What Should I Do If I Can’T Die?

Chapter 601 Happiness Comes Too Suddenly


The clear and lively sound of the guqin played by Song Shi continued, which sounded very pleasant, but to the invading barbarians, it was a sound of death.

It was the sound of the piano that turned into sharp sound waves that cut through the void and chopped the Lie Emperor into pieces from the air. In an instant, blood spilled out, raining blood all over the sky, making his death miserable.

This time, unlike the first batch of barbarians, Song Shi killed them directly.

People's patience is limited. Although these people are nothing in his eyes, if they don't come to him, he doesn't want to bully them at all.

But the barbarian people kept causing trouble again and again, so they had to be killed when they should.

"Fierce Emperor!"

Barbarian Emperor shouted subconsciously, but the person was gone.

He was furious.

It doesn't matter if he has divine armor and divine axe, he still can't save his own people, the difference in strength is too obvious.

Emperor Xuan and Emperor Li were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Their strength was similar to that of Emperor Lie. If they faced the same murderous intention, the result would be the same.

"Hey, that's true."

Han Huang, who was guarding the door, shook his head, "If I had known this, why would I do anything?"

He was glad that he had begged for mercy in time, otherwise he would have ended up in a rain of blood like now, with no body intact.

Looking at the courtyard, his face was solemn. Will this person also kill the remaining three emperors?

The strings under Song Shi's hand were still beating, and they began to form a tune. It sounded comfortable, but it was extremely terrifying to the three emperors of the Barbarian Kingdom.

"Barbarian Emperor, we are no match, run away."

Emperor Xuan was frightened. If Emperor Barbarian hadn't been standing in front of him, he would have turned around and run away.

Before Barbarian Emperor could answer, he felt suddenly far away from the village and trapped in an independent space.

This space is extremely stable, isolated from the outside world, and seems indestructible.

Lihuang punched out, and with a muffled sound, his whole body was bounced back.

"They actually trapped us!"

Opposite them, an extremely huge figure was sitting, like a mountain sitting upright, with a long harp in front of him.

Not only this person, there are many things around that are also very large. If you look closely, they are ordinary things in the yard, but at this moment, they suddenly become more than a thousand times larger, and they become almost like ants.

What kind of Divine Ability is this? It has such an incredible ability to make them look smaller.

"Is this the only way you can understand what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky?"

Song Shi looked down at the three emperors, expressionless, and played the piano casually.

The sound of the piano turned into a sharp edge, and its power was instantly increased a hundred times, and its speed was also faster. The Barbarian Emperor couldn't even dodge, and was sent flying in an instant.

The divine ax in his hand cracked open, even the divine armor was shattered, and a deep bloodstain suddenly appeared on his body.


The other two people only found it unbelievable. They knew that the Barbarian Emperor was wearing divine armor, so how could he be so fragile.

"You want to regain the face of the barbarian country, have you ever thought that I also have face? You have face, but I don't have face."

Song Shi said coldly, like a god who controls the life and death of the three emperors.

Emperor Xuan and Emperor Li had no choice but to help, but under the sound of a piano, their joint defenses instantly collapsed and shattered. All three of them were covered in blood, and they were almost killed by one blow.

The Barbarian Emperor fell in a pool of blood, his confidence and self-esteem completely shattered. He roared: "Senior, show mercy, we were wrong!"

He still chose to beg for mercy. If he didn't beg for mercy, all he needed was the last sound of the piano, and they would all return to the west.

"Master, please give them a chance."

Emperor Han asked hurriedly. He did not want to see the Barbarian Emperor die here, and the entire Barbarian Kingdom would fall apart.

"Why should I give you a chance?"

Song Shi pulls his hand on the strings. To deal with this kind of guy, you have to give him a painful beating, or even kill him, so that he will no longer be able to make trouble.

"Senior, he is the Barbarian Emperor. If you spare his life and control him, it is equivalent to controlling the entire Barbarian Kingdom. No one will dare to disturb you in the future."

Emperor Han said as if he was thinking about Song Shi.

"Oh, that sounds reasonable."

Song Shi did not play the strings. He found that not killing the barbarian emperor was more valuable than killing him.

Moreover, he had just killed one and felt much better, so he was not in a hurry to kill again.

"Senior, I am willing to surrender."

The barbarian emperor said in frustration.

As a barbarian emperor, he had never experienced such humiliation, but his own life or death was not important. The barbarian country behind him could not live without him.

