What?! The Gamemaster And The Top Player Are Dating?!

Chapter 102 - Li Ling And A.L.V.I's Potential

Huang Zhi Qiang looked to be interested in what the Gamemaster was saying as he sat up straighter and listened attentively. Li Ling was noticing every little change in the man so of course, this didn't go unnoticed by him. Li Ling was satisfied with the reaction of the man. 

"We have a lot of people playing. Millions. No other game had been able to achieve this much success in such a short period of time."

"We are unique. We are great, but are you satisfied with that?" 

"Are you satisfied with being the best in the league?" 

"Are you satisfied knowing that T.I.A.D.. would remain in a league with other games, being compared?" 

Huang Zhi Qiang squinted as he heard this. 

"Why don't we aim for something higher? Why stop at this?" 

"You might call me an ambitious man, but I don't want my game to be compared with other games." 

"I don't want to create a game. I want to create history." 

"I want us to create history." 

"Something so legendary that people would never be able to forget it." 

"I want to change gaming!" 

Huang Zhi Qiang looked to be a bit impressed but it was still just a bit and he wasn't completely sold to the idea. 

"I want to change gaming." 

"I want us to go down in history as a person who changed the world. Don't you?" 

"If we don't take chances, we'll never be able to achieve anything." 

"If we don't make some sacrifices, we'll never go down as legends." 

"So I ask you to join me on my journey to changing the gaming industry." 

"Let's bring a revolution with our new updates." 


"Automated Living Virtual Intelligence." 

"An AI with individual thinking ability. Ability to make judgments on its own. A bot that won't need you to program it." 

Li Ling saw Huang Zhi Qiang frown as he heard this and he was sure that the man didn't seem to like the idea very much. 

"A bot that can code itself." 

The screen changed and instead of the Gamemaster, there was a brain on the screen. 

It looked a lot like a human brain and yet due to the silver material it was made up of, it was surely not a human brain. 

"A.L.V.I. is going to be our revolution." 

"People have often wondered how I was able to come up with this game and the million scenarios all on my own." 

"Now, the answer is in front of you."

"I never spent my time coming up with storylines or scenarios." 

"I spent my time creating her." 

"My greatest creation." 

"A bot that would make up the scenarios for me." 

"With every passing hour, a new scenario is created." 

"We had a lot of people question why we needed a week for server maintenance." 

"Well, the answer to that is also in front of you." 

"Alvi is still in her initial stages of growth so take her as a small child that doesn't know anything." 

"As the game goes on, she collects information from the players and makes more levels that are more emotionally hard to clear." 

"The levels aren't always safe for the players so we have a specialized team designed to go into the levels and make sure that all the levels are safe." 

"We had some problems in the beginning." 

"There were some players that created multiple accounts and due to their data being multiplied, Alvi went through a bit of problem and somehow merged levels that seemed to be alike." 

"To stop this from happening again, we locked Alvi into the later stages so that bots and duplicate accounts aren't allowed to access her." 

"If this decision hadn't been taken, I'm afraid Alvi would have locked all the players inside the game." 

Huang Zhi Qiang reacted a bit too strongly as he heard this, "What the hell does that mean?" 

Chen Jianhao also looked shocked as he heard this. 

Li Ling hadn't expected this reaction since he never knew these people cared about the players. 

"Are you telling me that the game isn't safe for the players?!" 

Of course, Huang Zhi Qiang would react like this. His own son was a player so it would've been more shocking if he was okay with knowing that his son's life was in danger due to something so stupid. 

Chen Jiahao saw the man's strong reaction and decided that it was time for him to also speak up as he stood up from his seat and openly showed his dislike towards the idea, "Are you joking around? What do you mean lock the players inside the game?" 

Li Ling was taken back by the hostile response he got but thankfully, his secretary seemed to have been prepared for such a situation. 

Xia stood up as well as he spoke, trying his best to calm the people down, "We never planned for A.L.V.I. to be this strong, but it seems that the bot has access to the VR headset of the players which is connected to the player's central nerve system. We don't know the full details, but we can say that the players are safe for now. As long as A.L.V.I. doesn't have a breakdown, they'll be safe." 

"What do you mean breakdown?" Huang Zhi Qiang questioned. 

"As long as no player cheats, they'll be safe." Xia answered, "We have already taken the measures needed. If Alvi were to go into a breakdown, she would automatically shut down." 

"Is that a good thing?" 

"..." Xia was trying his best to avoid such questions, but it seemed that these people weren't just going to let it go like that. 

Li Ling came to Xia's rescue... Or maybe he was just trying to dig his own grave by stepping forward. 

"If Alvi shuts down, the game stops, and the players would be locked inside the game unable to take their VR headsets off." 

Huang Zhi Qiang, "This gamemaster of yours has gone mad. Crazy! Why are you talking like that's something normal?!" 

"Cause it's reversible. That is the best situation for the players since they can always take the VR headset off with professional help but if Alvi doesn't shut down in time, she can cause the players to have seizures." 

Now that Li Ling had said it out loud, he felt like it sounded better in his head than it sounded out loud. 

He could no longer blame the people in front for being scared as it really did sound crazy. 

But Li Ling would never want to admit that it was his own miscalculations that had caused this. 

"Shut the freaking game down!" Huang Zhi Qiang yelled and the other board members who were silent till now started to open their mouths to support the man. 

"No can do," Li Ling shook his head, "As I said... I mean, as the Gamemaster said, Alvi is still in her initial stages of growth. She feeds on the data from the players and if that food stops, she'll try to seek it out for herself. You don't want to know how she'll do that." 

"She can code herself so even if we shut her down, it would only be temporary as she would be able to reboot herself." Xia continued and it was so shocking that Chen Jiahao who had stood up fell back on his chair as he heard it. 

Li Ling sighed in his head as he realized how crazy this sounded. Anyone would be scared to hear all this. 

Huang Zhi Qiang, "What if we let it continue? Won't that be more dangerous?" 

Li Ling smiled lightly as he finally found a question that he was happy someone was intelligent enough to ask, "Revolution. She'll become something that truly resembles the brain of a human just more powerful and capable. The players would be safe as long as nothing out of the blue happens." 

"And if something does happen, you're just going to throw away the lives of the innocent players?" The man frowned. 

Li Ling tilted his head, "That's why we have a specialized team for her and you'll be glad to know that the Gamemaster is also in the team." 

Xia, "If something goes wrong, they'll be the first to know." 

"How can you be sure that they'll be able to stop the bot from having a breakdown?" Huang Zhi Qiang's secretary who had been silent all this while decided to speak up. 

Li Ling recognized the man. 

This was Wu Feng Xin, someone who was around Xia's age and looked too young to be that old. If one were to see him, they would think that he was around Li Ling's age. 

Li Ling used to think that Xia and this man were somehow connected to each other since they were both old men still looking like handsome teenagers. 

Li Ling, "Let's just pray that they'll be able to control the situation."

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