After all, there are many secrets in his village, especially about Song Shi.

Just like this time, if Song Shi hadn't been present, the two barbarian tribes would have faced annihilation.

Even if the fool comes from the village, he must be severely punished to serve as a warning to others.

Er Lengzi's parents could only smile bitterly and could not say anything.

While the villagers still had time to discuss the two idiots' leaks, the two trapped tribes attacked to no avail, and each of them became desperate.

What is the difference between this situation and waiting to die?

The leader of the Black Snake Department coughed: "Your Majesty is so kind to Divine Ability. I, the Black Snake Department, are convinced and willing to surrender!"

He has always been able to bend and stretch. Since this man has absolute strength, he will not be stupid and hold on until death.

"In your opinion, if the people here don't have the strength, they can kill them if they want. If it were me, I would kill them if I want. Is it necessary to keep you here?"

Song Shi looked cold and did not accept this surrender.

If these people had a better attitude at the beginning and didn't kill anyone who opened their mouths or shut up, they might still have a chance to survive.

"Your Excellency is powerful, but there is no need to have a powerful enemy for no reason."

The leader of the Ice Wolf tribe said coldly: "We are not ordinary characters in the barbarian country. Kill us and you will pay a high price."

"So what, I don't care."

Song Shi turned around and said to the villagers: "Kill slowly and let them fully feel the despair."

Many villagers immediately harbored evil intentions and walked toward the besieged enemy with murderous intent.

Today's commotion is destined to be big, and the village will become famous, so it is naturally best to establish a bad reputation. In the future, cats and dogs will not be able to bully him.

Song Shi didn't pay any more attention, returned to the yard, and began to prepare for the second crossover.

This is his first step to explore other worlds. If he is successful enough, he can explore a second new world in the future, where he may find Wuyou, or find his own body and escape from reincarnation.

"She must be thinking of a way to join me."

Song Shi thought to himself, closing his eyes, the whole figure seemed to be one with nature and man, integrating with the rules of heaven and earth in this world.

His mental power is not strong enough to cross the interface, and he can only go to the second world with the help of the rules of this world.

"I don't know if that guy is dead."

Song Shi's thoughts began to leave, and after a moment, his spirit Divine Body left the world smoothly.

A mark was activated in Ye Mu's body, and Song Shi arrived successfully, using this person to understand the situation at this moment.

A few hours later, Ye Mu had been locked in a dark space. Judging from the iron bars, this was a prison cell.

He observed the situation carefully and felt relieved after making sure that nothing major had happened.

"The next step is to use the rules of this world to cheat and turn it into a fake system, which can also increase people's strength out of thin air."

Song Shi thought about her next plan, and her focus fell on this body.

This is the medium through which he observes and becomes familiar with the world. Before he is strong enough, he cannot survive outside with thoughts.

At this moment, Ye Mu was squatting in the corner with a depressed mood, very confused about the future.

He didn't know what he would face if he was locked up here, whether he would die directly in prison, or whether he would have a chance to get out.

He was even afraid that someone would come and kill him.

"If these people don't want me to reveal any secrets, the best way is to kill me."

Ye Mu clenched his hands: "How can I resist?"

He thought that he had not responded to his presence for a long time, and thought to himself: "Assistant system, why don't you reply?"

"The system generally starts up during mission times and shuts down at other times."

Song Shi responded: "Your first mission is about to begin, please be prepared."

"coming soon!"

Ye Mu's eyes brightened slightly. If there was a special reward for the first mission, it might be able to help him.

He waited nervously and apprehensively, wondering what the task would be, how the system worked, and what was its purpose?

Ye Mu's thoughts are all under Song Shi's control. In essence, he has quietly invaded his soul since the last time and after getting his consent, and can learn his secret thoughts.

He is currently thinking about how to issue tasks and how to combine the tasks with his observation and study of the rules of the world. At the same time, he can reasonably cheat this kid and increase his strength to avoid premature death.

After all, this was the first body he bound to in this world. It was bound while he was dying, which was rare.

Soon, six hours came.

