What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 600 The Top Four Are Coming

"As expected, he turned into a dog, and he seemed quite engaged."

Emperor Xuan sneered.

"It's really an embarrassment to our barbarian country. A noble man would do such a humiliating thing."

Emperor Lie followed and laughed.

"No matter what he does, this guy is determined to do it. He is no longer worthy of being with us. The value of rescuing those juniors now is greater than caring for him."

Emperor Li hummed.

This time, they came with half of the powerful men from the barbarian kingdom, including the four emperors, the three of them and the barbarian emperor, and hundreds of barbarian kings.

With such a formation, they could walk sideways even to the Imperial City of Ningguo, let alone a small village, so they were very confident at the moment.

"This person's methods are indeed powerful, surpassing those of you and me."

The Barbarian Emperor spoke. His focus was not on the Han Emperor, but on other things, such as the two large hand seals and the small courtyard on the top of the mountain that could not be seen through.

"Judging from this large hand seal, it is indeed the Divine Level of martial arts. Emperor Han is not exaggerating on this matter."

Emperor Li nodded.

They stood far away, using their Divine Ability to observe the village.

As for the two obvious large handprints at the entrance of the village, it is naturally impossible to ignore them because they can be seen clearly.

"Up there, you can feel the breath of divine law."

Liehuang's face was solemn, "This man has been living in seclusion here for a long time and I have never heard of him."

"It may be a very ancient existence. After all, the Martial God class can live for a long time, maybe tens of thousands of years, which is beyond your and my time."

Lihuang guessed.

"You'll know if you test it out. I don't believe he can practice to this level without becoming famous."

Emperor Xuan said coldly: "So what if they are the God of War? We have so many people here today, maybe even the God of War can kill them."

"Don't be too arrogant, we haven't fought against the God of War yet."

The Barbarian Emperor waved his hand, took a step forward, and said: "My Majesty, the Barbarian Emperor, has come to pay homage to my senior."

"not see."

Song Shi responded with an indifferent voice.

"We have to visit our seniors, please be sure to meet him."

The Barbarian Emperor said forcefully, with a bad look on his face. He represented the face of the entire Barbarian Kingdom. If he was rejected, he would probably be laughed at by all the countries.

"You can come here if you're not afraid of death. Remember to beg for mercy soon. I can take in a few more dogs. It's too late to beg for mercy. I'm going to kill you."

Song Shi responded coldly, these guys think they can suppress him with more people? It's so naive, what he cultivates is no longer ordinary power, but the law.

Song Shi snorted coldly when he saw this scene.

When Emperor Han heard the voice at the entrance of the small courtyard, he shook his head helplessly: "I knew you were coming, but you are not at the same level at all. You can't make up for it with numbers."

"You still have some sense of self-awareness. My master is invincible."

The big black dog next to him squinted. In his eyes, his master was omnipotent and unrivaled.

The villagers looked up at the four powerful figures rising in the distance. They just hid and were not too afraid.

In their opinion, since Mr. Song's tone was so calm, he should not be afraid of these people.

Seeing that Song Shi had no intention of compromising, the Man Emperor could only bite the bullet and said: "Then I, the Four Emperors of the Man Kingdom, come to ask my senior for some advice."


A powerful aura erupted from them, and then they formed seals at the same time, and their powers began to connect together.

This is a battle formation that can temporarily combine the power of everyone to fight against more powerful existences.

Of course, this combination is not perfect. At most, it is the support of strength. It is not really a whole. They still have to take action individually.

However, with the blessing of each other's power, the power that each person exudes far exceeds his own, and the four of them work together to increase the level by more than four times.

Powerful power enveloped the entire sky, showing different colors. One side was as dark as a lake, and the breath was cold. It was the power of the Cold Emperor.

On one side, flames were billowing like a volcano, which was the power of the Lie Emperor. The remaining Li Emperor's physical body became like a giant, while the Barbarian Emperor had a god-like projection appearing behind him. The aura was the most terrifying, causing the void to twist and crack.

"Senior, this is the nine-barbarian battle formation of our barbarian country. Now there are only four barbarians. I hope it can satisfy senior."

The Barbarian Emperor spoke, and the powerful power made his confidence surge.

"Barbarian Emperor, I come first."

The Lie Emperor's power was the most violent, and he was also the first to be unable to bear it.

He took one step forward and appeared in the sky above the village. Red flames rolled in his body. His body grew bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a huge flame troll.

This flame troll was wearing a red flame armor, with a hideous and terrifying face, its mouth wide open, spitting out flames, its eyes violent, and flames rolling all over its body, as if it were a burning flame in hell, causing the surrounding temperature to rise crazily.

