The old man is still young, but he is still young.

Under the transformation of the Age of Gods, Obito has undergone a great transformation.

But Obito's way of speaking has not changed.

There is no way around it. A person's habits cannot be changed so quickly.

Kamishiro reminded: "It doesn't matter at ordinary times, but when you see Lin, you must remember to speak briefly and coolly! And you must have no expression, understand?"

Obito stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand and compared them to his chin: "Cool~ Kamishiro, am I cool now?"

Kamishiro's right eyebrow raised unconsciously: "I don't feel cool, but I feel it's quite abstract, but forget it, take your time, this kind of thing can't be rushed, okay, go, remember your set of style, and weld it to you in the future, don't change it."

Obito adjusted his sunglasses and nodded seriously: "Okay!"

Obito left the tent.

Kamishiro breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally quiet next, and I can read a book for a while."

Kamishiro picked up a scroll and read it again.


Obito, who left the tent, kept recalling what Kamishiro said just now.

"Speak briefly, be cool, and have no expression..."

While thinking, Obito walked to Nohara Rin's tent unconsciously.

Obito was stunned, then smoothed his big back hair: "I am so handsome, of course I want Rin to see me first!"

"Rin! Are you there?"

Obito went to the tent of Kamishiro without knocking, and when he came to Nohara Rin's tent, he knew to call.

However, Obito did not wait for Nohara Rin's response.

"Rin seemed to have gone to Kakashi's tent just now. She should go to visit Kakashi."

A passing ninja heard Obito calling Nohara Rin and kindly reminded Obito.

"Is that so? Thank you!"

After thanking him, Obito planned to go to Kakashi's tent.

The passing ninja looked at Obito in confusion: "By the way... who are you? I don't think I've seen you before."

Obito pointed at himself with his thumb and said: "I'm Obito! Uchiha Obito!"

"Hey, you're Obito, why did you change your look? I almost didn't recognize you."

"That's because..."

Just as Obito was about to answer, he remembered what Kamiyo had told him, 'Speak briefly, be cool, and be expressionless.'

Obito coughed and said: "Change your mood."

After that, Obito just walked away.

The passing ninja looked at Obito who was leaving, and muttered in confusion: "Change your mood? It's a bit weird."

Obito came to Kakashi's tent.

Obito wanted to shout as soon as he entered the tent.

But Kamishiro seemed to be muttering beside Obito: "Obito, if you shout it out, you are an idiot, the stupidest idiot, and Rin will never like you!"

Obito held back, and then walked to Nohara Rin who was examining Kakashi, looked at Kakashi, and asked coolly: "How is it?"

Kakashi and Nohara Rin were surprised to see Obito who had changed so much.

Nohara Rin asked curiously: "Obito, why are you dressed like this?"

Obito replied briefly: "Change the style."

Nohara Rin looked him up and down and commented: "It's not a big deal, he's pretty handsome."

"It's just so-so."

Obito's mouth corners unconsciously curved up, but Obito tried desperately to control the curved corners of his mouth.

He had to be cool now, and couldn't laugh! Hold it in!

Kakashi looked at Obito whose mouth was twitching wildly, and asked in confusion: "What? Is your mouth spasming?"

Obito's nails instantly dug into his palm, and he almost cursed out loud.

Obito asked expressionlessly: "You, how are you?"

Looking at Obito now, Kakashi felt a little strange, but still replied: "After a few days of recuperation, it's basically healed."

"That's good."

Kakashi asked in confusion: "Why are you so quiet today? You usually talk a lot. According to your personality, you should have shouted my and Lin's names when you entered the tent just now, saying that you are here."

Obito pushed his sunglasses with his middle finger and replied: "It was in the past, there is no need."

Kakashi's eyes twitched, Obito... a little pretentious!

Nohara Lin asked worriedly: "Obito, did you encounter something?"

Obito pouted. He is so handsome now, he should be praised hard, why would he ask him what happened.

Obito continued to maintain

"It's OK, I'm fine."

Kakashi's nose under the mask twitched: "Although we're eating ramen today, the smell of ramen on you is too strong, isn't it, Obito?"

Nohara Rin also sniffed carefully: "Yes, this smell... seems to be coming from your head, Obito. Hey, why is your head so shiny, Obito?"

Obito's face suddenly turned black.

Why does it smell like ramen, why is it shiny, it's because of Kamiyo.

His big back hair was made by two mouthfuls of saliva from Kamiyo.

It's a bit uncomfortable to think about it now, I want to wash my hair.

"Let's go!"

Obito put his hands in his pockets and turned around and left.

Nohara Rin wondered, "What happened to Obito?"

Kakashi shrugged, "Who knows? But Obito and Kamiyo have a good relationship. Maybe Obito's sudden behavior is related to Kamiyo."

Nohara Rin thought about it and nodded in agreement, "It's very likely."

The reason why Kakashi and Nohara Rin thought so was that Kamiyo could talk to Obito more and had a better relationship with Obito than the two of them.


Kamiyo read books all day in the tent.

After getting up the next day, Kamiyo washed up and began to pick and choose materials on the ground to make a puppet for Jiraiya.

"First, the skeleton... Jiraiya must be very strong, so it has to be a little firm, but not too firm, so that when it breaks and you ask me to repair it, I can get some kickbacks."

"Then the filling material, it has to be softer, close to the elasticity of the human body... Well, this is the material."

"Then the skin... The skin is my specialty, and it will definitely make Jiraiya praise it."

When making the puppet, Kamiyo was fully committed.

During this period, Obito came once and brought Kamiyo food. Kamiyo asked Obito to put the food on the table.

Obito stayed and watched for a while, but found that he couldn't understand it, and felt a little bored, so he left.

It was until midnight.

Kamiyo sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The puppet was ready. Kamiyo took out a piece of cloth, made a set of clothes, and put them on the puppet.

After putting on the clothes, Kamiyo stepped back a few steps and looked at the freshly baked puppet.

The puppet in front of Kamishiro, like Tsunade, has an extremely sexy body.

As for that face, if you say it looks like Tsunade, it does look a bit like her in the eyebrows.

If you say it doesn't look like her, it doesn't look like her either.

Because Tsunade's face looks like a mature woman, while this face is a combination of mature woman and sweet girl.

It can be said that Kamishiro has achieved the ultimate resemblance to the god.

Kamishiro nodded with satisfaction: "Well~ It's worthy of me!"

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