Song Shi pretended to speak through the system: "The mission is activated. Please start the novice mission. Basic practice. Every three hours of practice, you can improve one attribute point. It will be effective for a long time."

Ye Mu was stunned when he heard this. How could this kind of task be too simple?

"Just practice?"

He was a little unsure.

"The newbie's task is naturally simple."

Song Shi replied that he actually wanted to observe Ye Mu's practice in order to understand the Body Refining system of this world.

When practicing, he will resonate with the laws of heaven and earth in this world, which will naturally help him understand the rules of heaven and earth and further crack the rules.

"Okay, then I'll practice and see."

Ye Mu sat cross-legged on the ground with some doubts, concentrated his energy, and began to practice.

In fact, during the past six hours, he also tried to practice, but he was always worried about his safety and future and could not calm down at all, so he practiced intermittently.

But this time it was different. Perhaps because he heard the sound of the system again, and because he wanted to see if there was any reward after practicing for three hours, he successfully concentrated his mind and entered the cultivation state.

In this world, when a practitioner first starts practicing, he must first use his will to mobilize his inner breath and condense the body's essence.

After condensing the spiritual world energy, you can then use the essence energy to temper the skin, flesh, tendons, bones, organs, and marrow, and strengthen the body to a certain level so that it can withstand the impact of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Different levels correspond to different realms. It is not surprising that Song Shi knew these situations through Ye Mu.

Great Dao leads to the same goal through different paths. Although it is a different world, the basic level of cultivation is still the same. In essence, it is all about refining Qi. However, the Body Refining system here attaches great importance to the physical body.

This is also destined to make practitioners’ foundation stronger and they will go further in the future.

After strengthening the body, it will enter the Nurturing Spirit stage. In Song Shi's opinion, it is the Qi Refining Soul Formation step. However, the practitioners in this world use essence instead of spiritual energy, which also shows that this kind of cultivation Body Refining Suitable for ordinary people.

When the Nurturing Spirit reaches a certain level, it can refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into one's own body through powerful spiritual power, giving birth to Innate True Qi, which has the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

In general, the Body Refining system of this world is similar to the world he is trapped in, which is more conducive to his understanding and deciphering.

As Ye Mu operated his skills, the power in his body flowed in accordance with the rules of this world. After Song Shi watched, he easily found the key point.

While Song Shi was researching, in the endless void outside this world, black things slowly flew over. On the ship, many reddish bugs were lying inside. They were covered in exoskeletons. They were looking at the power planet in the distance indifferently, as if they were going to destroy it.

Suddenly, a voice broke the calm.

"This planet is not that big and has few resources. It was once facing depletion of vitality and is no longer suitable for cultivation. Why does the Queen want to attack it?"

The speaker was an insect with strange power, with some doubts: "Judging from the current movement of the earth, this galaxy will only have some value unless it reaches the next vitality node. Unfortunately, it will take too long."

"We took action purely because the Gods are here, not because of how many resources they have."

Another Zerg responded, "For us, this is a nail planted by the Protoss on our front line and must be pulled out."

The latter's eyes turned cold and he supported: "Then unplug it."

As they get closer, a battle begins in space.

Song Shi felt something and said secretly: "There seems to be a war outside. The world is really not limited to this planet, there are other areas."

"Is it possible that Heavenly Venerable created a universe through reincarnation?"

Song Shi thought of a possibility, "Or maybe different reincarnation worlds are combined to form one universe?"

Thinking of this possibility, Song Shi couldn't help but be surprised. Does Heavenly Venerable really want to evolve into a universe in this reincarnation?

"You have to see how it evolves. It's a rare opportunity."

Song Shi is very interested. He is already in the realm of Immortal Emperor. If he wants to go further, he must be reincarnated into Heavenly Venerable.

The practice of Ye Mu he possessed was getting smoother and smoother, allowing him to further recover from his injuries.

Song Shi observed the time, and after arriving three hours later, he said: "You have completed the basic task, and you will be rewarded with an attribute point, which you can distribute freely."

He deliberately created an attribute panel based on the opponent's situation, wanting to see how this kid made his choice.