Under the huge body, the entire village seemed small. All the villagers were extremely nervous and couldn't help but feel fear, fearing that the flame troll would level the village with one kick.

Dahei, who was guarding the gate, was so frightened that he stood on his head with fur all over his body and bared his teeth: "Oh my god, why is this guy so much stronger than you?"

"He was blessed with the power of three other people, which is equivalent to reaching the limit of his physical body. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half a god of war."

Emperor Han explained and took a look inside the courtyard. After a while, he should be able to see more of this person's abilities.

In the small courtyard on the top of the mountain.

Ning Ruqin's face turned pale. She had never seen such a powerful enemy appear in front of her.

She just felt that she was like an insignificant ant at the moment. People didn't need to take any special action, just a little aftermath could crush her.

"So strong."

The maid next to her couldn't help but hug Ning Ruqin, and then looked at Song Shi.

The latter sat calmly under the tree with the guqin in front of him.

Recently, this person likes to play the piano very much.

"Ah, it's so hot, the water in the pool is about to boil."

The little fish jumped out and looked at the sky in fear.

Under the high temperature, the clouds and mist surrounding the top of the mountain were evaporated, and the entire village seemed to be melted. Fortunately, a formation barrier was activated to isolate most of the heat.

"Hmph! Since you won't take action, then I, the Emperor, will take action!"

Seeing that the mysterious man didn't even come out at this moment, Liehuang controlled the Flame Demon to move.


The flame giant stretched out his big hand and slammed it on the ground. Endless hot flames spurted out, like a volcano erupting upside down, forming a large sea of ​​​​fire, sweeping in all directions, covering the entire village, and seeming to destroy the world.

"World-destroying flames!"

He let out a low roar. This was his method. He once destroyed an army with this method. From then on, the name of the Lie Emperor resounded throughout the continent.

Now, with three other great emperors blessing him with strength, his power has increased tenfold, and he can destroy a city, let alone a mere mountain village.

"My heart is very swollen."

Song Shi muttered, still without any panic, and pulled the strings.


Following the crisp sound, a circle of sound spread. This time the sound wave did not turn into a sword, but spread over a ten-mile radius, turning into a barrier.

Sound barrier!

In other words, he focuses on defense this time. It's okay if he doesn't defend, he can easily break the attack, but when strong men fight, mortals suffer, and this village will be destroyed by an attack of this level.

It is much more difficult to fight back while protecting the village.

Seeing Song Shi's reaction, Emperor Lie made a move and smiled ferociously.

This person dared to be so trustworthy and now he was thinking about protecting the village. He must not have much power to deal with him. He might be able to make him suffer without the need for others to take action.


The flame claws hit the sound wave barrier, making a deafening sound, like a meteor hitting the earth, the flames shattered and spread rapidly.

The sonic barrier did not stop, but expanded, not only blocking the flames of the explosion, but also knocking out the huge flame demon.

"How is it possible that a voice not only has strong defense, but also has such terrifying explosive power?"

The Lie Emperor couldn't believe it. Although his Flame Demon Aspect was not as good as the Strength Emperor's Celestial Appearance, it was extremely explosive and powerful because of its fire attribute.

Ding dong!

At this time, the sound of the piano was urgent, and the two sounds of the piano turned into sharp blades and slashed out from the top of the mountain, and the void along the way was obviously cut open.

Realizing that the power of this sonic attack was terrifying, Liehuang did not dare to fight head-on. He stepped on the void, as if a volcano was erupting under his feet. His figure suddenly accelerated, and his huge body turned out to be extremely flexible. He flickered to avoid the sonic attack, and took the opportunity to look for opportunities to continue attacking. Village, distracting the other side from protecting it.


The flame troll roared, shaking the world, and its flaming claws scratched through a large void, grabbing at the villagers' residences on the mountainside.

If Song Shi is not blocked, with just one click, the houses of these villagers will be turned into ashes.

Ning Ruqin covered her mouth and the maid even covered her eyes.

Everything happened faster than they could see, and it seemed that the village would be destroyed in the next moment.

"No, get out of here!"

Faced with the huge flame claws falling from the sky, the timid villagers were already frightened and fled.

"Believe me, sir!"

The village chief shouted, facing this kind of attack, the difference in strength between them was too great and they couldn't avoid it.

The sound of the piano appeared again, and the sound of attacking Liehuang once again formed a barrier, blocking the claw of the flame giant it had condensed.

"I have something, so I'll play with you."

Song Shi sneered, put his other hand on the strings, and started to strum.


