What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 598 Senior’S Good Tricks

A group of people started walking at full speed and arrived outside Qingsang Village in just half a day.

From a distance, Han Ci saw the black and white palm prints that looked like Tai Chi falling on the ground. There was someone under the palm prints.

A group of people who were obviously villagers gathered under the black palm prints, watching the fight inside and cheering from time to time.

But under the white palm prints, the ground was stained red with blood, and the situation was completely different.

Han Ci glanced around quickly and frowned.

He found that there were many casualties on his side, but there seemed to be no casualties on Ningguo's side. Isn't this different treatment?

He was unhappy, but he couldn't show it. He said to everyone, "You guys wait here while I go meet these people."

He took a deep breath, squeezed out as much kindness as possible, and walked over.

At the entrance of the village, the village chief, who was watching Xu Hongniang challenge Brother Ning Guo, felt something and was the first to turn his head and look over.

"Here we go again, this time it's barbarians."

Many people turned their heads and watched Han Ci walking from a distance with indifferent expressions.

"His aura is very similar to one of the barbarian kings, probably from the same tribe."

Old Man Mu said as he was adjusting his breath.

"He seems much more honest this time. He probably knows that we are not easy to mess with."

Tie Datou crossed his arms and said coldly: "Are you coming here alone?"

"I'm the Cold Wolf's Cold Thorn, come here to understand the situation. Please be merciful and don't kill our people."

Han Ci imitated Ning Ren and saluted.

"It's too late, we have already killed many barbarians."

The village chief looked cold.

Han Ci frowned when he heard this. He was secretly annoyed by the attitude of these people, but he did not dare to say harsh words. He raised his head and glanced in the direction of the top of the mountain. There was a layer of fog there, and there was a courtyard looming.

"It's our fault for offending you. Please show mercy and don't kill any more."

Han Ci said as sincerely as possible.

"We can't decide this matter. You have to go to the young master, but the young master has already said that these people will be killed. I guess you can't change anything."

The village chief said expressionlessly, "I advise you not to disturb the young master."

Han Ci couldn't help but frown, and his eyes turned slightly cold: "What did they do? As for killing them?"

"Haha, they attacked as soon as they came and wanted to destroy our village. What did you say you did?"

Tie DaTou snorted: "If I want to talk to the young master, let you Barbarian Emperor come over."

"It will come, don't worry."

Han Ci's attitude became tougher: "I'm coming here now, just because I don't want this matter to get worse and worse, and eventually there will be no room for relaxation."

"Where did you get all this nonsense? If you have the guts, go directly to my master."

The big black dog listened impatiently.

"Okay, I'm going to visit senior."

Han Ci knew that it was useless to continue talking to these people, so he chose to walk to the top of the mountain.

Not far away, he saw an acquaintance.

Chen Qi is building roads. To be precise, he is repairing the environment that was damaged during the previous battle between barbarians and villagers.

"General Chen, you look quite relaxed." Han Cipi smiled.

"My pleasure."

Chen Qixun glanced at Han Ci: "It's better than your lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

These words were a mockery of the barbarians who were trapped and waiting for death. Han Ci was unhappy to hear this: "But it will embarrass you Ningguo."

"Better than losing your life."

After Chen Qi finished speaking, he lowered his head and started building the road seriously.

Han Ci didn't ask Chen Qi anything. He came to the big white handprint and his face darkened when he saw the situation inside.

Xuance asked: "Are you the only one here?"

"It's just me for now."

His words made everyone inside look disappointed.

It's just a king-level strongman. It's useless to come here. He can't even defeat the villagers, let alone talk to that mysterious man.

Han Ci continued: "The Emperor Han will come, don't worry, I will definitely be able to rescue you."

After saying that, he walked towards the top of the mountain.

In the courtyard, Song Shi took Ning Ruqin's piano and was playing it casually, feeling peaceful and relaxed, enjoying her leisure time.

Suddenly, the sound of his piano stopped, and Song Shi stood up: "I've been really busy during this period. It's only been half a day, and someone else has come."

At the door, Han Ci stopped and stared at the Dragon Suppressing Sword, and his eyes were immediately attracted.

"This...this is really a divine sword!"

Han Ci was terrified, thinking about the news that Lin Changbin told him. Could it be that there was really a sword that was advanced by this mysterious man just by touching it?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have never heard of such an outrageous thing.

"It must be put here to scare people, it's fake."