However, this scene was always a bit weird. It reminded him of the scene when he had just obtained free attribute points. He even suspected that there was a very powerful existence hiding in him, and he was also secretly familiar with the rules of this world?

Well, if you think about it this way, it would be too much. Song Shi suppressed this idea decisively. Just like Ye Mu couldn't accept that his system was the result of one person's thoughts, he couldn't accept that his system was the result of one person's thoughts. The thoughts of another person.

However, once this idea arises, it is almost like taking root and sprouting, and it will not disappear for a while.

"I hope it won't be a matryoshka doll."

Song Shi thought helplessly.

Ye Mu was very excited at the moment, looking at his attribute panel, which had three data: mental, physical and cultivation.

Song Shi's ability is not as good as his own system, so he can't improve this guy's understanding, so he only gave three options to improve his physique, spirit and cultivation.

For Ye Mu, these three options are enough. If they can really be improved, his strength can be greatly enhanced.

After all, each of his attributes at the moment only has more than three points. If he adds one point, it can be improved by nearly 30%.

He thought for a while, and it was useless for his current situation to improve his spirit, and his cultivation level was not suitable. His cultivation level was still low at the moment, but he had just started skin refining.

If he chooses to increase his physique, his strength, recovery, etc. can be improved, which will have immediate benefits for him.

After all, for practitioners at their level, greater strength would give them an advantage. If they improved a few more times, they might be able to escape.

As he decided to distribute, Song Shi immediately affected the rules and strengthened his body.

An obvious sense of power surged into his heart, and Ye Mu's eyes shone. He didn't expect it to be possible.

"I really encountered a divine object. It's incredible that it can be improved like this."

Ye Mu sighed, feeling a little unreal because this benefit came so easily.

You know, this kind of ordinary practice is what he wants to do, and it is a bit magical that he can actually benefit from it.

Not to mention other tasks, this task is equivalent to the benefits of his usual practice.

"Why did you fall in love with me? Is it just luck?"

Ye Mu still has some ideas, mainly because he has a special experience and has been a slave since he was a child.

In his eyes, there is no love or hate for no reason in this world. Most things are linked to interests.

However, he couldn't figure out what this system was going to do, and he didn't have anything worth calculating. It was probably just a special treasure.

He has no choice, and he has no choice. Instead, he must seize this auxiliary system and improve himself as much as possible before he can escape.

"The mission is long-term. If I practice for another three hours, I can still get rewards!"

Ye Mu endured his hunger and continued to practice.

Song Shi, who was secretly observing, was quite surprised to learn Ye Mu's thoughts.

This man is quite sober and smart, and does not take the system for granted.

Song Shi couldn't help but think of the first time he activated the system.

He was a little speechless. He didn't seem to have thought about it so much at the beginning. Sure enough, the system was still different.

At first, his system was to resurrect him directly from the dead. It was too powerful and did not need to be considered so much.

"So, my fake system is still not strong enough to make this kid feel safe."

Song Shi was helpless. It was his first time doing this kind of thing and he really had no experience.

Fortunately, he showed it in a systematic way. If it was an emotional voice pretending to be an old man, this kid would probably be more suspicious.

After all, it is indeed suspicious to give people power out of thin air without paying any price.

Ye Mu's reaction made him reflect on his own situation. Was the released human race too simple, or was it too easy to do?

"Then I'll make it harder for you next time."

Song Shi thought to herself, but what tasks to arrange next time is really a headache.

He looked around and found that he was in a cell now, with limited contact with people and things, and he couldn't think of what to do for a while.

"It seems that pretending to be a system is not easy either."

Song Shi couldn't help but miss his own system, which was simple and direct. He would be rewarded when he died and make up for whatever he lacked.

Da da da.

A burst of footsteps sounded, interrupting Song Shi's thinking and Ye Mu's practice.

Ye Mu opened his eyes: "Are you going to start?"

"Hehe, the little guy is quite smart."

A figure appeared outside the cell: "You saw something you shouldn't have seen, and naturally you shouldn't be alive."

Ye Mu sighed: "I'm just a slave. I'm weak. What can I see? Isn't it enough for you to put the blame on me?"

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