Song Shi was not interested in explaining why he disliked the sword, but said: "Now that your people are here, you are preparing to pretend to be dead. What else do you think?"

"Follow the instructions of senior, now I am your ordinary maid."

Ning Ruqin said obediently that she didn't know what to do at the moment, and she was not qualified to decide what to do.

Now in this situation, whether she was rescued or the two waves of people from outside were suppressed, it was no longer something she could interfere with.

"Okay, then you should work hard here and learn how to cook from your maid."

Song Shi is not ready to ask Ning Ruqin to do anything for the time being. It is simple. The main conflict now has become the friction between the village and the two countries, and the marriage is nothing.

"Yes, senior."

Ning Ruqin knew that she was not a princess at the moment. If she couldn't do anything, she would be useless.

At this time, the villagers were almost improved, and they first gathered around to watch the Dragon Suppressing Sword, and they were greedy for a while.

"Don't look at it. There is another group of people training for you. Those people's treasures are more suitable for you. As long as you have the ability, you can take them as you like."

Song Shi said with a wicked smile: "As long as you defeat someone, you can get something from them. It's up to you, village chief."

"Yes, sir, we will let those barbarians rest for two days and practice with these people."

The village chief chuckled, turned around and said, "Everyone, get ready. Let's start a new round of training. This time it's not a life-and-death fight. We don't have to kill anyone. Just defeat the opponent."

"Look at the strength of these Ningguo's royal guards and lackeys."

"There is another chance to get the treasure. I don't know what these people bring. It should be more suitable for us."

A group of villagers rushed down happily.

The big black dog also barked and led his younger brothers: "Leave us half of the stuff, and give me the manager's treasure."

"Master, I'm going too."

The little fish flew up and turned into a human form, leading other fish to follow it. They didn't dare to fight with people, so they could still try this kind of fight.

A group of people and beasts rushed down in a swarm, startling Chen Qi who was staying calm at the bottom of the mountain.

"What...what's going on?"

He dealt with it vigilantly, but there was nothing he could do. A group of people and a group of chickens, ducks, geese and dogs rushed down. It was quite scary.

Unexpectedly, the others just glanced at him and rushed over without doing anything to him.

"Boy, your sword is good, and it will be mine from now on."

The big black dog squinted.

"It's really my sword."

Chen Qi became even more sure upon hearing this.

"Dahei, why are you playing with a sword like a dog?"

The village chief hummed: "That sword is more suitable for me."

"Grandpa Village Chief, how can you compete with me, a puppy?"

The big black dog shook his head: "I want to be the first dog to play with a sword, can't I?"

These words made many people laugh, knowing that the big black dog had not understood the meaning of the village chief's words.

After crossing Chen Qi, they did not take action because Song Shi let this man go, and the sword he took out on his own initiative was already very precious.

What we have to grab now are other guys who are unwilling to take it out.

When they came under the big black hand, everyone stared at the Ningguo people who were a little flustered inside with shining eyes.

Chen Qi, who was following him, was stunned for a moment. Are these guys going to take action?

Manager Wu inside was horrified by the sight and asked uneasily: "You... what are you going to do?"

"Let me move your body with you."

The big black dog grinned: "Give me your best treasure, and I will be gentler later."

Manager Wu's expression changed: "Why should I give it to you? Didn't you say you wouldn't kill us?"

"I won't kill you, and I didn't say I won't steal your things."

The big black dog said in a mean tone.

" can't do this."

Manager Wu panicked and said, "We are imperial officials, royal guards, and have a distinguished status. If you rob us, you are at odds with the royal family."

The village chief sneered when he heard this: "It's good that I didn't kill you. Why are you still making noise? Look at what will happen next door. Compared with losing your life, what is a little extraneous possession?"

Manager Wu and others' expressions changed and they did not dare to refute. At the same time, they glanced at Chen Qi with regrets on their faces.

Manager Wu hurriedly said: "If I offer my treasure now, can I do the same as him?"

It is better to give away a treasure than to have all your wealth robbed.

"It's too late. You just had the opportunity to be like him, but it's a pity that you couldn't bear it."

The village chief shook his head: "Be prepared. Practice with us. If you lose, you will have something outside of you taken away."

Manager Wu could only cry and look sad. They were locked up here. Even if they were undefeated at first, they would not be able to withstand challenges every day.

Chen Qi looked happy when he heard it outside.

Fortunately, I made a sincere expression at that time, otherwise it would be the same now, where I would be beaten and robbed.

Xu Hongniang chuckled: "Do you have any weapons suitable for women? If you do, please take the initiative to tell me. I will be gentler then."

"I need some flying swords to practice the sword formation, not much, just come to Liuba."

Old Man Mu looked at everyone and locked the guy with the sword in advance.

Others also stared at Mr. Wu and the others, as if they were looking at their own things.

Tie Datou snorted: "Village Chief, how are we going to do this? We can't just rush in and fight like those barbarians, right?"

The village chief asked Na Na to have an idea and said: "Of course not. This time we will line up according to realm and age. The stronger ones and the older ones will go first. Randomly choose someone to be your opponent. If you win, you will take what is on him. If you lose, If you get it, don’t take it and wait for the next opportunity.”

"This is best. I happen to be older, so it's my turn to be the first." Old Man Mu agreed with a smile.

"No, we are at a disadvantage because you are comparing our ages." The big black dog was dissatisfied. He is only a few decades old now.

"The realm comes first. The realms are almost the same. Sort by age."

The village chief added: "Besides, the person in front may not necessarily win."

"But what if we deliberately choose weak opponents, and what about those opponents who are inherently expensive?"

Xu Hongniang also raised a question: "Everyone challenges the weak first, wouldn't there be no one to challenge the low-level ones later?"

This statement immediately gained support from many people.

It's very simple. If you start strong and choose to move at a lower level, then the weakest people behind may have no opponents to choose from.

"Village Chief, you see, I am just an acquired Martial Artist. They are all Grandmasters. There is no choice at all. Even if I choose, I can't win."

Some people are depressed and talk about their problems.

"Don't be anxious. Let's discuss it slowly. We are trapped here by the young master and we won't be able to escape."

The village chief said helplessly: "Let's talk about the matchmaker first. Let's limit the range of choices. For example, it cannot exceed the gap of a small realm, let alone a large realm. You cannot challenge the same one in a short period of time."

Everyone was chattering like boiling water, and it seemed very lively. The faces of Mr. Wu and others who were being discussed turned dark and they were extremely depressed.

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