Thinking of Emperor Han's guess, he shook his head, moved his eyes away from the sword, and bowed to the courtyard: "Han Ci, the envoy of the Barbarian Kingdom, came to pay homage to the senior, and asked the senior to allow the junior to meet."

"There is no need to meet. Since I said I want them to die, no one can come, not you, and neither can the people behind you."

Song Shi's voice came out leisurely: "If you don't believe in evil, you can send more experts over."

"Senior, they just don't know you are here. Those who don't know are not guilty. Why should they take their lives just because they offend you?"

Han Ci said in a deep voice.

"I'm not interested in explaining this matter anymore. If you are willing to follow them, I can send you in."

Song Shi responded ruthlessly.

If he could be released if he begged for mercy, then if he was not in this village and the villagers were captured by those barbarians, would he be able to survive if he begged for mercy?

There is no need for so many reasons for a strong man to kill someone.

Han Ci's face was ugly. Although he had thought that this would be the result, he did not expect that this person would be so unreasonable, which made him feel like he was being slapped in the face.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Then I won't disturb senior. One of the Nine Emperors of our Barbarian Kingdom will come here later to discuss his hopes with senior. By then, I hope senior can change some of his views."


Song Shi doesn't mind seeing the stronger people in this world.

Han Ci was rejected. He didn't even see anyone and was in a bad mood.

When he came down the mountain, he didn't even bother to pretend anymore, and flew down directly with a cold face.

But there was a sound in the air, and he passed through the mountain village and came to the white palm print.

The two barbarian kings inside looked at him expectantly.

Han Ci could only say helplessly: "What I said is of no use at all. It can't make them stop killing."

The light in Xuanzang and Hanya's eyes immediately dimmed, revealing a look of despair.

"But Emperor Han will be here soon. They seem to be teasing those Ning people. They should not attack you for the time being. It's too late."

Han Ci added, giving the people inside a little more hope.

In the courtyard, the maid who was trimming flowers and grass said softly: "One of the Nine Emperors of the Barbarian Kingdom has been alerted so quickly."

Ning Ruqin, who was studying on the side, nodded: "Two barbarian kings are facing death, and they must find an emperor-level strongman. I don't know who will come from our side." She was a little nervous, because the people who came might find her.


A fist filled with cold air was quickly punched out, bursting out with powerful attack power, bringing up a gust of wind and hitting a transparent wall that looked like a mountain.

The powerful-looking fist seal was shattered like an egg when it hit a stone, turned into a burst of water mist, and quickly dissipated.

The transparent wall only slightly distorted the light and then quickly stabilized, even more stable than the mountains.

If this fist hits the mountain, it will at least have the effect of causing landslides and ground cracking, and it will not be as fragile as it is now.

Han Ci sighed.

Without taking action, he could know how big the gap was between himself and that person just by attacking this thing.

"You don't have to waste your energy. With so many of us attacking inside, it won't be effective. Don't even think about it if you are alone."

Hanya shook his head at him.

"We can only wait for Emperor Han to come."

Han Ci sat in front of the cage, unable to do anything and feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

He took out the communication jade and contacted Emperor Han again.

Entering the inner space of the Communication Jade, Emperor Han's projection appeared, buzzing: "I am already on my way here, how are you doing there?"

Han Ci smiled bitterly: "That person did not agree and was not willing to let Han Ya and the others go. However, the killer is currently dealing with those Ningguo people, and the lives of those who are still alive are not in danger."

"Then you mean a lot of people have died!" Emperor Han was dissatisfied: "Are they two still there?"

"Okay, I understand that the killers were the villagers here, not the senior. He just trapped them."

Han Ci told the specific situation.

"What a great trick, deliberately trapping people and giving them training?"

Emperor Han sneered after hearing this, "It's coming soon. I want to see how capable this person is."

Han Ci nodded, but for some reason, even though an emperor was about to come, he didn't feel at ease at all. Instead, he felt a little uneasy.

After the interrogation, he looked at the top of the mountain, completely unable to see through.

Soon, a strong wind blew over the entire village. The wind was freezing and biting, making a whining sound.

The sky suddenly turned dark, and the village was shrouded in a group of dark clouds. The temperature dropped rapidly. In a blink of an eye, it was like entering a cold winter, and there was even ice and snow falling from the sky.

The village chief and other people who were still challenging raised their heads.

In the sky, dark clouds were overwhelming, and clusters of lead clouds were gathering, which brought a kind of psychological pressure to them, as if the whole sky was about to fall.

