there is strength in numbers. Do you really think you are so powerful?"

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe did not want to admit defeat and said harshly: "Next time I will let you understand what despair is."

Song Shi said expressionlessly: "Next time? Do I let you go?"

"Stop us if you can!"

The leader of the Ice Wolf tribe opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of cold air, forming a high ice wall in front of everyone to prevent the villagers from pursuing.

The other leaders of the Ice Wolf Tribe and the Ice Wolves were all breathing out cold air, forming an ice wall to hinder the pursuers. At the same time, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, making the pursuers' movements stiffen.

The Black Snakes released black poisonous gas one after another, forming a poisonous mist to isolate the pursuers. After combining with the ice, it was difficult for people to catch up.

They quickly distanced themselves, thinking they could leave smoothly.

"I said I won't let you leave."

Song Shi looked at the escaping guy and raised his hand to grab it, as if he had grabbed the whole world.

At the same time, the two tribes seemed to be enveloped by a big hand. Before they could panic, they all hit an invisible wall.

The light above them changed, and a large translucent hand appeared. This hand was higher than the mountain. Seeing that they were all covered in it, the surrounding space solidified, leaving them with no way out, as if they were trapped in a cage.

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe had an ugly expression on his face, and launched a fierce attack, landing on the barrier in front. It only caused a circle of ripples, but could not be broken at all.

"Damn it, what kind of method is this!"

"Could he have trapped us with just one hand?"

All the barbarians began to panic.

The villagers also looked at it in surprise.

In their eyes, Song Shi just grabbed them from the air, and these guys were trapped in the air and became turtles in the urn.

These methods are too powerful and beyond their imagination.

Song Shi used space means to cover these guys and said to the others: "Wait a minute, you go inside and continue attacking until they are all killed."

When the leader of the Black Snake Tribe heard this, his eyes were cold: "How dare you, if we die here, the barbarian country will definitely send stronger people to kill you!"

The village chief showed fear: "Mr. Song, their origins are indeed extraordinary."

"But do we have any other choice? If we don't kill them, will we have to send them back?"

grumpy iron head snorted.

"Don't worry, we will kill anyone who comes. A barbarian country is nothing to be afraid of."

Song Shi said calmly, seemingly not taking the so-called barbarian country seriously at all.

"You will regret it!"

The leader of the Ice Wolf tribe gritted his teeth.

Except for this person, their strength is not much different, but if they are trapped and then consumed bit by bit by these people, no one will survive.

"You can take a rest and try to deal with them within three days. By then, some people may continue to come and die."

Song Shi withdrew his hand, but the space cage remained outside the village.

"Mr. Song, your skills are so powerful. I can no longer see the big gap between you and me."

Xu Hongniang sighed and complimented: "How about I become your teacher? If you just learn this technique, you can become famous."

"I don't accept apprentices."

Song Shi turned around and said, "Also, let me tell you that the woman who committed suicide was introduced by the idiot."

He did not hide this matter from Ning Ruqin. Since it caused trouble to the village, he would have to bear the corresponding consequences.

After all, if he wasn't here, these people would be enough to destroy this village.

"No wonder, I said, why would anyone come to a place like this and attract these guys?"

Xu Hongniang suddenly realized.

"This boy, for the sake of a woman, doesn't even protect the village's rules. When he comes back, he must be punished!"

The village chief scolded him, saying that not obeying the rules would be a great threat to the village.

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