The sound of the piano began to sound continuously, and the tinkling sounds were for attack and defense. They suddenly combined together, making the fire troll unable to attack the village, and began to be forced to dodge by his attacks.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sound of the piano turned into thousands of sharp swords, cutting into the flame troll's body, easily cutting its body open.

The latter's expression changed and he hurriedly changed his tactics. A circle of flames suddenly surrounded his body, forming a defense to protect him.


Except for the slight change in the sound, after being touched by the sound wave, it was still cut open.

The sound waves were so sharp that his defensive methods were completely ineffective.

However, all his attacks were blocked by the defense formed by this sound wave. The attacks against him became more and more fierce. Liehuang finally understood how big the gap was.

The Flame Demonic Phase, who noticed that most of his power was concentrated, was cut off in a blink of an eye, and his hands and feet were missing. If he continued, his body would also be cut off.

Ding ding ding!

Amidst the sharp sound of the piano, he found that he was being attacked by aggressive sound waves from all directions. It was like being struck by ten thousand swords, and his mind could not help but tremble, as if he was about to be cut open.

"help me!"

The power of life and death forced him to seek help.

"Lihuang, attack the village quickly and save Liehuang."

The Barbarian Emperor took a step forward, and a huge ax appeared in his hand, which severely chopped down and shattered part of the sound wave. At the same time, the Emperor of Power was asked to attack the village to force the opponent to disperse its power.

"Haha, you are smart, but do you think you can make me confused by attacking separately?"

Song Shi looked disdainfully and pulled the string hard, making a tinkling sound.

A faster and more powerful sound wave was shot at Lihuang. The latter raised his arm to block, and with a bang, the whole person was knocked away.

His huge body was covered in blood, and he fell hard in the distance, smashing a mountain.


Emperor Xuan was shocked. Li Mo's body was the most powerful, but he couldn't resist a sound wave?

Is this person really that strong?

He glanced at Emperor Li, who saw that the armor he was wearing had been cut open, and there were deep blood marks on his arms. The most important thing was that he was vomiting blood at the mouth, and he was obviously suffering from internal injuries.

This blow actually severely damaged the Emperor of Strength, and the Emperor of Strength was blessed by strength!

He couldn't help but feel his scalp numb for a while. Was this his true strength? It hadn't been revealed just now.

The Barbarian Emperor held weapons and resisted with the Lie Emperor, but he was still beaten back by the sound waves.

Emperor Xuan had no choice but to take action, and a large black river flew out, finally blocking this wave of attacks.

They looked at each other and saw solemnity, surprise, fear, and even some fear in each other's eyes.

Song Shi ignored their reactions. He played the piano again, and sound waves flew out one after another, hitting the three emperors in front.

If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. After just a moment, with a bang, the huge flame demonic phase condensed by the Lie Emperor exploded, directly shattered into balls of flames, and quickly dissipated between the sky and the earth.


With his Divine Ability broken, Liehuang suffered severe backlash. He immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his combat effectiveness dropped directly.

The moment he was injured, the sound of Song Shi's piano became more urgent again, typically taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

Lihuang and the other four people could not breathe a sigh of relief. Their hearts sank when they felt the sound waves continuously pouring out from the top of the mountain and hitting them continuously.

"Full low gear!"

The Barbarian Emperor shouted loudly. At this time, there was no other choice. If he couldn't stop them, his life would be in danger. There was absolutely no way the other party would let them escape.

He immediately took out the inherited divine armor and put it on. A ring of powerful defense enveloped his whole body. At the same time, he struck out with an axe, shattering several sound waves in succession.

With the help of divine weapons and armor, his combat power has been greatly increased, and he is not afraid of sound waves for the time being, but it is different for others.

Xuanhuang's Heihe was cut into sections, Liehuang was like a bereaved dog, turning into a fireball and desperately trying to avoid it, while Lihuang could only take it hard.


The shattering sound sounded, and the Barbarian Emperor's face darkened, and he turned around to look.

Liehuang was hit by a sound wave and was chopped in the abdomen. The terrifying sound wave was sharper than a sword. It penetrated his body directly from his chest to his back, and blood spurted out.

At the same time, the power connection between them was also severed by sound waves, making them unable to directly support Lie Huang.

"Barbarian Emperor, save me..."

Liehuang's face turned pale, he glanced at the broken body, and raised his head with difficulty to ask for help.

It turned out that the sound wave from Song Shi came to him first, cut through the void standing in front of him, and cut off his head mercilessly.


The barbarian country was horrified and shouted loudly. Unfortunately, this sentence was of no use at all. Sound waves chased it and chopped it into pieces.

The four powerful men of the Barbarian Kingdom attacked at the same time, and in a short period of time, one of them was lost.

The Lie Emperor died!

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