As soon as he died, the barbarian kingdom fell apart again, and everything he had done before was in vain.

Therefore, his life and death cannot be determined by his own mind. He needs to beg for mercy and use humiliation in exchange for survival.

"As I said before, if I can kill you at will and support a barbarian emperor, what value do you have?"

Song Shi was not willing to let the barbarian emperor take the lead easily.

"Senior, the most valuable thing I have here is the secret of the Barbarian God Shattering the Void."

Barbarian Emperor gritted his teeth and said tentatively: "I don't know if you have reached the realm of Shattered Void."

"Shattered Void."

Song Shi showed some interest: "The Shattered Void you are talking about should be the realm after the Martial God, right?"

"Yes, once you break the void, you can go to the God Realm and live forever."

The Barbarian Emperor said with envy: "In this world, there are not many powerful people who can achieve this step from ancient times to the present. Our barbarian country's former barbarian gods have done it."

He was confident that the other party would care about this secret, because the other party was still in this world and had not broken the void, so it should not have reached that point.

He said with some pride: "Senior, it will definitely be of great benefit if you get the experience of Barbarian God Shattering the Void."

Hearing this, Song Shi knew what the other party's secret was, which was nothing more than how to break the void and where Ascension was easier to break the void.

He had experienced this before, but he really had no interest in it. He already knew that this person was worthless, so he sneered: "I'm sorry, your barbarian gods' secrets are of no use to me. You'd better die!"

"Impossible, senior, haven't you broken the void yet?"

The barbarian emperor couldn't understand.

In response to him, the sound of the piano started to play again, and the Barbarian Emperor was so frightened that he shouted: "Senior, it won't be worth it if you kill me!"

The sonic attack collapsed not far away from him. Song Shi nodded: "What you said is quite to the point. Killing you is really worthless, and even the person before was of little use."

The Barbarian Emperor was sweating profusely, his burly body trembling, and said: "Only if I survive and work for you can I be of value."

He glanced at the broken bones of Lie Huang and said, "In the future, I will still have barbarian countries to listen to your orders!"

"I am also willing to obey senior's orders."

Lihuang hurriedly agreed. He knew that this was his last chance. If he didn't seize it, he, a strong man at the Sovereign Level in the eyes of others, would die.

"Senior's Divine Ability is vast and he is already stronger than God. He will definitely look down on this junior. I hope that my junior can play a role in these villagers of my senior."

Xuanhuang started with the villagers, saying that he was still useful to the villagers. The three of them were all smart enough to express their worth. They were able to cultivate to the Sovereign Level. They were all like old monsters. After understanding that they did not have the strength and courage to deal with Song Shi, they would die if they refused to accept weakness, so there was no such thing. hesitate.

"That's how people are. Until they hit a wall, they always think they can do it."

Song Shi shook his head: "I really have no interest in killing you, just stay and be a slave."

He treated the three of them like slaves, not even as good as Han Huang, the gatekeeper.

"Thank you, senior, for not killing me."

Manguo thanked him depressedly. He knew that if he begged for mercy and survived, he would be worse than a dog, but he didn't expect that to be the case.

The other two looked bitterly at Han Huang who surrendered in advance, knowing that this guy was not a coward, but really smart.

Song Shi waved his hand, the space changed, and the Three Emperors were released from the space and returned to normal state.

I have to admit that this method is indeed very powerful, and the people and dogs around me want to learn it.

"From now on, we will leave the dirty work here to them, including serving tea and pouring water."

Song Shi arranged it without any courtesy. To others, it was very prestigious for the emperor to be a slave, but to him, it was just like that.

If he is still outside and is not trapped here by reincarnation Heavenly Venerable, then he is definitely a Heavenly Emperor. The people who serve tea and water are at least immortals, who are much more powerful than these guys.

The three emperors were crying, it was over now, if other guys saw them serving tea and pouring water, wouldn't they laugh to death?

"What? Not happy? I still dislike you, so go and do odd jobs in the village,"

Song Shi said coldly that he had no shortage of people to help him, so he could just let a few guys handle it.

Even if he improves the villagers, there are still limitations. He cannot always be here. With a few emperors guarding them, there are still no forces who dare to cause trouble.

If he leaves here, these top experts on the continent can keep the villagers safe.

Outside, the villagers who gathered around were dumbfounded. This was a Sovereign Level powerhouse, and among them was the Barbarian Emperor. He was not only one of the few Apex Level powerhouses on the continent, but also represented the Barbarian Kingdom as a whole.

