The thorns of the tail of the scorpion pierced the body of the third generation of the wind shadow.

The third generation of the wind shadow coughed up a mouthful of blood, widened his eyes, and looked at the scorpion in disbelief: "Why?"

"Why? If you want to ask me why, I will let you die knowingly."

The scorpion unfolded a scroll and summoned the father and mother puppets.

"Now, do you know why I did this?"

Seeing the two puppets summoned by the scorpion, the third generation of the wind shadow looked confused.

These two puppets were created based on the prototypes of the scorpion's parents, and the third generation of the wind shadow knew this.

But what does this have to do with the scorpion wanting to kill him?

Scorpion was furious when he saw the blank expression of the Third Kazekage. Although his voice was steady, his anger could be clearly felt: "Don't you understand?

During the Second Ninja World War, if it weren't for your negligence, Konoha could have invaded the Kingdom of Wind? If it weren't for your negligence, my parents wouldn't have died at the hands of Konoha White Fang.

And now, I want you to pay for your mistakes! The price of your life!"

The Third Kazekage's eyes were already unbelievable, and now they are even more unbelievable.

Is this guy mentally ill?

He didn't blame the Konoha ninjas, but blamed him.

When he was commanding the battle outside the Kingdom of Wind, who knew that Konoha would directly send people to invade the Kingdom of Wind.

It's impossible for Konoha to discuss with the people of Konoha during the battle after Konoha invaded the Kingdom of Wind, saying, 'Hey, you Konoha ninjas can't kill Scorpion's parents'?

In war, casualties are normal. He was also prepared to sacrifice himself in the battle. No one wants to see his companions sacrificed. He didn't mean to let Scorpion's parents die.

The Third Kazekage shouted at Scorpion angrily: "Your parents sacrificed for the glory of the village, and you, as their child, actually tarnished their glory! Scorpion! You can't forgive me today... cough!"

While the Third Kazekage was talking, he couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The spitted blood was obviously black.

And black lines appeared all over the body of the Third Kazekage.

These lines are the blood vessels of the Third Kazekage's body, which turned black due to poisoning.

Scorpion said coldly with disdain: "What glory? This kind of thing that will disappear with time has no use. I just said that the tail is highly poisonous. Concentrating chakra will only make your poisoning accelerate and deepen."

Scorpion walked out of the Fei Liu Hu and stood in front of the Fei Liu Hu. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the Fei Liu Hu's head, revealing a creepy smile: "You should be satisfied with my Fei Liu Hu, right? The human body will decay one day and rot into a pile of bones. In the end, even the bones will weather into a pile of powder.

And this Fei Liu Hu! It is the ultimate art that will never decay, never rot, and never disappear. This is eternal art!"

The body of the Third Kazekage trembled.

Scorpion first said that the human body will decay one day, and then said that the Fei Liu Hu will never decay.

Coupled with the extremely realistic appearance of the Fei Liu Hu.

The Third Kazekage was extremely shocked: "This is... a puppet you made with a human?!"

Scorpion's creepy laughter became more and more weird: "Yes, this is the eternal art I created, the human puppet! Kuidou, I will accept your body, I will use your body well and make you into a human puppet."

The Third Kazekage felt cold all over, not only because of the poison, but also because of Scorpion's madness.

The Third Kazekage did not expect that the grandson of Chiyo, who was highly respected in the Sand Village, would be so crazy.

Just when the Third Kazekage wanted to fight to the death, Scorpion took the lead and manipulated the Fei Liuhu to tie up the Third Kazekage with his tail.

As the Fei Liuhu's tail tightened, the Third Kazekage was in great pain.

Moreover, the poison used by Scorpion was specially made by Scorpion, which took effect quickly and was highly toxic.

As the Third Kazekage could hold on until now, Scorpion felt that the Third Kazekage's drug resistance was a bit strong.

However, no matter how strong it was, it was useless.

As the tail of the Hiruko tightened, the sharp tail pierced the skin of the Third Kazekage, and more poison entered the body of the Third Kazekage.

Scorpion wanted the Third Kazekage to die in pain.

Now the Third Kazekage was powerless, and a revolving lantern appeared in his mind.

After becoming a ninja, he fought for the Sand Village.

After taking over as the Kazekage, he was cautious.

Ye Ye, never dared to slack off for a moment, hoping that Sand Village could become stronger under his leadership.

However, the funny thing is that he did not die at the hands of the enemy, but died at the hands of his own people whom he trusted.

The Third Kazekage once again thought of what Kamiyo reminded him.

If, at the beginning, he could have listened to Kamiyo, would there be a different ending today?

However, there is no if, this is the fact, the fact that he is about to die now.

After the revolving lantern stopped, the Third Kazekage closed his eyes, and the whole person softened, completely losing his life.

Scorpion looked at the body of the Third Kazekage expressionlessly, and then put it into the body of Fei Liuhu.

When putting the Third Kazekage into the body of Fei Liuhu, a piece of paper fell to the ground.

Scorpion stepped forward and picked up the paper on the ground.

Looking at the content on the paper, Scorpion narrowed his eyes slightly: "Kamiyo... is it that kid?"

In the entire Sand Village, Scorpion was the only one who could make a unique puppet before.

Because the Third Kazekage discovered Kamishiro's talent for puppetry, Kamishiro made two puppets to fool the Third Kazekage.

The Third Kazekage praised Kamishiro's puppet in front of Chiyo, so Chiyo showed the puppet to Scorpion.

After Scorpion saw it, he felt that it had something.

Because most puppets are hollow, you have to put things inside, such as various mechanisms, which makes it impossible to make very fine movements when the puppet is controlled.

But the puppet made by Kamishiro is not hollow, and a skeleton is made inside the puppet's body.

The existence of the skeleton makes it possible to manipulate the puppet to a very fine degree.

But that's it, there is nothing else worthy of Scorpion's attention, and it is not as good as his puppet.

Now his human puppet can also be very fine, because the human puppet itself has a skeleton.

When it comes to making puppets, he says he is second, and no one dares to say he is first!

"Heh, so you went to Konoha as an undercover agent?"

Scorpion fumbled around on the body of the Third Kazekage and found Kamiyo's letter.

Then Scorpion took out a blank scroll and began to write in the same handwriting as Kamiyo's letter.

After writing, Scorpion threw the scroll on the blood-stained sand.

Scorpion took a last look at the Sand Village behind him, turned around, controlled the Hirugako, and disappeared into the desert.

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