The two Yuansacred Realms joined forces and finally blocked the spread of death in the North Land.

However, this matter is not over.

Because the death spirit was blocked, it finally angered the demon lord in the north land. A terrible power came from the depths of the north land, wrapped in a gray death spirit that was rolling in, and there was silk in the death breath. The magic of silk.

Venerable Xue and Fairy Piaoxu were slightly shocked. It was the first time they saw that there was someone who could perfectly combine demonic energy and death energy in one body. Sure enough, he deserves to be the "Lord of Demons" and deserves this name.

Both of them could feel the threat of the Lord of the Demons, and they didn't dare to be careless.

The practitioners from the edge of the Northland to the valley were forced to retreat.

Wen Qiao pulled Ning Yuzhou and followed the people to the south, until they retreated thousands of miles away and didn't feel the threat before stopping.

They looked at the Northland. Although they could not see the situation in the Northland, they could infer from the surging wind and clouds in the sky that the situation in the Northland was worse than expected.

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Ah, what will happen to the two seniors, right?"

Wen Qiao: "I don't know, maybe not."

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng found that he had asked a stupid question, something that he couldn't be sure of in the Yuan Emperor realm, it was useless to ask the little disciple sun.

"I don't know which continent the two seniors are from?"

"Heaven Wheel Continent."

Sky Wheel Continent?

The cultivators around with their ears pricked up to listen were all blank. They had never left the Saint Martial Continent, so how did they know where the Heavenly Wheel Continent was?

The cultivation of the people present is above the Yuanzong realm. They are not as ignorant as those low-level cultivators. They know that the Saint Martial Continent is only a continent in the lower realm, endless overseas, and other continents, but unfortunately separated by No one knows what the mainland outside is like in the treacherous ocean.

Shengwu Continent is like an isolated island enclosed in the sea, and no one can communicate with the outside.

But they can be sure that Wen Qiao will have some way to contact the cultivators on the outside mainland, which makes many people's minds fluctuate.

Being able to contact cultivators on other continents proves that Wen Qiao must have been to the outside continent. Although she doesn’t know how she can make the two Yuan Sage Realm Venerables willing to cross the sea, she can invite Yuan Sage Realm to take action. Its ability.

Those who had previously forced the Min clan and Chi Xiaozong to sacrifice Wen Qiao regretted it, knowing that they had kept their minds in the first place.

Wen Qiao ignored what the cultivators were thinking, she continued to stare at the sky in the north.

In the north, violent power fluctuations erupted, and even if they retreated thousands of miles away, they could still feel the destructive power of the Yuansheng Realm when they shot, the mountains and rivers broke, everything was destroyed, and the continent collapsed.

The Yuan Sage Realm seldom makes a move, even if it is compelling, he will choose to leave the mainland and have a good time in the void.

Now there are three Primordial Saint Realms in the Northland. The entire Northland is falling apart. The demons made by the master of demons explode before they can even escape, turning into dead air and demonic energy in the air.

Suddenly, Wen Qiao remembered something, "Where is the Holy Master of the Heavenly Sacred Gate?"

"Should escape." Ning Yuzhou replied.

Wen Qiao was stunned, "Where did she escape?"

"It was previously seen that she had fled to the north, maybe she was seeking shelter from the lord of evil spirits." Ning Yuzhouyun said calmly.

"But the current situation in Beidi, can she stand a Yuan Emperor realm?" Wen Tutu asked strangely, "She doesn't look like such a stupid person."

"Naturally, she is not stupid. If she was stupid, she would have fled away." Shi Wuming followed, "There are so many emperor realms here, and she is not an opponent at all." So it is better to go back to the north and take a gamble.

After listening to those present, they felt that what the teacher had said was absolutely right.

There is no one here who doesn't hate the Heavenly Sacred Gate. In recent years, the Heavenly Sage Gate has stirred up the wind and rain, not only provoking the battle between the righteous and demons, but also awakening the Lord of the demons, almost throwing the entire Saint Martial Continent into a crisis of destruction. If Di Ying appeared here, I was afraid that she would be torn apart by these cultivators who hated her so much.

