The new order was made.

Under the announcement of Chiyo and Ebizo, who were the most senior in the Sand Village and whose prestige was second only to the Third Kazekage, Luo Sha took office as Kazekage in a rather hasty manner.

And as they guessed, after the Third Kazekage was officially announced to be missing, some people were already calling for the new Kazekage Luo Sha to find the Third Kazekage.

Luo Sha naturally agreed and promised everyone that he would find the Third Kazekage.

The next step was to disguise the evidence of the Iwagakure ninjas, and then declare war on the Iwagakure according to the plan.

After returning to the Kazekage building.

Luo Sha sat in the seat that only the Kazekage could sit.

The moment he sat down, Luo Sha felt different.

There is a feeling that everything is under control.

However, Luo Sha also knows that this is an illusion. He, the Kazekage who was temporarily promoted, has a lot of messes waiting for him to solve.

After sorting out all the things, Luo Sha asked Chiyo and Ebizo who were sitting in front of him: "Two consultants, do you know who the undercover sent by the third generation to Konoha is?"

Chiyo and Ebizo looked at each other at the same time, and then said awkwardly: "We really don't know this. Because we are worried about the safety of the undercover, we only let the third generation know it, and no one else knows it."

Kamiyo is a talent. He has lived in the Sand Village for so many years, and he only knows two people in total, one is Ye Cang, and the other is the third generation Kazekage Kudo.

Kamiyo doesn't know the others, and others don't know Kamiyo either.

Although the third generation Kazekage showed Chiyo the puppet made by Kamiyo and boasted about it, the third generation Kazekage never mentioned Kamiyo's name.

Because in the eyes of the Third Kazekage, the only thing that Kamishiro could show off was his puppets, and Kamishiro was so bad in other aspects that the Third Kazekage was embarrassed to mention Kamishiro’s name.

Chiyo asked, "By the way, Fourth Hokage, that undercover is a magnetic ninja with a blood limit, and he is from the same clan as you and the Third Hokage. Do you have any clues?"

Rosa thought for a while and replied, "There are very few people from our clan. If there is any clue, I should be able to think of it immediately... By the way, I remember that many years ago, two of my clansmen died in a mission, and it seems that they left a child, but I have never heard of this child, nor have I seen it, and I don’t know if it is true.

The other clansmen who are alive are all there, and the dead are also recorded. It seems that no one has suddenly disappeared."

Ebizo sighed, "Our undercover has lost his only contact person and is in an isolated state. If he can't contact the Third Hokage for a long time, he may feel abandoned. Under great psychological pressure, he may voluntarily surrender to Konoha. This kind of thing has happened before.

I originally wanted to use this undercover to find out the situation in Konoha, and then sit back and watch the tiger fight, wait for the development of the war, and when the time is right, invade Konoha and seize our The resources we want are now difficult to obtain. If we had known earlier, we would have asked the Sandaime to tell us who the undercover agent is. "

Chiyo made a suggestion: "Maybe we can pay attention to the ninjas in Konoha who use magnetic ninjutsu, so that we can be sure that the other party is our undercover agent, right? Then we can..."

Before Chiyo finished her words, Ebizo shook her head and rejected it: "It's useless, sister. Konoha gave us a batch of military supplies for him. They will definitely hide them like treasures and won't let us easily find and touch them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a cunning man. The ninjas with magnetic ninjutsu bloodline limit that we should have given to the Hidden Rock Village were snatched away by their Konoha ninjas. We did not blame Konoha at first, but the Hidden Rock Village blamed Konoha first. Sarutobi Hiruzen may have noticed the problem.

In addition, we have no idea about the situation of this undercover agent, and we cannot trust him. In other words, this undercover agent is no longer of any use to our Hidden Rock Village."

After listening to Ebizo's analysis, Chiyo also sighed.

Indeed, they knew nothing about the undercover agent who went to Konoha, and they could not trust him. What if he had been recruited by Konoha?

Luo Sha narrowed his eyes and said to Chiyo and Ebizo: "Two advisors, since we can't trust the undercover agent and he is of no use to our Sand Village, let's make the best use of him."

Chiyo and Ebizo frowned at the same time and asked in unison: "How to make the best use of him?"

Luo Sha showed a somewhat sinister sneer: "I

After we went to war with the Iwagakure Village, didn't we spread rumors to lead the war to Konoha? Since it was a rumor, the more true it was, the more people would believe it.

We found a scroll on the sand outside the Sand Village, right? Although it was forged, we could still take it seriously.

Then the rumor would spread that Konoha had snatched away the magnetic ninja with bloodline limit that our Sand Village was supposed to give to the Iwagakure Village, and that the magnetic ninja was instigated by Konoha to use the identity of the Sandaime's clan to lead the Sandaime out of the village, and the Sandaime was killed by Konoha ninjas, and finally disguised as the work of the Iwagakure Village. "

Chiyo and Ebizo frowned more and more: "Isn't this not good? ”

After all, he went to Konoha undercover for the village. It would be inhumane for Luo Sha to sell him out like this.

Luo Sha said seriously: "Two consultants, now is not the time to be emotional. It is indeed a bit inhumane to do this, but this is also for the village. When the whole village knows that it was someone from their own village who betrayed the Sandaime, the overall morale of the village will be raised to a higher level because of hatred and anger. The high morale is very useful in war.

And...if the undercover was really turned, then he is not a ninja of Sand Village, but a traitor. We don't need to feel sorry for a traitor. "

Chiyo and Ebizo had strange expressions.

But all this is just speculation. It has not been confirmed that the undercover agent has been turned, right?

The Third Kazekage has a very strong personality, and the newly appointed Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, seems to be even more unkind, ambitious, and decisive.

After all, Rasa has just taken office, and Chiyo and Ebizo can't afford to offend Rasa.

And for the Sand Village, the mysterious undercover agent is really useless. In this case, let's abandon it.

Everything is for the Sand Village~

Chiyo and Ebizo nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's do it according to the Fourth Kazekage's method."

Rasa's lips curled slightly. From today on, the entire Sand Village will be led by him. He must do whatever it takes to make the Sand Village strong!

He, Rasa, will become a greater Kazekage than the previous Kazekages!

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