Until the two Yuanshengjing masters tore the space and left, the group of cultivators came over one after another.

They stared at the void where the two of them left, with envy and looking up in their eyes. This is the top existence in the lower realm. It is the lifelong pursuit of all cultivators. Anyone who embarks on the path of cultivation has fantasized about Yuansheng. territory.

"Aha, the two seniors have left?" Yun Tianfeng ancestor asked.

Wen Qiao responded and said sincerely: "The two seniors have been injured, and they want to go back to heal."

The people present were startled when the two Yuansheng realms joined forces, but they were still injured? How powerful is the Lord of Demons?

"Where is the Lord of Demons?" Yuntianfeng ancestor asked again.

"He ran away."

what? !

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and their faces were full of horror. Did the Lord of the Demons escape from being killed instead of being killed?

"He, where did he escape?" Someone asked in a panic, wondering if the Lord of the Demons would return.

Wen Qiao said indifferently: "The two seniors said that he should have fled to the Sealed Demon Realm."

Hearing that, most of the people present were at a loss and didn't know where this "seasoned demon world" was. The other half of the people who knew it were also greatly surprised. After the surprise, they were also worried.

The fact that the lord of the demons flees from the Saint Martial Continent does not mean that he will never come back. The Saint Martial Continent is still insecure.

Ning Yuzhou glanced at the people and said quietly: "There are many powerful people in the sealed demon universe. As long as you tell me something about the Lord of the demons, they should pay attention."

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng nodded with a solemn face, "Yu Zhou said that is very true, we still have to contact the Shengwu Temple as soon as possible."

Even so, it is not so easy to contact the Holy Martial Temple in the Sealed Demon Heaven. Otherwise, after the Lord of Demons is born, they will not despair, desperate and want to sacrifice Wenqiao.

Although the Saint Martial Continent has a passage to the Sealed Demon Realm, only the people in the Saint Martial Hall know how to open it.

Everyone concealed all the thoughts in their hearts, and first headed north.

When they reached the edge of the Northland, they were instantly startled by the abyss lying on the edge of the Northland. The mountain range that originally separated the Northland disappeared and turned into an abyss lying thousands of miles away, dividing the north and the south into two parts, and the remaining dead energy around it was sinking into the abyss.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to be able to predict that in the future, the abyss that precipitated all lifelessness would become a dangerous place.

But for these dead energy, they couldn't figure out how to purify it for a while, so they could only do it slowly in the future.

After flying over the abyss, the ground torn apart and the ubiquitous water seemed to become a vast ocean.

Anyone who knows the situation in the Lower Realm knows that all continents are distributed in the endless sea, and the continents are surrounded by sea water.

The depths of the land are actually sea water. When the land is penetrated, the sea water will rise.

Because the Northland area was torn apart by the combined forces of the three Primordial Sacred Realms, the underground seawater flooded in, turning the originally deserted Northland into a vast ocean, as well as patches of land of different sizes distributed across the ocean.

They flew for a long time, and the more they watched, the more frightened, they finally realized the destructive power of the Primordial Saint Realm.

The three Primordial Saint Realms took action together, and it was fortunate not to break the North Land. The mountains became abyss, and the flat land became vast. It was nothing.

Then they flew to the Secret Realm of Conferred Demons.

Encountered many demons on the road, these demons escaped from the north, because the battle was over, they returned to the north again from the outside, after all, there is death here, the demons instinctively chase the death left by the master of the demons.

The cultivators along the way encountered these demons and did not hesitate to kill them.

Just watched all the way and flew all the way, and finally came to the Secret Realm of Conferred Demons.

The barrier of the Confined Demon Realm was completely opened, and the inside was empty, only a piece of scorched earth remained, and there was some thin aura in the air. This was the aura poured in from the outside after the Lord of the Evil Demon opened the Confined Demon Realm.

Everyone checked the North Land and finally confirmed the situation in the North Land.

The Saint Martial Continent has temporarily lifted the crisis, but there are still many demons who have fled from the North, and the disciples of the Tianshengmen who have fled also need to be resolved.

So everyone set out again and wiped out the evil spirits and the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Gate who had fled from the north.

Wen Qiao handed Ning Yuzhou to Yun Tianfeng's ancestor and solemnly said: "Master, husband is injured, please take him back to the sect to recover."

The ancestor Yun Tianfeng looked at Ning Yuzhou with a gentle expression, then looked at the little girl with a serious face, and smiled: "Don't worry, the deity will bring him back safely."

Wen Qiao immediately relaxed and said to Ning Yuzhou: "Husband, I'm going to find the disciple of the Heavenly Sage Sect. You have to heal your wounds."

Ning Yuzhou responded with a smile.

After entrusting people to a reliable master, Wen Qiao bid farewell to her grandmother and the others, and left with Wen Tutu and Master without life.

"Smell girl, wait for me."

Wen Qiao turned his head and looked over and saw Wen Mei walking towards her.