Di Wan's jaw twitched slightly, enduring the extreme hatred in his heart.

Her mood was extremely contradictory. She hoped that Di Ying would die in the Northland, and she hoped that she would be alive, so that she would avenge her personally.

While they were watching the situation in the Northland, they suddenly found that two people were rolling out of the torn space holding a teleporting scroll.

An angry voice sounded: "Magic repair!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them, and they also recognized the identity of Mo Xiu, who was Qing Xiao, the master of the Qingyan Gate among the eighteen gates of the Demon Sect.

Although the battle between righteous demon and demon is not over, righteous path practitioners still hate demon cultivator, and now they see demon cultivator, they have to take action.

"Stop it!" Min Sulin blocked Qing Xiao behind her, and looked at the people around her vigilantly, "He didn't participate in the battle between Zheng and Devil."

But where do the people present listen to her explanation? In their hearts, the demonic cultivators were all evil, provoking a battle between righteous demons and killing their relatives and friends, and everyone was punishable.

Seeing that several attacks were about to fall on the two of them, Min Kuangxing waved his hand to stop them.

"Senior Min, why are you?" the person who shot asked inexplicably.

Min Kuangxing said unhappily, "This is a member of our Min clan. It's not too late to ask the situation before you start."

Everyone looked at Min Kuangxing and Wen Qiao, a little embarrassed and a little guilty.

If it is the time of the battle between the righteous and demons, they can confidently say that Min colluded with the demons and put the righteous path at a disadvantage. But they had gone through a series of things before, and because they had planned to sacrifice Wenqiao, they now have a sense of guilty conscience towards the Min clan, Chi Xiaozong and others.

Min Sulin didn't expect Min Kuangxing to protect herself. When she heard the phrase "This is our Min clan", her eyes moistened and her grievance suddenly disappeared.

She forcibly resisted the turbulent emotions in her heart, and said: "Everyone, the master of the Qingyanmen did not participate in the battle between the real and the demons. I can guarantee him."

"Who are you? Can you afford it by guaranteeing it?" Someone couldn't help but mutter, and didn't believe her at all.

Wen Qiao glanced at the muttering person, and found that he was a practitioner of Guiyizong who had had a personal relationship with Zhenjun Daoyan.

She said coldly: "She can't bear it. I wonder if this seat can bear it?"

Hearing this, no one in the room dared to say anything.

The combat power of this person is a total gambling, not only has a high-level explosive orb that can even be injured by the Yuan Emperor, but also can invite two Yuan Shengjing to come to rescue, but it is not the master that can provoke.

Min Sulin smiled gratefully toward Wen Qiao, and said, "We just escaped from the North Land. When we escaped, two Yuan Sage Venerables were fighting against the Lord of Demons."

Everyone did not care that she and Mo Xiu were entangled with each other, and they all asked: "How is the battle?"

"Can those two venerables suppress the Lord of the Demons?"

"Who loses and who wins?"


The people who asked were all cultivators above the Yuanhuang realm. Faced with so many high-level cultivators, Min Sulin didn't dare to be careless, and cautiously said: "The juniors have not been close, nor can they judge who wins and who wins."

Everyone was disappointed, and they asked Min Sulin some more about it. After finding out that they couldn't ask anything, they didn't ask any more questions.

Min Sulin breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the Min clan, his eyes full of water and hesitated to speak.

Qing Xiao approached the ground grievingly, and said to them: "We went deep into the north and were caught by the Heavenly Sacred Gate as a living sacrifice. Fortunately, Sulin had a teleportation scroll on her body that allowed us to escape. Before that, Tian. The Sacred Gate has sacrificed tens of thousands alive, and the Lord of Demons is more powerful than imagined."

