The fire broke out, and the fire broke out.

The Hidden Cloud Village suffered serious damage because of the Eight-Tails' rampage, and the Cloud Ninja suffered heavy casualties in the process of sealing the Eight-Tails.

The Hidden Cloud Village, which had a fire in the backyard, could no longer continue to confront the Konoha Ninja in the Land of Hot Springs, and could only let the Cloud Ninja retreat to the border.

At this time, Orochimaru had returned to the Konoha base.

After Orochimaru came back, Jiraiya immediately found Orochimaru excitedly and told him what happened in the Hidden Cloud Village.

After hearing this, Orochimaru, the initiator, only said, "That's good. The Cloud Ninja can be quiet for a while. I'm going to go back to Konoha to rest for a while. I'll leave this place to you for the time being." ’

After Orochimaru said this to Jiraiya, he patted his butt and left, not caring about Jiraiya's reaction.


At this time in the Sand Village.

Scorpion has completed his first human puppet, the Higurashi, and is ready to attack the Third Kazekage.

Scorpion wrote a letter, saying that he has developed a new puppet that can make up for the weakness of puppet ninjas in close combat, and has both offensive and defensive capabilities. As long as the puppet ninjas use the puppets he has researched, their strength will be greatly improved.

And Scorpion emphasized that the Third Kazekage should meet him outside the Sand Village alone tonight, and he will demonstrate the functions of the puppets to the Third Kazekage one by one.

After letting a ninja send the letter out, Scorpion sealed the Higurashi in the scroll.

Then Scorpion sat in front of the puppets of his parents that he made, and just stared at them.

Chiyo came to visit Scorpion and found that Scorpion was staring at his parents' puppets again, and Chiyo felt a pang of heartache.

Chiyo is now working with a group of medical ninjas to secretly develop a reincarnation ninjutsu. Using all of her own chakra as a medium, she can distribute her vitality to the dead. The chakra of the caster will transform the soul of the dead until the caster dies.

The purpose of Chiyo's secret development of this reincarnation ninjutsu is to allow her grandson Scorpion's parents to be reborn.

After all, seeing her grandson so sad every day and locking herself up at home, Chiyo is also very sad.

Therefore, Chiyo wants to use her life to exchange Scorpion's parents to come back and accompany Scorpion again.

After Chiyo looked at Scorpion for a while, she did not disturb Scorpion and left quietly.

After Chiyo left, Scorpion turned his head and looked at the door, his eyes showing a hint of complexity.

But soon, this hint of complexity disappeared, replaced by a strong murderous intent.

The third generation of Kazekage received Scorpion's letter, and after opening it, the corners of his mouth almost grinned to the back of his head.

The third generation Kazekage sighed: "He is worthy of being the grandson of consultant Chiyo. He is known as a genius puppet designer and has developed better puppets for our Sand Village. He is really the pillar of our Sand Village~"

As time goes by, the puppets developed by the second generation Kazekage can no longer keep up with the times. After all, they have been figured out by other ninjas and there are many ways to counter puppets.

Then these puppets that can't keep up with the times must be iterated.

The origin of the title of Scorpion's genius puppet designer, in addition to his talent for making puppets, is that he has helped the puppets of the Sand Village to iterate several times.

So the third generation Kazekage didn't doubt Scorpion at all, and planned to meet Scorpion in the evening to see what the puppets newly developed by Scorpion were like.

Just as the third generation Kazekage continued to work, he remembered what Kamishiro said to him at the beginning.

'Uncle Kudou, be careful of Scorpion. '

The third generation Kazekage shook his head.

Be careful of Scorpion? If even Scorpion has to be careful, who can be trusted in the Sand Village?

"Kamiyo provided such important information to the Sand Village before, so let's write a letter to praise him."

The Third Kazekage took out a blank piece of letter paper and started writing.

Night fell.

The Third Kazekage stretched, looked at the moon outside the window, and stood up from the chair: "It's time to see Scorpion."

The Third Kazekage came to the outside of the Sand Village. Although the letter did not specify the exact location, it was easy to see Scorpion in the distance.

After all, it was all desert, and it could be said that everything was visible, and it was easy to see anything at a glance.

The Third Kazekage came to Scorpion and said with a smile: "Scorpion, have you been waiting for a long time?"

The Third Kazekage was just being polite to Scorpion, but Scorpion said: "Well, I don't like waiting for people, nor do I like being waited for by others."

The Third Kazekage:? ? ?

He was just being polite, and Scorpion's words made him feel embarrassed.

But fortunately,

No one else saw it.

The Third Kazekage coughed dryly and said, "By the way, Scorpion, didn't you say in your letter that you have developed a puppet that can make up for the weakness of puppet ninjas in close combat, and has both offensive and defensive capabilities? Let me see it quickly."

Scorpion took out a scroll, unfolded it, and summoned the Hirugako.

Seeing Hirugako, the Third Kazekage's eyes lit up: "Scorpion, your new puppet is really lifelike, it seems to be the same as a real person."

This is the second time that the Third Kazekage has seen such a lifelike puppet. The first time was Kannazuki of the Age of Gods.

However, it seems that Scorpion's puppet looks more like a human than Kannazuki of the Age of Gods.

And Scorpion's puppet is so real that the Third Kazekage unconsciously thinks that the puppet in front of him is a real person, which makes him feel weird.

Scorpion ignored the Third Kazekage's praise. After all, how could this puppet not be lifelike? After all, it was made of real people.

Scorpion demonstrated to the Third Kazekage and explained: "First of all, it makes up for the weakness of puppet ninjas in close combat. The body of this puppet is hollow, which means that the puppeteer can hide in the puppet and control it."

Scorpion opened the Hiryuu Amber and got in.

The Third Kazekage's eyes lit up. This is indeed a good idea.

Moreover, Scorpion's puppet is lifelike. The enemy will not think that this is a puppet, nor will they think that there is a person hidden inside.

Scorpion then explained: "Poison needles can be released from the mouth of the head."

Scorpion manipulated the Hiryuu Amber to open its mouth, but did not fire directly at the Third Kazekage, but fired a large number of poison needles to the side.

"The left hand is a double mechanism device, and the back is very solid. It is difficult to cause damage with kunai shuriken..."

As Scorpion demonstrated and explained, the Third Kazekage gradually became fascinated.

The new puppet that Scorpion studied was better than he imagined, and much better.

The Third Kazekage has already begun to fantasize that if all the puppet ninjas in his village are equipped with this kind of puppet, their strength will definitely be greatly improved!

Scorpion in the Hirujuu saw the expression of the Third Kazekage and showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Finally, a scorpion-like tail made of iron can be extended from the hole in the back. The tail is highly poisonous and will be poisoned if it is slightly scratched... Just like this!"

The tail suddenly extended from the hole in the back of the Hirujuu and pierced directly into the body of the defenseless Third Kazekage.

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