"Are you going to find the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Sect? I will walk with you. I am very familiar with the Sacred Sacred Sect." Wen Mei said coldly, being brought up by Master Jiu, she is better than many people of Sacred Sage of Heaven. All know the situation of the Heavenly Sacred Gate.

Wen Qiao would naturally not refuse.

She glanced at Wen Mei's ordinary face and said, "Your identity is no longer a problem, you don't need to wear a mask anymore."

Wen Mei hesitated before taking off the mask on her face, revealing the disfigured face.

When Shi Wuming and Wen Tutu saw her face, they felt a pity in their hearts. It was so magnificent and beautiful that there was a scary scar.

"What is the wound on your face?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

Wen Mei shook her head, "As long as I remember it, it has been there all the time." She touched the scar on her face, "This wound is very poisonous. After healed, the scar will not disappear. It is extremely difficult to eliminate unless there is a special detoxification. Spirit pill."

And because the scar on her face is too conspicuous, Master Jiu found the ever-changing mask to change her face and hide the scar. Of course, now Wen Mei knows that Master Jiu will be willing to give her a king-level spiritual weapon, but he wants her to hide her true face, so as not to be recognized by the people of Dongling and ruin his arrangement.

Just thinking about it, suddenly I saw and heard that Alice came over.

Wen Mei leaned back subconsciously, avoiding the overly beautiful face.

Although her appearance is indeed very beautiful, she knows that Wen Qiao’s beauty is rare in the world. Originally, the appearance of the Min clan is extremely prosperous, but she seems to have extracted the beauty of this world. It is said that anyone who has met her will She is regarded as the number one beauty in Shengwu Continent, but the force value of this number one beauty is too strong, and no one dares to put such a vain reputation on her, and they all call it secretly.

Wen Qiao put one hand on her shoulder, "Don't move."

Wen Mei didn't dare to move suddenly, and stood there stiffly.

Then, the scar on her face was slipped by a spirit of spirit, and Wen Mei suddenly understood what she was doing.

After checking the wound on her face, Wen Qiao said, "The poison on your face can be solved."

Wen Mei listened, but she was very calm, without joy or movement.

"Why, you don't want to detoxify and restore your appearance?" Wen Qiao asked her strangely, is there anyone in the world who likes to be ugly? Even if you don't care about your appearance, you can't shake it around with a ugly face, right?

Wen Mei lowered her eyes, "It is good to be able to detoxify, but I think that the wound on my face should have been deliberately left by myself. The purpose is to ruin this face so as not to cause trouble."

Upon hearing this, Shi Wuming and Wen Tutu thought at the same time, this woman is really cruel to herself, and she deserves to be Wen's girl.

Wen Qiao said clearly: "I can't complain that this poison is not too strong, and a detoxification pill can be solved."

Want to come to Wen Mei, this injury was deliberately stayed before she left Tanglin. In Tanglin’s situation, it is true that there is no strong poison. The reason why she has not detoxified these years, I think it is unnecessary, anyway. The ever-changing mask changes the appearance.

Wen Mei didn't say anything, and took the detoxification pills she handed over.

Three days later, the wound on Wen Mei's face recovered as before.

That Canruo Rose's face was not flawed, and Shi Wuming couldn't help but look at her frequently.

"Don't look." Wen Qiao hit him, "She already has a fiancé."

Shi Wuming slumped his face and said, "I didn't like her, can't such a beautiful girl take a few more glances? Hey, who is her fiance?"

Wen Qiao said: "Ning Zhezhou."

"This name is very similar to Brother Ning."

"Nonsense, of course it looks like, Ning Zhezhou is the brother of Ning's brother, ranking third in the Ning clan." Wen Tutu said quietly.

Wen Mei listened to them silently. She had no memory and didn't know this. She thought of Ning Zhezhou's name in her heart, but she felt very strange. She didn't touch her at all. It was better than Wen Qiao's touch.

Wen Mei couldn't help but feel that when she was in Dongling, she and Wen Qiao, a sister of the same race, had a very good relationship that would make her feel so touched by her? It's wrong to think so, because Wen Qiao's attitude towards her is very plain, not like the feeling of meeting a dearest sister who has been reunited for a long time.

Even the feelings of Wen Qiao, who touched her heart, were so weak, presumably she and the so-called fiancé Ning Zhezhou had no feelings.

Wen Mei thought about it like this, and quickly put it behind her head.

Wen Mei led them all the way, destroying several places where the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Gate were stationed.

Seeing these places where the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Sect were stationed, the teacher said with no life: "I can't complain that they have not been able to find the station of the Sacred Sacred Gate. It turns out that they are too good at hiding, and there are no signs. Anyone can enter. It's so casual."

Wen Mei said indifferently: "There is no so-called mountain gate site at Tianshengmen. They are moved at any time due to need. There are only a few fixed places for resting, and they can be abandoned at any time."

This is a force that acts very casually. The disciples are all fed the puppet pill and controlled by the puppet pill. They will never betray and are very easy to control.

In addition, many of the disciples of the Tianshengmen are disciples of decent origins.