Everyone's heart sank when they heard it, and they looked at the North Land worriedly, and secretly prayed that the two Yuansheng Stage Venerables could solve the master of the evil demon, so as not to leave further troubles on the Saint Martial Continent.

Min Sulin hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards the Min clan.

She lowered her face and called to them in a low voice.

The three Min Kuangyun brothers had a faint expression, neither being close nor repelling them, and had the same attitude as before, but Min Kuangxing's previous actions also showed that they could not tolerate outsiders to insult Min Sulin.

Min Mubei glanced at the Qing Xiao who was following him, his jaw moved slightly, and said, "It's safe."

Di Xun didn't look at her, and averted his gaze.

Even though Min Sulin used her own actions to express her attitude, but the previous hurt is still there, she still can't face the child squarely, it is better not to see each other.

Although Min Sulin was a little disappointed, the situation now is better than expected. At least the Min clan still admits that she is a member of the Min clan, and will protect her when someone bullies her.


The fighting in the North lasted for half a month.

In the past half month, all cultivators on the Saint Martial Continent could feel the terrifying power that destroys the heavens and the earth in the North Di, and the landslides and the ground are cracked like a doomsday.

This is the Primordial Saint Realm! The top strength of the Nether!

No one can get close to the North Land, and the surrounding areas of the North Land are even more destroyed. The crushing power can cause the practitioner to burst into death.

Until one day after half a month, the movement in the North Land came to a halt.

"Who won?" someone asked anxiously.

Everyone cares about this, who is the winner. They secretly prayed that the two Yuansheng realm venerables from the Tianlun Continent, as long as they can defeat the Lord of the Demons, the Saint Martial Continent will be saved.

I don't know how long it took, the lifelessness tumbling in the sky slowly calmed down and even receded.

Although lifelessness is still heavy, it doesn't have the shocking coercion of the previous kind.

Seeing this scene, everyone was overjoyed.

Sure enough, not long after, two figures came from a distance.

The vestments of the two men showed signs of damage, and they couldn't hide the exhaustion on their faces. You could feel that the aura on them was a little vain, and obviously they were all seriously injured.

The two found Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou.

Naturally, the people around didn't dare to disturb the two Yuan Sage Realm Venerables. They stepped aside and looked at them eagerly. They wanted to come to visit but were afraid to disturb them, making them unhappy.

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "It's been a hard work this time for the two sages."

Wen Qiao also apologized, "Thank you for your help this time."

Venerable Jiangxue was taciturn, he just waved his hand and didn't care.

Fairy Piaoxu was different. She branded Wen Qiao the token of her own consciousness at the beginning, not because Wen Qiao had any life-saving grace for her, but because of the mysterious blood on her body and the black shadow. This time she felt that the token that imprinted her spiritual consciousness was different, and she decided to come over and take a look, but she didn't expect to meet such a terrifying evil master.

It's just that they have come, and it is impossible to turn their heads and leave, leaving the Ice Phoenix Clan ancestor here alone, which is really not authentic.

Fairy Piaoxu asked: "How can such a terrible evil demon exist on this continent?"

Wen Qiao told her about the Lord of the Demons and what the Heavenly Sacred Gate had done 50,000 years ago, and finally asked: "Two seniors, have you seen a female cultivator in the Yuan Dynasty in the north? She is The master of the Heavenly Sacred Gate."

Fairy Piaoxu and Venerable Jiang Xue both shook their heads.

Could it be that Di Ying died in the power of battle in the Primordial Saint Realm? Wen Qiao was a little uncertain, always feeling that Di Ying would not die easily. After all, she was a person who had awakened the memory of her previous life, and seeing that she was so loyal to the Lord of the evil spirits, and her cultivation speed was so fast, it was obvious that her previous life was definitely not a simple person. .

Fairy Piaoxu sighed: "The master of the evil demon is very powerful, and we can only draw a tie with him if we gather the power of both of us."

Wen Qiao was startled, "The two didn't kill him?"

