The first time, the first time.

In the Kazekage Building.

Ebizo proposed to use war to solve the problem of Sand Village.

After Ebizo proposed it, the whole conference room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at Ebizo in astonishment, including Chiyo.

After a moment of silence, Chiyo asked solemnly: "Now the whole ninja world is just one opportunity away from a full-scale war. If we take the initiative to start a war, it means that we are that opportunity. Can we... do it?"

Other senior executives have the same concerns as Chiyo. Everyone knows the situation of Sand Village. There is no money, and the number and quality of ninjas cannot be compared with the other four major ninja villages.

Whoever starts this war will face the greatest pressure first.

Everyone is worried that Sand Village can't withstand this pressure.

Ebizo analyzed to everyone: "If we don't start the war, searching for the missing Sandaime will waste a lot of manpower and resources. If this continues, the situation in our village will get worse and worse. Even if the new Kazekage takes office, it will be difficult to change this situation.

Instead of going on like this, it is better to take a gamble. We can start the war on the grounds of the disappearance of the Sandaime and unite everyone into one rope. We will no longer be like a handful of loose sand like now, because everyone will be united against the outside world!

And the new Kazekage will not be dissatisfied with the villagers. Everyone has the same goal, so the villagers will definitely obey the orders of the new Kazekage.

As for the pressure of starting a war, we can transfer it to other ninja villages at that time to relieve our pressure, so that it can be solved."

Chiyo After thinking for a while, he said, "Transfer it to other ninja villages... Konoha and Iwagakure?"

Ebizang nodded and said, "Yes, it is Konoha and Iwagakure. Although I don't know what the situation is between Konoha and Iwagakure, it is a fact that Konoha snatched the magnetic ninja bloodline limit that we should have given to Iwagakure. We may be able to use this to provoke disputes between Konoha and Iwagakure, forcing them to go to war with each other.

Now our village has come to a very urgent moment. Conventional methods can no longer solve the problems of the village. We must take drastic measures to solve them. So, do you agree with my proposal?"

Chiyo was the first to agree. The other consultants thought about Ebizang's proposal carefully and felt that it seemed that this was the only way to do it now, so they all agreed.

One of the consultants asked, "So, who is the candidate for the Fourth Kazekage?"

Ebizo replied, "At present, there is only one candidate for the Fourth Kazekage, the same clan as the Third Kazekage and also a close confidant, Rasa."

Chiyo agreed, "Indeed, only Rasa is qualified for the position of Kazekage, and the others are still slightly inferior to Rasa."

After a show of hands, Rasa was selected as the new Kazekage.

Ebizo sent a ninja to find Rasa.

Rasa came to the meeting room and saw that all the senior officials of the Sand Village were there, and he had guessed what was going on.

After all, so many days have passed and the Third Kazekage has not been found. The situation of the Sand Village is getting worse and worse. Now it is definitely necessary to select a new Kazekage to lead the Sand Village.

It's not that Rasa is bragging. In the entire Sand Village, except for him, no one can be qualified for this position.

Because the Third Kazekage had also trained Rasa to be the Kazekage before.

In his spare time, the Third Kazekage mentioned the deeds of various ninja villages to Luosha many times, so that Luosha had a clear understanding of the entire ninja world.

Ebizo told Luosha what he had just discussed.

After listening, Luosha looked very serious.

Although he guessed correctly that he was called here to become the Kazekage, he did not expect that he would start from hell as the Kazekage.

But if you think about it carefully, the situation is indeed what Ebizo said.

After all, he was not the successor to the Kazekage in order. He succeeded the Kazekage after the disappearance of the Third Kazekage. There must be some people who do not obey him and want to find the Third Kazekage.

To solve this problem, Ebizo's proposal is indeed the most feasible, to start a war and focus everyone's attention on the outside, and no longer pay attention to the missing Third Kazekage.

In this way, there will be no situation of disobeying his orders.

Luo Sha agreed: "Now that the Sandaime is missing, the situation in the village is very critical. I have no choice but to take over as Kazekage. After taking over, I will follow the advice of the advisors and prepare to start a war after taking office."

Ebizo nodded: "Then immediately after the meeting, you will be announced as Kazekage.

Now let's discuss what reason to start a war. "

Everyone discussed for a while and came up with several plans, but they couldn't agree on one.

At this time, Luo Sha suggested: "Since we want to make the Iwagakure and Konoha provoke a dispute and force them to go to war, let's start with the Iwagakure. Last time, the Iwagakure sent a batch of military supplies to form an alliance with our village to attack Konoha. The third generation received the supplies but did not form an alliance with the Iwagakure. Ohnoki kept sending messages to the third generation, asking him to return the supplies to them.

We can use this incident as an excuse to forge evidence and declare that the third generation's disappearance is most suspected of the Iwagakure Village, and directly go to war with the Iwagakure Village.

After the war started, we spread rumors that Konoha had seized the magnetic ninja bloodline limit that was supposed to be given to the Iwagakure Village. Because of this, Ohnoki of the Iwagakure Village wanted to join forces with the Sand Village to go to war with Konoha. Konoha therefore held a grudge against the Iwagakure Village. In order to retaliate against the Iwagakure Village, they attacked the Sandaime and put the blame on the Iwagakure Village.

As long as the rumors spread smoothly, we can tell Ohnoki that this is a misunderstanding, that we were fooled by Konoha, and that the war has already begun. Ohnoki must be very clear that there is no point in fighting us to the death, so it is better to attack Konoha with us.

After attacking Konoha with the Iwagakure Village, we Sand Ninjas will slowly retreat and let them continue to fight. We can watch the battle from the sidelines and look for the right opportunity to grab resources. "

After discussion by Ebizo and others, Luosha's proposal was passed.

After all, the barefoot are not afraid of the shod. It makes no sense for Ohnoki to fight them to the death. With Ohnoki's character of not getting up early without profit, he will never do anything without profit, but he will definitely do things with profit, and attacking Konoha has profit.

So there is no problem with Luosha's plan in the general direction. As long as there is a suitable reason to start the war and control the general direction, some details can be supplemented and corrected slowly later.

After the meeting, Chiyo, Ebizo and a group of senior officials gathered the villagers in the Sand Village together and officially announced the disappearance of the Third Kazekage. At the same time, they announced that Luosha would take over as the Fourth Kazekage and would thoroughly investigate the disappearance of the Third Kazekage.

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