The two of them had a fight, but Obito was beaten to the ground by Kamiyo.

In the small woods not far from the Yu-no-Kuni Konoha headquarters.

"Oh my god!"

"I hit him! I hit Kamiyo!"

Obito excitedly ran around the field two and a half laps.

Kamiyo and Obito were sparring just now, and Obito successfully beat Kamiyo.

The two had sparred many times before, but basically Obito was beaten by Kamiyo.

At first, Kamiyo wanted to pretend in front of Minato Namikaze, but Kamiyo didn't expect that Obito, who knew his strength, would go a step further and directly beat Kamiyo.

It took Kamiyo a long time to recover from that.

The first thing he did after he recovered was to beat up Obito, not caring whether Minato Namikaze noticed it or not.

Anyway, if Minato Namikaze asked, he would say that after Minato Namikaze's teaching in the past few days, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is more than enough to beat Obito.

After that, when he sparred with Obito, Kamishiro unilaterally beat him up.

Minato Namikaze, who couldn't stand it, wanted to persuade Obito to change his opponent, such as Nohara Rin.

But Obito was stubborn and had to fight with Kamishiro, and he was just beaten up.

However, Minato Namikaze found that Obito's strength improved rapidly while being beaten, so he didn't care.

Getting beaten can make Obito stronger, so he should get beaten more.

This time, Obito hit Kamishiro with one punch, not to mention Kakashi and Nohara Rin were surprised, even Minato Namikaze was very surprised.

After a moment of surprise, Minato Namikaze frowned slightly.

Although Obito has improved, it is impossible for him to improve so fast.

Because it should be said that as a master of escape, Kamiyo must have a strong ability to dodge, and there is no reason for Kamiyo to be hit by Obito.

And Kamiyo looks a little strange these days.

For example, now, Kamiyo was punched by Obito, but Kamiyo did not rush up to beat Obito, and let Obito walk around the field two and a half laps and cheer so provocatively. This is obviously wrong.

Namikaze Minato clapped his hands: "Okay, take a break."

Namikaze Minato walked to Kamiyo who was sitting on the ground leaning against the tree and asked: "Kamiyo, what's wrong with you? You seem absent-minded these days."

Kamiyo lowered his head slightly, a little listless, and said: "I don't know why, I have had a very bad premonition since the past few days. This premonition is the kind of feeling that cannot be described. If I have to say it, it feels like being framed by Master Jiraiya last time!"

Namikaze Minato was surprised and said: "The feeling of being framed by Master Jiraiya? You said The puppet you made for Jiraiya was discovered by Tsunade, and then Tsunade beat you two up?"

Kamiyo said with a dark face: "Minato, there is no need to explain it in detail, just know it in your heart!"

Namikaze Minato pondered for a moment and said: "The training intensity may be a bit high these days. Let's give you a day off. Kamishiro, go back to the base and have a good rest. Maybe you will feel better after a good rest."

Kamiyo nodded silently, and then returned to his tent in the base in a state of loss.

Kamiyo, lying on the bed, frowned all the time, always feeling as if a big black pot was about to be put on his head.


Two weeks passed in a blink of an eye.

In these two weeks, the strangeness of Sand Village has been discovered by Konoha and Iwagakure.

Konoha and Iwagakure both sent their own ninjas to the Wind Country to inquire about the situation.

However, the ninjas sent out will be attacked crazily by the Sand Ninjas as long as they are discovered by the Sand Ninjas.

The situation found out is that the Sand Village is in chaos now.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ohnoki alert, thinking that something must have happened inside the Sand Village to make it so chaotic.

And now the high-level officials in the Sand Village are also anxious.

The disappearance of the Third Kazekage has caused the Sand Village to be leaderless. Although Ebizo strictly ordered no one to tell anyone about the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, everyone knows that this matter cannot be concealed for long.

Because the ninjas who went to look for the Third Kazekage must know about his disappearance. Even if they strictly forbid anyone to tell anyone, someone will definitely tell it out loud, and it is only a matter of time before the villagers of the entire Sand Village know about it.

Now some villagers in the Sand Village have already known that the Third Kazekage has disappeared, and this matter has been spreading at a fairly fast speed.

When the villagers of the entire Sand Village know that the Third Kazekage is missing, then it is close to other ninja villages.

It won't be long before we know about this.

In the meeting room of the Kazekage Building.

Chiyo, Ebizo and a group of Sand Village high-level officials are in a meeting.

"Our ninjas have found Konoha ninjas and Iwagakure ninjas in the Land of Wind. The disappearance of the Third Hokage can no longer be concealed for much longer."

"Now most of the villagers know that the Third Hokage is missing, and everyone is very uneasy."

"If this depressing atmosphere is not resolved, it is very likely that something will happen."

"But now only the Third Hokage can solve this situation."


The high-level officials of Sand Village expressed their concerns about Sand Village one by one.

Ebizo reached out and knocked on the table, signaling everyone to be quiet.

After the meeting room fell silent, Ebizo said, "We have dispatched almost all the ninjas in the village and used all the strength of the village to find the trace of the Sandaime, but we still can't find him.

Now we can't hope to find the Sandaime. If we continue to look for him like this, let alone whether we can find him, we can't afford the manpower and material resources.

So our primary goal now is not to find the Sandaime, but how to solve the problems in the village.

I suggest that we find someone to succeed the Kazekage first, and unite the scattered village first."

A consultant said with a serious expression: " Now, because of the disappearance of the Sandaime, the people in the village are in a panic. Many villagers respect the Sandaime and regard him as an idol. Now that the new Kazekage has taken office, they will definitely ask the new Kazekage to continue looking for the Sandaime.

If the new Kazekage disagrees, the villagers will definitely be dissatisfied and may not obey the orders of the new Kazekage. If the new Kazekage agrees, it is equivalent to not solving the problem and continuing to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to find the Sandaime. "

From the time the Third Kazekage took office to the present, the Third Kazekage has been working diligently and has been working hard to govern the Sand Village. Everyone can see it.

So the prestige of the Third Kazekage in the Sand Village is quite high.

Ebizo sighed and said with a sharp look: "That's why we need a new Kazekage to take office. We must shift our attention to the outside world, so that we can solve the crisis of the village."

Chiyo heard Ebizo's words and frowned: "Ebizo, what you mean by shifting attention to the outside world is..."

Ebizo's expression was serious, and he said word by word:

"It means... war!"

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