Fairy Piaoxu couldn't help but glanced at her, and said a little bit amused: "The Lord of the evil demon is born of death. He is already an alternative undead. How can he kill it?"

"You are wrong." Jiang Xue said, "It's not that you can't kill him, but that you can't kill him by ordinary methods."

Wen Qiao was a little confused.

"In the meaning of the two venerables, the power of the lower realm can't kill them?" Ning Yuzhou asked.

Fairy Piaoxu nodded slightly, "The lord of the demons is neither human nor demons nor ghosts, surpassing the three realms of humans and demons. It is really difficult to kill him. All we can do is to drive him away."

"Where did he go?" This is what Wen Qiao cares about most.

Venerable Jiang Xue thought: "When he tore open the space, the deity could feel the aura on the other side of the space. If the deity didn't guess wrong, there should be the sealed demon universe."

Wen Qiao looked at them in astonishment, "Do you also know the Demon Sealing Domain?"

"How do I not know? We have been there." Fairy Piaoxu raised an eyebrow. "It's your continent, which is quite interesting. It is obviously a marginal continent. I didn't expect there to be a channel connecting the sealed demon universe. Does your mainland practice cultivation? Who is in the sealed demon world?

Wen Qiao nodded.

"That's right, I can't blame that the demon would come to Shengwu Continent 50,000 years ago."

Wen Qiao finally figured out that Fairy Piaoxu and Venerable Jiang Xue joined forces to drive the Lord of the Demons away from the Saint Martial Continent, which is a temporary solution to the crisis in the Saint Martial Continent.

"Since he has entered the Demon Sealing Realm, you don't have to worry. There are many powerful people there. If he is aware of his danger, he will not be allowed to leave the Demon Sealing Realm." Fairy Piaoxu comforted.

Wen Qiao was overjoyed and thanked them again.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Wen Qiao hurriedly stopped them.

Fairy Piaoxu and Venerable Jiangxue were a little puzzled. They were injured this time and need to return to the Heavenly Wheel Continent to recover. Since the crisis here is resolved, they have no intention of staying.

Wen Qiao took out several things from her storage bag, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "This time I have troubled the two seniors from all over the world, the juniors don't know how to thank them, so they can only express their heartfelt feelings and hope the seniors will accept them. It should be good for your injuries."

Fairy Piaoxu, who didn't care about it, were a little curious.

Once the Yuansheng realm is injured, it is troublesome to recuperate, because this lower realm already has very few treasures of heaven and earth that are useful to them, and most of them rely on self-cultivation and conditioning when they are injured, unless it is a great opportunity to find some. A rare treasure.

Fairy Piaoxu waved, and an exquisite jade jar fell into her hands.

When the jade jar was opened, a strong gas of the five elements rushed toward her face. Fairy Piaoxu was startled slightly, and she saw the five willow leaves in the jar.

"Is this the leaves of the five willow tree?" Fairy Piaoxu was surprised. The five willow tree is a legendary thing, which has long been extinct in the years. I didn't expect someone to give her a can of five willow leaves.

Wen Qiao said with a smile: "This is what the younger generation inherited from the Senluo Temple when they went to the Soul Beast Continent."

Fairy Piaoxu suddenly realized, "So you have been to the Soul Beast Continent, and I heard that the soul beast wave in the Soul Beast Continent has disappeared. Many cultivators from the mainland have specifically gone to the Soul Beast Continent... The soul beasts will disappear and will not be with you. What does it matter?"

She looked at the two young men, inexplicably related to them.

The two can perform miracles in the Ice Phoenix Clan, and the Soul Beast Continent is no exception.

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence."

Come on, don't ask any more, it must be the two who happened to ran to the soul beast continent and did something earth-shattering again.

In the end Fairy Piaoxu and Venerable Xue Xue both accepted the things Wen Qiao gave them.

Before leaving, Venerable Jiang Xue gave them another token, so that they could crush the token again when they encountered danger next time, and he would rush over at any time.

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