I originally thought that being trapped for a few days would be enough, but in the end I had to train with these people and had my resources taken away from me.

It's so bullying.

They didn't dare to say this, and it was useless to say it.

In a world where strength is the most important thing, they would be suppressed with just one slap. They should be thankful that no assassins were killed.

After a while of discussion, everyone was talking about it, and finally decided on the specific rules. In the end, Old Man Mu was the first to fight, the village chief was second, and the big black dog was third.

The three of them have very limited choices, and there is only one, Manager Wu.

Now only Manager Wu is King Level. According to the rules they discussed, the three of them can only challenge Manager Wu.

Fortunately, Mr. Wu is the most powerful, and as expected, he probably has the most and most precious things on him. They are not at a loss, and they can gain a lot just by attacking this guy.

"You also heard how we discussed it. Others, please get out of the way."

Old man Mu looked at Manager Wu.

The latter looked ugly and could only wave his hands to tell the others to move away, otherwise they would rush up in a swarm and they would be the ones who would suffer.

He said with a cold face: "I would like to see what the people in this village are capable of."

"It will satisfy you."

Old Man Mu walked toward the barrier, but the barrier that trapped everyone inside did not stop him. Moreover, after entering, the space changed, and the two of them were suddenly enveloped in an independent space.

This space is extremely open, with a length and breadth of more than ten miles, but it looks like just a ball of light from the outside, which is typical of Mustard Na Sumeru's space method.


Manager Wu was secretly surprised. That man not only suppressed them with one palm, but also opened up space for change at will. It was really unfathomable.

"I'm here, Mu Chen."

Old Man Mu said: "That's it."

Manager Wu came to his senses and said, "Wu Zhaoxing, please show mercy."

The two were briefly introduced, and the next moment their breaths were sharp and they were fighting together.

As they challenged one by one, Han Ci, who was setting off from the Barbarian side, was sitting on a giant wolf, holding a jade talisman for communication and looking solemn.

He found that he couldn't contact the people in Ning Guo, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

"Did something happen again?"

He looked wary: "If even they are defeated, then the people who take action may not be from our two countries, and they are very strong. I am afraid that our people are not enough in the past."

When he hesitated, the jade talisman lit up, and another person was looking for him.

Putting the jade between his eyebrows, his consciousness entered the space inside the jade and saw an acquaintance.

"Lin Changbin, you are looking for me now. It seems you have some news?"

Han Ci asked.

"Preliminary understanding is that your people were trapped in a place called Qingsang Village. The person who suppressed them was a mysterious strong man with unfathomable strength. The people we went to were also suppressed."

Lin Changbin answered.

"What? They were all suppressed? How did you get the news?"

Han Ci's heart sank, the situation was worse than he thought.

"Chen Qi promptly sent his sword to express his apology. The man did not suppress him completely and could move within a certain range."

Lin Changbin revealed the source of the news.

"Hmph, this is probably to let him report the news to us on purpose, in order to scare us so we won't go."

Han Ci said coldly.

"That's wrong. It's because they are not afraid at all, that's why they let Chen Qi convey the news."

Lin Changbin corrected.

"Why, you sound like you don't want to take care of it anymore?" Han Ci looked unkind.

"Do you think you might not care?"

Lin Changbin asked back, and then said: "I am here to remind you that if you arrive, you should be polite first. That person is too powerful and no one but the emperor can defeat him."

"You can guess this without having to explain it. If the two barbarian kings of our country can lead a team to cause trouble, it must be an existence of the imperial rank."

Han Ci did not accept it: "I want more valuable news."

"According to what Chen Qi means, that person may be a Martial God. Is that enough?"

Lin Changbin said.

"God of War?"

Han Jian's eyelids twitched wildly. The existences that lead the gods are the top existences in this world, and they are not someone they can mess with at all.

His expression changed: "Are you sure? Does Ning Guo know that there is such a thing?"

"Isn't it easy to keep people unaware of this existence?"

Lin Changbin took a deep look at Han Ci and made sure that this person didn't know anything before he said: "Chen Qi said that after passing that person's hand, his sword was immediately upgraded to a magic weapon, which was beyond the ability of the emperor." made,"

"Maybe it's an illusion created intentionally, and it's just a lie." Han Ci didn't quite believe this statement.

"It's up to you to find out the truth yourself." Lin Changbin didn't want to say more: "You are definitely on the road now. How to deal with it is your business."

"Why, you Ning Guo don't want to take care of it. This is what happened in your country."

The cold sting is unpleasant.

"You are the closest to that side. If you are willing to hide and dare not go there, then of course we will go there first."

Lin Changbin's face was indifferent: "Oh, there is another thing I haven't told you. Our people are just trapped, and your people will be killed one by one. If you don't care, you can go there later, and they will all die by then. Don’t blame us if you’re naked.”

After saying that, his projection dispersed and the transmission was terminated. "What the hell, you're forcing me!"

Han Ci cursed, but he didn't dare to go there first. He could only activate the communication talisman and report first.

His consciousness once again sank into the inner space of the Communication Jade. The light in front of him changed, and soon a burly figure with a deep aura appeared.

"Han Ci, will a marriage event alarm this emperor?"

The buzzing sound came, even through the communication jade, it brought mental pressure to Han Ci.

"Emperor Han, the matter here is no longer something we can solve."

Han Ci reluctantly told the news.

"Haha, just get the sword and create a magical weapon. What kind of existence do you think can do that?"

Emperor Han chuckled.

"My subordinates are not strong enough, so I'm not sure."

Han Ci shook his head.

"Let's put it this way, it took the Barbarian God a hundred years to refine the Barbarian God Axe, and he used all kinds of magical materials. Do you think someone can create a magical weapon in such a short time?"

When Hanhuang said this, he mocked: "This person should have some strength, but not much, so he is deliberately pretending. The people in Ningguo have no knowledge and are frightened. Don't be frightened."

Han Ci felt relieved and nodded: "Yes, Emperor Han, but we are still no match for him, and Han Ya and the others are in danger, and you may have to take action."

"I'll set off right away. I'll have a good meeting with this mysterious man and see how capable he is. I hope he won't disappoint me then."

Emperor Han stood up: "Go over and stabilize the situation first. Don't let them kill people. It's not easy to train two barbarian kings."

"Yes, I'll rush there as soon as possible."

Han Ci calmed down, ended the contact, and said in a deep voice: "Go ahead at full speed."

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