After the training, Kamishiro sneezed several times when he returned to the base.

Kamishiro touched his forehead and found that the temperature was normal, so he didn't have a cold.

Kamishiro rubbed his nose and muttered, "Which bastard is thinking about me? If I don't know who it is, it's Obito. Anyway, everything is Obito's fault!"


The next day in the Sand Village.

Several ninjas found Chiyo and Ebizo who were drinking tea.

"Counselor Chiyo, Consultant Ebizo, the Sandaime suddenly disappeared. I wonder if Consultant Chiyo knows where the Sandaime went?"

Chiyo asked in confusion: "I don't know. Have you searched other places?"

"We have searched the entire Sand Village, and even some secret places in the village, but there is no trace of the Sandaime."

Chiyo guessed: "Could the Sandaime have left the village and gone somewhere?"

Ebizo frowned slightly: "Something is wrong, sister. If the Sandaime wants to leave the village, it is impossible for him to leave without saying a word."

Chiyo's expression also became solemn: "By the way, I have been inexplicably panicked since last night, but the Sandaime was still in the village yesterday, and the Sandaime is also very powerful. Even if he was attacked, there would be no movement."

Ebizo gave orders to the ninjas: "No matter what, find the Sandaime first. Maybe the Sandaime is still in the village, and some places have been missed and not found. Then send a team of ninjas to look for it near the village! If you find anything, report it to us as soon as possible."


The Sand Ninjas began to look for the Third Kazekage inside and outside the Sand Village.

Ebizo noticed that Chiyo's hand holding the teacup was shaking: "Sister?"

Chiyo put down the teacup in her hand and said seriously: "Ebizo, I have a very bad premonition in my heart now. You stay here first, I'll go see Scorpion!"

Before Ebizo replied, Chiyo had already left in a hurry.

Chiyo came to Scorpion's house and called Scorpion.

Chiyo's brows furrowed more and more, and she murmured, "Why is Scorpion not here either?"

Just as Chiyo was about to leave, she found something strange on the floor of a shelf.

There were obvious signs of dragging on the floor around the shelf, and such signs would only appear if it was dragged frequently.

According to the signs on the floor, Chiyo moved the shelf away and found an underground passage.

Seeing this passage, Chiyo's heart beat faster and faster.

With an uneasy mood, Chiyo walked into the underground passage and soon entered a secret room.

When Chiyo entered the room, she smelled an extremely unpleasant smell.

This secret room was very clean, which was incompatible with the smell.

Because the room was not ventilated, the smell could not be dispersed at all.

Chiyo's expression sank, and she was very familiar with this smell.

The smell of corrupt blood.

Something must have happened in this room, and it was something bad.

Chiyo walked out of the basement with a heavy heart.


As soon as she left the room, Chiyo heard Ebizo's call. Chiyo subconsciously put the shelf back in place, so that Ebizo didn't find the basement.

Chiyo asked: "Ebizo, what's wrong?"

Ebizo handed a scroll to Chiyo: "This was found in the sand not far from the village. When it was found, it was buried in the sand, which means it should have happened last night. After a night of wind, the sand buried the scroll. Blood stains can be seen faintly on the surrounding sand."

Chiyo opened the scroll, and there was only one sentence written in the scroll.

[Uncle Kudou, I have very important Konoha intelligence that I must report to you in person. Please come to see me outside the Sand Village now, Uncle Kudou. ]

Seeing this, Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief.

Chiyo regained her composure and frowned, "Uncle Kuito? Konoha intelligence? So, this scroll is from the undercover sent to Konoha by the Sandaime?"

Ebizo's next words made Chiyo's heart tighten: "No, this scroll is very likely a forgery."

Chiyo immediately asked: "Why is it forged?"

Ebizo pointed to the words on it and said: "Look at the ink on it and the ink stains around it. Because the scroll is rolled up, the handwriting on it is still a little wet. It is impossible for this word to be written in more than ten hours.

When I opened the scroll, I saw the clear

Seeing that the wet ink had signs of sticking, this sign only appears when the scroll is opened for the first time, so no one has opened this scroll since it was written.

If the Sandaime had never opened this scroll, how could he know the contents inside and leave the Sand Village to meet him?

So, I judged that someone wrote this scroll afterwards and then threw it on the sand, trying to frame our undercover.

That person was able to do this, and the Sandaime was missing... Sister, we have to prepare for the worst. "

Chiyo thought of Scorpion, but she didn't believe that her grandson would do such a thing.

Because she believed it, Chiyo took a deep breath and said to Ebizo: "Ebizo, in addition to the Sandaime, Scorpion is also missing."

However, Chiyo still didn't tell the story of the basement. Although she believed it, Chiyo still felt a little uneasy.

"Scorpion is also missing? "

The Third Kazekage can't be found, and now Scorpion is missing too.

No matter how you look at it, there is a connection between the two.

Chiyo said anxiously: "Ebizang, Scorpion will never betray the village!"

Ebizang comforted Chiyo: "Sister, don't worry, no one said there is anything wrong with Scorpion, send someone to find them first."

Chiyo said in a deep voice: "Ebizang, find the Third Kazekage first, and we'll talk about Scorpion later. "

A forged scroll was found on the sand, which told the Third Kazekage to meet him. There was also blood on the sand...

No matter how you look at it, the Third Kazekage is not doing well.

The person who could make the Third Kazekage leave the Sand Village to meet him must be someone the Third Kazekage knows.

So if the Third Kazekage and Sasori are searched together, it is easy for people to link the disappearance of the Third Kazekage with Sasori.

Seeing the panicked Chiyo, Ebizo sighed: "Let's put the matter of Sasori aside for now, and send someone to find the Third Kazekage immediately! "

Chiyo and Ebizo immediately gathered a large number of ninjas, and spread out to search for the Third Kazekage with Sand Village as the center, and searched for ten days in a row.

However, how could the Sand Ninjas find the Third Kazekage? In the end, they could only return empty-handed.

The Third Kazekage had not appeared for ten consecutive days, which made the Sand Ninjas panic.

The head of a village was missing, and the situation in the ninja world was still so tense. In just ten days, the atmosphere in the Sand Village began to become very tense.

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