Wen Mei provided the names of those people. After Wen Qiao read it, she sneered and said: "The abacus made by the Heavenly Sage Sect is really good. The disciples carefully cultivated by others are fed a puppet pill and made their own disciples."

"People who are not determined, even if they don't have a puppet pill, they will rebel." Wen Mei said with a profound meaning. "The people selected by the Heavenly Sacred Gate are actually those who are not determined. If you feed the puppet pill, you don't have to worry that they will rather die than yield , Can't break it."

For those disciples who were born into the decent and decent Tianshengmen, Wen Qiao sent a message to Master Sheng Zhenhai and asked him to inform the various sects to eliminate the traitors.

Then they continued to run around the Saint Martial Continent.

Until one day, Wen Mei took them and unexpectedly came to a closed town with beautiful mountains and rivers, and found a lingering person in that town.

It was a man with a clear face and pale skin.

Sitting in the sunny courtyard, he is elegant and radiant, as if soaked in the spring light, very outstanding.

When he saw the person breaking into the yard, the man looked at him lightly. With that calm posture, he couldn't help but cast his gaze on him.

Then, Wen Qiao heard Wen Meichao say to the man: "Master Jiu."

Dove? ! !

The three Wen Qiao couldn't help staring at the clear man with subtle expressions.

The Lord Jiu they found always wore a black robe and a mask to prevent detection by the gods. No one could detect his true face. Moreover, Master Jiu's voice was hoarse, and his body was dark, making people think that this was a wicked and weird old man, rather than such an elegant and pure man.

Jiuye smiled slightly, "It is indeed a chess piece that I carefully cultivated, and I can find this place in such a short time."

Wen Mei lowered her eyes, "It is true that Master Jiu is well trained, Master Jiu has the grace of reinventing me."

"So you brought someone over to kill me?" Jiuye asked lightly.

"The Holy Lord has fallen, and Lord Jiu is also seriously injured. It is indeed my chance." Wen Mei's tone was calm and cold.

Master Ji swept over the few people who came in, with a weird smile on his face, and said: "The Holy Lord is immortal!"

"Why do you deceive yourself?"

"The holy lord will not die." Jiuye still said, "Death is just another beginning for her."

Wen Qiao's gaze fell on him, and Master Ji also looked at her and stared at her.

Wen Qiao opened her mouth and said in a compassionate tone: "I know what you want to say. Do you think the Holy Lord should go with the Lord of the Demons to the Sealed Demon Realm? The Holy Lord is a reincarnated person. She has the memory of her previous life. In the previous life, she respected the lord of demons as the lord, and was loyal to him, even at the expense of everything, right?"

The calmness on Master Jiu's face was finally broken, and the cunning and cruel man instantly became extremely gloomy, "What do you know?"

"I know a lot." Wen Qiao said casually, "The Holy Lord is so obsessed with the Lord of the Demons, and even the reincarnation comes for him, which shows how important the Lord of the Demons is to her. Unfortunately, the Lord of the Demons is incarnate. The undead, non-human, non-devil, non-ghost, can never be resurrected, her hope will be broken, and she will suffer for a lifetime..."

"Shut up!" Master Hao roared, and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Wen Tutu and Shi Wuming were stunned, and even the calm Wen Mei's face twitched. Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiu, who had always been hard-hearted, was vomiting blood by Wen Qiao's anger.

Yu Ye finally died of anger by Wen Qiao.

When the battle broke out, he was severely injured in order to protect Di Ying. Although he took the opportunity to escape, he was already at the end of the battle, hiding here with a broken body.

He didn't want to run away, but he didn't have the energy to run away, so he was found by Wen Mei.

Wen Qiao stabbed him with the woman he cared about most in his life.

Wen Mei stretched out her hand to test Master Jiu's body, and found that his spirit had disappeared, his vitality was gone, and his face was a little weird.

"This person is too fragile, isn't it just a few words." Wen Qiao sighed with emotion.

"Tweet, twee, twee!" Little Phoenix echoed his mother.

"Sister is right." Wentutu is also unprincipled.

Only the teacher's innocent conscience is still there, and he whispered: "Sister Aqiao, just say a few words less, he has been mad at you by your talk, so you can see that what you say really pokes his heart."

Knowing that Lord Jiu cares most about Di Ying, she even did not hesitate to oppose the entire Sacred Martial Continent for Di Ying, but she did not mention anything, but exposed Di Ying's true face, making him anxious, confused, and confused. For people like Jiuye, it's probably useless to hit him, but if it hits someone he cares about, it's really a hit.

Wen Qiao looked at Jiuye's body, her eyes were cold.

Although this person didn't kill her father and mother himself, he was also one of the chief culprits who caused her father and mother to die in the monster riot. Another culprit is Di Ying.

Finally, Wen Mei personally burned the corpse of Lord Jiu to ashes, pinched a wind trick, and threw the ashes among the green hills of the town.

Several people left the town and killed some raging demons nearby before returning to the Chixiao Sect.

When they returned to the Chixiao Sect, they heard that the people in the Saint Martial Hall finally returned to the Saint Martial Continent.

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