The truth is, there is no truth in the story.

Obito felt bad after listening to Kamishiro's analysis. In Kamishiro's mouth, he seemed to be useless.

The worst thing was that he actually felt that Kamishiro was right.

Obito was a little discouraged and said, "According to what you said, I can't compare to Kakashi in any way. How can I pursue Rin? I will definitely fail, right?"

Kamiyo looked at Obito's eyes seriously and said, "Don't be discouraged, Obito. I just said that I will help you pursue Rin. Although you are really useless now, from now on, you can start to improve under my guidance until you defeat Kakashi completely!

So... Uchiha Obito! Do you have confidence? My guidance is quite strict!"

Kamiyo's sudden loud voice cheered Obito up.

Obito's eyes lit up with the flame of fighting spirit: "I have confidence! Kamiyo, help me! I will definitely listen to you!"

Kamiyo clapped his hands vigorously: "Very good, this is the momentum we want, so start changing from now on, starting with your appearance!"

Obito looked down at himself: "Appearance? How should I change my appearance?"

Kamiyo looked at Obito and commented: "First of all, your clothes are too rustic and look very decadent, so you must change your clothes!

Then take off your stupid goggles. If you wear this thing, people who don't know will think you are going to swim in a river."

Obito shook his head hurriedly and said: "No, no, the goggles are used to protect my Sharingan."

Kamiyo rolled his eyes at Obito: "Sharingan? Open one for me to see."

Obito said awkwardly: "I, I haven't opened Sharingan yet, but! I will open Sharingan one day, so before that day comes, I have to protect my eyes!"

Kamiyo complained: "You are a poor student with a lot of stationery. If someone really wants to attack your eyes, do you think your goggles can stop them? Don't fool yourself, this thing will only make you look stupid, take it off! You just said that you must listen to me, but now you don't listen to me anymore?"

Obito took off his goggles reluctantly: "I have worn them for a long time, and I always feel like I am running naked without clothes when I take them off."

"Wait a moment."

Kamiyo took a material from the materials given to him by Jiraiya, and immediately started making it.

Soon, a pair of sunglasses was made in Kamiyo's hands.

"Here, try it on."

Kamiyo handed the sunglasses to Obito.

Obito took the sunglasses and put them on: "Kamiyo, you can't see clearly at night with these sunglasses, what should you do during the battle?"

Kamiyo sighed: "You are so stupid, you can't see clearly during the battle, can't you take them off?"

"Uh..." Obito said awkwardly: "You make a lot of sense."

Kamiyo continued: "Next, it's your hairstyle. The hedgehog head is not good. You look like a spirited young man. Since you will wear sunglasses in the future, just make a big back hair, tut!"

Kamiyo spit twice on his left and right hands, and then fiddled with Obito's head.

"Ah! Saliva! What are you doing, Kamiyo? Don't get your saliva on my head!"

"Don't move!"

Obito felt so wronged now. Why didn't he let him wear goggles right at the beginning, and smeared saliva on his head. What on earth was he doing?

He regretted asking Kamiyo to help him in a fit of anger...

After a while, Kamiyo finished fiddling with Obito's head.

Kamishiro took two steps back and looked at Obito: "Well, it's a bit presentable, but your clothes are a burden to you. Do you have Uchiha clothes?"

Obito nodded aggrievedly: "Yes, in the backpack in my tent."

"Wait for me here, I'll get it for you!"

Now Kamishiro is very motivated, because he suddenly has the fun of cultivation.

In a blink of an eye, Kamishiro took Obito's Uchiha clothes back to his tent.

"Hurry up and change them for me."

Obito obediently took off his clothes and changed into Uchiha clothes.

After changing into Uchiha clothes, Kamishiro looked at Obito again.

Big back hair, sunglasses, plus simple and capable Uchiha clothes, look very cool.

Kamishiro took out a mirror: "Look at yourself now, are you satisfied?"

Obito looked in the mirror and was stunned: "Eh? Is this me? So handsome?"

Kamishiro raised his head proudly: "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? Isn't it much cooler than you just now?"

Obito kept looking in the mirror: "Isn't this much cooler? It's like a different person! Kamishiro, what do you think about me wearing a mask? Will it be cooler?"

Kamiyo couldn't hold it in any longer and complained: "Idiot, please grow your brain! You are imitating Kakashi by wearing a mask, and you can only be a poor imitator. Isn't it the same as seeing a second Kakashi for Lin to look at you?

What you need to do now is to have your own style, not to imitate Kakashi, do you understand, you idiot!"

Obito shrank his head after being scolded by Kamishiro.

Obito admitted his mistake decisively: "I was wrong, Kamishiro, you are right, I can't imitate Kakashi, I have to have my own style."

Kamiyo rubbed his temples and continued: "Then you have to change your way of speaking, silly and stupid, it doesn't match your look at all. In the future, your way of speaking should be as short as possible, within six words."

Obito said in embarrassment: "Ah? Short within six words? How can you talk then!"

Kamiyo waved his hand: "Talk to me now, I will show you."

Obito thought for a while and asked: "Kamiyo, how do you plan to make a puppet of Jiraiya-sama?"

"None of your business."

Obito opened his mouth slightly and stared at Kamishiro blankly.

Kamiyo said coolly: "Keep asking."

Obito thought for a while and asked: "Kamiyo, is there anything fun or beautiful in Sand Village?"

"A piece of wind and sand."

Obito's mouth twitched, racking his brains to think, he must make Kamishiro say more than six words today!

"Kamiyo, what do you want to eat tomorrow?"


"What time do you go to bed today?"

"At night."

"What kind of person do you think Jiraiya-sama is?"

"My idol."

"What do you think of me..."

Before Obito could even ask his question, Kamiyo answered it first.

"What an idiot."

Obito:? ? ?

Obito asked a final question out of disbelief.

"If it were you who reported that the Kumo Ninja attacked our base in an hour, how would you report it?"

Kamiyo paused, and Obito immediately felt that he had done it: "Hahaha, you have no other choice!"

Kamiyo looked at Obito with disdain and said: "Kmo Ninja, one hour is up."

Obito opened his mouth, but finally chose to give up, because he thought about all the questions, and according to the way Kamiyo answered the questions, it seemed that there was a way to control it within six words.

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