"This Celestial Phenomenon is not normal and is man-made."

Old man Mu was shocked.

"It should be a more powerful existence, everyone, be careful."

The village chief's expression became serious, "Let's all go into Wuzhishan."

Because the handprints used to suppress the enemy were large, like a mountain, they called these two hands Wuzhi Mountain, one black Wuzhi Mountain and the other white Wuzhi Mountain.

Wuzhishan would not prevent them from entering. After hearing the village chief's words, everyone immediately ran in and felt safer.

At this time, a billowing voice echoed in the dark clouds: "The mysterious man from this village, Mr. Han, came to pay his respects."

The cold sound echoed in the sky, making the entire mountain tremble.

The people in the village saw the emperor's terror, and everyone's expressions were wonderful.

"The characters coming this time are a bit stronger."

"Young Master should be able to handle it, right?"

"It will definitely work. Young Master's strength is unfathomable."

A group of people looked nervously towards the top of the mountain, which seemed to be covered by dark clouds.

"Are you here to die, or are you here to apologize?"

Song Shi's voice responded.

"I don't know how high the sky is, but I'm here to talk to you. What qualifications do I have to ask this emperor to apologize?"

Emperor Han sneered: "Let our people go immediately, or our mountain will be leveled!"

He released some of his power, and the earth suddenly shook, and the entire village seemed to be overturned.

"You are so aggressive, are you prepared to be suppressed and die at the foot of this mountain, Low Grade?"

Song Shi sounded dissatisfied.

This person makes the sunny weather gloomy as soon as he comes, which affects people's mood and also affects his flowers.

"I admit that you are strong, but some things should stop here!"

A huge figure suddenly appeared in the dark clouds.

This figure was a hundred feet tall, holding a snow-white sword, and stamped the void fiercely. A strong wind blew up, and the entire mountain range trembled, as if it was about to topple over.

He pointed to the top of the mountain, and his voice with murderous intent echoed in the sky: "If you can, just let me wait for death."

"Since you have this idea, then as you wish."

Song Shi was very disappointed. He didn't expect the strong man from the barbarians to have such an attitude.

"Let me see how capable you are."

The giant in the sky stared at the small courtyard on the top of the mountain with gloomy eyes, and an astonishing pressure burst out, like a majestic iceberg, powerful and powerful.

The long knife in his hand was more than a hundred meters long, with cold light shining, and he slashed directly at the courtyard, with the posture of slashing through the mountain, splitting the courtyard and the hill together.

Before the knife fell, the terrifying power roared, already frightening those who were not strong enough.

Song Shi shook his head, sat in the yard, glanced at the guqin in front of him, and played it lightly with one finger.


The sound of the piano was clear and crisp, and the sound turned into a substantial sonic attack, like a sharp sword flying out from the strings and heading towards the light above the head.

The sound of the piano cut through the void, expanded rapidly on the way, and finally hit the giant knife that exuded cold air like a giant blade.


The sword energy that Emperor Han slashed out broke in response, like cut glass, instantly split into two pieces, and the sword in his hand was also broken into two pieces.

Emperor Han, who wanted to test Song Shi's strength, stared wide-eyed as his quasi-divine weapon was cut off by a sound wave, and shouted in horror: "Impossible!"

He thought that this man would be very powerful and that he would be no match even if he tried his best, but he never thought that the sound waves from playing the piano casually could destroy his weapons.

This is no longer a gap in cultivation.

His face changed drastically and turned into a smile in a blink of an eye: "Senior, I admire your good skills. Please stop playing the piano. This junior will not be able to bear it."


Song Shi looked at the burly guy inside through the dark clouds. He was really sorry for his skinny skin. He curled his lips and said, "I surrendered quite quickly. It's a pity that you were a little late."


The sound of the piano sounded again, and it was continuous. Song Shi played the piano casually, and the void was suddenly like a cracked mirror, cut into piece after piece.

The huge figure in the dark clouds was immediately cut into pieces, but there was no blood rain, mainly because the figure had a Divine Ability.

The dark clouds in the sky shattered, the gloom was instantly broken, and the sun appeared again.

"Senior, spare your life!"

A shrill scream came out, and under a ray of sunshine, a burly man covered in blood knelt down in the air and kowtowed to Song Shi, shocking everyone, including the barbarians.

Who would have thought that this one of the Nine Emperors of the Barbarian Kingdom would be so weak?

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