Basically, if the Barbarian Emperor is here, he can mobilize the power of a country. With such ability, without the Young Master in charge, it would be easy to destroy a hundred villages like theirs.

Now you actually have to do things for them? This happiness came too suddenly.

Not to mention a barbarian emperor, even an emperor is enough.

When the Barbarian Emperor heard that he was going to a worse place, he immediately shook his head: "I don't dare to have any objections. It is my honor to serve seniors with tea and water."

The other two also quickly expressed their attitude.

"I don't need that many people here."

Song Shi glanced at the bloody three people: "Since you want to be my slave, you can't be covered with wounds."

He plucked the strings casually, and a sound appeared. The three emperors subconsciously tensed up their bodies, but found that the sound this time had no lethality, but the opposite force.

This power turned out to be a healing power. Under the sound of the piano, the body of the three emperors squirmed quickly, and the wounds began to heal at a terrifying speed, returning to their original state in the blink of an eye.

They were astonished.

The sound of the piano can not only kill people, but it can also save people!

What kind of incredible piano skills can have such an effect? ​​It is simply unheard of and unseen.

They looked at themselves. The original wounds seemed to heal instantly. Their flesh and blood grew rapidly and turned into scars. Then the scars faded away and returned to their original appearance.

"Too strong!"

The Barbarian Emperor was completely convinced that this was no longer a means, but was contrary to nature and beyond his understanding.

Not only him, but also the other two emperors.

They felt their physical condition. Not only did they recover from their injuries, but the strength they had consumed also recovered.

They saluted Song Shi, now they were completely honest.

"You can let these guys help teach you how to practice in the future."

Song Shi said to the villagers outside the door.

"Mr. Song, you have done so much for us." The village chief said with emotion.

"Yes, just by fighting and challenging those people, I feel that I am much better than before." Old Man Mu sighed.

"Mr. Song has helped me improve my strength more than once. I should leave them here to enjoy it."

Xu Hongniang pursed her lips and smiled.

"It's not necessary. A gatekeeper is enough."

Song Shi shook his head and looked at the Three Emperors: "I'm not afraid of you, but they are. Any one of you can kill the villagers."

"How dare we?"

"We will do whatever you ask us to do."

The three emperors were a little panicked. After thinking about it carefully, they guessed what Song Shi meant.

This is to let them take out the handle themselves.

"Senior, we are already your slaves. You can do with us whatever you want."

Manguo hurriedly promised, if he didn't say so, how could he gain trust?

"Then leave something on you to restrain you."

He raised his hand, and three runes flew out, hitting the three people's eyebrows, controlling their souls, acting as a guarantee, and leaving a backup plan.

The Three Emperors instinctively wanted to resist, but when faced with life and death, they could only grit their teeth and accept it.

Song Shi's power made them scream in pain for a moment, their faces turned pale, and then their souls were branded.

When Song Shi controlled the souls of the Three Emperors, his thoughts entered the depths of Entering Spirit's soul and he suddenly discovered a secret.

The souls of the three people have actually been imprinted.

But this mark is much more advanced than his, with the aura of reincarnation.

Song Shi couldn't help being surprised: "It's the mark of the Heavenly Venerable of Samsara!"

He recognized it immediately.

"Reincarnation Heavenly Venerable not only establishes a small reincarnation here, but also leaves a mark deep in all souls, so that reincarnation can be perfect."

Song Shi thought to herself, and found that she had encountered the secret of the world of reincarnation again, and had more ideas about the means to crack the Heavenly Venerable reincarnation.

Since this mark was left by reincarnation Heavenly Venerable, maybe he also has this mark on his consciousness at this moment.

If you try to break the reincarnation mark on a few people, you might be able to break it on yourself, and get rid of control and regain your freedom!

Thinking of this, Song Shi felt a little excited, and his eyes looking at the Three Emperors became much better.

Although these three guys offended him, they happened to let him discover an important secret, which is usually difficult to discover without controlling other people's souls.

He immediately put his thoughts on himself and began to look for something similar.

On the surface, he didn't show much, he waved his hand and said: "You and the village chief go to live in the village."


The three of them could no longer disobey Song Shi's order at this moment. Go honestly towards the village chief.

"Village chief, they can use it as they please without saving."

Song Shi said.

The latter was a little at a loss. These were three emperors, and he was actually qualified to command them at this moment. He was a little confused and said: "Yes, thank you Mr. Song."

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